
01514/Business Administration


Lower Division Courses

0091. Research Scholars (1 s.h.) S.

Students are introduced to a variety of research methods, including on-line and library research. They also learn the basics of statistical analysis and statistical software. Finally, students receive instruction in writing, with particular attention to how one presents research. This course is restricted to students in the Fox School Research Scholars Program.

Note: This course is restricted to students in the Fox School Research Scholars Program.

Upper Division Courses

0100. Professional Development Strategies (1 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Special authorization is required for all students who are not enrolled in the Fox School of Business.

Prepare students to enter the internship and permanent job marketplace. Emphasis on career planning, interview preparation (including behavioral event interviewing) expected behaviors and legal issues. Presentation and writing skills will be included.

Note: All FSBM students are required to take this course as soon as they have completed 60 credit hours.

0215. Business Society and Ethics (3 s.h.) F S SS.

This course challenges students to consider the ethical obligations of corporations and their employees to a wide variety of societal stakeholders. Students are exposed to a broad range of ethical dilemmas that can arise in the business world and are offered the tools and taught the skills to respond to such dilemmas. Most significantly, the course encourages students to critically examine a preeminent societal institution of which they are a part, with the possibility that they can ultimately be forces for positive change.

0295. Honors Business Society and Ethics (3 s.h.) F S.

This course challenges students to consider the ethical obligations of corporations and their employees to a wide variety of societal stakeholders. Students are exposed to a broad range of ethical dilemmas that can arise in the business world and are offered the tools and taught the skills to respond to such dilemmas. Most significantly, the course encourages students to critically examine a preeminent societal institution of which they are a part, with the possibility that they can ultimately be forces for positive change.

Note: Honors section of Business Administration 0215

W361. Business Policies (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Restricted to graduating seniors in final semester. All lower and upper division core requirements must be successfully completed before registering for BA W361.

An integrative course that focuses on strategic planning, policy formulation, implementation, and corporate-wide decision making through the use of comprehensive case problems.

H391. Honors Business Policies (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Restricted to graduating seniors in final semester. Open only to business designated Honors students or with special permission. All lower and upper division core requirements must be successfully completed before registering for this course.

An integrative course that focuses on strategic planning, policy formulation, implementation, and corporate-wide decision making through the use of comprehensive case problems.

Note: Honors section of Business Administration W361.

0394. Special Topics (3 s.h.)

Special topics in current developments in the field of business administration.

0395-0396. Independent Study (1-6 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Consultation with a faculty member and approval of department chairperson.

Readings and/or papers in consultation with a faculty member.

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