
01978/Student Teaching: Elementary Education


Upper Division Courses

0381. Student Teaching: Spec Ed & Elem Ed (9-11 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Intermediate Performance Assessment & Faculty advisor (or designee) approval. Co-Requisite: Senior Seminar 0388.

Students are assigned to a fourteen-week Grade 1-8 field placement for professional teacher preparation and certification. Seven weeks of the placement will be in a special education setting and seven weeks will be in a regular elementary classroom. Grade 1-8 classrooms designated as "Inclusion" meet the requirements for both certification tracks and separate seven-week assignments may not be required. The Student Teaching Manual details both the performance and professional expectations for student teaching. Students must register for the class and make a separate online application for a Grade 1-8 classroom assignment. Students are expected to be at their assigned Grade 1-8 schools on all days and time frames scheduled for the school, i.e., M-F and regular teacher hours. Students are expected to engage in the Grade 1-8 schools' extracurricular activities and attend the schools' regularly scheduled professional development opportunities. This field experience is designed to immerse pre-service teachers into a real Grade 1-8 school environment for a full semester. It is an intensive experience monitored by a university supervisor, a cooperating teacher, school principal and/or other designated professional educators. Exhibiting professional decorum and behavior consistent with the profession is expected at all times. Unacceptable behavior can lead to an immediate termination of the field placement (in such cases, another field placement will not occur in the same semester).

Note: GPA 3.0 is required. There may not be any "I"'s on the academic transcript. Student's with business or academic "holds" cannot register for this class. Students can make application for a Grade 1-8 classroom assignment by visiting the College of Education web page and navigating to the Student Services tab. Mode: Field Experience in a Grade 1-8 setting..

0382. Student Teaching: Elementary Education (9-11 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Intermediate Performance Assessment & Faculty advisor (or designee) approval. Co-Requisite: Senior Seminar 0388.

Students are assigned to a fourteen-week K-8 field placement for professional teacher preparation and certification. K-8 classrooms designated as "Inclusion" meet the requirement. The Student Teaching Manual details both the performance and professional expectations for student teaching. Students must register for the class and make a separate online application for a K-8 classroom assignment. Students are expected to be at their assigned K-8 schools on all days and time frames scheduled for the school, i.e., M-F and regular teacher hours. Students are expected to engage in the K-8 schools' extracurricular activities and attend the schools' regularly scheduled professional development opportunities. This field experience is designed to immerse pre-service teachers into a real K-8 school environment for a full semester. It is an intensive experience monitored by a university supervisor, a cooperating teacher, school principal and/or other designated professional educators. Exhibiting professional decorum and behavior consistent with the profession is expected at all times. Unacceptable behavior can lead to an immediate termination of the field placement (in such cases, another field placement will not occur in the same semester).

Note: GPA 3.0 is required. There may not be any "I"'s on the academic transcript. Student's with business or academic "holds" cannot register for this class. Students can make application for a K-8 classroom assignment by visiting the College of Education web page and navigating to the Student Services tab. Mode: Field experience in a K-8 setting..

0383. Student Teaching: Early Childhood, Elementary & Spec. Ed. (9-11 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Intermediate Performance Assessment & Faculty advisor (or designee) approval. Co-Requisite: Senior Seminar 0388.

Students are assigned to a fourteen-week N-8 field placement for professional teacher preparation and certification. Seven weeks of the placement will be in a special education setting and seven weeks will be in a regular elementary classroom. N-8 classrooms designated as "Inclusion" meet the requirements for both certification tracks and separate seven-week assignments may not be required. The Student Teaching Manual details both the performance and professional expectations for student teaching. Students must register for the class and make a separate online application for a N-8 classroom assignment. Students are expected to be at their assigned N-8 schools on all days and time frames scheduled for the school, i.e., M-F and regular teacher hours. Students are expected to engage in the N-8 schools' extracurricular activities and attend the schools' regularly scheduled professional development opportunities. This field experience is designed to immerse pre-service teachers into a real N-8 school environment for a full semester. It is an intensive experience monitored by a university supervisor, a cooperating teacher, school principal and/or other designated professional educators. Exhibiting professional decorum and behavior consistent with the profession is expected at all times. Unacceptable behavior can lead to an immediate termination of the field placement (in such cases, another field placement will not occur in the same semester).

Note: GPA 3.0 is required. There may not be any "I"'s on the academic transcript. Student's with business or academic "holds" cannot register for this class. Students can make application for a N-8 classroom assignment by visiting the College of Education web page and navigating to the Student Services tab. Mode: Field experience in a N-8 setting..

0406. Supervised Teaching: Elem Ed Grad Cert Prg (3 s.h.) F S.

Prerequisite: Ed 403 Ed 413 and two pedagogy courses. Co-Requisite: Ed 412 Graduate Seminar (Except Spec. Ed. Majors).

Students are assigned to a fourteen-week K-8 field placement for professional teacher preparation and certification. Students may be "on-the-job" or ask to be assigned a K-8 placement. K-8 classrooms designated as "Inclusion" meet the requirement. The Student Teaching & Supervised Teaching Manual details both the performance and professional expectations for supervised teaching. Students must register for the class and make a separate online application for a K-8 classroom assignment. Students are expected to be at their assigned K-8 schools on all days and time frames scheduled for the school, i.e., M-F and regular teacher hours. Students are expected to engage in the K-8 schools' extracurricular activities and attend the schools' regularly scheduled professional development opportunities. This field experience is designed to immerse "on-the-job" and pre-service teachers into a real K-8 school environment for a full semester. It is an intensive experience monitored by a university supervisor, a cooperating teacher (when so determined), school principal and/or other designated professional educators. Exhibiting professional decorum and behavior consistent with the profession is expected at all times. Unacceptable behavior can lead to an immediate termination of the field placement (in such cases, another field placement will not occur in the same semester).

Note: All students must be matriculated. All deadlines for application for supervision are strictly enforced. No exceptions. Students can make application for a N-8 classroom assignment by visiting the College of Education web page and navigating to the Student Services tab. Mode: Field experience in a K-8 setting..
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