

Unless otherwise noted, courses may be taken without prerequisites.

Preparatory Courses

0002. Discovering Anthropology (1 s.h.) F S.

This course is designed to allow students to explore Anthropology as a possible major and/or career path. It introduces the field of Anthropology in general and, subsequently, the sub-fields of the discipline (Social-cultural Anthropology, Linguistics, Biological Anthropology, Archaeology), and the specialized tracts that exist within the department (Human Biology and Visual Anthropology). Career paths and opportunities will be discussed and students will develop hypothetical course plans for a B.A. in Anthropology and subsequent career plans in conjunction with the faculty member/adviser in charge of the course. Students will sample departmental functions, may sit-in on a class of a selected course, participate in a field trip, or attend a relevant lecture or public presentation at area museums or professional gatherings.

Mode: Seminar.

Lower Division Courses

C055. Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology (4 s.h.) F S. Core: SB.

Human populations, both past and present, are the focus of biological anthropology. In this course, the biological characteristics of human populations are studied in terms of their adaptive significance. Students will be introduced to concepts in medical and population genetics, review studies of human morphological and physiological variation, and learn basic concepts in evolutionary biology and human paleontology.

Note: This course cannot be taken to satisfy any of the requirements for majors in the Human Biology Track Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

R060. Introduction to Anthropology: A Four-Field Integrated Approach to Race and Racism (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IN and RS.

This introductory Anthropology course is designed to introduce students to important scholarly and practical concepts in the study of "race" and racism historically and across cultures. It builds upon the important contributions of four-field anthropological practice to our understanding of the ways societies have constructed racial categories and meanings and deployed racialized hierarchies. Students will be asked to read a variety of basic materials in linguistics, biological anthropology, ethnology, and archaeology. This will be supplemented with student efforts to analyze popular representations of race to acquire a familiarity with the important debates in contemporary social science and politics.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar and online learning sections.

C061/H091. Cultures of the World (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IS.

An introductory survey of various cultures from different regions of the world. Ethnographic case studies will be compared to show diversity and continuity in human life styles. A major emphasis will be placed on the impact of transglobal economic, political, and sociocultural change in the 20th century.

Note: This course meets the Non-Western/Third World core requirement. Mode: Lecture/Seminar and large lecture with recitation sections.

C064. American Culture (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: AC.

This course will provide an overview of the anthropological view of American culture. Ethnographic views of particular lifestyle groups based on ethnicity, region, class, age, etc., will be explored. Studies of the historical development of relationships and conflicts between groups will also be included. These will be linked together by the literature on the overarching themes, values, rituals, and institutions that characterize the national culture.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

C065. Origins of Cultural Diversity (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IS.

Many non-U.S. cultures have long, distinguished histories which can be traced ultimately to a common origin. This course examines the evolution of these cultures through the use of archaeological and paleoanthropological data, which ranges from four million years ago to the time of recorded history. Topics include the emergence of culture, the spread of human populations throughout the world, the origins of agriculture, and the rise of civilizations. The persistence of hunter/gatherer and other small-scale societies into the 19th and 20th centuries is also investigated.

Note: This course meets the Non-Western/Third World core requirement. Mode: Lecture/Seminar and online learning sections.

Upper Division Courses

W120. Fundamentals of Cultural Anthropology (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: WI.

A review of theoretical approaches to cultural anthropology. Designed for anthropology majors, but useful for students in other social sciences and the humanities. Emphasis on contrasting points of view and on the relationship between research methods and theoretical positions.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0124. Fundamentals of Archaeology (3 s.h.) F S SS.

An introduction to the theories and methods used in archaeological anthropology. Topics include excavation techniques, analysis of material remains, and reconstruction of ancient cultural patterns

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0125. Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology (4 s.h.) F S SS.

An introduction to evolutionary theory and its applications to understanding the biology of past and present human populations. Includes basic genetics, the genetics of human groups, and genetic models used to explain human biological variability and change. A review of modern human skeletal/muscular anatomy is followed by consideration of evolutionary changes in human lineage. Concludes with lectures on evolutionary aspects of human development, and an evolutionary perspective on epidemiology.

Note: Students should complete this course before enrolling in any other upper-level biological anthropology course. Mode: Lecture and Lab.

0127. Fundamentals of Linguistic Anthropology (3 s.h.) F S SS.

An exploration of basic linguistic concepts from a social and cultural anthropological perspective. Fundamentals of linguistic analyses, the study of language change and dialect variation, and issues in the ethnography of speaking.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar and online learning sections.

