March 2006


Undergraduate course descriptions appear in a standard form. Here is an example we have created to show the elements that are included in every department section and course description.

*If you are having trouble reading this example through NETSCAPE, scroll down and back up again.

III.  Course Description Template

* List of codes attached for the Core requirement that is fulfilled by the course.


The abbreviations and codes used in these course descriptions are as follows.

Letters in course numbers

C fulfills a University Core Curriculum requirement

H is a University Honors course

R satisfies the Core Studies in Race requirement, and may satisfy another Core Requirement as well

W counts toward satisfying the Core Curriculum's Writing requirement

X satisfies a Core Curriculum requirement and also counts toward satisfying the Core Writing requirement

Core Credit Abbreviations

AC American Culture

AR The Arts

CO Composition

IH Intellectual Heritage

IN The Individual and Society

IS International Studies

LA Language (first level)

LB Language (second level)

QA Quantitative Reasoning (first level)

QB Quantitative Reasoning (second level)

RC Composition and Studies in Race

RS Studies in Race

SA Science and Technology (first level)

SB Science and Technology (second level)

WI Writing-intensive

WR Studies in Race and Writing-intensive

XA The Arts, Studies in Race, and Writing-intensive

XC American Culture, Studies in Race, and Writing-intensive

XN The Individual and Society, Studies in Race, and Writing-intensive

XS International Studies, Studies in Race, and Writing-intensive

Semester Offered

F Course offered in the fall semester

S Course offered in the spring semester

SS Course offered in a summer session

Semester Hours

s.h. Indicates the semester hours credits given for satisfactorily completing the course


This basic list of the courses approved for each Core area is provided for the convenience of students and advisors.

For descriptions of these courses look in this publication under the department offering the course.

To see if a course is being offered in any particular semester, consult the list of "Core Courses Offered This Semester" in that semester's printed Class Schedule or search online at www.temple.edu/tucourses.

For the list of Writing-Intensive courses, which is an exhaustive list of approved Core courses that includes courses no longer offered, Core requirements and policies, descriptions of the Core areas, and other Core-related information, see the Core Curriculum section of the printed or web version of the current Undergraduate Bulletin. For recent Core news, visit the Core and Transfer website at www.temple.edu/vpus/ucc/.


  • English C050, C051, R050, or H090

Intellectual Heritage

  • X051 or X091
  • X052 or X092

American Culture

  • African American Studies

    C068 African-American History since 1900
    H098 Honors African-American History since 1900

  • American Studies

    C051 American Lives
    C062 Work in America
    H091 Honors American Lives
    C092/H092 Honors Work in America
    H197 Honors The Quest for the American Dream

  • Anthropology

    C064 American Culture

  • Art History

    C191 Image of America

  • Community & Regional Planning

    C061 People and Places

  • Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

    C060/X060 Education and Schooling in America

  • English

    C056 American Literature
    H096 Honors American Literature

  • Geography & Urban Studies

    C080/X080 Geography of United States and Canada

  • History

    C067/X067 U.S. History to 1877
    C068 U.S. History: 1877 to Present
    H097 Honors U.S. History to 1877
    H098 Honors U.S. History: 1877 to Present

  • Legal Studies  (was Law & Business)

    R050 Racial Discrimination Under the Law
    X093 Honors Tobacco in America
    X199 Honors Laws and Ethics

  • Music Studies

    C086 Music in American Society

  • Philosophy

    C063 American Thinkers

  • Political Science

    C051 American Political System
    H091 Honors American Political System

  • Religion

    C052 Religion in America
    H092 Honors Religion in America

  • Social Work

    C121 History and Values of Social Welfare

  • Sociology

    R064 American Ethnicity (also RS)
    X064 American Ethnicity (also RS and WI)
    C081/X081 Men and Women in American Society (cross-listed with Women's Studies C081/X081)
    X092 Honors Men and Women in American Society

  • Strategic & Organizational Communication

    H150 Honors Campaigns and Movements (was Sp. Comm. H092) (also RS and WI)
    R150 Campaigns and Movements (was Sp. Comm. R082) (also WI)

  • Tourism & Hospitality Management

    C080/X080 Leisure in American Culture

  • Tyler

    R188 Art, Race, and the American Experience (also WI)

