
02626/Graphic Art and Design


Upper Division Courses

0103. Digital Imaging (3 s.h.) F S SS.

This course deals with photographic images and how ideas can be expressed through the manipulation of these images using the computer as a tool for creative expression. Excellent basic course in image software use and introduction to the use of the computer.

0115, 0116. Survey of Printmaking Techniques (3 s.h.) F S SS. $.

A beginning survey of the basic techniques in various printmaking media: the course introduces a number of short projects designed to give a broad experience with the media. Additional topics include print presentation, care of tools and materials, and a historical survey in slides and actual examples.

0117. Graphic Design (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: 2-D Foundation Principles.

This course introduces students to graphic design as a conceptual and visual discipline. Projects focus on solving visual problems from a wide range of topics in a variety of media. This course is required for students who intend to major in graphic design.

0118. Graphic Design (3 s.h.) S. $.

Prerequisite: 0117 with a grade of B minus or better.

An advanced sophomore level course, students work on a variety of projects focusing on the visual communication of concepts using type and image.

0133, 0134. Serigraphy (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

The fundamentals of serigraphy as a fine art print medium; this course introduces various handmade stencil methods as well as the photo processes. Students use non-toxic acrylic inks with projects that emphasize color organization and conceptual challenge.

0135, 0136. Etching (3 s.h. each course) F S SS. $.

The beginning level course in intaglio and relief printing processes. This course covers traditional methods of platemaking, such as etching, drypoint, and aquatint, as well as explorations into photo transfer and color viscosity printing.

0137, 0138. Lithography (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

A basic course in metal plate lithography. Preparation, processing, and printing are studied with the intention of giving the beginning student control over a medium that is often thought to be complicated. Students work with traditional hand-drawn imagery as well as transfer and photo-litho, in black and white and color.

0146. Computers for Design (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: 2-D Foundation Principles.

This course introduces students to the computer as a tool for design. Students learn the fundamentals of software most commonly found in design and imaging studios.

0171, 0172. Photography I (3 s.h. each course) F S SS. $.

Principles and techniques of black and white photography to include camera operation, film development, printing, and presentation. Personal vision, introduction to photographic history, and photography within the culture considered as an integral part of the process.

0173, 0174. Photography II (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Advanced projects in black and white photography to include technical development as well as continued development of personal vision through the photographic medium. Professional, traditional black and white photographic practice will be emphasized.

0175, 0176. Color Photography (3 s.h. each course) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0171.

An introduction to basic skills in color photography, processing and printing with an emphasis on development of personal imagery and the history of color photography.

0201. Graphic Arts Process (3 s.h.) F S.

A technical and theoretical course dealing with fundamental and advanced graphic art information for the artist, designer, printmaker, and photographer working with offset lithography. Will involve the production of digital halftones, duotones, and color separation to be used in the production of artist's books and postcards.

Note: The course is limited to senior and graduate students with the instructor`s permission.

0203. Digital Photography (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0103.

Digital photography explores advanced applications in digital imaging with an emphasis on photographic output. Emphasis will be placed on options for combining digital and traditional modalities of photographic practice to create a still image. A professional portfolio will be required.

0204. Advanced Photo Workshop (3 s.h.) S.

A continuation of Photography II with an introduction to the zone system and professional technique. Emphasis will be on the development of a professional portfolio, classical black and white photographic history , and focused development of personal vision.

0205, 0206. Color Photography I (3 s.h.) F S. $.

An introduction to basic skills in color processing and printing with an emphasis on development of personal imagery and the history of color picture making.

0207. Advanced Photography Workshop (3 s.h.) F S. $.

An advanced course for students who have a firm understanding of the fundamentals involved in the exposing, processing, and printing of 35mm black and white film.

W214. Graphic Design Workshop in Japan (3 s.h.) SS.

Prerequisite: A basic knowledge of design industry-standard print and web software is required for this course.

Cross Listed with 0414.

