
04908/Communication Sciences


Lower Division Courses

W051. Introduction to Human Communication (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

Summarizes the psychological and biological bases of communication. Compares animal vs. human communication and examines human communication across a range of modalities and contexts. Topics such as verbal vs. nonverbal communication, vocal vs.sign language, normal vs. disordered communication, language acquisition processes, and aspects of social communication are addressed.

W103. Communication Deviations and Disorders (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

This introductory course to the field of speech-language pathology examines the impact of communication deviations and disorders on the individual and society is examined including the disabling nature of various disorders; their prevention, identification, assessment, and treatment; and the ways in which individuals deal with the social, educational, and vocational effects of these disorders. Includes observations within the scheduled class periods.

0108. Introduction to Linguistics (3 s.h.) F S SS.

A survey of methods and results in the study of natural language syntax, phonology, semantics, historical change, and dialect variation. English is the primary language of investigation, but facts from other languages are introduced as appropriate.

Note: Only one of the following two courses may be credited toward the baccalaureate degree in Communication Sciences: Communication Sciences 0108; English 0108.

R110. Language and Race (3 s.h.) S SS. Core: RS.

This course investigates the relationship between language and race in order to accurately and objectively evaluate many common beliefs about the connections between the two. How all languages systematically organize sounds, grammar, and meanings with a special emphasis on the structure of African American English is demonstrated. Also investigated is how particular ways of speaking may or may not affect thought patterns or social identity. Public policy issues involving language and race are also examined.

Upper Division Courses

0201. Research Methods in Communication Sciences (3 s.h.) F.

Introduces quantitative research methods in the communication sciences. Covers a variety of study domains including field/descriptive, correlational, survey, clinical, ethnographic, and experimental research designs. Students learn various research methods for addressing particular types of research questions. Concepts covered include types of variables, parametric and nonparametric inferential statistics, sampling designs, hypothesis testing, and publication policies.

0207. Phonetics (2 s.h.) F S.
Co-Requisite: Communication Sciences 0208.

This course explores the sounds of American English and some of its dialects. Students are trained in the transcription of speech into the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Note: This course meets for four hours/week for the first half of the semester. It is recommended that 0208 be taken the second half of the same semester.

0208. Phonology (2 s.h.) F S.
Co-Requisite: Communication Sciences 0207.

The sound structure of language is explored through analysis and discussions of data from various languages, although English is emphasized. Students are introduced to the theory and practice of phonetic and phonological analysis.

Note: This course meets for four hours/week during the second half of the semester. It is recommended that 0207 be taken the first half of the same semester.

W211. Syntax (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

This course investigates the structure of sentences in natural language, drawing data from a number of languages including English. Theoretical issues related to the analysis of a variety of sentence patterns are explored.

0217. Grammatical Description (2 s.h.) S.
Co-Requisite: Communication Sciences 0218.

This course develops familiarity with the major syntactic and morphological structures of human languages and the techniques used to identify and analyze them. Appropriate for students interested in language instruction, language acquisition and processing, and language disorder.

Note: This course meets for four hours/week in the first half of the semester. It is recommended that 0218 be taken in the second half of the same semester.

0218. Language Processing (2 s.h.) S.
Co-Requisite: Communication Sciences 0217.

This course concerns the structure and processing of human language. Topics include parsing, lexical retrieval, sentence production and comprehension, and interactions between language use, perception, and memory.

Note: This course meets for four hours/week during the second half of the semester. It is recommended that 0217 be taken in the first half of the same semester.

0233. Basic Speech Science (4 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Physics C067, Communication Sciences 0207 and Communication Sciences 0208.

An in-depth study of speech production, including respiration, phonation, articulation, and acoustics. An introduction also to the domain of speech perception. Includes classroom and laboratory instruction, basic readings, and current theoretical papers.

0234. Basic Hearing Science (4 s.h.) F SS.

Prerequisite: Physics C067.

The physics of sound, acoustics, sound measurement, anatomy, and physiology of the auditory periphery, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology of the auditory central system, and an introduction to psychoacoustics.

0235. Human Neuroscience (4 s.h.) F S.

Introduction to the anatomy, organization, and function of the human nervous system, with an emphasis on the disorders that result from damage to the brain.

0300. Principles of Audiology (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Communication Sciences 0234.

An introductory course in the field of audiology, including assessment of disorders of the auditory system, acoustic measurements, testing environment and testing protocol, electrophysical measurements, tests interpretation, and professional development.

0301. Speech and Language Development (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Communication Sciences 0108 or 0210 or English 0108; and Communication Sciences 0207 and 0208.

The acquisition of language by children is investigated and related to broader issues in cognitive science, development, and the theory of knowledge. Students are required to conduct observations of language behavior in preschool children.

0331. Language and Deafness (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor for non-honors students.

An introduction to the major topics of deaf studies: the linguistic structure of American Sign Language, how modality of production-perception shapes language organization (comparisons of signed and spoken languages), Deaf culture, deafness and child development, issues and options in deaf education, deafness in old age, and hearing children of deaf parents.

W336. Orientation to Clinical Management (3 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Senior class standing with at least 80% of coursework in the major completed.

This course is designed to provide information about the principles underlying the diagnostic and therapeutic processes in communication disorders, with particular reference to speech and language disorders, and to begin to train students in the application of these principles. The application of principles is accomplished in two-hour laboratory sessions held periodically throughout the first half of the semester and weekly during the second half of the semester.

Note: The labs will be conducted in individual two-hour blocks that complement students schedules.

0339. Independent Study in Communication Sciences (1 - 3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing and permission of the department.

Special projects undertaken by qualified students (preferably those with graduate school potential) under staff supervision.

0350. American Sign Language 1 (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Communication Sciences majors only.

An introductory course providing the skills necessary for basic communication in American Sign Language, the language of the Deaf community. Interactions with members of the local Deaf community are a vital part of the course experience.

W360. Field Research in Communication (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: senior standing, CS207, CS208, CS211.

Study of communication in practical settings. Introduction to the process of field research with experience in participant observation and interviewing. Semester project involves field study in setting of the student's choice with guidance from instructor.

0376. American Sign Language 2 (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Communication Sciences 0350; Communication Sciences majors only.

A second-level course in ASL, the language of the American Deaf community. Emphasizes more difficult vocabulary, morphology, and syntax than in the introductory course. Continued interactions with the local Deaf community are required.

H390. Honors in Communication Sciences (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Permission of the department.

Students are expected to write and support a major paper under the supervision of a designated honors adviser. The work must be of honors quality and accepted by the honors adviser and a second reader. Students who complete this course satisfactorily and perform 20 hours of volunteer work in consultation with the departmental honors adviser will be graduated with distinction in Communication Sciences.

Note: Open to all senior Communication Sciences majors whose GPA is 3.5 or better both within the major and overall, and who have no grade below B in the major. Eligible seniors should consult the assigned academic adviser for details.
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