
02401/African American Studies


Preparatory Courses

0010. Introduction to African American Novel (3 s.h.) F S.

An introductory survey of the Afro-American novel from the Clotel of the early 19th century up to Sula in the 20th century. Writers will be reviewed not only as creative artists and social historians, but also as significant interpreters of their time.

0024. Elementary Yoruba (3 s.h.) S.

An introductory course in the understanding, reading, and speaking of Yoruba, an African language which has had a major impact on the African cultures of Brazil, Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and the United States. Students will be taught grammar, vocabulary, and conversation in the language.

Mode: The course will be a lecture-demonstration..

0025. Elementary Hausa (3 s.h.) S.

An introductory course in the understanding, reading and speaking of Hausa, a language spoken by more than 70 million people in West Africa. Students will be taught grammar, vocabulary, and conversation in the language.

Mode: The course will be a lecture-demonstration..

0044. The Black Church (3 s.h.) F S.

An examination of the significant role the Black church has played in creating an African-American response to social, political, and economic obstacles and barriers in America. Introduction to Richard Allen, Henry McNeal Turner, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other church leaders. Students learn to appreciate how the church builds the community, maintains culture, and produces leaders.

Lower Division Courses

0050. Afrocentricity (3 s.h.) F S.

An introduction to the theories and methods of Afrocentricity. Discussion of cultural, scientific, historical, and psychological consciousness. Critique of African world-voice by examining Pan Africanism, Negritude, and African Nationalism.

0051. Introduction to African American Studies (3 s.h.) F S SS.

A non-writing intensive introduction to the field. The history, philosophic and pedagogical basis, methodology, and relevance of African American Studies within a liberal arts education.

W051. Introduction to African American Studies (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

An introduction to the field. The history, philosophic and pedagogical basis, methodology, and relevance of African American Studies within a liberal arts education.

0052. Introduction to African Aesthetics (3 s.h.) F S SS.

An overview of the cultural experience of African peoples. An examination of the culture of peoples in Africa, America, and the Caribbean in a comprehensive and structurally integrated manner. An introduction to Black aesthetics and the interrelationship of the humanities course in African American Studies. Designed to acquaint students with important historical and philosophical investigations of the creative process and to explore interrelationships, similarities, and differences in the various cultural expressions of African peoples.

0053. Blacks in World History (3 s.h.) S.

(Formerly: 0003.)

Prerequisite for all history courses to be applied to the major. An introduction to the entire field of Black history, both in Africa and the New World. A basic course, comprehensive in scope, to provide a firm grounding for students interested in taking subsequent history courses.

W054. Politics of Colonization: An Introduction to the Politics of the Black World (3 s.h.) Core: WI.

Fundamentals of the political reality of Blacks in Africa, the U.S., and the Caribbean; basic concepts, approaches, and methods in politics; Black politics as a reaction to colonization and its legacy; and colonialism, the basic concept. Dealt with in terms of definition, motivating factors, methods, effects, and ramifications.

Note: This course is a prerequisite for all political science courses that are to be applied to the major.

0056. Introduction to African Dance Umfundalai Technique (3 s.h.) F S.

Cross Listed with Dance 0356.

Introduction to the classical dances of west and southern Africa. Analysis, study, and performances of "Umfundalai" techniques in African dance. Course designed for general student population.

0058. African American Music I (3 s.h.) F S.

History and sociology of Black music, with main emphasis on important and dynamic forms, styles and concepts that have formed the core of Afro-American music culture.

C061/H091. Africa in the 20th Century (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IS.

A summary of the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments in Africa since 1900. The impact of indigenous and foreign philosophies on industrialization, urbanization, and peasantization during the 20th century.

Note: This course meets the Non-Western/Third World core requirement.

0065. History of Caribbean (3 s.h.) F S.

A historical survey of the cultural, economic and political developments of the Caribbean people from the slavery and colonial periods, to post-independence period with particular emphasis on Haiti, Guyana, Trinidad-Tobago, Jamaica and Barbados. Linkages with the rest of the Black World will also be discussed.

