
02417/Jewish Studies

Courses taught in Hebrew are cross listed with Hebrew; those taught in English or in translation are cross listed with Greek, Hebrew, and Roman Classics.

Lower Division Courses

0051. Beginner's Hebrew I (4 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Hebrew 0051.

Cultivation of the ability to read, write, and speak the language. Study of a basic vocabulary and fundamental rules of grammar.

0052. Beginner's Hebrew II (4 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with Hebrew 0052.

Continuation of Beginner's Hebrew I with emphasis on conversation and composition. Reading of easy vocalized literature and reports.

C061. Intermediate Hebrew I (4 s.h.) F. Core: LB.

Cross Listed with Hebrew C061.

Reading of moderately difficult Hebrew texts with discussion in Hebrew. Introduction to nonvocalized literature. Principles of vocalization and the irregular verb in all its conjugations. Laboratory work emphasizes the retelling of literature.

0062. Intermediate Hebrew II (4 s.h.) S.

Cross Listed with Hebrew 0062.

Continuation of Intermediate Hebrew I.

H090. Special Topics - Honors (3 s.h.)

Course content varies each semester.

Note: Honors students can obtain a description of the current version at the Jewish Studies office, Anderson Hall, Room 641.

Upper Division Courses

0005. The Image of the Jew in the Motion Picture (3 s.h.)

This course will vary by semester offering various approaches to issues of Jews and film. It will include topics such as: Eastern and Central European Jewish films; American Jews and Hollywood; films about Jews, Israeli film, and selected Jewish filmmakers and their works.

0110. What is Judaism? (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Religion 0224.

This course introduces students to the beliefs, rituals, customs, and practices of the Jewish people in a historical context through an analysis of a variety of religious, cultural, and political texts and artifacts.

0112. Foundations of Judaism (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with History W255.

This course presents an introductory survey of Jewish life during the period in which the central texts or rabbinic Judaism were composed--Mishnah, the Talmud, midrash, and classical rabbinic commentaries on the Bible. The nature of God, creation, divine providence, prayer, life after death, Israel as the chosen people, messianism, and Jewish ethics are studied in the light of the growing and changing Jewish conceptions of this period.

0121. Survey of Jewish History (3 s.h.)

Jewish history from the destruction of the Second Jewish Commonwealth to the creation of the State of Israel. The course will examine minority status, migration, persecution, economic adaptation, gender roles in different environments, acculturation and identity. The survey includes: the medieval Jewish experience under both Christian and Islamic rule; the development of Jewish communities in Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and the United States; the changing role of Jewish women; the rise of Zionism; and the Holocaust.

W122. Modern Jewish History (3 s.h.) Core: WI.

Cross Listed with History W255.

This course considers the impact of modernity on Jews and Judaism in Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the United States, and the Middle East. We will discuss the process of emancipation and assimilation; religious reform movements and modern Orthodoxy; the emergence of the Jewish "New Woman"; the involvement of Jews in liberalism, socialism and communism; the evolution of Zionism and the State of Israel; modern anti-Semitism and the Holocaust; and the complex issues relating to modern Jewish identity.

0141. Mideast Literature in Translation (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics 0141 or 0275.

This course includes a selection of translated short stories from Arabic and Hebrew. It offers a view of life in the Middle East in the last forty years in the eyes of writers from Syria, Israel, Iran, Egypt, and Lebanon.

0180. Jewish Secularism/Jewish Civilization I (3 s.h.)

Judaism is most often studied as a religious entity, despite the fact that much of Jewish experience does not fit into the rubric and discourse of religion. This course will consider the history of the concept “secularism” and it’s development in modernity, and will then consider what secularism has meant for Jews in particular. This is the first course of a two-semester sequence. It treats the emergence of Judaism and Jewishness in the modern world, up to the 20th century. Students will be introduced to recent critical work on the construction of “Religion” in the Enlightenment and with it, the “secular/religious” binary. The course will historicize and contextualize the ways that despite Jewish adherence to the notion of Judaism as a religion in the West in the modern period, Jewishness has always exceeded the bounds of this definition. Building on recent work by Baird, Pellegrini and Jakobsen as they rethink “secularism” for the 21st century, students will be asked to rethink Jewish history in other than religious terms. This new conceptual material will provide the framework for reading the classic texts of modern Jewish thought produced up to the end of the nineteenth century.