  • Women's Studies

    C076 American Women's Lives
    C081/X081 men and Women in American Society (cross-listed with Sociology C081/X081)

The Arts

  • American Studies

    H194 Honors Arts in America

  • Architecture

    C001/X001 Introduction to Design and the Environment
    C017 Photography and Visual Literacy
    C141 Architectural History: Ancient through Renaissance
    C142 Architectural History: Renaissance through 20th Century
    X171 History of Form of Cities
    H190 Honors Architectural History: Ancient through Renaissance
    H191 Honors Architectural History: Renaissance through 20th Century
    X192 Honors History of Form of Cities

  • Art

    C059 Introduction to Visual Language: Design
    C069/X069 Introduction to Visual Language: Drawing
    C079 Introduction to Visual Language: Painting
    C089 Introduction to Visual Language: 3-D Design
    H099/X099 Honors Introduction to Visual Language: Drawing

  • Art History

    C051 Visual Experience
    C052 Arts of Asia
    C055 Art Heritage Western World I
    C056 Art Heritage Western World II
    H095 Honors Art Heritage Western World I
    H096 Honors Art Heritage Western World II
    C193 History of Art in Rome (taught only in Rome)

  • Asian Studies

    C054 Arts of Asia

  • Dance

    C110 Dance as Art
    C112 Pathways in American Dance
    H190 Entry into Dance as Art

  • English

    C083 Introduction to Drama
    X084 Introduction to Literature
    H093 Honors Introduction to Drama
    H094 Honors Introduction to Literature

  • Film & Media Arts

    X155 Introduction to Film and Video Analysis (Spring 2006: no longer WI or an Arts core course)

  • Greek & Roman Classics

    C071/X071 Greek Drama and Greek Culture

  • Horticulture

    C080 Art of Floral Design I

  • Music Studies

    C061 Introduction to Music
    C073 The Making of a Musical
    H091 Honors Introduction to Music

  • Philosophy

    C061 Art and Society

  • Religion

    C081 Religion and the Arts

  • Theater

    C025 Acting for Non-Majors
    C110 Theater: The Collaborative Art

Individual and Society

  • Anthropology

    R060 Introduction to Anthropology
    H090 Honors Introduction to Anthropology (also RS)

  • Criminal Justice

    C050 Introduction to Criminal Justice

  • Economics

    C050 Introduction to the Economy (was C053)
    C051/X051 Macroeconomic Principles
    C052 Microeconomic Principles
    H091 Honors Macroeconomic Principles
    H092 Honors Microeconomic Principles
    H093 Honors Economic Theory

  • Environmental Studies

    C050/X050 Environment and Society (cross-listed with Geography & Urban Studies C050/X050)

  • Geography & Urban Studies

    C050/X050 Environment and Society (cross-listed with Environmental Studies C050/X050)
    H090 Honors Environment and Society
    C055 Urban Society
    R055 Urban Society: Race, Class, and Community

  • Healthcare Management

    C101/X101 Introduction to the Healthcare Management

  • Health Related Professions

    C050 Contemporary Aspects of Disability

  • Journalism

    C055 Journalism and Society (was Introduction to Mass Media)
    H095 Honors Introduction to Mass Media

  • Legal Studies (was Law & Business)

    C001 Law in Society
    C077 The First Amendment
    X091 Honors Law in Society
    X199 Honors Law and Ethics in Business

  • Philosophy

    C050/X050 Philosophical Challenges to the Individual
    C062 Morality and the Law
    H090 Honors Philosophical Challenges to the Individual
    H092 Honors Morality and the Law

  • Political Science

    R050 The Individual, Race, and American Political Life
    H050 Honors Individual, Race, and American Political Life (also R)

  • Psychology

    C060 Psychology as a Social Science (was C050)
    X091 Honors Psychology as a Social Science

  • Religion

    C054 Religion and Society
    H094 Honors Religion and Society

  • Social Work

    C060 Human Behavior in the Social Environment

  • Sociology

    C050/X050 Introduction to Sociology
    C066 Money: Who Has It, Who Doesn't, Why It Matters
    C059/R059/X059 Sociology of Race and Racism (also RS)
    H090 Honors Introduction to Sociology
    H099 Honors Sociology of Race and Racism (also RS)

