
01704/Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Mass Media


Foundational Courses

0011. Mass Communication Theory (4 s.h.) F S SS.

A survey of the major ideas and perspectives explaining the roles and processes of mass communication. The course includes theories of mass society, technological determinism, cultivation, media imperialism, functionalism, and dependency.

Note: For BTMM majors, must be taken during first 45 s.h. in department.

0020. Mass Media and Society (4 s.h.) F S SS.

The history, organization, economics, and control of mass communications in the United States. Newspapers, books, magazines, comics, radio, television, film, and developing technologies are considered. Current issues facing media organizations are explored.

Note: For BTMM majors, must be taken during first 45 s.h. in department.

0040. Media in Everyday Life (4 s.h.) F S SS.

Explores popular and scholarly ideas of how the media are used and how they may or may not be influential in the course of normal life. Such matters as the media`s effect on gender conditioning, violence, and aggression as they pertain to children and adults are considered.

Note: For BTMM majors, must be taken during first 45 s.h. in department.

Lower Division Courses

0019. Introductory Topics in Theory and Methodology (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

Note: Offered selected semesters

0039. Introductory Topics in Institution Study (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0049. Introductory Topics in Social Processes (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0055. Introduction to Media Management and Organization (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Overview of the broad aspects of the communications and broadcasting industries and of general management practices. Review of the management structure and responsibilities of radio, television, cable, Internet, print and telecommunications industries. Review of influences on media entities, the role of government and the impact technology will have on the future of media businesses.

Mode: Online or face-to-face.

0069. Introductory Topics in Organization and Management (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0070. Introduction to Media Technology (3 s.h.) F S. $.

This course is designed to introduce the beginning student to visual aesthetics and other concepts relevant to the world of digital media. You will learn about the various types of multimedia applications (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Audition, Avid Xpress DV)and how to construct effective interactive multimedia messages.

Mode: Lecture and computer lab.

0089. Introductory Topics in Media and Telecommunication Production (4 s.h.) $.

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

Note: Repeatable for credit with different topics

0114. Mass Communication Research (3 s.h.)

An introductory survey of the methods and techniques of conducting research tailored to mass media issues. Topics include: market research, polling, surveys, depth interviews, content analysis, focus groups, and experiments.

Note: Offered once per year

0119. Beginning Topics in Theory and Methodology (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0123. The Broadcasting System (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020.

Comparative analysis of the American broadcasting system exploring how it affects and is affected by the political and economic environment.

0133. Digital Communication Technologies (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020.

Study of the economic and public policy issues related to the information society. An overview of the technologies (computers, telecommunications, and mass media) and their convergence to form new multimedia environments in the home, school, and workplace.

0139. Beginning Topics in Institution Study (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

Note: Repeatable with different subtitles

0142. Popular Culture (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040.

Cultural analysis of special media forms that are highly accessible to and enjoyed by a mass audience. Includes the form, content, politics, and consumption of popular movies, TV, and music.

0149. Beginning Topics in Social Processes (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0150. Introduction to Cybermedia (3 s.h.) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0070.

Survey of the personal and business uses of the individualized media including interactive TV, video games, multimedia, and online services. Covers technological, social, and economic implications for users, producers, and distributors of traditional and new media.

Mode: Online course.

0169. Beginning Topics in Organization and Management (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

Mode: Online or face-to-face.

0170. Introduction to Television Production (4 s.h.) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: Prerequisite: BTMM 0070.

An introduction to the technologies used to produce fiction, non-fiction, commercial, corporate, educational and public service television content. Weekly labs provide practica in many phases of production.

0171. Introduction to Radio (4 s.h.) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0070.

Overview of how a radio station works. Participants will study responsibilities of each radio station position, major formats, ratings, promotions, station logs, sales, news, syndication and engineering. Class members will also get hands-on experience in the production studio completing various production tasks and working with digital production technology.

Mode: Lecture and lab.

0172. Introduction to Performance Techniques (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0070.

Introduction to on-air broadcast performance techniques with a focus on radio and the Internet.

0175. Introductory Digital Audio (4 s.h.) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0070.

Introduction to sound design principles and recording techniques for multi track production in all media production settings. As students examine design theory and technical practices, they learn the functioning and operation of basic digital audio workstations, digital and analog tape recorders, microphones, mixing consoles, signal processors and loudspeakers as well as rudimentary acoustical physics. Considerable time is also spent on critical listening skills and design aesthetics.