0158. Fundamentals of the Anthropology of Visual Communication (3 s.h.) F SS.

Prerequisite: Anthropology R060, C061, or equivalent.

A survey of theoretical approaches to an anthropological understanding of visual/pictorial communication. Among the topics explored: theories of culture and communication, models of both social and visual communication, perception, cross-cultural aesthetics, non-verbal communication as well as photography, film, and mass media. Emphasis will be placed on the value of constructing ethnographies of visual/pictorial communication. This course has been designed for anthropology majors specializing in the studies of visual communication, but it is also useful for Sociology, FMA, and Mass Communication majors. Course consists of required readings, screenings, and active class participation. No exams. Students keep a journal and write several short papers.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0161. Human Paleontology (3 s.h.) F SS.

Designed to familiarize students with both theoretical and methodological frameworks for interpreting the human fossil record with a review of the synthetic theory of evolution, socio-biological concepts, and procedures in taxonomy and phylogenetic reconstruction. Attention given to the origin of the human lineage and what the fossils of that lineage tell us about the evolution of anatomical systems that are peculiar to humans.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0162. Human Biology of Modern Populations (3 s.h.) S.

An investigation of how physical anthropologists approach the study of living human populations. The use and aplication of the "adaptation" concept is critically evaluated. Students are introduced to basic concepts in evolutionary developmental biology, and to the way this approach has been applied to understanding modern human biological variation. Finally, non-genetic causes of variation are explored among populations exposed to environmental stress during growth and development.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0163. Human Population Genetics (3 s.h.) F.

This course is designed to acquaint the undergraduate major in Anthropology (especially those in the Human Biology specialization) with the fundamental concepts of population genetics with particular relevance to human genetics. Although the course, as indicated, has a particular emphasis on genetics, the influence of environmental effects will be especially appreciated in this course, as the impact of culture is so dramatic, even with respect to human genetic evolution.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0164. Primate Behavior (3 s.h.)

This course has three broad objectives: (1) to describe in detail the geographic distribution, ecology, physiology, life-ways and social behavior of our non-human cousins, (2) to provide the theoretical foundations from which to interpret non-human primate life-ways and behavior, and (3) to discuss the application and limitations of an evolutionary perspective on behavior to human behavior. We will routinely distinguish between the proximate causes of behavior (e.g., physiological mechanisms) and the ultimate or evolutionary causes of behavior (e.g., the impact of behavior on reproductive success). Students will be introduced to the non-invasive, observational methods by which primatologists investigate primate behavior.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0169. South American Archaeology (3 s.h.) F.

A survey of prehistoric cultures of South America. Concentrates on (1) the initial entry and spread of human populations into South America and the West Indies, (2) origins of tropical and highland agriculture, (3) the rise of urbanism, civilization, and the state in the Andes, and (4) the impact of prehistoric cultures on the environment.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0172. Archaeology of North America (3 s.h.) S.

This course surveys the cultural development of native peoples from the time of the initial colonization of North America to the historic period. The cultural diversity seen across the continent at any given point in time is dramatic and difficult to cover in detail within the scope of a single course. Common and contrasting themes in development are stressed and information is organized by cultural/geographic regions or "areas," and chronological periods. The emphasis of the course is on the peoples found north of Mexico.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0182. Folklore and Culture (3 s.h.) SS.

This course investigates the cultural attributes, aspects, and functionings of folklore. Folklore is considered both as its own field and as a part of anthropology. The methods and theories of the field will be discussed. Special emphasis is placed on folktales, material culture (including folk-art), food ways, and the theoretical connections between folkloristics and the approaches of popular and mass culture studies. Ethnicities and regional subcultures will also be approached through our understanding of folklore and culture.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0205. Heritage Management in Archaeology (3 s.h.) S.

The United States and other governments of the world have legal mandates to manage cultural resources on behalf of the public. This course focuses on the archaeological component of cultural resources management in the United States and its linkage with environmental and developmental planning. Participants are given a working knowledge of how the system works, and how to work within it as a professional through a series of readings, classroom discussions, and hands-on exercises. Topic coverage includes: relevant legislation; the phased approach to archaeological and historical research; state and federal review procedures; proposal writing; interacting with clients, native peoples, and the public; professional ethics and standards. The nature of heritage management in other countries is considered for comparative purposes and as a way of illuminating the historical, socio-economic, and legal factors that have shaped the practice in the United States.