  • Women's Studies

    C051/X051 Introduction to Women's Studies
    C091/X091 Honors Introduction to Women's Studies

International Studies

*Non-Western or Third World Course

  • African American Studies

    C061* Africa in the 20th Century
    H091* Honors Africa in the 20th Century

  • Anthropology

    C061* Cultures of the World
    C062 Development of an International Perspective
    C065* Origins of Cultural Diversity
    H091* Honors Cultures of the World

  • Art History

    C148 International Cinema (was Issues in National Cinema)

  • Asian Studies

    C050* Introduction to Asian Religions
    C053 Introduction to World Religions
    C084* Chinese and Japanese Literature in Cultural Context
    C086* East and South Asia

  • Critical Languages

    C084* Chinese and Japanese Literature in Cultural Context

  • Dance

    C115* Dance in Human Society
    H195* Honors Dance in Human Society

  • Economics

    C055 Global Economic Issues

  • French

    C070* Africa, Caribbean, France

  • Geography & Urban Studies

    C060* World Urban Patterns
    C062* World Geography
    C063* African Development
    C086* East and South Asia
    H093* Honors African Development
    H095* Honors World Urban Patterns

  • German/Slavic

    C070 Literature and Culture of Central Europe in the 20th Century
    H090 Honors Literature and Culture of Central Europe in the 20th Century

  • Greek & Roman Classics

    C077/X077 Introduction to the Ancient City
    C086 Israel in the Middle East
    X090 Honors The Ancient City
    R112 Race in Greece and Rome

  • History

    C060* Third World History
    C061* World History: The Ancient World
    C062* World History: The Modern World
    C063 War and Society
    C065 Gender and History
    C066 Modern Europe
    H091 Honors War and Society
    H095 Honors Gender and History
    H096 Honors Modern Europe
    X093* Honors World History: The Ancient World
    X094* Honors World History: The Modern World

  • Latin American Studies

    C050* Perspectives on Latin America

  • Music Studies

    C062* Introduction to World Music

  • Philosophy

    C088* Philosophy East and West

  • Political Science

    C052 Foreign Governments and Politics
    C053 International Politics
    H092 Honors Foreign Governments and Politics
    H093 Honors International Politics

  • Public Health

    C089 International Health

  • Religion

    C050* Introduction to Asian Religions
    C051 Introduction to Western Religions
    C053 Introduction to World Religions
    H090* Honors Introduction to Asian Religions
    H091 Honors Introduction to Western Religions
    H093 Honors Introduction to World Religions

  • Sociology

    C051/X051 Comparative Societal Development
    H091 Honors Comparative Societal Development

  • Tourism & Hospitality Management

    X081* Leisure and Culture in Developing Nations

  • Urban Education

    C060* Schooling and Development in Third World Societies

  • Women's Studies

    C065 Gender and History
    C080* International Women's Writing

Quantitative Reasoning


  • Mathematics

    C055 College Mathematics
    C073 College Algebra
    C074 Precalculus
    H090 Honors College Mathematics
    X195 Honors Mathematical Recreations A

  • Statistics

    C011 Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business and Economics I
    H091 Honors Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business I


  • Computer and Information Sciences

    C061 Programming in Matlab
    C071 Computer Programming in C
    C081 Computer Programming and Higher Level Languages

  • Criminal Justice

    C161 Criminal Justice Research and Analysis (new in 2000; Core credit for 0161 retroactive to 1990)

  • Mathematics

    C065 Elements of Mathematical Thought
    C066 Intuitive Calculus and Applications (not taught after Summer 2002)
    C067 Elements of Statistics
    C075 Calculus with Applications I
    C077 Basic Concepts of Calculus (new in 2002)
    C085 Calculus I
    H091 Honors Elements of mathematical Thought
    H095 Honors Calculus I
    H096 Honors Calculus II
    H097 Honors Foundations of Calculus
    X196 Honors Mathematical Recreations B

  • Music Studies

    C243 Theory III

  • Philosophy

    C066 Introduction to Logic
    H096 Honors Introduction to Symbolic Logic

  • Psychology

    C067 Foundations in Statistical Methods

  • Sociology

    C067 Social Statistics
    H097 Honors Social Statistics
    C201 Statistical Methods in Sociology (new in 2002; Core credit for 0201 retroactive to 1990)

  • Statistics

    C012 Calculus for Business (was Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business and Economics II)
    C021 Statistical Methods and Concepts
    H092 Honors Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business II
    H093 Basic Statistics for Business and Economics I

Science and Technology


Course name is followed by number of credits. The second number, in parentheses, is used in the SB list to indicate the proper sequence of A and B courses.

