
09109/Environmental Engineering Technology (ENVT)


Lower Division Courses

C010. Introduction to the Environment (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: SB. $.

Prerequisite: Any Science A-level course.

Basic environmental issues, systems and change; Biogeochemical cycles; Human population; Ecosystems and their management and restoration; Biological diversity, productivity and energy flow; Biogeography; Environmental health, pollution and toxicology; Energy; and Global warming. Hands on laboratory exercises are integral part of the course. The lab exercises are conducted within the class schedule at each campus.

Upper Division Courses

0117. Sanitary Chemistry and Microbiology (3 s.h.) S. $.

Prerequisite: Chemistry C071 and C073.

Wet chemical analysis of environmental importance, sampling, data handling, standard tests, microbiology.

0124. Environmental Instrumentation (3 s.h.) F. $.

Prerequisite: ENVT 0117.

Optical, electrochemical, and instrumental methods of analysis, environmental applications.

0133. Environmental Field Operations (4 s.h.) F. $.

Prerequisite: ENVT 0124; junior or senior standing.

Field aspects of environmental engineering, air and water sampling, stack sampling, bioassay, and environmental aspects of planning.

0310. Air Pollution Control Systems (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ET 0222 and Physics C082; junior or senior standing.

Principles of design and operation of the major categories of air pollution control equipment. Theory and principles are presented to reinforce extensive application and design components.

W312. Industrial Hygiene and Safety (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

Principles of identification, evaluation, and design of controls of chemical, physical, and biological factors in the workplace that affect workers' health and well-being. Role of NIOSH and OSHA.

0313. Solid Waste (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ENVT 0117; junior or senior standing.

Collection and disposal: incineration, landfill, composting, recycling, special wastes, permitting.

0314. Sewer Design (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ET 0222; junior or senior standing.

The determination of capacity, system layout, grades, pipe sizing, sewer appurtenances, and soil and traffic loadings.

0316. Environmental Regulations (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

Environmental regulations at the federal, state, and local levels. Emphasis on procedures for compliance with surveillance and permit requirements.

0318. Water and Wastewater (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: ET 0222; junior or senior standing.

Water treatment theory and design including sedimentation, coagulation, softening, iron removal, and chlorination, wastewater treatment theory and design, including grit chambers, activated sludge, trickling filter, anaerobic digester.

0319. Radiation Protection (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Math C076, Physics C082, and ET 0222; junior or senior standing.

Sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Principles of radiation damage, regulatory aspects, safety procedures, and shielding design. Current issues such as food irradiation, cellular phones, and powerline fields will be addressed.

0320. Environmental Modeling (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Math C076, Physics C082, and ET 0222.

Theory and modeling of pollutant transport and diffusion with particular emphasis on air. Applicable principles of boundary layer meteorology, plume rise, air pollution climatology, data selection, and modeling for design. Survey of available models. Demonstrations and student projects with computer applications.

W331. Pollution Control Processes (3 s.h.) S. $.

Prerequisite: ENVT 0117, 0124, 0133.

This is a capstone course for environmental engineering technology. Major environmental problems are provided and students will write a paper on each, prepare a plan to solve the problem, and present their findings to the class.

0390. Independent Study in Environmental Engineering Technology (2 - 5 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson.

Student may complete a regular course during a semester the course is not offered to meet prerequisite or graduation requirements. An instructor is assigned to supervise the student.

0391. Directed Study in Environmental Engineering Technology (1 - 4 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson.

An opportunity to study specialized topics not covered in currently available courses and providing significant progress towards the technical/professional objectives of the program. An instructor is assigned to define the scope and direct, supervise, and evaluate student progress.

0398. Independent Research in Environmental Engineering Technology (2 - 5 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson.

A project conducted under the supervision of a faculty sponsor.

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