
01938/Adult and Organizational Development


Lower Division Courses

W051. Introduction to Communication for Educators (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

Provides a basis for understanding human behavior in professional and personal settings from a communication perspective. Empasis is given to skills and analytical abilities related to challenges professionals face in a wide range of settings including: interpersonal and professional relationships, public presentations, team leadership roles and responsibilities, and orgranizational change management roles.

0066. Interpersonal Communication Through the Life Span (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Examines the development of effective communication in relationships in family, work, and social settings. Examines how communication preferences, demands, and skills change across the age spectrum, with an emphasis on talking, thinking, and listening abilities central to communication situations across life situations. Assists students in developing professional skills needed to manage communication challenges in diverse personal and professional settings.

0114. Conflict Resolution in Education (3 s.h.) F S.

Introduces students to the broad field of conflict resolution education (including social and emotional learning, anti-bullying programs, peer mediation, negotiation processes, expressive arts and conflict resolution education, restorative justice programs, and bias awareness programs). It provides students with examples of programs, gives them an opportunity to interact with experts in the field, and encourages them to consider how they can support these programs as teachers and administrators.

0117. Nonverbal Communication (3 s.h.) F S.

Examines the role and function of nonverbal communication in a variety of social situations. Focuses on nonverbal codes and the differences between linguistic and nonlinguistic codes. It introduces students to the array of nonverbal cues in areas of kinesics, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, and paralinguistics. It explores the importance of nonverbal communication for creating and maintaining effective personal and professional contexts.

0176. Team Process in Education (3 s.h.) F S.

Examines ways of managing the communication process in small group, decision-making settings. The course covers core concepts and theories of group interaction and emphasizes their practical implications for understanding and influencing small group decision-making. Topics include cohesion, social influence, facilitation, group tasks, group/team development. Students develop their personal skills in being an effective team member and team leader.

Upper Division Courses

0201. Research Methods in Communication Sciences (3 s.h.) F.

Introduces quantitative research methods in the communication sciences. Covers a variety of study domains including field/descriptive, correlational, survey, clinical, ethnographic, and experimental research designs. Students learn various research methods for addressing particular types of research questions. Concepts covered include types of variables, parametric and nonparametric inferential statistics, sampling designs, hypothesis testing, and publication policies.

0214. Conflict and Communication (3 s.h.) F S.

Covers conflict process and communication in interpersonal and organizational relationships. Concepts examined include conflict styles, phases of conflict, face-saving, attribution and conflict, cooperative and competitive approaches to negotiation, and methods of third party intervention. This course provides a basis for managing and intervening in difficult conflicts that occur in schools, professional organizations, and interpersonal relationships.

0215. Mediation: Principles and Practice (3 s.h.) S.

Provides an overview of the development and use of mediation in diverse conflict settings. Students learn the various models of mediation that third parties rely on to intervene in conflicts in organizational, family, school and community settings. Emphasis is placed on the communication skills and practices that form the basis for the mediator’s role in two-party or multiparty disputes.

0218. Leadership and Communication (3 s.h.) F.

Examines the theories and research on effective leadership in organizational, school, and community contexts. Concentrates on communication skills critical for leading change processes in a wide range of organizational environments. Attention is given to the personal leadership development of students enrolled in the course.

0307. Interaction Analysis (3 s.h.) F S SS.

(Formerly: PEP 0307.)

This course teaches a system of verbal communications that examines individual style and its effect on the listener. The purpose of the system is to teach those in power positions, such as teachers, supervisors, team leaders, psychologists and other medical professionals, how to communicate with others so that their messages are fully understood and the consequences of misunderstandings and misinterpretations are minimized.

0315. Negotiation Processes (3 s.h.) S.

Teaches students about collaborative and competitive approaches to negotiation. The emphasis is on the integration of negotiation theory and practice as applied to two-party and multi-party negotiation situations. Students learn to diagnose a conflict situation to prepare an effective negotiation strategy. Examples in the class focus on educational contexts to encourage students to apply class material to their work as teachers and administrators.

0350. Organizational Communication (3 s.h.) F.

Classical and contemporary theories of organizational structure and management and their relationship to communication processes. Emphasis on organizations as cultures and analysis of cases and real life situations. Supports students' ability to act as effective managers and change agents in a wide array of school and organizational settings.

0376. Facilitating Group Decision-Making (3 s.h.) S.

Focuses on the various approaches to facilitating decision-making in task-oriented groups. Students learn how to facilitate groups that follow voting and consensus decision-making formats and how to meet the challenges of being an internal or external facilitator in any group process. Special attention is given to learning how to lead groups through difficult conflicts in schools and other professional organizational settings.

0380. Field Research: Practice in Professional Settings (3 s.h.) S.

Provides students an opportunity to discover how their knowledge and skills in relationship, team, and organizational change processes are managed by designated professionals in schools, agencies, organizations or other work settings. Students are guided through the design of an individualized professional development plan and an approach to exploring the link between their own backgrounds and the professional roles they seek to obtain. Special attention is give to development of personal presentation in writing, interviewing, and interning roles.

0385. Independent Study (1-3 s.h.) F S SS.

Provides students an opportunity to explore topics not fully covered in coursework. Under faculty supervision, the student will identify and read relevant literature in the theory and research of the topic area.

0390. Honors in AOD/Applied Communication (3 s.h.) F S.

Students are expected to write and support a major paper under the supervision of a designated honors adviser. The work must be honors quality and accepted by the Honors adviser and a second reader.

0396. Internship in AOD/Applied Communication (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Work experience in a communication-related job in schools, business, government, or private agency. Analysis of the work experience in light of the skills and abilities obtained in students' prior coursework in applied communications.

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