
02411/Ancient Greek

1. The Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics Department offers courses in classical Latin and Greek and in both classical and modern Hebrew. For modern Greek, see Critical Languages.

2. Any student taking Greek, Hebrew, or Latin at any level for the first time should consult the Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics department for detailed information. There is special information on learning Greek.

3. Basic course descriptions for the three levels of Greek are as follows:

  • Elements: General introduction to grammar and to skills needed to read Classical Greek texts. The goal is to begin reading the works of major authors as soon as possible. Extended passages from major authors begin to be read during the second semester.
  • Intermediate: Continued reading of texts to increase speed and proficiency. In Greek: both prose (e.g., Plato) and poetry (e.g., Homer’s Odyssey), with systematic review of grammar and syntax.
  • Readings: Extensive readings from a selection of major authors that varies from year to year. All language courses listed are ancient Greek only. For modern Greek, see Critical Languages
  • All language courses listed are ancient Greek only. For modern Greek see Critical Languages.


    Lower Division Courses

    0051, 0052. Elements I, II (4 s.h.) F S. Core: LA.

    Prerequisite: 0052 requires satisfactory completion of 0051 or permission of the instructor.

    Beginning courses in Ancient Greek with basic grammar and readings. Extended passages from major authors read towards the end of Elements II.

    C061, 0062. Intermediate I, II (3 s.h.) F S. Core: LB.

    Prerequisite: Greek 0052 or permission of the instructor.

    Readings in Ancient Greek prose and poetry.

    Upper Division Courses

    W101. Readings in Greek Literature I (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

    Prerequisite: Greek 0062 or permission of the instructor.

    Arranged each semester. Please consult with the instructor.

    0102. Readings in Greek Literature II (3 s.h.) F S.

    Prerequisite: Greek 0062 or permission of the instructor.

    Arranged each semester. Please consult with the instructor.

    0380,0381,0382. Independent Study (2,3,4 s.h. respectively) F S.

    Prerequisite: Greek 0062 or permission of the instructor.

    Concentrated work at an advanced level on a topic chosen by student and teacher. Weekly tutorial sessions.

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