Mode: Lecture/audio lab.

0189. Beginning Topics in Media and Telecommunication Production (4 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

Note: Repeatable for up to 4 credits.

Upper Division Courses

0219. Intermediate Topics in Theory and Methodology (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0224. The Cable Industry (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020.

Economic and political study of the history, technology, advertising, regulation, programming, capitalization, and franchising of the U.S. cable industry.

0239. Intermediate Topics in Institution Study (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0246. Social History of Mass Communication (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: BTMM 011, 020 and 040.

Examination of the broad social impact and cultural consequences of technological developments in communication from ancient times through the present. Topics include the consequences of literacy, mechanical reproduction, and moving pictures. Special attention is given to public response to various media systems through history.

0247. Political Communication (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 011, 020 and 040.

Examination of the roles of traditional and emerging media in the American political system. Topics include political socialization, influences on voting decisions, campaign advertising and debates, political reporting, the media-government relationship, agenda-setting and other public opinion processes, and the media`s role in generating cynicism regarding politics.

0249. Intermediate Topics in Social Processes (4 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0250. Media and Cultural Differences (4 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040.

Examines how media present different cultures and subcultures and how members of various groups may differentially relate to media. This course increases student sensitivity to different cultures.

0253. Television Criticism (3 s.h.)

Arranged each semester. Please consult with the instructor.

Note: Offered once per year

0256. Broadcast Advertising (3 s.h.) F S.

This course examines principles and practices of advertising in broadcast media, including psychological and creative factors, media research, rate structure, and campaign strategy.

0257. Broadcast and Cable Sales (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0055.

Examination and problem-solving in the areas of rate cards and pricing, audience research, station organization, sales, traffic, availabilities, and network and syndicated sales, with emphasis on marketing psychology and situations.

0269. Intermediate Topics in Organization and Management (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

Note: Repeatable for up to six credits with varying topics.

0270. Intermediate Television Production (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170.

Students learn to use video, audio, and computer technologies to produce entertainment, corporate, and public service programming intended for broadcast, cable, educational, and other profit and non-profit organizations. Students produce finished programs for outside institutions using both studio and field techniques.

0271. Broadcast Performance (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0172.

Interpretive analysis of broadcast material, including techniques of voice, articulation and acting with specific reference to broadcasting styles.

0272. Linear and Non-Linear Editing for the Media (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170.

Theory and techniques of editing audio and video for commercial, corporate, multimedia and educational applications.

Mode: Lecture and lab.

W273. Writing Workshop (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI. $.

An intensive, hands-on course that stresses writing fundamentals while encouraging students to express themselves in many forms of writing from journals, to essays, to scripts and more. Students read their work in class, work in groups, and meet with the instructor for personal critiques.

0275. Intermediate Digital Audio (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0175.

In this in-depth examination of recording and editing techniques in the digital domain, students gain hands-on experience on a large format Digital Audio Workstation during the recording and overdubbing phases of production. Emphasis is placed on running actual sessions in a variety of settings including music and radio spot production. Additionally, much of the theory and technology involved in the digitization of audio are examined to provide a foundation on which students can build for the future.

0289. Intermediate Topics in Media and Telecommunication Production (4 s.h.) $.

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0307. London Seminar (2 - 6 s.h.)

The Summer London Seminar involves five weeks studying British Mass Media and Culture while living in a city founded in 43 A.D. The course consists of lectures, presentations by guest speakers from the British Media and Government on a variety of topics and various site visits. For more information and an application, students should visit the SCT website.

W312. Communication in Organizations (4 s.h.) S SS. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0055.

The major theories of organizational communication, the role of communication in organizational processes and the impact of communication on those processes are examined in the context of media organizations.

Mode: Online.

0314. Advanced Communication Research (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0114 and permission of instructor.

Study and application of research design and quantitative methods for analysis of media issues in academia and industry. Rating services, focus groups, readership studies, experiments, interviewing, and content analysis are considered. Class projects involve complete research reports.

0319. Advanced Topics in Theory and Methodology (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

W321. History of Broadcasting (4 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020.

Examination of the origin and development of broadcasting including the evolution of technical, economic, organizational, content, and regulatory issues in their political context.