This section is geared toward graphic design students interested in immersing themselves in the culture of Japan and producing, by the end of the workshop, either an in-depth, functioning website or experimental print piece. Students will have a choice of projects to design and produce. One could focus on the current trend in Japan of integrating technology, video, music and design into a cohesive whole. Another might focus on the incredible diversity of Japanese patterns. Students will also be encouraged to study how Japanese design aesthetic and philosophies might be applied to their own work. An integral part of this project will be digital image making and students will photograph and/or shoot video to incorporate in their final website or printed piece. A basic knowledge of design industry-standard print and web software is required for this course.

Note: A basic knowledge of design industry-standard print and web software is required for this course

0214. Graphic Design Workshop in Japan (3-6 s.h.) SS.

Prerequisite: A basic knowledge of design industry-standard print and web software is required for this course.

The six week course is geared toward graphic design students interested in immersing themselves in the culture of Japan and producing, by the end of the workshop, either an in-depth, functioning website or an experimental print piece. Students will have a choice of projects to design and produce. One could focus on the current trend in Japan of integrating technology, video, music and design into a cohesive whole. Another might focus on the incredible diversity of Japanese patterns. Students will also be encouraged to study how Japanese design aesthetic and philosophies might be applied to their own work. An integral part of this project will be digital image making and students will photograph and/or shoot video to incorporate in their final website or printed piece.

Note: A basic knowledge of design industry-standard print and web software is required for this course.

0249. Collaborative Design Workshop in Rome (3 s.h.) SS.

Prerequisite: Sophomore level and above. Non-major applicants must submit a portfolio.

Cross Listed with 0449.

In this six week course, students in applied arts and photography will immerse themselves in the culture of Italy and produce an in-depth project on the topic of design in Rome.

Note: Open to majors in the following disciplines - Graphic Design, Photography, Illustration, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Industrial Design, Landscape Architecture, Architecture

0251, 0252. Interactive Design (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0253 and 0283. Special authorization required for non-majors.

This course focuses on design for interactive CD-ROMs, the World Wide Web (www) and motion graphics. A good working knowledge of PhotoShop and Illustrator is necessary. Additional software will also be explored in depth. While staying current with the latest technologies, the emphasis will be on design for communication through interactive media.

0253, 0254. Advanced Graphic Design (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: Prerequisite for 0253 is 0117 with B- minimum grade.
Prerequisite for 0254 is 0253.

Assignments focusing on visual communication include logo design, packaging, brochures, invitations, posters, magazine illustration and layout, and/or environmental design.

Note: This sequence of two courses is required for all graphic design majors. GAD 0253 is offered in the fall semester only; GAD 0254 is offered in the spring semester only. Both courses are open to GAID majors only.

0255, 0256. Illustration (3 s.h. each course) F S.

Prerequisite: Graphic Design 0117 with B- minimum grade.

This course introduces students to illustration from the standpoint of technique and concept.

Note: This course is open to Graphic and Interactive Design majors only.

0257, 0258. Typography (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: Graphic Design 0117 with B- minimum grade.

This course focuses on the expressive and functional aspects of typography in design for communication.

Note: This course is open to Graphic and Interactive Design majors only.

0260. Illustration for Non-Majors (3 s.h. each course) F S.

This course introduces non-majors to illustration from the standpoint of technique and concept. Priority will be given to students outside the major.

Note: Non-majors receive junior-senior studio elective credit for this course.

0278. Advanced Photo Workshop (3 s.h.) F S. $.

A continuation of Photography II with an introduction to professional techniques. Emphasis will be on the development of a professional portfolio and focused development of personal vision.

0279, 0280. Photo Process Workshop (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0171.

Studio orientation to a wide range of experimental and historical photographic processes beyond traditional silver printing. Workshop orientation emphasizes a diverse exposure to many creative possibilities from hand applied photographic emulsions to artists` book production.

0281, 0282. View Camera (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0171.

This course provides an introduction to the view camera. Its basic operation functions, specific uses, and potential as a creative tool are studied. A variety of specific exercises lead the student to proficient use of the view camera. Emphasis is on creative use as well as technical development.

0283. Intermediate Computer Graphics (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: Graphic Design 0117 with B- minimum grade and 0146 or equivalent. Faculty permission required. Special authorization is required for non-majors.

