
05902/Naval Science (NROTC)


Upper Division Courses

NSCI 0100. Naval Science Drill F S.

Prerequisite: NSCI 101, NSCI 102 (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors) or the permission of the instructor. Co-Requisite: NSCI 101, NSCI 102 (Freshmen).

A no-credit laboratory promoting naval leadership and professional development. While emphasis is given to military drill, leadership development, and physical fitness, the course also includes lectures from sources in and out of the Navy. Guest speakers cover topics on leadership, Navy career paths, equal opportunity, rights and responsibilities, AIDS awareness, terrorism/counter-terrorism, naval warfare doctrine, employment of naval forces, ethics and values, operations security, and safety.

NSCI 0101. Naval Orientation (3 s.h.) F.

A three-hour course designed to familiarize the student with the history, characteristics and present employment of sea power. Particular emphasis is placed upon our naval forces and their capability in achieving and maintaining national objectives. Naval organization and operational functions are discussed in conjunction with sea power concepts. Additionally, the student is given an insight into the Naval Service, shipboard organization and safety, time-management skills and study techniques.

NSCI 0102. Seapower and Maritime Affairs (3 s.h.) S.

A three-hour course providing a broad survey of naval history designed to add historical perspective to current defense problems. Topics include: naval power as an aspect of national defense policy, navies as an instrument of foreign policy, strategy selection, resource control, technology, and manning.

NSCI 0201. Engineering (3 s.h.) F.

A three-hour course designed to familiarize the student with the engineering concepts necessary for an understanding of the structural design and mechanical operation of naval vessels. Emphasis is placed on: methods of propulsion, including nuclear, internal combustion and gas turbine engines; understanding the generation and distribution of electrical power; and, analyzing various shipboard support systems used (such as distillation and air conditioning).

NSCI 0202. Leadership & Management (3 s.h.) F.

This three-hour course emphasizes principles of leadership, personnel and material management, and subordinate development in the context of the naval organization. Practical applications are explored through experiential exercises and case studies.

NSCI 0301. Navigation I (3 s.h.) S.

A three-hour course, with comprehensive study of the theory and practice of terrestrial and electronic navigation and the laws of vessel operations. Topics include fundamentals of coastal and harbor piloting, electronic navigation, and means of navigating without reference to land. International and inland nautical Rules of the Road are studied. Case studies and practical exercises are used to reinforce the fundamentals of marine navigation.

NSCI 0302. Navigation II (3 s.h.) F.

Three-hour course on modern naval operations including relative motion analysis pertaining to ships at sea, underway replenishment, naval meteorology, shiphandling, and tactical communications. The process of command and control and leadership is examined through case studies of actual incidents at sea.

NSCI 0310. Evolution of Warfare (3 s.h.) F.

This three-hour course is designed to add broad historical perspective to understanding military power. Treating war and the military as an integral part of society, the course deals with such topics as: war as an instrument of foreign policy, military influences on foreign policy, the military as a reflection of society, budgetary operations, manning and strategy selection.

NSCI 0401. Weapons (3 s.h.) S.

A three-hour course on the theory and concepts of weapon systems are examined using the systems approach. Topics include: sensors and detection systems, tracking systems, computational systems, weapon delivery systems, the fire control problem, and systems integration. This course provides preliminary insight into the basic principles that lead to further development and comprehension of the technology underlying all modern weapon systems. Case studies are used to illustrate and reinforce concepts introduced in the course.

NSCI 0402. Leadership and Ethics (3 s.h.) S.

The capstone, three-hour course of the NROTC curriculum, this course provides the ethical foundation and basic leadership tools to be effective Navy/Marine Corps officers. The topics of responsibility, accountability, ethics, the law of armed conflict, military law, division organization and training, and discipline are introduced through practical exercises, group discussion, and case studies.

NSCI 0410. Amphibious Warfare (3 s.h.) F.

A study of amphibious warfare as an element of naval strategy. The course traces the development of and use of amphibious operations from ancient Greece to Vietnam. Topics covered include research and development of equipment, doctrinal development, conduct of operations, and contemporary applications in power projection.

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