
01724 /Advertising

The department of Advertising will require 48 semester-hours in advertising courses. This includes 39 semester-hours in department core courses. It also includes 9 semester-hours in one of three tracks: creative (copy or art direction); management; or research.

Lower Division Courses

0050. Introduction to Media and Society (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA C055.)

The history, organization, creation, economics, control and effects of mass communications in the United States, including the relationships of media to one another and to the community at large with special emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of advertising, advertisers and agencies.

0055. Introduction to Advertising (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0226.)

This course introduces students to the function of advertising in the economy, to the strategic identification of markets and targets, to the creation and placement of advertising, and to the relationship of advertising agencies to advertisers and the media.

0065. Persuasive Writing (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0150/0153.)

Students learn the rhetoric of writing intended to affect behavior. The basic crafts of grammar and composition are reviewed. Students explore consumer motivation as the focus of powerful, exciting advertising.

Note: Advertising majors and minors only.

0070. Introduction to Advertising Research (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0229.)

This course introduces students to research methods, information sources and their critical evaluation. Basic areas include databases, consumer and market research, audience measurement and communication effects.

Note: Advertising majors and minors only.

0110. Advertising Strategy and Positioning (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0050, 0055, 0065, 0070.

Students learn to connect message solutions to marketing problems through an understanding of the relationship of marketing strategy and brand positioning to communication strategies and advertising copy. This course also introduces students to creative thinking and the discovery of metaphor.

0120. Advertising Copywriting I (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0270.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0050, 0055, 0065, 0070.

This course focuses on writing effective advertising messages for print and broadcast media. Emphasis is on craft, writing ability and style. Composition and the integration of graphic elements are explored. Practical assignments teach students how to use the most common copy techniques effectively to create advertising with stopping power.

0125. Visual Communication (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0060.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0050, 0055, 0065, 0070.

This course develops the intellectual skills necessary for the analysis, understanding and creation of media messages in the many formats of today’s high-density visual environment. Students will be introduced to the syntax, grammar and rhetoric of visual communications.

0130. Advertising Media Planning I (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0130/0327.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0050, 0055, 0065, 0070.

In this basic course, students learn the analysis and understanding of communication vehicles as advertising media, the concepts and resources involved in developing media objectives and strategies, as well as media selection criteria and vehicle purchasing.

Upper Division Courses

0220. Advertising Copywriting II (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0325.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0120.

The emphasis of this advanced writing course is on perfecting print copywriting skills, especially for longer body copy applications. Students learn the proper expression, pacing of syntax and energy of diction that allow them to create compelling advertising and brochures. Students also learn to define verbal ideas so that they may be interpreted in visual form.

Note: Advertising majors only.

0222. Advertising Copywriting III (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0220.

The emphasis of this advanced writing course is on perfecting copy for radio and television broadcast, and for film or video applications. Students are taught the conceptual and production aspects of the broadcast media, including the importance of performance, music, sound effects and visual storytelling. The course also introduces students to techniques such as storyboarding, film titling and production vocabulary.

Note: Advertising majors only.

0225. Advertising Design and Art Direction (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0326.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0125.

This advanced course emphasizes the visual, verbal, and conceptual skills of print advertising design. Students develop skills that enable them to creatively articulate strategies through layout and design. The use of typography, composition, photography, and illustration is incorporated into print, collateral, corporate identity, and packaging projects.

Note: Advertising majors only. REQUIREMENTS- Students must have a working knowledge of Adobe PhotoShop in order to enroll in this course. An overall knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite is recommended.

0227. Advertising Design and Video Production (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0225.

This advanced course emphasizes the visual, verbal, and conceptual skills of TV advertising as well as the interactive medium. Students will work with advertising strategies to create effective TV storyboards, websites, and more. The use of typography, composition, photography, and illustration is implemented into each project.

Note: Advertising majors only. REQUIREMENTS—Students must have a working knowledge of Adobe PhotoShop in order to enroll in this course. An overall knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite is recommended.

0230. Advertising Media Planning II (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0130.

This advanced course focuses on the art and craft of media planning for large budget brands competing in today’s complex media environment. Rooted in a concrete understanding of social communications as economic communications, students explore the conceptual foundations of media planning and produce professional quality media plans.