C068/H098. African American History Since 1900 (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: AC.

A general treatment of the turbulent 20th century in African American history. Attention given to the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, the anti-lynching campaigns, northern migration, the Marcus Garvey Movement, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Civil Rights Movement.

0070. Urban Black Politics (3 s.h.) F S.

This course is about black political activity in the city. It will examine the socio-historical condition of blacks in the city; the city within the larger political arena; the nature of urban politics; and the place and future of blacks in urban politics with a particular emphasis on Philadelphia.

0085. Women in Third World Politics (3 s.h.) F S.

A survey of the role of women in Third World politics during the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods. Special emphasis will be on the participation of women in national liberation movements and the post-independence nation-building process.

0086. History of the Black Theater (3 s.h.) F.

A survey of the development of African American drama, its African origins and its impact on Black theater; rituals, images, and symbols in a wide range of plays in the works of representative playwrights. Topics to be covered also include Harlem Renaissance, civil rights, Black arts eras and contemporary African American theater.

Upper Division Courses

0100. African Civilization (3 s.h.) F S SS.

A survey of Africa's contributions to world history and civilization from 5000 B.C. to 1800 A.D. An intensive analysis of the major issues in African civilization.

0105. Black Politics in America (3 s.h.) F S.

An introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of American government and politics, with a focus on the ways in which American political institutions have influenced and have been influenced by the Black man's quest for political self-determination.

0110. African Politics (3 s.h.)

This course is intended to provide students with the necessary historical background to the socio-political aspects of African society. Topics to be covered will include: the pre-colonial political system, enslavement and colonialism, liberation movements, and independence.

0118. Psychology of the African American Experience (3 s.h.) S.

Examines contemporary perspectives and research on the African experience in America and the relationship of that experience to social and psychological functioning among African Americans. The course also examines the origins of some of the traditional psychological theories about persons of African descent, and examines emerging theories shaped by new perspectives.

0125. Pan-African Literature: African and Caribbean (3 s.h.) F S.

Readings and examinations of representative fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama by selected authors/writers from Africa and the Caribbean. Analysis of the criticism and scholarship dealing with their work. Representative writers will include Abrahams, Achebe, Ngugi, Laye Soyinka, Okigbo, Okara, Lansming, and Hearne Whittelholzer.

0130. Black Writers' Workshop (3 s.h.) F S.

An examination of the elements of poetic composition, the theory and technique of short fiction writing and writing for theater. Workshop presentation of works in progress shall be made and short set exercises are required. Study and analysis of contemporary Black writers will be enacted, as well as discussions focusing on function of Black artists in America.

0130. Creative Writing Workshop (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with English W107 and English W108.

This course provides an opportunity for students to explore and develop their writing talents under the influence and direction of an established writer. African and African American subjects, themes, and materials used. Students read works of African American writers.

0134/H134. The Literature of American Slavery (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with American Studies 0134.

Slaves, slaveowners, and abolitionists, men and women, perceived slavery in distinctive ways and recorded those perceptions in songs and poems, folk tales, autobiographical narratives and novels, speeches and tracts, travel accounts, journals, diaries, and letters. Through an examination of this rich oral and written literature, such themes as the character of slave culture, the relations between slaves and masters, the oppression of women under slavery, and the connection between abolitionism and feminism are explored. Lectures provide historical background and a context in which to read the selections.

0140. African Literature (3 s.h.) F S.

Survey introduces the literature of Africa through epic, drama, poetry, short stories, and novels. Literary and thematic trends examined in the works of major writers, e.g., Soyinka, Ngugi, Emecheta, Aidoo, La Guma, Abrahams, Achebe, Ba, Ousmane, Kunene, Brutus, and Head.