0181. Jewish Secularism/Jewish Civilization II (3 s.h.)

Judaism is most often studied as a religious entity, despite the fact that much of Jewish experience does not fit into the rubric and discourse of religion. This course will consider the history of the concept “secularism” and it’s development in modernity, and will then consider what secularism has meant for Jews in particular. This is the second course of a two-semester sequence. It covers the development of Jewish though and community life of the 20th century, starting with the massive wave of Eastern European Jewish immigration that has defined contemporary Judaism in America. We will discuss issues such as: the presumption of religious pluralism in America to the exclusion of other forms of cultural and social identification; and the roots of Yiddish Jewish Secularism in Eastern Europe and how this secular form of modern Jewish identification was unable to adapt itself to American cultural expectations about Jewishness as a religion. Through a careful reading of this particular secular Jewish movement and its demise in America, students will be asked to reconsider how contemporary notions of Jewishness as an ethnicity, a culture, a politics and a way of life continue to challenge dominant US cultural definitions of Judaism as a religion, definitions that rely on Protestantism as the true model of “ religion.” Students will be asked to reconsider how assimilation was played out in the West, in the US as well as Western Europe in terms of religious toleration and the implications of this failed assimilation for contemporary Jewish practices of identification.

H190. Special Topics - Honors (3 s.h.)

Course content varies each semester.

Note: Honors students can obtain a description of the current version at the Jewish Studies office, Anderson Hall, Room 641.

0200. Topics in Jewish Studies (3 s.h.) F S SS.

Course content varies each semester.

Note: Students can obtain a description of the current version at the Jewish Studies office, Anderson Hall, Room 641.

0211. The Philosophies of Judaism (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Political Science 0270 and Religion 0225.

Close study of works by one or more Jewish and political philosophers, stressing their relevance to an understanding of contemporary politics and issues of Jewish identity, culture, and religion.

W221. Introduction to the Bible (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: WI.

Cross Listed with Religion W240.

Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures. What is the Bible? Where did it come from? How can there be so many different interpretations of the Bible? An examination of the historical and religious background of the Hebrew Scriptures and the various kinds of literature in the Bible.

0223. Jewish Experience in America (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with History 0285.

This course considers the evolution of the Jewish community in the United States from its colonial beginnings to the present day. Topics include: the immigrant experiences of various waves of migration; the development of the major religious movements within Judaism: Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and Reconstructionist; the role of Jews in American life and politics; the changing roles of American Jewish women; American anti-Semitism; Black-Jewish relations; relationship between American Jews and Israel; assimilation and identity.

0231. Literature and Art of the Holocaust (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics 0279/W279.

One of the main assumptions of the course is that the Holocaust, which was considered to be a Jewish catastrophe, is humanity's catastrophe and affirmation of the bankruptcy and failing of western civilization. The literature of the Holocaust transmits the horrors and terrors in concentration camps, on the trains and in the snowy fields.

Note: The course will be offered in English.

0232. Israel in the Middle East (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics C086 or Hebrew C086.

Law, geography, education, religion, politics, eastern and western communities, and culture examined by experts in three fields.

Note: This course will be offered in English.

0233/W233. Jewish Humor Past and Present (3 s.h.) S. Core: W233: WI.

Cross Listed with Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics 0278/W278.

The development of Jewish humor from the medieval period to the present. The course will focus on the different literary forms of wit and humor.

R234. Anti-Semitism/Holocaust/Racism (3 s.h.) S. Core: RS.

Cross Listed with History R108.