  • Biology

    C070 Foundations of Biology - 4 (1)
    C071 Human Biology - 4 (2)
    C083 General Biology I - 4 (3)
    H093 Honors General Biology I - 4 (4)

  • Botany

    C101 General Botany - 4 (5)

  • Chemistry

    C051 Chemistry: The Study of Matter I - 4 (6)
    C061/C063 Introduction to Chemistry I - 3/1 (7)
    C065 Our Microscopic Universe - 4 (8)
    C071/C073 General Chemistry I - 3/1 (9)
    C081/C083 General Chemical Science I - 3/1 (10)
    H091/H093 Honors General Chemistry I 3/1 (11)

  • Geology

    C050 Introduction to Geology - 4 (12)
    H090 Honors Introduction to Geology - 4 (13)

  • Kinesiology (was Physical Education)

    C100 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - 4 (14)

  • Physics

    C053 Physics: Matter and Motion - 4 (15)
    C055 Light, Art, and Nature - 4 (16)
    C065 Our Microscopic Universe - 4 (17)
    C067 Acoustics - 3 (18)
    C081 Introductory Engineering Physics I - 4 (19)
    C083 College Physics I - 4 (20)
    C085 Introduction to General Physics I - 4 (21)
    C087 Elementary Classical Physics I - 4 (22)
    H091 Honors Physics: Matter and Motion - 4 (23)
    H092 Honors Light, Art and Nature - 4 (24)
    H093 Fundamental Physics Honors Seminar I - 4 (25)


Course name is followed by number of credits. Appropriate SA prerequisite(s) are in parentheses.

  • American Studies

    H193 Technology and American Culture - 3 (1-25)

  • Anthropology

    C055 Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology - 4 (1-4)

  • Biology

    C072 Ecosystems - 4 (1-3)
    C073 Applied Biology - 3 (1-2)
    C074 Plants, Food, and World Hunger - 3 (1-3)
    C075 Human Heredity - 4 (1-2)
    C080 Human Development - 4 (1-3)
    C084 General Biology II - 4 (1-3)
    C085 Marine Biology - 4 (1-3)
    H094 Honors General Biology II - 4 (4)

  • Botany

    C203 Plant Physiology - 4 (5)

  • Chemistry

    C052 Chemistry: Study of Matter II - 4 (6)
    C062/C064 Introduction to Chemistry II - 3/1 (7)
    C072/C074 General Chemistry II - 3/1 (9)
    C082/C084 General Chemical Science II - 3/1 (10)
    H092/H094 Honors General Chemical Science II - 3/1 (11)

  • Computer & Information Sciences

    C055 Computers and Applications - 4 (1-25)
    C059 FORTRAN for Science and Technology - 4 (1-25)
    H095 Honors Computers and Applications - 4 (1-25)

  • Electrical Engineering

    C020 Evolution of Modern Electronic Systems - 3 (1-25)
    C035 Introduction to Microcomputing - 3 (1-25)
    C050 Science and Technology: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow - 3 (1-25)
    C054 Technology and You - 3 (1-25)

  • Environmental Engineering Technology

    C010 Introduction to the Environment - 3 (1-25)

  • Environmental Studies

    C052 Introduction to the Physical Environment - 4 (12)

  • Geography & Urban Studies

    C052 Introduction to the Physical Environment - 4 (12)
    H092 Honors Introduction to the Physical Environment - 4 (13)

  • Geology

    C051 Catastrophic Geology - 4 (12, 13)
    C057 Evolution - 4 (12, 13)
    C062 Climate Change: Oceans to Atmosphere - 4 (12, 13)
    C077 Perspective on Energy - 4 (12, 13)
    C081 Environmental Resources - 4 (12, 13)