0150. Blacks in Cinema (3 s.h.) F S SS.

An overview of portrayals in cinema from its inception to the present, including developments from Hollywood, independent filmmakers, and experimental foreign films. The story of the "race movies" treated in depth. Also contemporary trends such as the independent Black film movement in Africa and the U.S.

0151. Mass Media and the Black Community (3 s.h.) F S.

An examination of the role mass media plays in the African American community. Ownership, access, and image making are a few of the topics discussed. The aim is to develop an appreciation and awareness of the role media play in shaping opinions.

0155. Introduction to Research Methods (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: African American Studies 0051 and 0052.

Introduction to basic research methods and methodological issues in African American Studies. Course covers methods of research terminology, research conceptualization, instrument development, data collection, and intro to data analysis.

0160. Politics and Change in the Third World (3 s.h.)

An examination of the Third World in the context of the international political situation. Discussion of the African nations, Southeast Asia, and Latin America in terms of communication, commerce, technology, the balance of power, and national debts.

0170. African Women in Historical Perspective (3 s.h.) S SS.

The history of the African woman from Hatshepsut to Yaa Asantewaa. Discussion of the roles played by women in politics, religion, military, education, and resistance. An overview of historical problems and future prospects for women in Africa.

0180. Black Folklore: African and Afro-American (3 s.h.) S.

An overview of the folk literature and oratory of African peoples on the African continent and in the Americas. Tales, stories, myths, and proverbs, and their function in society. Brer Rabbit, Ananse, the Flying African, High John de Conquerer, John Henry, Shine, and many other characters are examined.

0205. The Black Woman (3 s.h.) F S SS.

This course will review and analyze experience and representation of African American women from a variety of feminist, psychological, and African-centered perspectives. Students will apply theoretical and research findings from selected scholarly and anecdotal sources to understanding the unique challenges of African-American women's treatment and methods of coping, resistance, and survival in legal, educational and social systems steeped in racism, sexism, homophobia and patriarchy. Class assignments (e.g., reaction, papers, group project.) will help students develop the skills necessary to communicate effectively and professionally, in both oral and written form, about these important issues.

0236. Black Reconstruction (3 s.h.) F S.

An intensive examination of the Afro-American situation during the Reconstruction Era (1865-1877) with emphasis on social, economic and political aspects.

0257. Black Social and Political Thought (3 s.h.) S.

The thoughts and philosophies of Black leaders as they relate to the struggle of Black people for liberation from Booker T. Washington to Karenga, Nkrumah to Mugabe.

0270. History of Pan African Thought (3 s.h.) F.

A study of the works and thoughts of Sylvester Williams, W.E.B. DuBois, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, M.K.O. Adiola, and others. Analysis of the Pan African Congresses from 1919 to 1987.

0276. Contemporary Black Poets (3 s.h.) F.

An examination of the major works of contemporary poets of African descent. Students are introduced to the writings of poets such as Sonia Sanchez, Amiri Baraka, Atukwei Okai, and Haki Madhubuti, Gwendolyn Brooks, Mari Evans.

W286. The Black Family (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

This course examines historical and contemporary issues relevant to the functioning of African American families. Students write critiques of selected text chapters and work in small groups to interview local community members; use interview and other research sources to develop and implement a community action plan (CAP) for improving some aspect of family life.

0300. Workshop in Performing Arts (3 s.h.) S.

Workshop in contemporary African-American performing arts. Music, dance, and theater included.

Note: By permission of instructor.

0321. The Black Child: Development and Socialization (3 s.h.) S.

A study of the development and socialization of the African American child. Discussion of family, peer group relationships, formal and informal education, and early racial consciousness.

0342. Nationalism in Africa 1900 (3 s.h.)

An examination of the history, philosophy, and practice of Nationalism in Africa through the works of Nationalist thinkers and leaders like Fanon, Cabral, Nkrumah, El Sadawi, and Dangrembga. Apart from themes like anti-colonialism, self-determination, self-sufficiency, and political pluralism, the question of women will be addressed as an issue of nationalism.

