
01518/Healthcare Management

Healthcare Management Programs are located in the department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management

Upper Division Courses

C101/0101. Introduction to Healthcare Management (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: IN.

Introduction to the organization, delivery and financing of health care. An overview of management issues designed for those preparing for careers as risk and insurance, public health, or healthcare professionals, or business majors interested in career opportunities in the healthcare industry.

Note: This course may be offered as a core or non-core course.

0201. Healthcare Financing and Information Technology (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Healthcare Management 0101 or Risk Management and Insurance 0205.

The insurance, payment mechanisms, contractual arrangements and control mechanisms related to the provision of health services with an emphasis on what the financial manager can do to enhance financial position of the healthcare institution. The course emphasizes information technology applications and hands-on exercises using web-based information resources.

Note: This is an information management / technology approved course for FSBM majors

W301. Integrated Delivery Systems and Managed Care (3 s.h.) F S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: Healthcare Management 0201.

A case study based course emphasizing the application of care and risk management principles to the management of integrated delivery systems and health plans. The emphasis is on problem solving, professionally prepared written and oral presentations, and exposure to various career related options.

Note: Must be a Risk Management and Insurance major, Healthcare Management minor or Business Management major with a Healthcare Management concentration.
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