Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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Course Descriptions

01704/Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Mass Media

0011. Communication Theory (4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0111.) An introductory survey of the major ideas and perspectives explaining the roles and processes of mass communication. The course includes theories of "mass society," technological determinism, cultivation, media imperialism, functionalism, and dependency. For BTMM majors, must be taken during first 32 s.h. in department.

0019. Introductory Topics in Theory and Methodology (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0306.)

0020. Mass Media and Society (4 s.h.)(Formerly RTF 0012.)

The history, organization, economics, and control of mass communications in the United States. Newspapers, books, magazines, comics, radio, television, film, and developing technologies are considered. Comparisons with foreign media systems are included. For BTMM majors, must be taken during first 32 s.h. in department.

0039. Introductory Topics in Institution Study (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0305.)

0040. Media in Everyday Life (4 s.h.)

Explores popular and scholarly ideas of how the media are used and how they may or may not be influential in the course of normal life. Such matters as the media's effects on gender conditioning, violence, and aggression as they pertain to children and adults are considered. For BTMM majors, must be taken during first 32 s.h. in department.

0049. Introductory Topics in Social Processes (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0306.)

0055. Introduction to Media Management and Organization (3 s.h.)

Overview of current organizing practices of media businesses and beginning study of managing media profit and non-profit outlets including administrative, financial, and legal matters.

0069. Introductory Topics in Organization and Management (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0305.)

0089. Introductory Topics in Media and Telecommunication Production (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0303.)

0114. Mass Communication Research (4 s.h.)

An introductory survey of the methodology and techniques of conducting research tailored to mass media issues. Topics include: market research, polling, surveys, depth interviews, content analysis, focus groups, and field and laboratory experiments.

0119. Beginning Topics in Theory and Methodology (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0306.)

0123. The Broadcasting System (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0178.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020. Comparative analysis of the American broadcasting system exploring how it affects and is affected by the political and economic environment.

0133. The Telecommunications System (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0177.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020. Study of the economic and public policy issues related to the emerging information society. An overview of the technologies (computers, telecommunications, and mass media) and their convergence to form new multimedia environments in the home, school, and workplace.

0139. Beginning Topics in Institution Study (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0305.)

0142. Popular Culture (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040. Cultural analysis of special media forms that are highly accessible to and enjoyed by a mass audience. Includes the form, content, politics, and consumption of popular movies, TV, music, celebrities, etc.

0149. Beginning Topics in Social Processes (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0306.)

0150. Introduction to Cybermedia (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0055. Survey of the personal and business uses of the individualized media including interactive TV, video games, multimedia, and online services such as Prodigy and America Online. Covers technological, social, and economic implications for users, producers, and distributors of traditional and new media.

0169. Beginning Topics in Organization and Management (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0305.)

0170. Introduction to Television Production (4 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0101.)

Beginning radio, TV, and computer technologies to produce fiction and non-fiction broadcasting. PSA's, and other commercial, corporate, or educational media fare. Weekly labs provide practicums in many phases of production.

0171. Introduction to Radio (4 s.h.)

A beginning look at writing, presentation, and production of radio programming with emphasis on general announcing and talk formats. Course includes examination of the radio business and an introduction to sound technology.

0189. Beginning Topics in Media and Telecommunication Production (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0303.)

0219. Intermediate Topics in Theory and Methodology (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0306.)

0222. Regulation and Public Policy (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0382.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020 and 0123. Legal, technical, political, and social aspects of media regulation. Consideration of the FCC and other agencies as well as problems such as allocation, renewal, fairness, access, monopoly, censorship, copyright, and pressure groups.

0223. Comparative Broadcasting (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0283.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0123. Cross-national study of world broadcasting systems.

0224. The Cable Industry (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0267.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020. Economic and political study of the history, technology, advertising, regulation, programming, capitalization, and franchising of the U.S. cable industry.

0233. Telecommunications Industry and Applications (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0377.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0133. Examination of the industries and application of the technologies pertinent to the Information Society including matters of economics, policy, and management. Student projects involve in-depth inquiry into individual topics.

