
02404/Asian Studies

You can find out more about the Asian Studies Major and Minor, the Asian Business and Society Certificate, and the Asian Studies faculty at http://www.temple.edu/asian_studies IMPORTANT NOTE: If a Asian Studies course is closed, click the blue 6-digit CRN to see if it is crosslisted, and then check for open seats under the departmental number. Courses count toward the major, minor, and certificate whether taken under Asian Studies or departmental numbers.

Lower Division Courses

C050/H090. Introduction to Asian Religions (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IS.

Cross Listed with Religion C050/H090.

Introduction to the major Asian religious, philosophical, and cultural traditions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto) with emphasis on the cultural roots of each religious tradition, the analysis of its principal teachings and practices, and the major cultural expressions in religious art, ritual, poetry, music, and scriptures.

Note: H090 requires instructor`s permission. C050 meets the Non-Western/Third World core requirement.

C053. Introduction to World Religions (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IS.

Cross Listed with Religion C053.

Introduction to major world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam) as a way of coming to know and appreciate the world views of other cultures. Attention to beliefs, values, and practices of these religions as ways of dealing with the issues basic to human life.

C054. Arts of Asia (3 s.h.) Core: AR. $.

Cross Listed with Art History C052.

Architecture, sculpture, painting, and the functional arts of Asia (India, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia). A historical examination of the art as a religious expression and as a product of changing social and economic conditions. The material culture of Asia will be examined with an emphasis on differing world views and perspectives with which to 'see' art.

Note: Course fee (about $20) and field trips required.

C084/H094. Chinese and Japanese Literature in Cultural Context (3 s.h.) S. Core: IS.

Cross Listed with Critical Languages C084/H094.

A literary and cultural exploration of the worlds of classical and modern China and Japan.

Note: AS Foundation Course. No knowledge of Chinese or Japanese language expected. H094 requires instructor`s permission. C084 meets the Non-Western/Third World core requirement.

C086. East and South Asia (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IS.

Cross Listed with Geography and Urban Studies C086.

Introduction to the natural environments and diverse contemporary societies that comprise East, Southeast, and South Asia. Emphasis on such topics as poverty, economic development, and social conditions in India, Thailand, and the Philippines, as well as China, Japan, and Korea.

Note: AS Foundation Course. This course meets the Non-Western/Third World core requirement.

Upper Division Courses

0100. Practical Asian Society and Culture (3 s.h.) F.

Emphasizes practical Asian Studies knowledge and skills. This course provides a foundation for living and working in four countries: China, Japan, Korea, and India. It includes basic aspects of the culture of daily life and work, such as meeting people, communication patterns, entertaining, holidays, and taboos. The course also builds fundamental skills for independent research on Asian society and culture and develops basic presentation skills for use in the workplace and the Asian Studies capstone course. Student teams select and research one aspect of a society or culture, using print and online sources.

Note: Required for Asian Business & Society Certificate

0104. Introduction to Asian Business (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor (non-business majors).

Cross Listed with International Business 0100; General and Strategic Management 0100.

An overview of Asian business practices and their economic, political, and social contexts, with emphasis on Japan, China, Korea, and India. Asian Studies and other non-business majors/minors are welcome.

Note: Required for Asian Business and Society Certificate.

0115. Introduction to East Asia: China (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History 0115.

Within the context of larger processes of socioeconomic and cultural change, this course examines the development of characteristic institutions and thought in traditional China and revolutionary transformation in the modern era. This approach is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of state, society, and culture in China, the major themes of Chinese history, and more generally, broad processes of social change.

Note: AS Foundation Course. Usually offered in alternate years or summer on Main Campus.

0116. Introduction to East Asia: Japan (3 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with History 0116.

A survey of Japanese history to the 20th century. Major themes include religious, political, and social change. Major topics are: the early centralized state, the rise of aristocratic culture, the emergence of the warrior class, and the modern transformation into an urban, industrial empire. Course materials include primary documents in translation and videos.

Note: AS Foundation Course. Usually offered in alternate years on Main Campus.