This course for Graphic and Interactive Design majors focuses on the computer as a tool in both print and digital media.

0284. Digital Narratives (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: Typography 0257, Intermediate Computers 0283, Interactive Design 0251.

The purpose of this course is to focus on the creation of a short digital animation/movie that will be based on a supplied narrative. The final design will be burned onto a DVD for final delivery. Students will be required to develop a detailed storyboard, and produce a finished short animation/movie that will animate a complete narrative. Strong conceptual skills and a solid grasp of typography will be necessary for this course. Students will learn one vector based and one video based application to create this design. This course is not cell based animation.

Note: Open to Graphic & Interactive Design majors only.

0291. Advertising Design (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: 0253 Advanced Graphic Design, 0257 Typography or 0283 Intermediate Computers..

The purpose of this course is to focus on the development of advertising campaigns. Students would be required to develop overall strategies as well as specific visual and verbal content. Strong conceptual ability and writing skills will be necessary in addition to a solid grasp of typography and layout.

Note: Open to Graphic & Interactive Design majors only.

0297, 0298. Advanced Typography (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0253 and 0257.

This course builds on a student`s fundamental knowledge of typography. Projects include logos, book covers, posters, brochures and catalogues.

0302. Digital Projects (3 s.h.) F S SS. $.

The emphasis of this course will be on creating a professional digital portfolio. Throughout the semester, students will learn a series of multimedia software applications and develop interactive presentations that will promote themselves as artists with contemporary and professional portfolios.

Note: The course is limited to seniors and graduate students.

0321, 0322. Advanced Etching (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0135 or 0136.

Advanced problems in intaglio and relief processes. While the emphasis is on personal artistic development, the students are also encouraged to work toward professional standards in platemaking and printing skills. Projects often include, multi-plate color printing, copper engraving, mezzotint, various relief methods, and embossing.

0331, 0332. Advanced Lithography (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0137 or 0138.

This course is designed to improve the students` technical skills toward professional standards and to develop the students` personal vision through the use of lithography. Study will include stone and plate lithography, color theory and practice, photo processes and editing.

0336. Color Print Workshop (3 s.h.) S. $.

Prerequisite: A total of two courses from at least two different sets: 0133/0134, 0135/0136, 0137/0138.

A methodical study of color printing problems as they are presented by the intaglio, relief, lithographic and screen printing media. Color theory and practical techniques are combined, giving experience in all phases of multicolor and intermedia graphic production.

0338. Relief and Monoprint Workshop (3 s.h.) S SS. $.

The directness of both relief printing and monotype give the artist a unique opportunity to concentrate on the image possibilities. Students will work with non-traditional and traditional cutting methods, materials, and printing methods.

0345, 0346. Advanced Serigraphy (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: GAD 0133 or 0134.

Advanced silk-screen printing with emphasis on expanding the students` stencil making and printing skills as well as personal artistic growth. Students work with non-toxic acrylic inks in projects that emphasize scale, color, and use of material.

0347,0348. Printmaking Workshop (3 s.h. each course) F S SS. $.

Prerequisite: A total of two courses from at least two different sets: 0133/0134, 0135/0136, 0137/0138.

Studies in all printmaking media, emphasizing individual instruction for students of varied backgrounds.

W349. Art Career Workshop (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI. $.

Creative and practical solutions to career problems of the artist; preparation of the art student for postgraduate challenges.

0350. Senior Projects Workshop/Seminar (3 s.h.) S. $.

A combination workshop/seminar course in which the senior printmaker, through classroom and individual discussion with the instructor, develops and produces a major print project. The course includes a formal presentation of all the projects.

0351. Field Internship (3 s.h.) F S SS.

A field internship must provide practical experience in a setting which is relevant to the student's course of study, such as in a gallery, museum or community art center, etc. A comprehensive paper must be written.

Note: A written proposal must be developed and agreed upon before the beginning of the semester, describing the setting and the time commitment, which must equal at least 10 hours per week for a full semester.

0361, 0362. Senior Portfolio (3 s.h. each course) S. $.

Prerequisite: All junior level requirements including GAD 0257, Typography, and two senior level GAID courses.

