
01925/Marketing Education


Upper Division Courses

0200-0201. Pedagogical Competence (3-15 and 3 s.h. respectively) F S.

For prospective career and technical teachers. Supervised public school experiences. Professional development through modularized and directed individualized instruction and seminar activities.

Note: An alternative delivery system equivalent to the 18 semester hours professional requirement.

0220. Product Information (3 s.h.) F.

Specific product knowledge of textiles, textile products and nontextiles as they relate to the marketing education instructional program.

0221. Color, Design, and Fashion (3 s.h.) F.

Basic principles of color, design, and fashion merchandising and their applications to teaching situations.

0222. Teaching Salesmanship, Advertising, and Display (3 s.h.) S.

Successful teaching methods for high school and extension classes. Teaching salesmanship, advertising, advertising layout, and display are practiced.

0326. Leadership Programs in Marketing Education (3 s.h.) F.

Educational values of student organizations and other student leadership activities.

0329. Independent Study in Marketing Education (1 - 6 s.h.) F S.

For students interested in the formulation and methodological study of marketing education problems.

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