Note: This course helps to satisfy topical requirements in the Anthropology major and the Environmental Studies major. Mode: Seminar.

0210. The Anthropology of Tourism (3 s.h.) F.

Tourism, one of the largest industries in today’s world and an experience shared by many, is analyzed from historical, theoretical, and ethnographic perspectives. The first half of the course examines the development of tourism from travel, the relationship between capitalism, modernity, and tourism, and anthropological interpretations of tourism. The second half of the course is devoted to specific case studies of tourism, including different kinds of tourism (e.g., ecological, sex, adventure, cultural), World’s Fairs and theme parks, historic cities packaged for tourists (Venice, Kyoto, Williamsburg), tourism and representation, and the material culture of tourism.

Mode: Seminar.

0211. Anthropology and Culture Change (3 s.h.) F.

This course will examine change at the individual and group levels in various cultural contexts. What are the transformations that occur during rites of passage? Can we apply this same model to explain seasonal and calendrical changes? Who and what are the carriers of social change? Where have anthropologists focused on to study change? We will explore various kinds of change, especially those brought by migration, colonialism, nationalism, and global capitalism, by focusing on individual and groups levels, by examining material culture as well as rituals and narratives, and by looking at official and unofficial practices. Ultimately, we will ponder on the larger frameworks of value that make certain forms of change possible and explore their logic within a local politics of culture. Some of the topics we will discuss relate to the performance of individual and communal ethnic, race, gender, and class identities; vernacular religious change from rural to urban spaces; the commodification of “ethnic” arts and crafts; the body and house as sites that embody change; and the transformations of food, music and dance in traditional festivals and processions when they cross national borders. One of the goals is to theorize the effects of the global village as well as multiculturalism and identity politics and the effects on practice and the relation between agency and structuration.

Mode: Seminar.

0212. Medical Anthropology (3 s.h.) F S.

An integration of the cultural and biological perspectives on health, disease, and therapies developed from the anthropological study of human diversity. Evolving patterns of birth, disease, and death; the effects of modernization on health; cross-cultural variations in definitions of illness and therapies; and conflicts between health care systems.

Mode: Seminar.

0213. Topics in Cultural Anthropology (3 s.h.) F S.

A variable topic course on issues and problems that are particularly salient in contemporary anthropology.

Mode: Seminar.

0215. Anthropology and Social Policy (3 s.h.) F.

An examination of the place of anthropology within the policy community. The course also examines the development of the applied work within the history of anthropology, its changing meaning and changing clout within the discipline as "practicing anthropology" has been institutionalized in the last three decades. We will evaluate the efficacy of different types of work for progressive social change and examine the possibilities of how to make anthropological research matter more in relation to major public issues.

Mode: Seminar.

0220. Environmental Physiology (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Anthropology 0125.

A survey of physiological and biochemical variability in human populations examined as a function of environmental adaptation. Emphasis on the responses of different populations to discernible environmental stresses.

Mode: Seminar.

0221. Peasant Societies (3 s.h.) S.

This course will examine the growing importance of peasant studies for the development of anthropology. The political economy and social structures of peasantries cannot be understood, either historically or in their contemporary forms, in isolation from one another, the nation-states of which they form a part, and a basic understanding of certain elements of global political economy. Thus, peasants will be studied in the context of their articulation with broader social systems into which they are incorporated.

Mode: Seminar.

0224. Anthropology and Art (3 s.h.) F S.

This course examines the anthropology of art and ‘artworlds.’ While its emphasis is on non-western art, it maintains a comparative stance between unfamiliar and familiar visual traditions. Thus, by implication it raises questions about western arts and their cultural contexts. Specific topics and cultures vary according to the interests and expertise of the instructor. Topics can include comparative aesthetics, authenticity and "primitiveness," the commodification of art, tourist art, gender in the production and consumption of art, the influence of non-Western art objects and performances on European and North American cultures, conceptual systems and modes of viewing, the circumstance of encounter with objects, the modes of production and how objects are shared and valued, both in the culture in which they are initially made and in the culture they may be in now. Cultural contexts may include people and art from Aboriginal Australia, Africa, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Native America.

Mode: Seminar.