0322. Regulation and Public Policy (4 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020 and 0123.

Legal, technical, political, and social aspects of media regulation. Consideration of the FCC and other agencies as well as problems such as allocation, renewal, fairness, access, monopoly, censorship, copyright, and pressure groups.

0326. Public Broadcasting (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020.

Study of the philosophy, financing, control, and programming of instructional and public broadcasting.

0331. Third World Mass Media (4 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020.

Study of the ownership, control, and legal contexts of third world media systems. Includes issues of imperialism, global culture, and development.

0332. Comparative Broadcasting (4 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0123.

Cross-national study of world broadcasting systems.

W333. Global Telecommunications (4 s.h.) F. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: BTMM 011, 020, 040 and 0133.

Study of the economics, policy, and technology of the emerging global communication system. Specific issues include: transborder data flow, international organizations, and cultural and national sovereignty.

0335. Economics of Information (4 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 011, 020, 040.

This course provides an examination of information from both a Macroeconomic perspective, including supply, demand, availability, valuation, costs, scale, regulation, and commoditization; and a Microeconomic perspecitve, including cost-benefit analysis of communications systems.

0339. Advanced Topics in Institution Study (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

W343. Mass Media and Children (4 s.h.) Core: WI.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040.

The history, economics, and structural features of media industries which design messages targeted to children and youth. Examination of the effects of television, video games, computers, and comics on children and youth are considered, including issues of violence, gender, racial identity, and sex role development. Exploration of contemporary issues regarding media`s changing role in the lives of children and families.

0344. Public Information Campaigns (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing.

Exploration of techniques used in information campaigns regarding health, energy conservation, environmental protection and other topics, and campaigns effects on public knowledge and behavior. Students conduct an actual campaign on campus.

0346. Psychological Processing of Media (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing.

Research and theory concerning the contemporary psychological significance of media. Topics include attention, memory, comprehension, emotional response, arousal, picture perception, unconscious processing, and person perception as they relate to traditional (radio, TV, print, film) and emerging (virtual reality, teleconferencing) media.

0348. Media and Social Memory (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing.

Examination of how media act as agents of collective memory and how such memories may be tied to issues of identity, community, and power. In addition to general theory and research in social memory, the course considers a few key events to illustrate how social memory has influenced and been influenced by different media.

W349. Advanced Topics in Social Processes (3 s.h.) Core: WI.

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0350. Media Images and Analysis (4 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing.

Sociological analysis of mass media artifacts. Students engage in content analysis projects for subsequent publication.

0351. Media, Science, and Medicine (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM foundations courses or permission of instructor.

Analysis of the role of mass media in developing, shaping, and controlling the dissemination of important scientific and medical information. Consumer problems are also addressed. Selected writing assignments for mass media will utilize new scientific or medical research.

0353. Media Criticism (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 011, 020 and 040.

An examination of professional and scholarly criticism of television, film, radio and print media.

0357. Broadcast and Cable Management (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0257.

Management strategies for networks, stations, and cable systems. Understanding and managing relationships with government, networks, employee groups, and ownership. Implementation of budgets, reports, personnel policies. Overview of supervisory responsibilities.

0358. Broadcast and Cable Programming (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0257.

Television program acquisition, schedule placement, and audience building. Constraints and influences on programming decisions such as audience characteristics, competition, industry codes, and regulation.

0363. CD Project Management (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Students examine the process of making a music CD from the perspective of the album producer. Students will develop skills related to the understanding music industry contracts and handling other relevant legal issues, financing a project, and establishing and following a budget. Significant time is also spent considering the production hierarchy and studio etiquette, marketing and promotion plans, distribution, and individual development of a unique style within an historical perspective. Coursework includes a series of papers in which students examine the process of setting up a production company with a business proposal then scout local talent, and research costs to establish a budget for a theoretical recording project.

0364. Creating a Media Business (4 s.h.) F SS.

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

Principles of building one`s own media business. Student projects involve a start-to-finish plan for a profit or non-profit media organization including market assessment, financing, and contracting.

Mode: Online.

