Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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College of Arts and Sciences

founded 1884
Carolyn T. Adams, Dean


The College's undergraduate programs prepare students to enter the world as informed, responsible citizens, as women and men making consequential choices about the future of their communities, and as leaders in the careers they choose to pursue. Because a rapidly changing technological society cannot prosper without men and women trained in the methods of logical inquiry, deductive reasoning, and critical analysis, the College holds fundamental assumptions about undergraduate education:

The undergraduate Core Curriculum is based upon the skills and knowledge essential to a liberal education. In a world which every year becomes more complex and where information becomes more highly specialized, the ability to speak and write well - to communicate and describe ideas in language that is clear and precise - is the greatest asset of an educated man or woman. The increasing reliance of society upon numbers also requires the ability to manipulate numerical data, to recognize their misuse, and to understand the multiple interpretations they often permit. Informed judgment requires of the student an awareness of the diversity of cultures, and a knowledge of our intellectual heritage and the major texts through which it is transmitted. Personal fulfillment rests upon the appreciation of truth and beauty manifested in works of religion, philosophy, and the arts.

Baccalaureate programs in the three divisions of the College - natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities - lead from the Core Curriculum toward mastery of the subject matter, methods, and values of a chosen field, and prepare the student for productive work or for graduate study. Preprofessional programs prepare the student for the health sciences, dentistry, law, pharmacy, or medicine. Bachelor of Science programs in some departments offer greater concentration in the major; Bachelor of Arts programs offer greater breadth of choice. All programs offer undergraduates the opportunity to work with distinguished faculty and a richly diverse and stimulating student body as they prepare for an active role in a future of change and challenge.

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Special Programs

Study Abroad

Undergraduates majoring in any of the arts and sciences may pursue a large variety of study abroad options. Temple University has campuses in Rome, Italy; London, England; and Tokyo, Japan; exchange programs with universities in England, Germany, and Puerto Rico and summer programs in France, Ghana, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and South Africa. See International Programs for more information about study abroad options.

University Honors Program

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences are eligible to apply to the University Honors Program. College of Arts and Sciences students in the Honors Program will take specially designated Honors courses to fulfill their University Core requirements. See Special Academic Programs/University Honors.

Departmental Honors Programs

Most Departments in the College of Arts and Sciences offer departmental Honors Programs.

At the time of choosing a field of concentration, the student should consult the Chair of the Honors Program in the selected department regarding eligibility and the special courses in which to enroll.

Five-year Master's Programs

In some departments, it is possible for talented students to complete both a bachelor's and a master's degree in five years. Departments offering this opportunity are Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, and Religion. There is also a five-year program for students taking any CAS major together with a minor in Education that is capped with a master's degree in Education including Teacher Certification.

Teacher Certification at Temple

Temple provides a variety of ways to obtain certification to teach in public elementary and secondary schools. The major routes to certification are as follows:

  1. Through the Five-Year Teacher Certification Program. Students in the College of Arts and Science may register for an approved minor in education. This is a 21-credit sequence which offers CAS students the opportunity to explore education as a career. In the Five-Year Program, the education minor serves as the first phase of teacher certification. The certification is completed in a master's program which comprises the fifth year of study. Students who are accepted into the master's degree component of the Five-Year Program can teach during their fifth year as an intern in an elementary or secondary school.
  2. Through undergraduate programs in the College of Education. Students who have met the University's admission criteria can request matriculation in the College of Education. There are three broad categories of teaching certificates offered through the College: Early Childhood and Elementary Education (for teaching in preschool or in elementary schools through the sixth grade); Secondary Education (in English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies), and Vocational Education. Students may also obtain certification in Special Education through a combined program with Early Childhood and Elementary.
  3. Through post-baccalaureate or intern certification programs in the College of Education. Students who have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education may apply for admission into a post-baccalaureate or an intern certification program. While these programs vary in structure, all share the common outcome of providing certification to teach. In most cases, students will also obtain a master's degree.
  4. Through undergraduate and graduate programs in colleges other than CAS and Education. Certification in a variety of areas outside of those provided through the College of Education or through the Five-Year Teacher Certification Program are provided by several other colleges. These include:

Students who are interested in any of these certificates should contact the dean's office in the appropriate college.

Information about all programs leading to certification can be found in the approp-riate section of this Bulletin, and is indexed.