0225. Political Anthropology: Traditional Societies and Modern States (3 s.h.) S.

This course will examine the rise of political anthropology as a specialized field, in relation both to others within anthropology, as well as to the social sciences generally. This perspective will be achieved by a critical reading of some of the classical texts in the field in the light of recent developments in the relation between political economy and anthropology. Among the issues addressed will be: the nature of politics and under-development and the articulation of modes of production and social formation.

Mode: Seminar.

0226. Religion in Non-Western Cultures (3 s.h.) F S. $.

This course on religion in non-western cultures introduces some of the major themes, methods, and intellectual traditions of the study of religion in anthropology. Considered as a comparative study of religious practice, this course seeks to understand thought and behavior in worship, iconography, pilgrimage, domestic and congregational performance, mythology and cosmology, trance, dance, sacrifice, ritual experience and other dimensions of religious life as well as the way that these facets of religious culture interrelate. The study of religion in a historically complex circumstance will provide the means to examine the processes of accommodation and tension that exist in a multi-religious environment.

Mode: Lecture/Seminar.

0228. Comparative Social Organization (3 s.h.) F.

An introduction to the various social categories and groups found in human societies including: variation in marriage and the family, the role of kinship in establishing spatial and temporal links among human beings, age groups, castes, and class.

Mode: Seminar.

0233. Anthropological Film (3 s.h.) F SS.

A review of major films styles useful for anthropological film and video in conjunction with an analysis of the role of film/video in anthropology. Topics will include relationships of anthropological and ethnographic films, the significance of historical and ideological contexts, values of research "footage" vs. "film," comparisons to indigenous video and feature films, and problems in the communication of anthropological theory and insight through film and video media. A broad range of ethnographic films will be screened to illustrate a progression of work and variety in relationships of theory, subject matter, cultural context, production techniques and style, and projected audiences.

Mode: Seminar.

0234. Anthropology in Feature Films (3 s.h.) F.

Students will critically review a series of feature films that include topics, themes, and subject matter often treated within anthropology and related human sciences. It is clear that American feature films usually thought of as "Hollywood films" can be very influential in establishing or reinforcing social and cultural stereotypes of 'states of knowledge' about peoples living in various parts of the world. Viewership of these materials, either as films shown in movie theaters or as their videotape counterparts seen on home television screens, certainly exceeds the size of audiences in introductory anthropology courses in the U.S. The potential for influence and false senses of familiarity is enormous.

Mode: Seminar.

W237. Visual Anthropology of Modern Japan (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

An anthropological approach to systems of visual communication that are central to understanding Japanese society and culture. Visual sign systems of everyday life such as writing, food, and clothes plus visual aspects of popular culture such as comic books and ads. Ethnographic films, feature films, and network RV programs plus field trips to Japanese cultural sites in Philadelphia.

Mode: Seminar.

0239. Anthropology and Photography (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Anthropology R060 or C061 and Anthropology 0158, or permission of the instructor.

Cross Listed with Art History or American Studies.

A critical examination of an anthropological approach to photography. Special attention will be given to a socio-cultural history of photography in the U.S. Examples from documentary, fine art, and commercial photographic genres will be shown, discussed, and compared to ethnographic studies. Field methods, models of analysis, and ethical issues will also be included. Required readings, active class participation. No exams. Students keep a journal and write several short essays.

Note: Knowledge of camera technology and darkroom procedures is helpful but not required. Mode: Seminar.

0248. Introduction to Primates (3 s.h.) F S.

This course offers a survey of the living and fossil primates. It will look at the classification, behavior, and adaptations of living species from the level of the entire order down to the genus level. This comparative perspective will then be used to study the phylogeny of the order from its origins 60 million years ago to the present.

Mode: Seminar.

0255. Sex Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3 s.h.) S.

A cross-cultural survey of the ways in which gender is used to define roles and statuses, with particular attention to the changing nature of sex roles in many contemporary cultures.

Mode: Seminar.

0258. Anthropology of American Culture (3 s.h.) F S.

This course may serve as a starting point for undergraduate majors in Visual Anthropology. Emphasis will be given to matching the diversity of American culture with a diversity of visual representations of American culture. We will explore how American culture has been visualized in mass media (feature films, prime time television (including situation comedies), daytime dramas (the soaps), comics, photojournalism, advertising, popular art, etc.) and home media (photography albums, home movies, home video, etc.). We will explore the thesis that American culture is best characterized as a variety of many cultures. Lectures, readings, screenings, web-work, field trips and assignments will suggest an alternative way of seeing what we have looked at all our lives.

