


Lower Division Courses

0051. Introduction to French I (4 s.h.) F S SS. Core: LA.

Introduction to the basic skills of French speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing in authentic cultural contexts using multimedia resources. At the end of the course students should be able to converse, write and read at the Novice Low level (ACTFL Rating Scale – see the proficiency guidelines at www.actfl.org).

0052. Introduction to French II (4 s.h.) F S SS. Core: LA.

Prerequisite: Introduction to French I (0051) or equivalent course or placement test.

A continuation of the activities of Introduction to French I (0051). The basics already learned are practiced, and new patterns of oral communication and writing are introduced. Additional fundamentals of grammar, graded readings, listening and viewing activities provide further insight into Francophone cultures using multimedia resources. At the end of the course students should be able to converse, write and read at the Novice Mid level (ACTFL Rating Scale).

C061. Introduction to French III (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: LB.

Prerequisite: Introduction to French II (0052) or equivalent course or placement test.

Reinforces previously acquired language skills. Introduction of more subtle points of grammar, more sophisticated conversation, readings, listening and viewing activities provide deeper awareness of Francophone cultures using multimedia resources. At the end of the course students should be able to converse, write and read at the Novice High level (ACTFL Rating Scale).

0062. Intermediate (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Introduction to French III (CO61) or equivalent course or placement test.

Reinforces and enhances the activities of Introduction to French III (C061). The student completing the course should be able to converse and write at the Intermediate Low level, and to read literary works in French at the Intermediate Mid level (ACTFL Rating Scale).

Note: Intended as a bridge to upper-level courses.

C070. Africa, Caribbean, France (3 s.h.) S. Core: IS.

An introduction to writing in French outside of continental France, limited to literatures from French speaking Black Africa and the Caribbean. The course will encompass four perspectives: viewing the Francophone world through the prism of French intellectual and cultural traditions; reacting to the French presence from the Francophone world; appraising the pitfalls in the France/Francophone encounter; and assessing the potential for creative expression within the authentic structures of the Francophone communities themselves. Course materials will include literary and cultural texts, videos, CD ROMs, and visits to World Wide Web sites.

Note: Course offered in English; no foreign language skills required. This course meets the Non-Western/Third World core requirement.

Upper Division Courses

0121. Conversation I (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Intermediate French (0062) or equivalent course or permission of the instructor.

Study of French language with intensive work in skills required for understanding and speaking. Stress on phonetics, practical vocabulary, idioms, and useful sentence structures. At the end of the course, students should be able to converse at the Intermediate Mid level (ACTFL Rating Scale – see the proficiency guidelines at www.actfl.org).

W122. Composition I (3 s.h.) F. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Intermediate French (0062) or equivalent course or permission of the instructor.

Intensive work on skills required for writing. Stress on vocabulary and sentence patterns helpful in writing French. Use of source materials (dictionaries, reference works, specialized vocabularies, etc.). At the end of the course, students should be able to write at the Intermediate Mid level (ACTFL Rating Scale).

0123. Reading I (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Intermediate French (0062) or equivalent course or permission of the instructor.

Study of French language with intensive work on reading skills. For students who need a reading knowledge of French for their careers, as well as for those who wish to continue French studies. At the end of the course, students should be able to read at the Intermediate High level (ACTFL Rating Scale).

0125. French for Business I (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Intermediate French (0062) or equivalent course or permission of the instructor.

Intensive work in spoken and written French needed by business personnel and other travelers to Francophone areas. Vocabulary, idiomatic usage and special terminology for professional needs. Cultural aspects, practice in personal contact and letter writing. At the end of this course students should be able to converse, write and read at the Intermediate Mid level (ACTFL Rating Scale).

0175. Reading II: Introduction to French Literary Analysis (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Reading I (0123) and Composition I (W122).

Intensive study and practice--oral and written--of techniques of literary analysis applied to close reading and discussion of selected French texts chosen from representative genres over various literary periods. Work in the course involves writing and discussion utilizing the concepts and vocabulary associated with French literary analysis, giving special attention to the explications de texte mode. The class will be conducted in French.

0197. Independent Study (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Approval of proposal by advisor and permission of the instructor – for majors only.

Topics in French and/or Francophone culture. Considered only for extraordinary reasons. Written petition to be submitted by student and instructor before the end of the pre-registration period.

