
04902/Health Information Management


Lower Division Courses

0005. Introduction to ICD-9-CM Coding Principles (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Working knowledge of medical terminology and permission of instructor.

An introductory course in coding diagnoses and procedures using the International Classification of Disease, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification. Emphasis will be the use of the classification system in the inpatient hospital setting. An introduction to DRG reimbursement is also addressed.

Note: For non-majors. Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0006. Application of ICD-9-CM Principles I (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course requires a current health care license and/or credential or permission of instructor, based on evaluation of work experience.

Course will provide an overview of ICD-9-CM coding principles, a review of related medical terminology and clinical issues and application of ICD-9-CM principles in simulated inpatient medical record cases. Commonly encountered documentation issues and DRG reimbursement methodology for selected clinical topics will also be discussed. Clinical areas addressed will include: respiratory and infectious diseases, neoplasms, mental disorders, cerebrovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders and endocrine disorders.

Note: For non-majors. Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0007. Application of ICD-9-CM Principles II (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course requires a current health care license and/or credential or permission of instructor, based on evaluation of work experience.

Course will provide an overview of ICD-9-CM coding principles, a review of related medical terminology and clinical issues and application of ICD-9-CM principles in simulated inpatient medical record cases. Commonly encountered documentation issues and DRG reimbursement methodology for selected clinical topics will also be discussed. Clinical areas addressed will include: cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy and neonatal care, injury and poisoning, complications of medical care, genitourinary disorders and digestive diseases.

Note: For non-majors. Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0008. Intermediate Coding (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course requires a current health care license and/or credential or permission of instructor, based on evaluation of work experience.

Intermediate applications of the ICD-9-CM coding system and the DRG reimbursement methodology will be reinforced through reviews of selected medical records, case problems and clinical scenarios that are commonly coded in the acute care setting.

Note: For non-majors. Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0010. ICD-CM Dianostic Coding (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: Working knowledge of medical terminology and permission of instructor.

An introductory course in coding diagnoses using the current edition of International Classification of Disease, Clinical Modification. Emphasis is on the use of the classification system for reimbursement for physician services. An introduction to reimbursement methods for physician services is also addressed.

Note: For non-majors. Mode: Lecture.

0101. Medical Terminology (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Medical and anatomical terminology, including definitions, word construction and analysis of disease, operative procedures, laboratory, diagnostic and treatment terms, and abbreviations as reflected in medical documentation.

Note: For non-majors. Mode: 3 hours lecture.

Upper Division Courses

0103. Language of Medicine (4 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Kinesiology C100 and C101 (6-8 s.h. human anatomy and physiology).

The language of medicine and health care, pharmacology, anatomical terminology, definitions, abbreviations, word construction and word analysis to facilitate understanding and interpretation of medical documentation.

Mode: 4 hours lecture.

0105. Legal Aspects of Health Information Management (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: HIM 0106.

Federal and state legislation and regulations for health information systems with a focus on privacy and confidentiality; negligence, malpractice and liability; access to health information; informed consent and contracts.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0106. Health Information Systems in Acute Care (4 s.h.) F.

The development, content, format, value and use of clinical documentation, including standards of documentation; quantitative and qualitative analysis of the health record; patient identification systems; storage, retention and retrieval systems; and privacy, confidentiality and data security. Manual and computerized information systems are studied.

Mode: 3 hours lecture; 2 hours lab .

0107. Healthcare Database Administration (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Computer and Information Sciences C055 or permission of instructor.

Advanced application of Microsoft Office Suite, including object linking and embedding (OLE) technology; relational database design, structure and development; data dictionaries and definitions; Boolean logic skills. Clinical patient data will be utilized for advanced query and report writing. Query languages will be explored, including Structured Query Language (SQL).

Mode: 2 hours lecture; 2 hours lab.

0109. Health Informatics: Infrastructure and Standards (3 s.h.) F.

Study of the computer-based patient record (CPR), including architecture; network topologies and devices; telecommunication systems; transmission media and interfacing. Includes industry standard protocols, with a focus on regulatory requirements and health information security.

Mode: 2 hours lecture; 2 hours lab.

0141. U.S. Health Care System (3 s.h.) F.

Historical and current patterns of health care organizations and delivery systems; analysis of interdisciplinary professional roles within the changing patterns of health care, health care reimbursement and technological advancements.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0161. Management in Health Information Systems (3 s.h.) S.

Management functions of planning, organizing, directing, controlling, motivating and conflict resolutions are analyzed with emphasis on the administrative role of the health information management professional.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0162. Human Resource Management in Health Information Systems (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: HIM 0106.

Evaluation of personnel policies and practices, including recruitment, selection, inservice education, performance appraisal, benefits programs and unionization.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

W181. Acute Care Internship (2 s.h.) S. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: HIM 0106 and 0141.

Orientation to the health information services in affiliated institutions: application, under supervision, of technical aspects of health information management in the acute care hospital setting.