0117. Introduction to Southeast Asia: Insular (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History 0117.

Covers the histories of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore from the 16th century until modern times. The course will introduce students to the island worlds of Southeast Asia, its peoples, their histories, societies, and economies. To familiarize students with non-Western worlds, lectures will be illustrated with videotapes, slides, and transparencies. Excerpts of articles and indigenous documents will also be used for discussion.

0118. Introduction to Southeast Asia: Mainland (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History 0118.

Covers the histories of Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, from the 16th century until modern times. It is a course designed to introduce students to the analysis of such forces as religion, statecraft, and trade, and the manner in which they have shaped the mainland countries of Southeast Asia. Reference will be made to contemporary events taking place in the region, and students will be encouraged to follow these developments through the media and integrate their knowledge in class discussions. Course work will include readings, discussions, films, examinations, and book reviews.

0122/W122. Introduction to Buddhism (3 s.h.) Core: W122: WI.

Cross Listed with Religion 0122/W122.

Introduction to the historical development of Buddhism in relation to other East Asian religions. Topics include the Four Noble Truths of Basic Buddhism, the Hinayana Mahayana controversy over Buddhist Dharma and practice, as well as the development of Buddhist thought throughout Asia.

0153. Religion in Non Western Cultures (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Anthropology 0226.

This course on religion of non-western cultures introduces some of the major themes, methods, and intellectual traditions of the study of religion in anthropology. Considered as a comparative study of religious practice, this course seeks to understand thought and behavior in worship, iconography, pilgrimage, domestic and congregational performance, mythology and cosmology, trance, dance, sacrifice, ritual experience and other dimensions of religious life as well as the way that these facets of religious culture interrelate. The course will focus on Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and a variety of local indigenous religious traditions in contemporary India. The study of religion in a historically complex circumstance will provide the means to examine the processes of accommodation and tension that exist in a multi-religious environment.

0161. Japanese Religions (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Religion 0119.

An introduction to Japanese religions, their origins, and development in the social, cultural and intellectual history of Japan. Religions covered are: Shinto, Japanese Buddhism, folk religions, Japanese Confucianism, and the "New Religions." Some attention to expression of Japanese spirituality in the fine arts, martial arts, festivals, and rituals.

0162/W162. Religions of India (3 s.h.) F. Core: W162:WI.

Cross Listed with Religion 0106/W106.

An introduction to the foundations, nature, and principles of classical Hinduism. An introduction to the fundamentals of Buddhism and Jainism.

0163. Yoga and Tantric Mysticism (3 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with Religion 0110.

Explores Yoga as well as Tantric Mysticism in India and South Asia.

0164. I-Ching, Tao, and Ch’an/Zen (3 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with Religion 0117.

This course covers selected topics in the history of Taoist ideas and religious practice, which have broadly influenced China for two and a half millennia. Discussion topics include: symbols and divination; the philosophy of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu; the interaction between Taoism and Ch’an/Zen Buddhism; the Taoist/Ch’an influence on the Chinese literary tradition and ideals of beauty; the Taoist view on ch’i energy, meditation, sexuality, and the good life; and Taoism/Zen in America today.

0165. Chinese Religions (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Religion 0116.

Critical study of the development of Chinese religions from the time of Confucius to Mao, including the problem of ideological continuity in contemporary China (Maoist Marxism versus Confucianism).

0166. Chinese Buddhism (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Religion 0118.

The history and schools of thought and practice of Buddhism in China, from the introduction of Buddhism to China from India and its interaction with the classical religions of China (Confucianism, Taoism), the rise of the major schools of Chinese Buddhism (Tien Tai, Hua Yen, Chan (Zen), and Pure Land.

0167. Japanese Buddhism (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Religion 0120.

Introduction to classical thinkers of Japanese Buddhism: Kukai, Dogen, Shinran, Nichiran, Hakuin. Schools covered are: Shingon, Pure Land, Soto Zen, Rinzai Zen, Nichiren.

0168. Introduction to Zen Buddhism (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Religion 0115.

This course surveys the historical development of Zen Buddhism as it unfolds in India, China, and Japan, and focuses on the examination of the nature of satori experience. Analyzes its existential meaning from perspectives of therapy, Zen practice, and philosophy.