0239. Intermediate Topics in Institution Study (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0305.)

0246. Social History of Mass Communication (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020 and 0040. Examination of the broad social impact and cultural consequences of technological developments in communication from ancient through present times. Topics include the consequences of literacy, mechanical reproduction, and moving pictures. Special attention will be given to public response to various media systems through history.

0247. Political Communication (3 s.h.)

Prerequisites: BTMM 0020 and 0040. Examination of the roles of traditional and emerging media in the American political system. Topics include political socialization, influences on voting decisions, campaign advertising and debates, political reporting, the media-government relationship, agenda-setting and other public opinion processes, as well as the media's role in generating cynicism regarding politics.

0249. Intermediate Topics in Social Processes (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0306.)

0250. Media and Cultural Differences (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040. Examines how media present different cultures and subcultures and how members of various groups may differentially relate to media. This course increases student sensitivity in relationship to different cultures.

0256. Broadcast Advertising (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0271.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0055. Principles and practices of broadcast advertising. Psychological and creative factors involved in broadcast advertising; media research, rate structure, and campaign strategy.

0257. Broadcast and Cable Sales (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0272.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0055. Survey and problem-solving in the areas of rate cards and pricing, audience research, station organization, sales, traffic, and availabilities, and network and syndicated sales, with emphasis on marketing psychology and situations.

0269. Intermediate Topics in Organization and Management (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0305.)

0270. Intermediate Television Production (4 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0247.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170. Radio, TV, and computer technologies to produce general entertainment, corporate, and public-oriented programming for broadcast networks, cable outlets, schools, and other profit and non-profit organizations. Students produce finished programs for outside institutions through studio and field production.

0271. Broadcast Performance (4 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0216.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170. Interpretive analysis of broadcast material; examines techniques of voice and articulation with specific reference to broadcasting styles.

0272. Editing for the Media (4 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0257.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170. Theory and techniques of editing video and film for commercial, corporate, and educational production.

0273. Writing Workshop (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0235.)

An intensive, hand-on course that stresses writing fundamentals while encouraging students to express themselves in many forms of writing-from journals, to essays, to scripts and more. Students read their work in class, work in groups, and meet with the instructor for personal critiques.

0275. Audio Production (4 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0249.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170. A programmatic investigation of the sound sense, utilizing experimental demonstrations of multiple track audio, its control, use, and effects.

0278. Television Production Workshop (8 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0211.) Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. The development of weekly hour-long programs exploring Philadelphia and environs with electronic field production techniques. The focus is on the production team which will meet professional standards in content, form, and technical quality. This course is only offered in the summer.

0289. Intermediate Topics in Media and Telecommunication Production (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0303.)

0312. Communication in Organizations (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0011. Review of theories of organizational structure, their relationship to communication processes and current practices, and underlying communication systems which support them.

0314. Advanced Communication Research (4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0378.) Prerequisite: BTMM 0114. Study and application of research design and quantitative methods for analysis of media issues in social science and industry. Rating services, focus groups, readership studies, experiments, interviewing, and content analysis are considered. Class projects involve complete research reports.

0319. Advanced Topics in Theory and Methodology (2-8 s.h.)

W321. History of Broadcasting (4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0381.) Prerequisite: BTMM 0020. Origin and development of broadcasting; evolution of technical, economic, organizational, content, and regulatory issues in their political context.

0326. Public Broadcasting (4 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0268.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020. Study of the philosophy, financing, control and programming of instructional and public broadcasting.

0331. Third World Mass Media (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0020. Study of the ownership, control, and law of third world media systems. Includes issues of imperialism, global culture, and development.

W333. Global Telecommunications (4 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0384.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0233. Study of the economics, policy, and technology of the emerging global communication system. Specific issues include: transborder data flow, international organizations, and cultural and national sovereignty.

0335. Economics of Information (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0233. Macroeconomic examination of information including information as a commodity, demand, valuation, supply availability, costs, scale, regulation, and "public good." Microeconomic exploration of information in organizations: cost-benefit of communication systems.

0339. Advanced Topics in Institution Study (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0305.)

0343. Mass Media and Children (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040. The study of the special roles media may play in childhood. The effects of television, video games, computers, and comics on youth are considered, including issues of violence, self-actualization, and sexual development. Also, the economics of childhood in terms of media advertising and programming are studied.