Note: Course is appropriate for students in American Studies, Media Studies, Sociology and Education. Mode: Seminar.

0261. Peoples of Latin America (3 s.h.) S.

Starting in 1492, Native American isolation from Europe and Africa ended in the region of the Americas that became Latin America. Despite five hundred years of colonial and nation-state domination, indigenous peoples in Latin America continue to assert their basic human right to resist cultural hegemony. Not only have indigenous populations survived, they are also growing. Today they constitute a majority in Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Peru and a substantial plurality in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. The focus here is on this remarkable struggle for physical and cultural survival. Attention will be given to the lived experiences of people struggling for human dignity on the lowest strata of regional class structures. Issues of land rights, environmental, health, political, and economic self-determination will be examined.

Mode: Seminar.

0266. Urban America: An Anthropological Perspective (3 s.h.) S.

This course offers undergraduates an opportunity to collaborate with a community-based program or agency and to explore how anthropologists work in applied settings. You will be expected to spend an average of three hours weekly at your field site and there will be one class meeting weekly. The purpose of this course is to connect your service experiences with ideas and readings from the academic perspective of anthropology. In consultation with your sponsoring agencies, you will agree on what your volunteer responsibilities on site will be. At the end of the semester, you will write a final paper for the course in which you incorporate material from the academic readings, your own fieldnotes and any other relevant sources (agency reports, news articles, etc.)

Mode: Seminar and Service Learning.

0267. Peoples of South Asia (3 s.h.) SS.

An introduction to the peoples and cultures of the Indian subcontinent. The course will focus on the indigenous religions of India: Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism as well as Islam, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism as brought to western India by migrants.

Mode: Lecture/Experiential Learning.

0270. Early Comparative Civilizations (3 s.h.) F S.

This comparative analysis of the rise of early civilizations uses archaeological and historical information to examine the development of ancient societies. It focuses on problems of the Neolithic revolution and the autochthonous transformation of kin-based communities into stratified societies and the subsequent formation and development of archaic states.

Mode: Seminar.

0273. Japanese Culture (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Asian Studies 0253.

Introduction to traditional and contemporary Japanese culture. Topics covered include: early literature, aesthetic principles as expressed in art and architecture, religion, gender roles, Japan's shifting relationships with the outside world, rural communities and urban centers in the 20th-century, and the construction of the self in modern Japan.

Mode: Seminar.

0274. The Anthropology of Modern China (3 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with Asian Studies 0254.

This course provides an introduction to the culture and society of the contemporary People's Republic of China. The first half of the course explores the dramatic changes in both rural and urban sectors of Chinese society since the turn of the century, with a particular focus on post-1949 socialist transformations. The second half of the course examines such topics as gender and the status of women, ethnic minorities, religion and healing, the self and society, the party and the state, and P.R.C. narratives of modernity. Throughout, the P.R.C. will be examined as a society that embodies a distinctively Chinese synthesis of tradition and modernity.

Mode: Seminar.

0280. Evolutionary Biology (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Anthropology 0125, at least one of the 0160-level courses (Anthropology 0161, 0162, 0163 or 0164), and Introduction to Biology (C083/C084 or 0103/0104) for majors, or permission of the instructor for non-majors.

This course will critically evaluate the ways evolutionary theory has been used to explain human and primate evolution and modern human biological diversity. Included will be lectures on, and discussion of, the history of evolutionary thinking, the sources of variation in human populations, evolutionary processes, behavioral ecology, the levels of selection and problems in phylogenetic reconstruction. Anthropologically relevant models will be used throughout the course.

Mode: Seminar.

0287. Violence, War, and Revolution (3 s.h.) F.

(Formerly: 0087.)

Is human aggression natural? Is it cultural? How can we know the difference? This course takes these questions as its starting point and explores the nature of violence and war through a re-reading of classic debates in both anthropology and philosophy. In order to understand the underpinnings of anthropology’s interest in the nature of violence, we will begin with some of the salient texts which have informed ethnographic explorations of men and women in the state of violent nature.

Mode: Seminar.

W301. History of Anthropological Theory (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: At least two courses in Anthropology or permission of instructor.

The development of anthropological thought from the mid-19th century to present. Major theoretical schools, such as evolutionism, historicism, functionalism, structuralism, cross-cultural methods, and the new ethnography.

Mode: Seminar.

0307. Theory and Method in Linguistics (3 s.h.) F S.

A variable topics course focusing on current research issues in anthropological linguistics.