0170. Earth Ethics (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Religion 0304.

This course examines the relationship of human and environmental science to ethical principles. By analyzing case studies that deal with resource sustainability, environmental protection, divergent views of technology and respect for all forms of life, students will assess individual life-styles and alternative visions of the good life on planet earth.

0171. Chinese Art History (4 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Art History 0171.

The art and architecture of China from 3500 B.C. to the present. This class begins with ancient art found in tombs progressively turning to the formation of the empire and the introduction and development of the Buddhist tradition. In the later periods emphasis will be given to the painting traditions. Concluding with art in the 20th century, we will examine some of the ways China represents itself today.

R190. Asian American Experiences (3 s.h.) F. Core: RS.

Cross Listed with American Studies R136 and History R163.

This introductory survey analyzes commonalities and differences in the historical and contemporary experiences of Asian American ethnic groups, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Koreans, and South and Southeast Asians. It explores important ideas about the position of Asians in U.S. society, including racialization, assimilation, cultural pluralism, model minority thesis, split labor market, and internal colonialism. It begins with the arrival of the Chinese in the 1830s and ends with contemporary issues. Lectures and videos; emphasis on active student participation in learning through discussion and response papers.

0191/W191. Asian Diaspora (3 s.h.) Core: W191:WI.

Cross Listed with American Studies 0152/W152; sometimes w/ History 0111/W111.

Spurred by pressures of colonialism, economic change, nationalism, political repression and war as well as individual needs and adventurism, Asians have migrated from their homelands to new regions of the world within Asia as well as in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America, North America, and Europe. In considering the diaspora, familiar terms such as Asian, American, Community, and Nation are called into question by the multiplicity of experiences and identities of those who have ventured out from Eastern regions of the globe. This course examines the social experiences and cultural productions of Chinese, Japanese, and Filipinos who have journeyed to far flung lands and the terms that can be employed to analyze their experiences and cultures.

0218. Art of India (4 s.h.) S. $.

Cross Listed with Art History 0218.

The art and architecture of the Indian sub-continent from 2500 B.C. to the present. The Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Islamic religions have been crucially important for the formation of South Asian culture and art. This class will emphasize how religious ideas have been made visually manifest in the arts. The role of art in the formation of modern India will also be examined.

Note: Field trips required.

0220. Survey of Japanese Literature Before 1868 (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Critical Languages 0220.

Novels, poetry, travel diaries, plays, and other genres from Japan's Heian through Edo periods.

Note: No knowledge of Japanese language expected.

0221. Survey of Japanese Modern Literature (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Critical Languages 0221.

Major writers and works of late-nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first century Japanese literature.

Note: No knowledge of Japanese language expected.

0222. Japanese Literature in Film (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Critical Languages 0121.

Cinematic adaptations of Japanese novels and short stories, with the focus on principal figures of film and literature such as Kurosawa and Akutagawa.

Note: No knowledge of Japanese language expected.

0223. Ideology and Social Change in Japan (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Sociology 0297.

A sociological look at the conditions that have contributed to Japan's emergence as a world-class economic force. How do culture, social organization, life style, ideology, and global political change to affect Japan's rapid rise to power? Is Japan a closed society? What significance do factors such as racism, religion, education, family, the military, class, and population changes hold for understanding what happened in Japan and in Japan's relations with outsiders, particularly the U.S.? How does this analysis affect the future of American sociology?

W224. Japanese Popular Culture and Its Literature (3 s.h.) Core: WI.

Cross Listed with Critical Languages W120.

Contemporary culture and literature of Japan.

Note: No knowledge of Japanese language expected.

0230. Metropolitan Tokyo (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Geography and Urban Studies 0228.

The growth and development of Tokyo, past and present. The course includes a profile of the city's many neighborhoods, economic activities, architecture, and challenges for urban planners.

0238. Environmental Problems in Asia (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Environmental Studies 0238 and Geography and Urban Studies 0238.

Japan is used as an introduction and model for examining environmental issues in several east and southeast Asian countries. Emphasis is on deforestation, river basin development, urban planning, ecotourism, and role of non-governmental organizations.

0240. China: Politics and Revolution (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Political Science 0236.

Contemporary Chinese government and politics, together with a survey of the political history of China in the 20th century. Emphasis is on the evolution of the political system and political culture through successive periods of reform and repression.