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Honorary Societies, Awards, and Student Associations

Phi Beta Kappa

Membership in the society is open only to students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Juniors and seniors who are candidates for the B.A. or B.S. degree are eligible for consideration if their undergraduate record fulfills the following minimum requirements:

  1. The candidate shall be majoring in arts and sciences subjects and studies and be taking a course program expected to include not less than 96 hours of letter-graded courses of liberal arts work among the hours required for the B.A. or B.S. degree.
  2. The candidate shall have completed a minimum of 48 semester hours in the College of Arts and Sciences of Temple University which shall include at least two full-time consecutive semesters of letter-graded work (30 s.h.). The candidate must also be currently registered so as to be completing at least 60 semester hours in the College of Arts and Sciences at Temple. Students transferring from a college housing a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa are only required to have completed two full-time consecutive semesters of letter-graded College of Arts and Sciences work at Temple (30 s.h.).
  3. For election as a junior, the candidate shall have completed at least 75 semester hours of college work. The caliber of the candidate's work should be of exceptional distinction, including, for all graded work, a GPA of at least 3.80.
  4. Grades earned in applied or professional work shall not be counted in computing the GPA for the purpose of eligibility. Applied and professional work shall be understood to include all training intended to develop skills or vocational techniques in such fields as business administration, education, engineering, journalism, library science, military and air science, physical education, radio, secretarial science, and applied art and music.
  5. Weight shall be given to the breadth of the program of each candidate as shown by the number, variety, and level of courses taken outside the major. Weight shall also be given to the balance and proportion in the candidate's degree program as a whole.
  6. Candidates shall have demonstrated a knowledge of mathematics and of a foreign language at least minimally appropriate for a liberal education. Candidates shall have completed at least one semester of a foreign language at the second year level in college and a semester of college level mathematics.

Officers of Phi Beta Kappa


Many awards are granted to juniors and seniors for outstanding performance in many scholastic areas and for exceptional service to the College. Information is available in Department Offices or in the Academic Advising Center, Sullivan Hall.

Majors' Associations

Many of the departments within the College of Arts and Sciences support student interest organizations known as Majors' Associations. Each department organization provides an opportunity for students to interact with other students of similar interests as well as their faculty. This is essential to making a student's academic life more than merely classroom oriented work.

It is important that there be student involvement on the departmental level because it is here that the student can have the most input concerning course offerings, faculty, and departmental functions.


The College Council of Arts and Sciences is the student government of the College of Arts and Sciences. The goal of CCAS is to unite students so they can work together to enhance their education both inside and outside the classroom. CCAS provides valuable services and programs such as support for Majors' Associations, educational programs and lectures, a student representation on College and University committees, the CCAS newsletter, a course evaluation survey, and representation in Temple Student Government.

CCAS provides an open forum for students to express their concerns and to act on them. All students of the College of Arts and Sciences, both graduates and undergraduates, are welcome to become members of CCAS. CCAS meetings are open to everyone. Students' opinions are shared and decisions are conveyed to the students through the Majors' Associations and to the faculty and administration through College and University committees such as the Executive Committee, the Committee on Instruction, the Committee on Writing, and the Student Grievance Committee.

Additional information and meeting times can be obtained at the CCAS offices in Suite 213 of Anderson Hall, (215) 204-8262.

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Policies and Regulations

University policies and regulations generally apply to all undergraduate students and provide a framework within which schools and colleges may specify further conditions or variations appropriate to students in their courses or programs.

Academic Residency Requirements

Students who transfer into CAS must complete at least 30 semester hours of course work in the College, and at least half of the courses required in the major. All baccalaureate students must take their last 30 semester hours as matriculated students at Temple University.

Course Eligibility

All College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate courses are divided into three kinds:

  1. Preparatory courses numbered 0001-0049: open to all students, full-time, part-time, matriculated, and nonmatriculated.
  2. Lower Level courses numbered 0050-0099: open to all students including nonmatriculated students who are in the process of completing required remedial courses or who have completed them, and who have completed appropriate course prerequisites.
  3. Upper Level courses numbered 0100-0399: open to all matriculated students who have completed all necessary remedial courses and appropriate course prerequisites. Open as well to all non-matriculated students who have achieved matriculation equivalency (see below) and have completed appropriate course prerequisites.

Courses Taken Elsewhere by CAS Students

Matriculated Temple students must always petition for the prior approval of their dean to take courses at another institution.

Courses Inapplicable to Graduation

Semester hours earned in Mathematics 0015 (formerly Mathematics 0001), Military Science, SRAP are excluded from the total minimum semester hours required for graduation.

Dean's List

Each semester, undergraduate students who achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or above for the semester with 12 or more graded credits toward the degree and with no grade of Incomplete or "R" are selected for the Dean's List. Letters of congratulation are sent to each of these students.


  1. Major, Minor, and Core courses must be completed with a letter grade of C- or higher.
  2. Credit/No Credit - during the junior and senior years, any College of Arts and Sciences student in good standing, who is taking a minimum of 12 semester hours, may elect to take one course each semester on a Credit/No Credit basis except for courses that count toward major, minor, Core, or distributional requirements. Application must be made at the Academic Advising Center of the College of Arts and Sciences, Sullivan Hall, during the first two weeks of a fall or spring semester course and during the first three days of a first or second summer session course.