Mode: Seminar.

W308. Research in Visual Anthropology (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Anthropology 0158 and one 0200-level Visual Anthropology course or permission of the instructor.

As the required capstone course for the Visual Anthropology track in the major, students will review, integrate and operationalize what they have learned in previous coursework. By undertaking an original brief study in visual anthropology, students will participate in all phases of work including selecting a problem, formulating and writing a proposal, doing background library research, undertaking a period of fieldwork, data analysis, writing up findings and results, and making a final oral presentation. Students will be responsible for writing assignments at each stage of the process and a final report. Students may work individually or in pairs. Camera work is optional but encouraged.

Mode: Seminar and experiential learning.

0310. Field Work in Ethnography (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Considers the methodology employed and the problems encountered in conducting ethnographic fieldwork. Each student will be expected to design and carry out a local field project. Formal instruction will be supported by guest lecturers who are experts in the subject areas and by visits to local sites such as temples and artists' studios where students can gain a first hand experience of performative, ritual and creative processes. Students will learn by doing with opportunities to apprentice in studio projects, participate in performances, and engage in ethnographic inquiry.

Mode: Seminar/Lecture and experiential learning.

0313. Topics in Cultural Anthropology (3 s.h.) F S.

A variable topic course whose content usually changes each time it is offered. Provides an opportunity for instructors and students to explore specialized topics of current interest.

Mode: Seminar.

0315. Problems in Cultural Anthropology (3 s.h.) F S.

The relationship between ethnographic theory and various investigative methodologies. Analysis of various theoretical bases and data-gathering processes. Variable topic course whose focus will vary from semester to semester.

Note: Variable topic course whose focus will vary from semester to semester. Mode: Seminar.

0317. Seminar in Environmental Archaeology (3 s.h.) F.

This course introduces the student to the techniques and disciplines used in conjunction with archaeology to understand the environmental context and paleo-ecology of prehistoric cultures, as well as the nature of the archaeological record itself. Included in this survey are geology, soil and sediment analysis, geomorphology, palynology, ethnobotany and general floral analysis, phytolith analysis, zooarchaeology, and the analysis of blood and other residues found on artifacts. The range of contributions possible from interdisciplinary research will be explored in addition to how to design such research, how to communicate with specialists in other fields, and how to use existing sources of data to solve archaeological problems.

Mode: Seminar and experiential learning.

0320. Field Session in Archaeology (3 s.h.) SS.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Techniques and concepts of field archaeology. Students will be expected to spend the greatest part of the session in the field during the excavation of prehistoric and historic sites.

Mode: Fieldwork and experiential learning.

0321. Methods in Archaeology (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Recommendations vary depending on course topic. Check with instructor.

A series of practical, topical courses which deal with aspects of archaeological fieldwork and laboratory analysis. The topic or focus of the course varies by semester and includes: field methods; ceramic analysis; lithic analysis; soils and stratigraphy. Because the topic changes, students may take 0321 more than once.

Mode: Seminar and experiential learning.

0322. Indigenous Media (3 s.h.) S.

This course critically reviews the relationships between ethnographic film and indigenous forms of self-representation in video, film, photography and art. Native, minority, and elite visual texts from several societies will be compared with each other and with forms of pictorial representation in contemporary Western societies. The course first explores the emergence of non-professional models of indigenous expression in written forms focused on a reading of indigenous texts written by perceptive individuals. Second, we will examine pictorial forms by viewing and analyzing films and video programs made by indigenous individuals and associations. Examples will come from North and South America, Australia, and India, specifically the Navajo, the Inuit, the Kayapo, the Walpiri, as well as Indian and Tongan videography. Bio- and socio-documentary films made by American teenagers will be discussed; Anglo American examples such as snapshots/slides, family albums and home movies/videos will also be included in an effort to provide a comparative focus and global perspective.

Mode: Seminar.

W323. Advanced Seminar in Medical Anthropology (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Anthropology W120, 0125, and 0212 or permission of the instructor.

This course is designed for advanced undergraduate students interested in understanding current issues in the field of sociocultural medical anthropology. In particular, we will examine the implications for contemporary medical anthropology of recent developments in the anthropology of knowledge and the anthropology of the body.

Note: This course meets the requirements of a Capstone seminar for the Human Biology track of the undergraduate major. Mode: Seminar.