0241. East Asia and the United States (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Political Science 0238.

The development of the "Pacific Rim strategy" in Japan over the past century and its spread into other regions of Asia, including South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and even mainland China. The strengths, problems, and implications for the United States of this pattern of development are examined.

0252. South Asia: Peoples, Culture, Experiences (3 s.h.) SS.

Cross Listed with Anthropology 0267.

An introduction to the peoples and cultures of the Indian subcontinent. The course will focus on the indigenous religions of India: Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism as well as Islam, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism as brought to western India by migrants.

Mode: Lecture/Experiential Learning.

0253. Japanese Culture (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Anthropology 0273.

Introduction to traditional and contemporary Japanese culture. Topics covered include: early literature, aesthetic principles as expressed in art and architecture, religion, gender roles, Japan's shifting relationships with the outside world, rural communities and urban centers in the 20th century, and the construction of the self in modern Japan.

0254. The Anthropology of Modern China (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Anthropology 0274.

This course provides an introduction to the culture and society of the contemporary People's Republic of China. The first half of the course explores the dramatic changes in both rural and urban sectors of Chinese society since the turn of the century, with a particular focus on post-1949 Maoist and post-Mao socialist transformations. The second half of the course examines such topics as gender and the status of women, ethnic minorities, religion and healing, the self and society, the Party and the state, and P.R.C. narratives of modernity. Throughout, the P.R.C. will be examined as a society that embodies a distinctively Chinese synthesis of tradition and modernity.

0255. American Culture Abroad: Japan (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Anthropology 0272 and American Studies 0133.

In this course we will examine versions and varieties of American life that have become a part of Japanese society and culture. We have seen a tremendous curiosity for "things American" in Japanese daily life—but how is American culture in Japan? What kinds of transformations, reformulations, and reinventions have taken place? We will review Japanese adoptions and adaptations of language, "American" settings, architecture and design, foods and restaurants, clothing and fashions, popular films, television and advertising, and even holidays. Students will review and critically evaluate such films as: The Japanese Version, Mr. Baseball, Black Rain, The Barbarian and the Geisha, Tokyo Pop, The Colonel Comes to Japan.

0256. The Vietnam War (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with American Studies 0156 and History 0183.

An attempt to probe in-depth one of the most significant and controversial episodes of recent American history. The history of Vietnam since the 19th century with equal emphasis on the First and Second Indochina Wars. The impact of the war on the domestic and international scenes and its multiple legacies. Television and film from the period and guest speakers.

0260/W260. Introduction to Islam (3 s.h.) F. Core: W260:WI.

Cross Listed with Religion 0200/W200.

Analysis of the tawhid, essence of Islam, of its basic categories for religious life, law, theology, literature, philosophy, art, and science. Survey of the major phenomena of Islamic civilization in their relation to tawhid.

0290. Indian Philosophy: An Introduction (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Philosophy 0268.

Beginnings of Indian philosophical thinking in the hymns of Rig Veda and the upanishads and the major schools of Indian philosophy as they took shape during the next thousand years. The latter include Samkhya, the Buddhist schools, the Vaiseskika, the Nyaya, and the major schools of Vedanta. Issues in metaphysics, epistemology, and logic emphasized.

W300/H300. Seminar in Asian Studies (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

In this capstone writing course students engage in independent research on Asia. Students choose a topic to meet personal and professional needs in consultation with the instructor. This will deepen their skills in accessing bibliographic tools, such as finding and evaluating authoritative sources and including primary materials translated from Asian languages, as well as organizing and properly formatting a research paper.

Note: Required for the Asian Studies major. May shift from spring to fall semester in Fall 2007. Mode: Seminar.

0303/W303. Special Topics in Asian Studies I (3 s.h.) F S. Core: W303: WI.

Provides a cross listing for regular and writing intensive courses in other departments when they have substantial Asian Studies content. Also used for directed readings and new courses. Click on the blue 6-digit CRN to see the TOPIC.

Note: Cross listing arranged by Asian Studies Director.

0304/W304. Special Topics in Asian Studies II (3 s.h.) F S. Core: W304: WI.