0344. Public Information Campaigns (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing. Exploration of techniques used in information campaigns regarding health, energy conservation, environmental protection and other topics, and campaigns' effects on public knowledge and behavior. Students conduct an actual campaign on campus.

0346. Psychological Processing of Media (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing. Research and theory concerning the contemporary psychological significance of media. Topics include attention, memory, comprehension, emotional response, arousal, picture perception, unconscious processing, and person perception as they relate to traditional (radio, TV, print, film) and emerging (virtual reality, teleconferencing) media.

0348. Media and Social Memory (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing. Examination of how media act as agents of collective memory and how such memories may be tied to issues of identity, community, and power. In addition to general theory and research in social memory, the course considers a few key events to illustrate how social memory has influenced and been influenced by different media.

W349. Advanced Topics in Social Processes (2-8 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0306.)

0350. Media Images and Analysis (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040 and junior or senior standing. Sociological analysis of mass media artifacts. Students engage in content analysis projects for subsequent publication.

0351. Media, Science, and Medicine (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0040. Analysis of the role of mass media in developing, shaping, and controlling important scientific and medical information. Consumer problems are addressed.

0353. Media Criticism (3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0260.)

A survey of critical approaches to television. Student papers are the vehicle for discussions of aesthetic, genre, political, and structuralist criticism.

0357. Broadcast and Cable Management(3 s.h.) (Formerly RTF 0387.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0257. Marketing strategies for networks, stations, and cable systems. Relationships with government, networks, employee groups, and ownership. Personnel policies and supervision, budgets and reports.

0358. Broadcast and Cable Programming(3 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0273.) Prerequisite: BTMM 0257. Program acquisition, schedule placement, and audience building. Constraints and influences on programming decisions such as audience characteristics, competition, industry codes, and regulation.

0364. Creating a Media Business (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0257 and junior or senior standing. Principles of building one's own media business. Student projects involve a start-to-finish plan for a profit or non-profit media organization including market assessment, financing, and contracting.

0370. TV Producing and Directing (4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0347.) Prerequisite: BTMM 0270 and junior or senior standing. Students write, produce, and direct individual projects for air on cable, hospital, educational, or corporate channels.

0371. Radio Workshop (1 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0394.) Prerequisites: BTMM 0171 and 0270 and permission of WRTI station manager. Students are selected on the basis of special qualifications and assigned as junior administrators, producers, etc., on WRTI radio station staff. Course may be repeated for a total of no more than 4 s.h.

0372. Broadcast Production Practicum (3 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0310.) Prerequisite: BTMM 0270 or permission of the instructor. A weekly student magazine show produced in association with broadcast journalism students providing information about campus organizations, departments, and issues.

0373. Television Service Workshop (2 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0392.) Prerequisite: BTMM 0270 and permission of instructor. Production experience in connection with Temple's OTVS (Office of Television Services) and Channel 55.

0375. Cybermedia Workshop (3 s.h.)

Prerequisites: BTMM 0150 and BTMM 0170. Hands-on development of content using new media forms. Students will be involved in the design, scripting, and production of one or more programs. Projects may include interactive programs, "edutainment" games, multimedia presentations, "Kiosk" information service appropriate for CD-ROM, online service, or broadband distribution to businesses, schools, or consumers.

0378. Comedy Workshop (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: BTMM 0170. Work with actors, directors, and writers to create an original, half-hour comedy program.

0390. British Media and Telecommunication (3-6 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0307.) Offered only through the Temple London Program.

0391. Internship (1-4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0393.) Prerequisite: BTMM major of senior standing, with at least 2.0 cumulative average and at least 2.5 BTMM average and permission of internship director. Students assigned as unpaid interns to compatible media and telecommunications industries and organizations. Enrollment limited to availability.

0395. Senior Seminar (3 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0314.) Prerequisite: BTMM major of senior standing. Discussions of media and telecommunication vocations including those in corporations, small businesses, profit and non-profit institutions, as well as scholarly and legal careers. Tailored to each student's preparation, interests, and abilities. Guest lectures. Enrollment limited to 20.