0346. Women Writers in Black Literature (3 s.h.)

A comparative exploration of the nature, form, themes, and techniques of major Black women writers from Africa, the U.S., and the Caribbean.

R348. Dimensions of Racism (3 s.h.) F. Core: RS.

The course will explore interracial relationships from an Afrocentric conceptual framework. It will look at the various theoretical approaches to prejudice and will analyze the prejudiced personality. The course will examine the historical growth of racism and thought as well as seek explanations and examine the effects of racism on African Americans.

0356. History of Blacks in American Cities (3 s.h.) F S.

An examination of the causes of Black immigration into the major American cities and the resultant socio-economic and political implications in these urban cities.

W361. Studies in African American Literature (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

An examination of African American literary forms with certain emphasis on poetry, drama, fiction, and autobiography. Texts from earlier decades and contemporary movements are included. The aim is to develop an understanding and appreciation of African American literary experience. Phillis Wheatley, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Amiri Baraka, Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni are among writers whose works are studied.

0366. African American Dance (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: African American Studies 0056 or permission of instructor.

Cross Listed with Dance 0366.

Continuation of Instruction to African Dance: Umfundalai Technique. Analysis, study, and practice of African dance performance. Course involves reading, writing, and creative projects.

0378. Special Topics (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Section 002 - The African American Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Experience - introduces students to the experiences of lesbians, gays and bisexuals of African descent through ethnographic, historical, psychological, sociological and African-centered perspectives. Topics include: 'queer theory,' heterosexuality, Afrocentricity and the African American homosexual and bisexual, politics of Black sexual identity, Black feminism, racism within the white homosexual community, HIV/AIDS epidemic and the Down Low (DL) lifestyle.

Section 003 - Introduction to Black Women's Studies –Synthesizes the Black female phenomena relative to race, gender, class, and homophobia as they relate to Black women worldwide. Examines Black feminist, womanist, Africana womanist, and African feminist theories.

Section 004 - The Black Male - Examination of the Black male within the present social system. Examines the Black male role in the ghetto and street culture; the status and role performances of Black fathers; examines historical and contemporary myths about the psychology and biology of African American males.

Section 005 - Hip-Hop and Black Culture - examines hip-hop and its relation to African American culture not as a mode of entertainment, but as a medium of communication. The historical, socio-economic, and musical/aesthetic contexts from which hip-hop emerged will be analyzed.

Section 006 - African American Art History –From the Harlem Renaissance to present, students are introduced to African American art and artists. Opportunities for field research.

Section 007 - Anthropology of the Black Experience - examines black life and culture in the U.S. Explores how the black experience is documented. Attention given to the ways race, class, gender and political economy have shaped the black experience and response.

0388. Contemporary Caribbean (3 s.h.) F S.

An interdisciplinary seminar - fieldwork in the history, culture, geo-politics and economy of the Caribbean, as related to contemporary events and problems.

0395. Independent Study (1 - 3 s.h.) F S SS.

(Formerly: Pan African Studies 0388.)

Field research in a Pan African Studies issue. Each student identifies a task in a problem area and develops a research project around it. Research projects must be approved by the department chairperson in advance of registration for the course. Students must first find a faculty member to supervise project and must submit written details of project to department prior to completing enrollment.

0397. Junior/Senior Directed Research (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Open only to majors who have completed the first semester of their junior year.

A serious in-depth study of a specific topic within a traditional discipline in the African American Studies field for two consecutive semesters. Culminates in a concise, well-documented senior essay paper.

W398. Senior Seminar (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

A senior level course designed to provide majors with a culminating experience in which they must demonstrate mastery of the practice, theories, concepts, and issues central to the field of African American studies. Course stresses the integration of knowledge through a variety of experiential assignments.

Note: Capstone course for majors.
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