Provides a cross listing for regular and writing intensive courses in other departments when they have substantial Asian Studies content. Also used for directed readings and new courses. Click on the blue 6-digit CRN to see the TOPIC.

Note: Cross listing arranged by Asian Studies Director.

H304. Topics in Asian Studies II - Honors (3-4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.

Provides a cross listing for honors courses in other departments when they have substantial Asian Studies content. Also used for directed readings and new courses. Click on the blue 6-digit CRN to see the TOPIC.

0305. Independent Study (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Permission of Asian Studies Director.

Directed reading and/or research on a specific topic in Asian Studies.

0308. Chinese Revolution (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History 0217.

The history of China from the Opium Wars to 1919. Topics to be discussed include the decline of the traditional order, the impact of imperialism, the rise of nationalism, the revolution of Sun Yat-sen, and socio-cultural ferment.

0310. Contemporary China (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History 0218.

The rise of nationalism, social-cultural changes, and revolutions since the late 19th century. Developments after 1949 in detail.

0311/W311. Modern Japan: Empire, War, Society (3 s.h.) Core: W311:WI.

Cross Listed with History 0340/W340.

Was early modern Japan (1600-1867) static and unchanging? Do the roots of Japan`s modern achievements (1868-1945) lie in her early modern culture? What happened to Japan after the 1868 Meiji Restoration, and why? Was modernity a blessing or a curse? This survey of Japanese people, culture, and events and trends at home and abroad from the Tokugawa shogunate to the Pacific War will help you find answers to these questions. Writing assignments focus on the comparative book review.

0312. History of Vietnam (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History 0222.

Emphasizing cultural, social, and economic factors, the course traces Vietnamese history from its mythological origins to the 21st century. Topics include indigenous social formations, the period of Chinese domination, the rise of independent Vietnamese dynasties, the French colonial era, the Vietnamese Revolution, and the three Indochina Wars, including the Vietnam Conflict in the twentieth century. It will close with consideration of life under the current Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

0314. Japan Today (3 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with History 0220.

Examines significant social, economic, and cultural trends in Japan from 1945 to the 1990s-the Occupation; the 'economic miracle', state and society; the world of work; family, women and gender; international relations; impact of affluence; post-bubble Japan; and varying approaches to the study of postwar Japanese history and society.

Note: Usually offered alternate years on Main Campus.

0315. Women and Society in Japan (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History 0221 and Women's Studies 0250.

Analysis of the changing positions of women in Japanese society from ancient times to the present. Discussions, lectures, and audiovisual materials explore the fascinating worlds of goddesses, female diviners, empresses, the classical female writers, women in warrior culture, women in industrializing Japan, and Japanese women's movements.

0317/W317. Asian Women in Transition (3 s.h.) Core: W317:WI.

Cross Listed with American Studies 0153/W153, History 0215/W215, and Women’s Studies 0249/W249.

This course introduces and compares the experiences of women in Asia and Asian women in migration to the United States in the modern period, including rural and urban women and ordinary and elite women in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Major topics include women and the family, women and work, and women as creators and activists.

0318. Modern India (3 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with History 0219.

Major political issues are colonialism, nationalism, non-violent political struggle, independence and adjustment, regionalism and tension, leadership in a third world movement, relations with the U.S.A. Social issues include coping with inequality, population explosion, hunger, regional violence, and new popular organizations. Major personalities: Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Indira Gandhi, Jayaprakash Narayan, Sri Aurobindo.

0320. Literary Chinese/English Translation I (4 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Critical Language 0368.

Arranged each semester, please consult with the instructor.

0321. Literary Chinese/English Translation II (4 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with Critical Languages 0369.

0338. Visual Anthropology of Modern Japan (3 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with Anthropology 0238.

This course offers an anthropological approach to systems of visual communication that are central to understanding Japanese society and culture. Themes and perspectives from visual anthropology will be applied to visual sign systems of everyday life (writing, clothes, food, etc.), to the prevalence and influences of popular culture emphasizing mass mediated forms of manga (comic books), advertisements, etc. The course will also include ethnographic films about Japanese culture as well as a review of how Japanese culture is communicated to mass audiences through classic and contemporary feature films as well as network television. We will try to "unpack" some of the stereotypic reductions common to superficial knowledge of Japan and Japanese culture.

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