Graduation Procedures

In the first semester of the senior year, all students are required to review, with their advisers in the Academic Advising Center, a summary sheet indicating the requirements for the B.A. or B.S. degree which remain to be completed. This summary is then reviewed by the Advising Coordinator for the specific major and a copy sent to the student to delineate the courses which remain to be completed in the final semester.

Appointments for this review will be scheduled in the Academic Advising Center, first floor, Sullivan Hall - in the fall semester for graduations anticipated the next May; in the spring semester for graduations anticipated the next August and January.

Notice of Anticipation of Graduation

Early in the semester in which students will complete their degree requirements, they must notify, in writing, the Academic Advising Center. Forms for this purpose are available at the reception desk on the first floor of Sullivan Hall. The deadline for returning the form is:

Matriculation Equivalency

Upon completion of all required remedial courses and at least four or more lower level courses accruing no fewer than 12 semester hours of credit, a student with an average of C or better will be granted matriculation equivalency. Students with such equivalency may register for any CAS undergraduate course for which they have met the prerequisites. Full matriculation, however, including admission through the Admissions Office, is required for any student to enter a degree program. Admissions applications may be obtained at the Office of Admissions, Conwell Hall.

Plagiarism and Academic Cheating

Plagiarism and academic cheating are prohibited in CAS courses. Essential to intellectual growth is the development of independent thought and of a respect for the thoughts of others. The prohibition against plagiarism and cheating is intended to foster this independence and respect.

Plagiarism is, simply, the unacknowledged use of another person's labor, another person's ideas, another person's assistance. Normally, all work done for CAS courses - papers, examinations, homework exercises, laboratory reports, oral presentations, and so on - is expected to be the individual effort of the student presenting the work. Any assistance must be reported to the instructor. If the work has entailed consulting other resources - journals, books, or other media - these resources must be cited in a manner appropriate to the course. It is the instructor's responsibility to indicate the appropriate manner of citation. Everything used from other sources - suggestions for organization of ideas, themselves, or actual language - must be cited. Failure to cite borrowed material constitutes plagiarism.

Academic cheating is, generally, the thwarting or breaking of the general rules of academic work or the specific rules of individual courses. It includes falsifying data; submitting, without the instructor's approval, work in one course which was done for another; helping others to plagiarize or cheat from one's own or another's work; or actually doing the work of another person.

The penalty for plagiarism or cheating as a first offense is normally an F in the course in which the offense is committed. In such cases, the instructor will write a report to the Dean. The CAS Grievance Committee will adjudicate appeals made by students and serious cases, or repeat offenses, referred to the Committee by an instructor or the Dean. The Dean may recommend suspension or expulsion from the University when warranted.

Probation and Dismissal

Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 may be subject to probation. Students whose semester GPA falls below a 1.0 or who fail to remove themselves from probation after one semester may be subject to dismissal. Students not making academic progress toward a degree may be subject to probation and/or dismissal.


To apply to reenter the College, a student must submit a Readmission Application. (This may be obtained from the Academic Advising Center of the College of Arts and Sciences.) Applications must be submitted by November 1 for the spring semester and by May 1 for the fall semester.

Withdrawal from Classes

After notifying the instructor and filing the correct form, a student may withdraw from a course without penalty up to six weeks after the beginning of the semester. After six weeks have passed, but before the end of the twelfth week, permission to withdraw must be obtained from both the instructor and the Academic Advising Center of the College of Arts and Sciences, Sullivan Hall. If withdrawal is approved, the instructor may file a W (withdrew without penalty), or WF (withdrew with failing grade). Permission to withdraw is not given after the twelfth week of the semester. Students may not withdraw from ELECT 0001-0006, Composition C050, or Mathematics 0015 (formerly Mathematics 0001) courses.

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It is recommended, and in some cases required, that students consult with an adviser prior to registration. The adviser will approve the proposed coursework and will attempt to keep students informed of the requirements for graduation. In addition, the adviser will help the student achieve breadth in the curriculum and will provide other assistance needed by the student.

Academic advisers attempt to avoid errors when advising students about program requirements, although the college cannot assume liability for errors in advising. Therefore, students must assume primary responsibility for knowing the requirements for their degree and for acquiring current information about their academic status.

Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center in Sullivan Hall advises all students in the College of Arts and Sciences until they have completed 30 credits toward graduation, have chosen either a B.A. or B.S. program, and have declared a major. Pre-Allied Health and Pre-Pharmacy students also are seen at the Academic Advising Center.

Departmental Advisers

Students are advised by a departmental adviser within their major once they have accumulated at least 30 credits at Temple University and have declared a major.

