
01706/New Media Interdisciplinary Concentration


Foundational Courses

0001. Introduction to New Media (3 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with BTMM 0089.

This course looks at how new media modifies the possibilities of journalism and film, broadcast television and theater, and investigates the new role of the reader, viewer and participant.

Note: Students taking BTMM 0150 may not enroll in this course for credit.

0002. Introduction to Interdisciplinary New Media 2 (3 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: NMIC 0001 or equivalent intro to digital multimedia. Students taking BTMM 70 may not enroll in this course for credit.

Cross Listed with BTMM 0189, FMA 0282, JPRA 0189.

Designing for a public community. The class will investigate both the technological and theoretical issues associated with public space, installation, information design and accessability. The class assignment is to design an interactive experience in public space.

Upper Division Courses

0301. New Media Colloquium (1 s.h.) F.

Cross Listed with FMA 0249, JPRA 0249, and BTMM 0249.

A forum in which we will look at the new media landscape from a number of different angles exploring the question "what constitutes effective new media communication" We will examine new media work in subject areas ranging from documentary/journalism to art spaces to entertainment to successful commercial enterprises with the intention of developing a critical understanding of how to effectively use the medium.

Note: This course is required for the completion of the New Media Interdisciplinary Concentration and open to all SCAT students,

0302. New Media Synthesis (4 s.h.) S.

Prerequisite: At least three prior new media courses, NMIC 0001-0002 or equivalent or special permission by the instructor.

A capstone course in the New Media Interdisciplinary Concentration. A studio and critique based class for the development of a portfolio project suitable for grant and school applications. Projects will be conceptualized, laid out in an information architecture document, prototyped and written about in a proposal format.

0350. Design and Visual Language (4 s.h.) F.

An introduction to creating, planning and producing visual communication design for the screen and print. Examing composition, typography as an element of information design and the interaction of color and form, text and image. Exploring the computer in relation to print animation, web and interactivity.

0351. Physical Computing (4 s.h.)

Physical Computing is an approach to learning how humans communicate through computers that starts by considering how humans express themselves physically. Students spend a lot of time building circuits, soldering, writing programs, building structures to hold sensors and controls, and figuring out how best to make all of these things relate to a person's expression.

0352. Neighborhood Narratives (4 s.h.)

The goal of the Neighborhood Narratives course is to introduce students to the concept of situated storytelling - stories that are tied closely to the environment at hand, which can illustrate it and bring it to life. It will include an introduction to locative media by creating a set of connected annotations about a specific neighborhood of the city. These place-based annotations will be connected and archived using a variety of digital technologies (primarily the web and mobile telephones). No prior technological expertise is required, as the predominant focus will be on creating and understanding different viewpoints about the city.

0353. Game of Life (4 s.h.)

How can observation and participation in everyday life be translated into gaming structures? The class will review a broad sample of both traditional and electronic games. Students will be given assignments and readings to provoke analysis of digital environments, to explore interactive narrative, and to inspire the creation of an interactive universe of their own construction.

0391. Special Topics in Production (4 s.h.) F S.

Cross Listed with other department, check listings.

Rotating class in New Media. Please check www.temple.edu/nmic for details or contact h.iverson@temple.edu.

0392. Special Topics (4 s.h.) F S.

Game of Life. Focuses on gaming structures and how they create a universe.

0393. Special Topics in New Media (2-4 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Cross Listed with FMA 0391, FMA 0902.

Design/Visual language. Creating, planning and producing visual communication design.

0394. Special Topics (4 s.h.) F SS.

Neighborhood Narratives. This course will introduce students to the concept of locative media.

0395. Special Topics (3 s.h.) F S.

Advanced Dynamic Web. Understanding of dynamic web design principles and programming.

0396. Special Topics (3 s.h.) F S.

Culture/Identification/Belief. Creative process in contemporary American Society

0397. Special Topics (3 s.h.) F S.

Practice of Form - Movement

0398. Special Topics (1-4 s.h.) F S.

Practice of Form-Media Process: video, writing, drawing, performance and the web.

0399. Directed Projects In New Media (1-4 s.h.) F S.

Directed projects and independent study in interdisciplinary new media. Topics will vary.

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