Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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School of Business and Management

founded 1918
M. Moshe Porat, Dean

**Changes in maroon print


The School of Business and Management is one of only seven schools in the greater Philadelphia area with curricula at both the undergraduate and graduate levels accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

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Mission Statement

The School of Business and Management is the primary provider of affordable business education in the Delaware Valley. Following the vision of Russell Conwell, Temple's founder, we have a special role-providing educational opportunities to working students (both full- and part-time) from a diverse background who have ability and ambition.

Through our undergraduate degree program, we seek to improve business practice in the greater Delaware Valley by graduating students who have the skills to lead and manage profit and not-for-profit organizations into the twenty-first century. We actively involve alumni, the local business community, non-profit organizations, government officials, students, and faculty in a continual review of the programs' curricula to ensure that students' needs receive primary consideration in program delivery.

Our students receive a results-oriented education linking current management theory with practice. SBM graduates will have a firm understanding of the core areas of business and have the ability to respond to organizational problems and opportunities from a total enterprise perspective.

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Special Facilities and Programs

Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD)

Professional development and experience are essential ingredients for all business students. At the Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD), students can obtain advice about potential careers and learn how to prepare for them. One-on-one career development advice is available as well as small group workshops designed to help students explore together possible career paths. Resume writing and interviewing skills are also taught on a small group basis with one-to-one follow up. Proficiency in interviewing skills is tested through mock interviews that are video taped and critiqued.

Career Services, Temple's university wide placement assistance office, works closely with CSPD to provide these services. Students can meet with a Career Services staff member in the CSPD offices. This coordination of efforts between CSPD and Career Services allows for "one stop" services for the students and the best opportunities.

Working closely with student organizations and individual departments, CSPD sponsors speakers from the business community, drawn from recent graduates as well as more established professionals. "Business Awareness Events" expose students to a range of possible career paths and job opportunities. Students have the chance to learn first hand how to best position themselves by graduation day to obtain the most meaningful job. Getting a good job requires not only good grades but work experience and extracurricular activities.

Temple's close relationships with the business community provide bridges for professional work experience for students. Students can pursue internships, coops, externships, part-time and full-time jobs. Students work with their student professional organizations and CSPD staff to identify the right kind of opportunity. For more information, call CSPD at (215) 204-2371.

Cooperative Education (Co-op)

The School of Business and Management has a strong Co-op Program that is part of the School's overall student professional development program. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in a co-op experience which integrates an undergraduate academic experience in their field of interest with practical on-the-job experience. Students are released for one semester to participate in a full-time co-op experience while enrolling in an optional 3 s.h. co-op course for academic credit. Students also have the option of participating in a part-time co-op experience while attending school on a full-time basis or participating on a full-time or part-time basis during the summer.

Co-op positions involve working in a responsible capacity in a company or organization that will provide students with an exposure to their major field of study. Faculty coordinators work closely with the University's Co-op Office to ensure an effective match between positions and students. Students who participate in the Co-op Program often receive job offers from their co-op employers after they graduate. Participation in the co-op program also is useful to demonstrate job experience in your field of study in the job search process.

To participate in the Co-op program, students must:

Challenge Exams

Although the school does not give credit for life experience, it does permit students who have gained the knowledge of academic course content through non-traditional means to receive credit by a challenge exam for specific SBM courses, with permission of the department chair, and documentation as to how the knowledge was gained.

If the SBM department chair deems that the student has sufficient background, students may, for a $30 fee, take a challenge exam. If the exam is passed, an additional $30 fee will be charged to post the credits to the student's transcript. Call SBM Under-graduate Student Services at (215) 204-7672 for more information on which courses are available for challenge exam.

Honors Program

The School of Business and Management offers a stimulating Honors Program for students with demonstrated ability. Admission to Honors is based on past academic performance and SAT scores. Students in the top 10% of their high school class or students who have a 3.5 GPA in their college work should call the Honors Program to discuss their eligibility.

The School of Business and Management offers students three different options with regard to receiving Honors distinction at the undergraduate level. They are Lower-Division Honors, Upper-Division Honors, and Full Honors.

There are 10 courses offered in the Lower-Division Honors curriculum. Once a student is admitted into the Lower-Division Honors program, a minimum of four courses plus 50% of the remaining courses must be completed to receive certification for Lower-Division Honors. A first semester freshman will usually take seven lower-division Honors courses. Any student with demonstrated academic achievement is eligible for Lower-Division Honors providing they have at least four remaining lower-division courses that can be taken in the Honor's curriculum.

A student who completes four SBM Honors courses at or above the 100-level will receive Upper-Division Honors. Students must take BA391 and may not take more than two courses in any one department. The requirements for Upper-Division Honors apply to all students in the SBM Honors Program regardless of how many credits they had when they entered the Program.

Students who complete both Lower and Upper-Division Honors will receive additional recognition for fulfilling the requirements for Full-Honors.

NOTE: Students in University Honors must complete eight University Honors courses. These must include Comp. 90 and IH 91 and 92. Many SBM Honors courses also satisfy University Honors (e.g., Economics 91 and 92 and Law 91). In addition, one upper division SBM Honors course among eight University Honors courses may be counted.

For more information about the SBM Honors Program please contact Dr. Michael Leeds, Director, SBM Honors Program, 624 Ritter Hall Annex, (215) 204-8030.

Learning Communities

All entering freshman in the School of Business and Management are part of a learning community. Each community consists of four courses: Introduction to Computers and Applications (CIS C055), Law and Society (Law C001), a writing course determined by the student's performance on placement tests (English C050 or English 0040), and the Introduction to Business Freshman Seminar (BA 0050). These courses are scheduled in a block, which students take together as a group. Learning Communities help orient students to Temple University and will help students make friends and build a network for academic and social support.