0369. Advanced Topics in Organizational Management (3 s.h.)

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

0370. TV Producing and Directing (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170 and permission of instructor.

Discussion and practice of budgeting, fundraising, field production, studio lighting, audio recording, editing and mixing, and distribution. Overview of creative approaches to studio and field directing, ethics, aesthetics and current approaches to TV production. Exploration of the role of producer/director through major creative work for final project.

0371. Radio Practicum (1 - 4 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0171 and permission of WRTI station manager and faculty supervisor.

Students are selected on the basis of professional qualifications and assigned to roles at university affiliated radio station.

Note: Course may be repeated for a total of no more than 4 s.h.

W372. Broadcast Production Practicum (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI. $.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and BTMM 0170.

Production of a weekly TV news magazine program in association with broadcast journalism students providing information about issues of interest or concern to college students.

0373. Making Corporate and Multi-media Production (4 s.h.) S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0150, 0170.

Corporate and non-profit multi-media production is a rapidly expanding field. Many organizations require educational, informational, and marketing applications to communicate with a variety of audiences. Learn how to enhance and communicate such messages through video, Web-based, and mixed media applications with advice from a professional.

0374. Advanced Digital Audio (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0275 and permission of instructor.

In this continuation of BTMM 0275, emphasis is placed on advanced mixing and signal processing techniques including mix automation and preparation of files for export to video, multimedia authoring software and inclusion on the World Wide Web. To that end, time will be spent on the ethical/legal concerns surrounding M-PEG encoding and streaming audio technology as well as the possible futures of the music industry.

0375. Cybermedia Workshop (4 s.h.) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0150 and 0170.

Hands-on development of content using new media forms. Students are involved in the design, scripting, and production of one or more programs.

Mode: Online.

W377. Television Production Workshop (8 s.h.) SS. Core: WI.

The development of weekly long-form programs that explore Philadelphia and environs using electronic field production techniques. The focus is on the production team, which will meet professional standards in content, form, and technical quality.

Note: This course is only offered in the summer.

0378. Comedy Workshop (4 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170.

Students work with actors, directors, and writers to create an original, half-hour comedy program.

0389. Advanced Topic Media Telecommunication (3-4 s.h.) F S. $.

Specific Topic varies each semester. Please view course subtitle or consult with instructor for details.

Note: Offered with special topics. Not offered all semesters

0390. British Media and Telecommunication (3 - 6 s.h.)

Students spend a semester studying British Mass Media and Culture while living in a city founded in 43 A.D. For more information and an application, students should visit the SCT website.

Note: Offered only through the Temple London Program.

0391. Internship (1 - 4 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: BTMM major of junior standing; BTMM 011, 020, and 040 completed; at least a 2.5 BTMM average; and permission of internship director.

Students are assigned as paid or unpaid interns to compatible media and telecommunications industries and organizations.

Note: Enrollment limited.

0395. Senior Seminar (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: BTMM major of senior standing.

Discussions of media and telecommunication vocations including those in corporations, small businesses, profit and non-profit institutions, as well as scholarly and legal careers. Tailored to each student's preparation, interests, and abilities. Guest lectures.

Note: Enrollment limited to 20.

0396. Honors Colloquium (1 s.h.) F S.

Note: Open to BTMM honors students only. Can only be taken once a year and can be repeated up to 4 s.h.

0397. Independent Study (1 to 4 s.h.) F S SS.

Available for students who wish to take on the study of a special topic that goes beyond those available through the regular curriculum of the major.

Note: Topic must be proposed to a BTMM faculty member who will supervise the study and approved by that faculty member and the department Chair. Proposal forms are obtained through the BTMM department office. May be taken once or repeatedly for up to 8 s.h.

0398. Independent Projects (1 - 4 s.h.) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: Completed proposal form signed by faculty project supervisor and department chair.

Available for students who wish to create a special project that goes beyond those available through the regular curriculum of the major. Topic must be proposed to and approved by a BTMM faculty member who will supervise the study. Proposal forms are obtained through the BTMM department office.

Note: Topic must be proposed to a BTMM faculty member who will supervise the study and approved by that faculty member and the department Chair. Proposal forms are obtained through the BTMM department office. May be taken once or repeatedly for up to 8 s.h.

0399. Honors Reading/Research Project (1 - 4 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Permission of Departmental Honors Director.

Networking and individual career guidance for BTMM honors students. For information on the honors program, contact the BTMM department office.

Note: Open to Departmental Honors students only.
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