Note: Advertising majors only.

0235. Marketing Media Products (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0328.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0230.

This course focuses on the development and positioning of media franchises for print and video products, plus the marketing and sale of these products to consumers and advertisers. All media types are addressed. Students will learn how to articulate and present media vehicles, the conduct of sales calls, and negotiation techniques.

Note: Advertising majors only.

0240. Advanced Advertising Research (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0110.

This course focuses on consumer and communications research methods and applications relating to advertising strategy development and the evaluation of message options and communications effectiveness. Media measurement techniques are evaluated from a supplier-buyer point of view. The focus throughout is on research design and execution.

Note: Advertising majors only.

0245. Mass Media Research (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0378.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0240.

In this advanced course, social science research techniques are applied to the study of mass media. Students learn the application of quantitative and qualitative reseach methods. Class projects require statement of a research problem, hypothesis formation, research design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and report writing.

Note: Advertising majors only.

0250. Creative Thinking for Advertising (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0110, 0120, 0125, 0130.

This course uses team oriented sessions to develop the creative skills necessary for solving advertising problems. A cross discipline approach is utilized and “creatives” from various advertising and non-advertising disciplines participate as guest facilitators and speakers.

0290. Diamond Edge Communication (1 to 3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0392.)

Prerequisite: Completion of 24 credits in Advertising department. Permission of instructor required.

Student operation of an advertising agency for nonprofit accounts in the Philadelphia market area with advertising faculty supervision. Hands-on learning in creative, media, research and management. Students work in teams to solve real world advertising and marketing communication problems for real clients.

0295. Advertising Internship (1 to 3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0389.)

Prerequisite: Completion of 24 credits in Advertising Department. Permission of Internship Director required.

This course offers hands-on, organized, professional work, under supervision in selected Philadelphia area advertising agencies, marketing communications or advertising departments within corporations.

Note: This course may be substituted for 0290

0320. Advertising Portfolio (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0271.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0222 or ADV 0227.

This course brings together copywriters and art directors in two person teams. They work together to create exciting examples of advertising from initial conceptual schemes to comprehensive finished ads. The ads include full treatments of copy and art executed as take-home assignments and discussed in class.

0330. Advertising Account Management (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0377.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0235.

This course teaches the management of the agency-client relationship, involving account executives and brand managers. Students will learn how to adapt to client corporate cultures, cooperative strategy development, account coordination, profit management, people management and the evaluation, presentation and sale of advertising concepts, executions and services.

0340. Advertising Account Planning (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ADV 0245.

Through a variety of case studies and applied research projects, this course focuses on the integration of marketing analysis and consumer research in the development of advertising strategies and the creative brief.

0370. Interactive Media, Marketing and Advertising (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Completion of 200-level courses.

Surveys current trends in interactive media, marketing on the Internet and various forms of E-commerce. Assignments explore information architecture, and how visual design, writing style and navigation logic affect interactive marketing success.

0380. Morality, Law and Advertising (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Completion of 200-level courses.

The focus of this course is on the legal and ethical constraints on advertising practice. Federal laws and regulations, media standards and practices and professional ethics establish what can or cannot be said or done in advertising but, after all that, there is corporate and personal social responsibility and morality.

0390. Advertising Campaigns (3 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0374.)

Prerequisite: Completion of 200-level courses.

This capstone course involves the preparation and production of an advertising campaign for a brand or service. Competing teams of students produce marketing analysis, consumer research, advertising strategies, media plans, and design and produce print advertisements and broadcast commercials.

0395. American Advertising Federation Contest (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Completion of 200-level courses.

Students develop a comprehensive marketing and advertising campaign for major advertiser and compete with universities across America for first place in this National College Competition. Teams work under supervision of advertising faculty in researching the account and in developing strategy, creative and media.

Note: This is an alternative Capstone course.

0397. Special Projects (1 to 4 s.h.)

(Formerly: JPRA 0391.)

Prerequisite: Completion of 200-level courses. Permission of faculty member required.

A special course of study in a particular area of advertising. Student works under the supervision of faculty, who approves and guides the study.

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