Note: Does not replace required courses, unless specified and approved by the French Advisor and Department Chair.

0205. French Culture through Film (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Reading II (0175) or permission of the instructor.

This course examines contemporary French cinema in the context of its relationship to modern France. Students will analyze the socio-political and cultural commentary found in selected films.

0220. Culture and Civilization I (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Composition I (W122) and Reading I (0123).

Study of the major historical, social, political and aesthetic events, periods and movements that have over the centuries shaped modern France and that inform its collective memory. This course is required for students seeking teaching certification.

0221. Conversation II (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Conversation I (0121) or permission of the instructor.

Enhancement of the skills developed in Conversation I (0121). At the end of this course students should be able to converse at the Intermediate High level (ACTFL Rating Scale – see the proficiency guidelines at www.actfl.org).

0223. Survey of French Literature I (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Reading II (0175) and Composition I (W122).

Movements, trends, and events which constitute the evolution of French literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, and an examination of the contributions of major authors in each period.

0224. Survey of French Literature II (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Reading II (0175) and Composition I (W122).

Movements, trends and events from the Enlightenment through the 20th century, and an examination of the contributions of major authors in each period.

W232. Composition II (3 s.h.) F. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Composition I (W122) and Reading I (0123) or permission of the instructor.

Builds on writing skills acquired at the lower intermediate level, with emphasis on composition, register and style. Students do considerable writing of different types and expand active vocabulary appropriate to style and register. At the end of this course students should be able to write at the Intermediate High level (ACTFL Rating Scale).

0250. Advanced Grammar (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Composition I (W122) and one other departmental course at the 100-level or permission of the instructor.

Review and enhancement of French grammar to ensure mastery of the structures of the written and spoken language needed for effective performance in other courses at the 200 and 300 levels.

0300. Topics in French Literature (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Survey of French Literature I (0223) and Survey of French Literature II (0224) and Composition II (W232) or Advanced Grammar (0250).

Different topics in the analysis of prose, poetry and drama. These topics include: major works considered in the esthetic, philosophical and historical context of the Renaissance, the Classical Age and the Enlightenment; the social, political and intellectual changes as revealed in the works of the Romantics, the Realists, the Naturalists and the Symbolists; major figures of contemporary French literature, representative of the various traditional genres as well as the new approaches to both genres and criticism which the modern/post-modern authors have brought to these traditions.

Note: This course is repeatable for credit under different topics.

0360. Composition III: Creative Writing Through Reading (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Composition II (W232) or Advanced Grammar (0250) and Survey of French Literature I (0223) or Survey of French Literature II (0224).

French 360 is an upper-level course organized around creative writing through reading. It is designed to enhance your creative use of the language and to contribute to your understanding of literature through the study of a range of styles and genres in the French tradition. Writing assignments based on our readings will help solidify your language skills in comprehension and composition, build your vocabulary, and hone your analytical ability. We will read short stories, essays, fables, epistolary texts, poetry, journalism, novellas, and excerpts from novels, and we will replicate these genres and styles through creative writing assignments based on imitation or on the appropriation of strategies and procedures deployed in the production of these texts. We will also use the traditional French analytical format of the “explication du texte” to examine in detail the composition and nuances of several works we read.

0385. Independent Study (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Approval of proposal by the advisor and permission of the instructor – for majors only.

Topics in French and/or Francophone literature. Considered only for extraordinary reasons. Written petition to be submitted by student and instructor before the end of the pre-registration period.

Note: Does not replace required courses, unless specified and approved by the French Advisor and Department Chair.

0390. Francophone Literatures and Cultures (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Reading II (0175) or permission of the instructor.

A course in contemporary Francophone literature designed to give students an understanding of the literary, political, and cultural issues that dominate contemporary Francophone fiction from Africa, Canada and the Caribbean. Six novels will be studied with a special focus on autobiography and the position of women in different cultures. The course will be taught in French.

0395. Special Topics (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Survey of French Literature I (0223) or Survey of French Literature II (0224) and Composition II (W232) or Advanced Grammar (0250) and permission of both the instructor and the advisor.

Different topics in French culture, philosophy, art and literature.

Note: This course is repeatable for credit under different topics. Special permission of both the instructor and the advisor is required. Exceptionally, it may be taken as a tutorial by one or several students with the provisos stated above.

0399. Honors Seminar (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and the advisor.

Advanced study for honors students.

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