The course focuses on the development of the student`s portfolio in preparation for entering the graphic design profession. In addition to assembling a cohesive presentation for a body of work created in graphic design courses, assignments include a self-promotional piece, a resume, and a large-scale senior project of the student`s choice.

Note: This course is offered in spring semesters only.

W362. Senior Portfolio (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: All junior level requirements and two senior level graphic design courses.

The course focuses on the development of the student`s portfolio in preparation for entering the graphic design profession. In addition to assembling a cohesive presentation for a body of work created in graphic design courses, assignments include a self-promotional piece, a resume, and a large-scale senior project of the student`s choice. Students are required to write the proposal for a senior thesis and all of the copy included in their work for this course

Note: This course is offered in Spring semesters

0383, 0384. Senior Photography (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Development of a theoretical and conceptual basis for long-range involvement with photographic image-making and processes. The course includes research, field trips, and the organization of a final portfolio of work. Career options within the field are presented and discussed.

0385. Sr. Graphic Design: Senior Design Workshop (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography.

The Design Director at Tyler School of Art is the instructor for this course in which students work on promotional materials for the school. The course is conducted like a professional studio. Students learn to work with clients, to address budget considerations, and to prepare work for print production.

0386. Sr. Graphic Design: Adv. Projects in Design (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography.

Students work on large scale assignments with multiple components in print and/or interactive media. Instruction in advanced use of software applications for print and/or interactive media is a significant component of the course. Students choose whether to focus on print, interactive, or a combination of both.

0387. Sr. Graphic Design: Art Direction (3 s.h.) F S. $.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography.

This course focuses on concept development with an emphasis on image making and image editing in a variety of contexts including advertising, book publishing and signage. The course is geared to the needs of both designers who make images and majors who are preparing illustration portfolios.

0388. Sr. Graphic Design: Packaging (3 s.h.) F. $.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography.

This course focuses on package design for a variety of products. Some assignments address real-world content while others are more experimental. Students work with concept, surface design, materials and the physical construction of three-dimensional forms.

0389. Sr. Graphic Design: Publishing (3 s.h.) S. $.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography. GAD 0297, Advanced Typography, recommended.

Students work on large-scale publications with a strong emphasis on the development of typographic formats and the inventive use of illustration and/or photographic imagery to create periodicals and/or books that are functional, conceptually sophisticated and visually distinctive.

0390. Sr. Graphic Design: Corporate (3 s.h.) F. $.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography..

In this course students create large scale identity packages that include logo design, stationery and collateral materials in a variety of forms such as booklets, brochures, posters, advertising, signage and packaging.

0391, 0392. Senior Interactive Design (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: Interactive Design 0251 or 0252 as well as all junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography.

The focus of this course is design for CD-ROM and the web. Large scale projects explore interface design, sound and animation, etc. Includes instruction in advanced use of industry-standard software. A strong grasp of the fundamentals of interactive design is required.

0393, 0394. Sr. Graphic Design: Projects in Authorship (3 s.h. each course) F S. $.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including GAD 0257, Typography.

This course encourages students to express perceptions and positions on current issues and events through large-scale projects. Parameters of assignments are generated by individual approaches, challenging each student to engage in decision making to develop unique content and form. The work from this class expands the boundaries of the design discipline beyond traditional client-based practice.

0395. Independent Study (3 s.h.) F S.

The proposal for a large-scale independent project must be approved by a faculty member who agrees to oversee the project prior to registration for the course

0397. Sr. Graphic Design: Design for the Public Good (3 s.h.) F. $.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major including Typography 0257.

Students work on a wide variety of projects for arts and educational groups, social welfare and environmental organizations, and other clients in the nonprofit sector. Projects done in the class will actually be produced--either in print or, in the case of websites, posted online. Students will be responsible for production preparation and supervision for course projects which could include identities, brochures, posters, invitations, and advertising campaigns.

0398, 0399. Senior Illustration (3 s.h. each course) F S.

Prerequisite: All junior-level required courses in the major.

Assignments focus on image-making for communication. Strong concepts, the development of a personal visual approach or style and professional process will be the focus of this course.

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