Note: Internship: 6 hours per day once a week for 8 weeks.

0203. Ambulatory Coding System (4 s.h.) F S SS.

Prerequisite: HIM 0103 or permission of instructor.

Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), including Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding system used for hospital outpatient and physician office practices.

Mode: 3 hours lecture; 2 hours lab.

0204. Health Informatics: Systems and Design (3 s.h.) S.

Life cycle of computerized clinical information systems and the computer-based patient record, including cost-benefit analysis, return on investment, requests for proposal and depreciation. Hospital information systems and applications will be studied, including encoders, medical record tracking, abstracting, quality improvement, dictation/transcription and release of information.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0205. Health Information Systems in Nonacute Care (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: HIM 0106.

A survey of health information for special departments and programs, such as behavioral medicine, long term care, rehabilitation, ambulatory care, home care, hospice and correctional care. Course addresses the use of disease and procedural indices, as well as specialized registries.

Mode: 3 hours lecture .

0207. International Classification of Disease (4 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: HIM 0103. Co-Requisite: HIM 0271 or permission of instructor.

An intensive coding course, based on the International Classification of Disease classification system, as modified for use in the United States. The Medicare prospective payment system and the determination of diagnostic related groups (DRGs) for hospital reimbursement purposes will also be addressed. Lab exercises are designed to provide opportunities to practice coding skills and to apply coding principles to inpatient hospitalization case studies.

Mode: 3 hours lecture; 2 hours lab.

0209. Quality Improvement in Healthcare (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: HIM 0207 and 0271.

Course addresses quality management processes and total quality management with an emphasis on health information services. Additional topics presented include: medical staff credentialing, risk management, data analysis and presentation and clinical outcomes.

Mode: 2 hours lecture; 2 hours lab.

0251. Statistics and Research in Health Care (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: QB Core (Statistics C021, Math C067 or Psych C067).

Course includes medical research methodologies; computation of routine health care institutional statistics; the United States vital statistics system; and, presentation and interpretation of health care data.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0260. Current Topics & Case Studies (3 s.h.) S.

Problems and cases are used for the development of critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Facilitates coordination of information management expertise, common sense and skills needed for the professional career path.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0263. Systems Analysis in Health Information Management (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: HIM 0162.

Concepts, methods and management tools used in the analysis of health information systems for the development of objectives, policies and procedures; benchmarking; workflow, productivity measurement and layout analysis.

Mode: 2 hours lecture; 2 hours lab.

0271. Clinical Medicine I (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: HIM 0103. Co-Requisite: HIM 0207.

An introduction to the clinical aspects of selected general medical conditions and disease, including diagnostic procedures, clinical course, therapy, and expected outcomes.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

0274. Clinical Medicine II (3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: HIM 0103.

An introduction to the clinical aspects of pediatrics, orthopedics, radiology, neurology, obstetrics, gynecology, psychiatry, and other specialties.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.

W281. Nonacute Care Internship (2 s.h.) F. Core: WI.

Prerequisite: HIM W181 and 0205.

Supervised learning experience for application of health information systems in nonacute care and agencies that utilize health information or support health information systems.

Note: Writing Intensive course. Internship. Mode: 6 hours per day once a week for 6 weeks. 6 hours clinical .

0282. Management Internship (3 s.h.) S.

Intensive clinical experience on a full-time basis for 4 weeks at selected affiliated institutions; emphasis on administrative aspects of health information management services.

Note: 4 weeks, full-time Internship.

0289. Elective Internship in Health Information Management (1 - 3 s.h.) F.

Prerequisite: Permission of Clinical Coordinator required.

Clinical experience in administration of health information systems, based on student learning objectives.

0290. Independent Study in Health Information Management (1 - 3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Permission of the faculty member for the course.

Individual study of an aspect of health information management in accordance with student learning objectives.

0299. Current Issues (1-3 s.h.) F S.

Enrollment limited to credentialed health information or allied health practitioners with current credential and/or licensure.

Note: Topics may vary each semester; therefore an individual may earn credit for the course more than once.

0342. Political, Social and Ethical Aspects of Health Information (2 s.h.) S.

Analysis of impact of public policy formulation in health care with emphasis on health information management systems. Includes discussion of legislative and regulatory process; pending legislation; and, clinical and health information management ethical issues.

Mode: 2 hours lecture.

0343. Healthcare Reimbursement Systems (3 s.h.)

Course addresses major reimbursement systems used for professional and institutional reimbursement in various health care settings, with an emphasis on health data collection and classification implications. Case mix analysis, Diagnostic Related Groups, Ambulatory Patient Categories, Resource Utilization Groups, capitation, severity of illness systems, utilization management, fraud and abuse, and case management will be discussed. The course will provide an overview of accounting and financial terms used by health care managers.

Mode: 3 hours lecture.
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