Student Ombudsperson

Departments in the College of Arts and Sciences have student ombudspersons who are qualified undergraduate majors of the departments they represent. Thoroughly familiar with requirements and curricula, they can add something far more valuable than just information - the voice of experience. These student ombudspersons can competently direct fellow students to the courses and faculty members that will enhance their interests. They also have information concerning career options for graduates from their departments.

The ombudsperson part of the job is as important as the advising aspect and may be the reason that a student would seek help. As the departments' ombuds-persons, they will try to solve any academic grievance that may arise, acting, in effect, as the student-faculty "go-between." The student ombudspersons have offices within their respective departments. This program serves as a means for student expression and concern with the hope of benefiting the student and the department.

Preprofessional Advising

Preparation for the Allied Health Professions

The College of Arts and Sciences provides advising and courses of study preparatory to the programs offered by the College of Allied Health Professions. For the application and preprofessional course requirements of those programs, see College of Allied Health Professions.

Preparation for the Study of Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry, Podiatry, Veterinary Medicine

Science requirements for admission to the medical, dental, podiatry, optometry, and veterinary schools in the state of Pennsylvania:

The courses listed are the minimum required for acceptance. While students need not major in a science, it is recommended that additional science courses, beyond the minimum required, be included in the program in order to strengthen the application. The specific requirements will vary depending upon which professional area is selected. Optometry requires an additional four semester hours of microbiology and a course in statistics. Veterinary medicine requires a course in genetics. In addition, all students are required to complete six semester hours in English courses and eight semester hours in mathematics, which are usually calculus courses. If they have met all the requirements, qualified students may apply after completing 90 semester hours in the undergraduate program.

Studies which develop verbal competence and enlarge upon the student's perspective and capacities for critical thinking and ethical judgments also are recommended; these studies should include courses in composition, speech, literature, philosophy, and religion. Understanding the range and variation of human behavior is essential and should be enlarged upon through studies in psychol-ogy, sociology, anthropology, and courses offered in other social sciences departments such as economics, history, and political science.

The health professions adviser in the Academic Advising Center of the College of Arts and Sciences is a key person in helping to plan a student's undergraduate program and aiding in educational and career decisions. Most medical, dental, and podiatry schools require candidates to apply through a centralized application service and take specific examinations. The adviser will help students with this application process.

Preparation for the Study of Law

The degree of Bachelor of Arts is accepted by all law schools as fulfillment of their requirements for admission.

The Pre-Legal Education Committee of the Association of American Law Schools and the Temple University School of Law stress the importance of a well-rounded education. Since the legal profession makes extensive use of both the written and spoken English language as professional tools, the law student should have extensive preparation in English in undergraduate courses. Because a large part of a lawyer's work requires problem solving and sound judgment, students should take courses that help develop creative power in thinking. The study of law, furthermore, rests upon a broad knowledge of western civilization, including its political, economic, and social institutions; hence, the student preparing for law should schedule courses which afford this broad background. Some law schools also recommend two semesters of accounting.

After selecting a field of concentration, the student schedules courses in consultation with both the adviser in the area of concentration and with the pre-law adviser in the Academic Advising Center of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Courses of Special Interest to Pre-Law Students

While no specific undergraduate courses or majors are required for admission to accredited law schools, pre-law students are advised to select courses and programs of study that are intellectually challenging while helping to develop necessary skills and knowledge.

Courses that are "law-related" because they either require reading of law cases or concern the study of particular legal issues are listed below for the convenience of interested students. Law school admissions officials prefer that pre-law students take very few such courses believing that the teaching of law more appropriately belongs in the province of the law school. It may be useful, however, for students who are uncertain about attending law school to test their level of interest by selecting one or more of the following courses in the College of Arts and Sciences:

To develop the communications skills of reading and comprehension, expository writing, and speaking:

To develop analytical reasoning skills:

Since most law schools require applicants to submit the score made on the Law School Aptitude Test, administered periodically by the Law School Admissions Service, students planning to study law should consult the pre-law adviser prior to the senior year to determine whether the school to which they plan to apply will require such a test and to determine the dates when such examinations are given.

Prospective law students should consult the pre-law adviser about requirements for admission to law school, law school scholarship assistance, and opportunities in the legal profession. To satisfy statutory requirements, early in the senior year prospective law students should consult the pre-law adviser concerning the legal requirements for practicing law in the state in which the student desires to study and practice.

Preparation for the Study of Pharmacy

The College of Arts and Sciences provides advising and courses of study preparatory to the study of pharmacy. For the application and preprofessional course requirements of the Temple University School of Pharmacy see College of Pharmacy.

Early Admission to Professional Programs

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences, who have been admitted to health-related professional schools at the end of their third year and have completed 90 s.h. including the requirements of the College and their majors with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5, may petition the Dean for the transfer of their first year in professional study toward the completion of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

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