W324. The Genetic Basis of Human Variation (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

Explores the hereditary variation in our species and its special relationship to disease incidences and susceptibilities. Emphasis on contrast between adaptations of traditional societies to infectious disease loads and contemporary societies with degenerative disease loads, and the genetic susceptibilities concerned.

Mode: Seminar.

0325. Biocultural Adaptations in Human Populations (3 s.h.) F.

An evaluation of adaptation, selection, and ecological concepts as the bases for models integrating human biology and culture, and for explaining change.

Mode: Seminar.

0326. Methods in Physical Anthropology (4 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Anthropology 0125 or consent of the instructor.

Advanced undergraduate students will have the opportunity to develop individual research projects in biological anthropology, utilizing materials in the department collections and from department expeditions. Students will be introduced to problems in research design, sampling theory, research paper writing, and commonly used statistical techniques in biological anthropology, and will apply them in their project analyses.

Mode: Seminar and lab.

W327. Evolutionary Perspectives on Reproduction (3 s.h.) Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Anthropology 0125 and two of the following: Anthropology 0161, 0162, 0163, 0164.

This course will focus on the reproductive biology and behavior of the Primates within an evolutionary framework. Primate reproductive strategies are largely mediated through social behavior that can be the subject of direct study at the Philadelphia Zoological Park. We will balance lecture and discussion of carefully selected readings with zoo-based research exercises. Central topics will cover male and female reproductive physiology and mating systems; ecological constraints on mating systems; sexual selection theory; the evolution of sexual dimorphism; infanticide among primates; and, the evolution of human life histories with particular reference to childhood and post-reproductive longevity; parental investments and alloparenting. A pair of zoo-based research exercises will highlight the relationship between theory and data by engaging students in the scientific method.

Mode: Seminar and experiential learning.

0334. Anthropological Problems in Visual Production (3 s.h.) S. $.

The introduction of visual recording techniques to a sample of problems in the anthropology of visual communication. Discussions will include ways anthropologists construct problems, develop observational strategies, select appropriate image-making technology, work in field conditions, among others. Strategies of representation connected to the integration of cultural and film theories will be explored in conjunction with a wide range of film examples. Students will be introduced to the department's production facilities and do short exercises in image making, viewing, and interpretation.

Note: A lab fee may be necessary depending on the extent of each semester's assignments. Mode: Seminar and experiential learning.

0335. Advanced Problems in Production (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Anthropology 0334.

This course concentrates on the enhancement of production skills and on the application of more complex technologies to making anthropologically significant texts. Significance will be given to why certain techniques vary and are more appropriate when films and other visual texts pursue different objectives. Readings and assignments will focus on text-making strategies by acknowledging underlying ideologies and conventions as related to relationships between alternative rationales, strategies, and choices. Students will undertake video assignments experimenting with different kinds of information and pictorial formats. Editing equipment will be used to illustrate assignments.

Mode: Seminar and experiential learning.

0355. Gender Theory (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Anthropology 0255 or the equivalent.

This course explores anthropological literature on gender as a means of exposing hidden assumptions about power, language, and social action. Emphasis is on the development of critiques of theoretical paradigms used to analyze gender.

Mode: Seminar.

0361. Contemporary Perspectives in Urban Anthropology (3 s.h.) F.

Examines the development of urban anthropology from the early debates of the 1970s to redefinitions in the 1980s. The emerging paradigm of intensive studies of local social processes within larger macrostructural contexts is the focus.

Mode: Seminar.

W380. Seminar in Human Paleontology (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

An in-depth review of the synthetic theory of evolution and special topics in evolutionary theory. Emphasis will be placed on human evolution, human bio-cultural adaptation, and evolutionary biology.

Mode: Seminar.

0392-0393-0394. Independent Study (1 - 3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Agreement by faculty member to supervise student's work.

Directed reading and research on a specific anthropological topic.

Note: Does not count toward major requirements in Anthropology.

0395. Internship in Archaeology (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Agreement by faculty member to supervise student's work.

This course provides hands-on, professional level work experiences for Anthropology majors focusing on the study of archaeology. It is designed for students who have already completed basic course work in archaeology, including the department’s field school (Anthropology 0320 & 0321). Students will be placed with one of a number of firms in the region involved in cultural resource management studies where they will be employed in a variety of laboratory and field activities. The intensity and focus of the experience will be tailored to the particular needs or interests of the student, but minimally will involve 8 hours of effort per week.

Mode: Service learning and experiential learning.
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