The Business School's "Introduction to Business Seminar" covers topics including time management, study skills, the BBA curriculum, career planning, business and industry trends, and college life. Students will have opportunities to find out about student organizations, attend special events for business students, and learn about majors and careers in business. Students will also spend time with faculty mentors.

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Honorary Societies, Awards, and Student Associations

Beta Gamma Sigma

The Gamma Chapter of Pennsylvania of Beta Gamma Sigma, the national honorary business fraternity, was installed in the School of Business and Management in March, 1935. Membership is limited to seniors who are in the upper 10 percent of their class and juniors in the upper seven percent of their class. The members of Beta Gamma Sigma are elected on the basis of high scholarship. Eligible students will be notified by mail and invited to attend a special induction ceremony. Please contact Debbie Avery at (215) 204-3919 for more information.

Beta Alpha Psi

The Alpha Phi Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, national honorary professional accounting fraternity, was installed in the School of Business and Management in April, 1956. The purpose of the organization is to promote an interest in accounting as a profession, to encourage good scholarship and high standards of professional ethics, to acquaint members with recent trends in the accounting field, and to develop qualities of leadership. Temple's chapter has been recognized as a "superior chapter" by its national fraternity.

Invitations to join are issued to selected, advanced accounting majors whose grades are above average. Please contact Dr. David Ryan in the Accounting Department at (215) 204-8131 for more information.

Financial Management Association/National Honor Society

Finance majors are encouraged to become involved in the Financial Management Association/National Honor Society (FMA/NHS). This student professional organization offers students the opportunity to meet business leaders in the financial industry, hosts career development seminars, and maintains a resume book. Students must meet admission requirements to join the National Honor Society division of this organization. The Financial Management Association is open to all business majors. For more information, please contact Dr. Puri at (215) 204-6066 or the FMA executive officers at (215) 204-1931.

Gamma Iota Sigma

Gamma Iota Sigma is a national honorary risk management and insurance fraternity. The chapter recently won the most outstanding chapter award from its national fraternity. Please contact Dr. Robert Drennan in the Risk Management and Insurance Department at 204-8894 for more information.

Omicron Delta Epsilon

ODE is a national honor society for students interested in economics, whose GPA is at least 3.0. Membership includes a certificate and a one-year subscription to the American Economist.

The society provides several services: free tutoring for economics courses, economics course advising, and literature on graduate school. In addition, ODE presents seminars on current financial and economic issues with outstanding economists, business men and women, and Temple University faculty.

The society allows people who are non-majors or majors in economics to initiate and coordinate projects while forming a closer relationship with the School of Business and Management. In addition, there are faculty/student social gatherings and an annual spring picnic. For information, contact Dr. Weintraub at (215) 204-1919.

Student Organizations

As part of the student's overall professional development, all SBM students are strongly encouraged to participate in student organizations, professional associations and fraternities. Most major areas of concentration in the undergraduate curriculum have an associated organization. Freshmen and sophomores can utilize the organization to find out more about the major fields of studies available to them. They are encouraged to become involved in several organizations if they have not yet selected a major. Juniors and seniors usually become involved in one or two organizations in their major areas of interest.

The student organizations provide an opportunity for students to meet each other outside the classroom as well as to meet practicing professionals from industry and government. Many organizations have an array of social activities that range from fundraising and community service projects to evening gatherings. Involvement in student organizations is a very important part of the student's professional development. Please contact Debbie Avery in the Dean's Office for more information about student organizations at (215) 204-3919.

School of Business and Management College Council (SBMCC)

The College Council is comprised of the presidents from each of the recognized SBM student organizations, associations, and fraternities. Faculty sponsors of these organizations may also attend some of the College Council meetings. The Council's role is to assist the individual student organizations in recruiting members, obtaining funding, sponsoring activities, identifying outside speakers, and communicating with students. The College Council sponsors food drives, student organization fairs, Spring Fling activities, and social events for all SBM students. The Council also works closely with the Dean's Office and identifies issues which are of concern to students and the student organizations. Please call (215) 204-8095 for more information.

Office of Undergraduate Student Services

The Office of Undergraduate Student Services provides services at three campuses: Main, Ambler, and TUCC. The Main Campus and Ambler offices are open every weekday as well as during selected evenings. The Center City office is open on selected days and evenings. Please call the appropriate number below for more information.

The advisers in the Office of Undergraduate Student Services can provide information on majors, placement exams and results, course sequence, course load, scheduling, career planning, and academic resources. Advisers can also counsel and, if appropriate, refer students having personal problems affecting their academic performance to other University support services.

The Office of Undergraduate Student Services handles academic advising for all SBM students during registration periods. All students currently enrolled are required to register during continuing student registration. Main Campus students must attend a registration workshop once a year, at which time students will meet with an adviser and receive individualized information about requirements, course selection, and sequencing for the upcoming semesters. In addition, information will be communicated in a group context about academic support services, new rules and regulations, and deadlines and procedures relevant that particular year. Ambler and Center City students will be contacted about the procedures to be followed for registration at their respective campuses.

Office of the Ombudsperson

The School of Business and Management has an Office of the Ombudsperson which is designed to assist students who may be having problems in the classroom or with fellow students. The Ombudspersons provide confidential counseling and will assist students in resolving problems which might arise from grading procedures, claims of discrimination, or clerical errors. The Ombudsperson can provide information about the informal and formal procedures for filing academic grievances and will act as a mediator between faculty and students when problems arise. The SBM Ombudsperson Office is located in Room 1 in Speakman Hall and can be reached at (215) 204-7672. You may also contact Diana Estrada in the Undergraduate Student Services Office about the Office of the Ombudsperson at (215) 204-4560.

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