
02625/Tyler Foundations


Lower Division Courses

0001. Foundation Drawing (3 s.h.) F. $.

An introduction to foundation drawing course that concentrates on developing basic formal, conceptual, and technical skills. The course examines varied media in the study of the figure, geometric composition, landscape.

0002. 2D Foundation Principles (3 s.h.) F. $.

This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of visual language, including both formal and conceptual aspects of image-making in two dimensions.

0003. 3D Foundation Principles/W (3 s.h.) F S. $.

A foundation course-paired with BFA Foundation 0004-that teaches students to use three-dimensional concepts. The course emphasizes the utilization of basic materials, and an intensive introduction to the woodshop.

0004. 3D Foundation Principles/C (3 s.h.) F S. $.

A foundation course paired with BFA Foundation 0003 introducing ideas fundamental to three-dimensional work and thought. Simple materials such as paper, cardboard, wire, plaster, wood, and clay are used, and moldmaking is introduced.

0005/0006. Foundation Computer and Lab (2 s.h.) F S. $.

This course introduces foundation students to the fundamentals of digital imaging and research including research on the World Wide Web, basic imaging software such as, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, and basic concepts inherent in the digital image.

0011. Foundation Drawing (3 s.h.) S. $.

A continued introduction to drawing (building upon Foundation Drawing 0001) more advanced concepts, techniques and formal issues. This course introduces color as it relates to drawing.

0012. 2D Foundation Principles (3 s.h.) S. $.

A continued introduction to the fundamental principles of visual language (building upon 2D Foundation Principles 0002). This course focuses on more advanced conceptual and formal aspects of forces on the surface, and provides an introduction to color theory, practice, and conceptualization.

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