A history of anti-Semitism with a focus on the Holocaust and racism. This course will investigate the development and implementation of racial anti-Semitism in Germany and compare Nazi anti-Semitism with other forms of racism and anti-Semitism in Europe and America. It will also explore the connection between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, the growth of neo-Nazism, and the complex relationship between American Jews and African Americans.

0237. Jews, America and Sports (3 s.h.)

While Jews are often seen as “the people of the book” they are also a “people of the body.” This course will locate sports in the history and sociology of American Jewish life. The first section will look at the history of Jews in relationship to athletics and body image. The course will then focus on the American experience to understand sports in the American context, looking not only at the major sports that Jews have been involved with (Baseball, boxing, basketball and track) but also how immigration, urbanization, gambling, assimilation, and anti-Semitism have played roles in how Jews have been involved in sports. We will examine questions about ethnicity and race, gender (both masculinity and women’s participation) and class, and the business of sport. A third section will examine the arena of international affairs, especially the 1936 Olympics, and the role of sports in Israel, and the Israel-America relations as experienced through U.S. participation in the Maccabiah games. We will end by looking at sports in the Jewish imagination and the life of contemporary Jews through a study of business, literature and life experience. The course will encourage students to think in new ways about the Jewish connection to sports. It will require weekly writing assignments and several projects in the Philadelphia Jewish community.

0299. Jewish Studies Internship (3 s.h.) F S.

The Jewish Studies internship course is designed to enable Temple students to work in the Jewish community both to do hands-on work in a Jewish cultural, historical, communal or religious organization in Philadelphia's vibrant Jewish community and do a research project on some aspect of their work. With the director of Jewish Studies, the students will work out a set of readings appropriate to their individual research project.

Note: Special authorization required for all students.

0312. Love Themes in Hebrew Literature (3 s.h.)

Cross Listed with Greek, Hebrew and Roman Classics 0150.

The development of the different love themes from the Song of Songs, through the golden age of Spain, Hebrew poetry in Italy, the Enlightenment, revival period, and Israeli literature. Among the themes will be great expectations, happiness and unity, and the happy hell of withered love. Changes in style, form, and content will be emphasized and recurring symbols will be discussed.

0331. Israel and the Arabs (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with History 0230.

Development of Israel and its relationship with its Arab neighbors. Includes a discussion of the evolution of Zionism, the growth of Arab nationalism, the creation of the Jewish State, the plight of the Palestinian refugees, and an evaluation of peace prospects in the Middle East.

0333. Women in Judaism (3 s.h.)

This interdisciplinary course will explore issues of gender in various Jewish texts and practices. Using feminist theory it will ask questions about how normative notions of Jewish masculinity and femininity have been constructed in different texts from different historical periods. Students will engage in close readings of contemporary and ancient texts.

W342. Independent Study in Jewish Studies (3 s.h.) F S SS. Core: WI.

Intensive study under individual guidance in a specific area suggested by the student and approved by the faculty adviser from the Jewish Studies faculty.

Note: Capstone course. This course is required for all Jewish Studies majors. Special authorization required for all students.

0360. Between the Torah and the Talmud (3 s.h.)

Ancient Jewish history is usually narrated as if Jew went directly from Torah to Talmud, with nothing in between. Such an account privileges the authoritative religious developments and the leadership first, of the priests who collated the core of the Torah, and second, of the early Rabbis, who collated the Mishnah, the earliest strata of the Talmud. This course explores the explosive and intriguing history between these two religious moments, and in doing so, rejects the religious chronology as the basis of historiography. The history and textual materials from these periods in Jewish History raise many of the perennial themes that have come to inform Jewish social life over the centuries. In fact, during this period in which Jews first become Jews, these issues arise for the first time: exile, political decentralization, disagreements between Jews about what constitutes the parameters of the Jewish community; peoplehood, nation, and the boundaries of group identity, intermarriage, conversion, and the movement of Jewish identity from a territory-based definition to an ethnic definition, to a definition based in piety.

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