


Lower Division Courses

0051. Beginning German I (4 s.h.) F S SS. Core: LA.

Classroom work devoted to understanding and speaking German and the reading of graded texts. Laboratory and videotape work stress pronunciation, aural, and oral drills based on an elementary workbook, aimed at communication.

0052. Beginning German II (4 s.h.) F S SS. Core: LA.

Prerequisite: German 0051 or equivalent.

Emphasis on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German. Laboratory and videotapes stress communication skills.

C061. Intermediate German I (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: LB.

Review of grammar. Reading and discussion of texts of intermediate difficulty.

0062. Intermediate German II (3 s.h.) S.

Continued refinement of grammar. Reading and discussion of textbook and newspaper articles. Increasing vocabulary and practice of basic writing skills.

C070/H090. Literature and Culture of Central Europe in the 20th Century (3 s.h.) Core: IS.

An introduction to the principal issues, ideas, and genres in the literature of Central Europe since 1900. Through the study of literature, cinema, and the artistic avant-garde, it explores a unique cultural history. Readings include works from Austrian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, and Serbian fiction. Course materials will also include the screening of feature films from the region.

Note: Offered in English.

Upper Division Courses

0111. Reading I (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: German 0062 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

This course focuses on developing reading strategies for the advanced intermediate student. Through theory and practice using a broad range of documents, this course provides a bridge from foundation courses to those dealing with more sophisticated primary texts.

0120. German for Business I (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: German C061 or permission of instructor.

German for Business is an advanced language course for students who wish to continue their study of German while focusing on current issues in economics and business in the German-speaking countries of Europe. The goal of the course is to advance communication and comprehension skills and to introduce the specialized vocabulary of business. Some of the topics include: German unification, the European Union, transportation and infrastructure, labor unions, the major industries and companies in Germany, taxes, workers' benefits, banking and environmental policy, travel industry, and office procedures.

0225. Introduction to German Literature I (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: German 0062 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

This is an introduction to German literature through analysis and discussion of selected texts within the context of German literary and cultural history. The course provides an overview of significant periods, authors, genres, and topics in German literature from the earliest periods (Old High German) through Middle High German to Early Modern German of the Renaissance. The course is taught in German with discussion, reading and writing components. Students are encouraged to formulate their interpretations of literary texts both orally and in written form. The course provides ample opportunity for students to strengthen their speaking and writing skills in the German language.

Note: Conducted in German.

W231. Composition I (3 s.h.) F. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: German 0062 or equivalent course or permission of instructor.

Improvement in using the language through oral and written practice and study of problems in syntax and style. Oral and written reports. Use of contemporary materials from German-speaking countries. Course uses Internet materials.

Note: Capstone W course. Required for major, minor, and language certificate in German.

0232. Culture and Civilization I (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: German 0122 or permission of instructor.

Readings and discussions on the art, history, geography, and customs of German-speaking countries. Collateral readings of newspapers and use of media materials. Presentation of videos, and videotaping.

Note: Required for major, minor, and language certificate in German.

0295. Independent Study I (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Supervised study of a topic area agreed upon by the student and instructor.

0309. History of the German Language (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: German C061 or permission of instructor.

Origins and development of the German language, including changes in sounds, grammar and vocabulary.

Note: Taught in English.

0367. The Golden Age: Goethe and Schiller (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: German 0226 or permission of instructor.

The course provides an introduction to the literary and philosophical developments of the classical period in German literature through an intensive reading and analysis of the prose, plays, and poems of Goethe and Schiller. The examination of this critical period in German literature/culture will be carried out by also scrutinizing representative works from the Storm and Stress period, as well as Early Romanticism.

Note: The course is conducted in German

0375. Novelle (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: German 0226 or permission of instructor.

By reading, discussing, and writing about novellas recognized as significant representative works of the genre, the course aims to provide students with tools to: locate the novella's place in German literature within cultural settings; become acquainted with research into the genre; and practice, refresh and expand all language skills, especially reading, writing, and vocabulary development skills. All of the selected texts share thematic aspects of the supernatural or surreal as integral to development of the hallmark novella twist of plot.

Note: The course is conducted in German.

0384. Twentieth Century Drama: From Expressionism to the Absurd and Beyond (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: German 0226 or permission of instructor.

A selection of representative German theatrical works from Expressionism to the present (Hauptmann, Hofmannsthal, Brecht, Goering, Kaiser, Duerrenmatt, Frisch, Peter Weiss, Handke), discussion, reports, and videos.

Note: The course is conducted in German

0385. Twentieth Century Prose: Searching for Identity (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: German 0226 or permission of instructor.

In various types of writing - novel, novelle, short story, epistolary literature - German-speaking poets of the past century revealed a continuing, but not necessarily satisfying, search for identity. This course aims to trace that trajectory by studying representative works from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Readings include works by Thomas Mann, Hesse, Kafka, Seghers, Brussig, Borchert, Boell, Heym, Grass, Oezdamar, and Werfel. Discussion, videos, oral and written reports.

Note: The course is conducted in German.

0392. Seminar in Special Topic (3 s.h.)

Introduction to major topics and films.

Note: Offered in English.

0395. Advanced Independent Study I (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Permission of adviser and Department Chair required. Considered only for extraordinary reasons. Written petition to be submitted by student and instructor before the end of the pre-registration period.

Supervised reading, research, and reports on an advanced level in German language, literature, and civilization.

0396. Advanced Independent Study II (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: Permission of adviser and Department Chair required. Considered only for extraordinary reasons. Written petition to be submitted by student and instructor before the end of the pre-registration period.

Supervised reading, research, and reports on an advanced level in German language, literature, and civilization.

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