  • Horticulture

    C236 Soils - 3 (5)

  • Kinesiology (was Physical Education)

    C101 Anatomy and Physiology II - 4 (14)

  • Music Studies

    C315 Computers in Musical Applications - 3 (15, 18 or 23)

  • Philosophy

    C077 Science in Context - 3 (1-25)
    H097 Honors Science in Context - 3 (1-25)

  • Physics

    C054 Waves and Modern Physics - 4 (15 or 18)
    C056/X056 Introduction to Astronomy - 4 (15, 16 or 18)
    C082 Introductory Engineering Physics II - 4 (19)
    C084 College Physics II - 4 (20)
    C086 Introduction to General Physics II - 4 (21)
    C088 Elementary Classical Physics II - 4 (22)
    H094 Fundamental Physics Honors Seminar II - 4 (25)
    H096 Honors Introduction to Astronomy - 4 (15, 16 or 23)

Studies in Race

  • African American Studies

    R348 Dimensions of Racism

  • American Studies

    R112 African American Experiences
    H134 Honors Literature of American Slavery
    R134 Literature of American Slavery
    R136 Asian-American Experiences

  • Anthropology

    H090 Honors Introduction to Anthropology (also IN)
    R060 Introduction to Anthropology (also IN)

  • Asian Studies

    R190 Asian-American Experiences (was Asian American History)

  • Communication Sciences

    R110 Language and Race

  • Criminal Justice

    R335 Urban Minorities and the Criminal Justice System

  • Dance

    R280 Dance, Movement, and Pluralism

  • Economics

    R065 The Economics of Diversity

  • Education

    R065 Race and Racism in U.S. Education (also WR)

  • English

    R050 College Composition (RC, also CO)
    H090 Honors College Composition (Studies in Race version) (also CO)
    R110 Language and Race
    R125 African American Literature I
    R126 African American Literature II
    R170 The Art of the Film
    R283 Blacks/Literature/Drama/Media (formerly "Racial Differences and Problems of Representation in American Literature")

  • Geography & Urban Studies

    R055 Urban Society: Race, Class and Community (also IN)

  • Greek, Hebrew & Roman Classics

    R112 Race in Greece and Rome (also IS)

  • History

    Note: Changes in course numbers do not affect Core credit—the History courses with new numbers carry Studies in Race credit under both the old and new numbers.

    R108 Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Racism
    R109 Imperialism, Race and Empire
    R120 Latino Caribbean World
    R160 Race and Ethnicity in American History (was R101)
    R161 African American History to 1865 (was R233)
    R162 African American History 1865 to Present (was R234)
    R163 Asian American History (was R237)
    R164 California Dreams, California Nightmares
    R267 Race and the U.S. Constitution (was R246)

  • Jewish Studies

    R234 Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Racism
  • Kinesiology (was Physical Education)

    R336 Racism and College Athletics
    R337 Minorities in Sport

  • Legal Studies (was Law & Business)

    R050 Racial Discrimination Under the Law (also AC)

  • Nursing

    R298 Cultural Diversity in Health Care

  • Philosophy

    R125 Philosophy of African American Experiences

  • Political Science

    R050 The Individual, Race, and American Political Life (also IN)
    R135 Urban Politics and Problems
    W135 Urban Politics and Problems (also WR)

  • Religion

    R055 Racial Justice: A Religious Mandate for Obedience and Revolt
    H095 Honors Racial Justice: A Religious Mandate for Obedience and Revolt (also RS)

  • Social Work

    R365 Institutional Racism

  • Sociology

    C059/R059 The Sociology of Race and Racism (also IN)
    X059/H099 The Sociology of Race and Racism (also XN)
    C064/R064 American Ethnicity (also AC)
    X064 American Ethnicity (also XC)
    R179 Racial and Ethnic Stratification (was R279)

  • Strategic & Organizational Communication

    R150 Campaigns and Movements (was Sp. Comm. R082) (also AC, WI)
    H150 Campaigns and Movements (was Sp. Comm. H092) (also AC, WI)

  • Tyler

    R188 Art, Race, and the American Experience (also AC, WI)

  • Women's Studies

    R152 The Politics of Diversity (also WI)
    H195 Honors The Politics of Diversity (also WI)