0398. Independent Projects (1-4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0391.) Prerequisite: Completed proposal form signed by faculty project supervisor and department chair. Student conducts special project under supervision of a BTMM faculty member. May be taken once or repeatedly for up to eight s.h.

0399. Honors Reading/Research Project (1-4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Open to Departmental Honors students only. Permission of Honors Director.

Return to the list of courses.

01715/Communication Sciences

W051. Introduction to Human Communication (3 s.h.) F

Summarizes the psychological and biological bases of communication. Compares animal vs. human communication and examines human communication across a range of modalities and contexts. Topics include: verbal vs. nonverbal communication, vocal vs. sign language, normal vs. disordered communication, language acquisition processes, aspects of social communication, such as interpersonal dynamics, small group processes, and communication within formal organizations.

0066. Interpersonal Communication Through the Life Span (3 s.h.) FS

Examines the development of effective communication in relationships in family, work, and social settings. Examines how communication preferences, demands, and skills change across the age spectrum, with an emphasis on talking, thinking, and listening abilities central to communication situations across life situations.

0068. Interviewing (3 s.h.) S

An introduction to the theory and techniques of interviewing from the perspectives of the interviewee. Employment, counseling, sales, journalistic, and survey interviews. Types of questions, formats, and probes. Experience in actual interviewing situations.

0075. Communication in Business and the Professions (3 s.h.) FS

Designed to acquaint students with principles of communication applicable in organizational settings. Practice at application of principles of effective communication in interviewing, group decision making, and persuasive and informative business presentations. For non-majors only.

W103. Communication Deviations and Disorders (3 s.h.) (D1) FS

The impact of communication deviations and disorders on the individual and society is examined including the disabling nature of various disorders; their prevention, identification, assessment, and treatment; and the ways in which individuals deal with the social, educational, and vocational effects of these disorders. Includes an experiential component both inside and outside of class; the outside experience typically involves observations at the Temple University Speech-Language-Hearing Center but may be modified to suit the student's professional objectives.

0108. Introduction to Linguistics (3 s.h.) FS

Methods and results of modern linguistics with emphasis on generative syntax and phonology. Major trends in psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics; methods of formulating and testing hypotheses about linguistic data. Primary language of investigation is English. Only one of the following courses may be credited toward the B.A. degree: Communication Sciences 0108; English 0111.

0116. Marital and Family Communication (3 s.h.) FS

How communication affects the development of close relationships, particularly marriage. Topics include stages of family formation, decision making, conflict, stress, and intimacy. Communication in single parent families, stepfamilies, and homosexual couples. Family communication theory and research applied to students' lives.

0150. Communication and Cultural Difference (3 s.h.) FS

How communication changes and remains constant across cultures. Examines communication as a cultural process, exploring what is common to all communicative situations regardless of culture. Explores what differs across cultures by exploring a number of communicative channels by which cultural difference is conveyed. Course helps students communicate more effectively with people of other cultural backgrounds and consider how their membership in different cultures affects their communication patterns.

0176. Small Group Communication (3 s.h.) FS

Managing the communication process in small, face-to-face groups which make decisions and solve problems. Critical thinking, time management, maintaining member commitment, and productive use of conflict are among topics emphasized. Activities include videotaped discussions and extended group projects.

0201. Research Methods in Communication Sciences (3 s.h.) F

Introduces quantitative and qualitative research methods in the communication sciences. Emphasizes the interpretation of research across a variety of study domains including field/descriptive, correlational, survey, clinical, ethnographic, and experimental research designs. Students learn to critically assess the appropriateness of various research methods for addressing particular types of research questions. Concepts covered include types of variables, parametric and nonparametric inferential statistics, sampling designs, hypothesis testing, and publication policies.

0209. Phonetics and Phonology (3 s.h.) F

Sound structure in language from the viewpoint of generative phonology. Extensive analysis and discussion of data from various languages; certain areas of English phonology (the vowel system, the stress placement rules) in greater detail. Major issues dividing the generative from the structuralist school in phonological theory.

0210. Psycholinguistics (3 s.h.) F

This course concerns the structure and processing of human language. Topics include parsing, lexical retrieval, sentence production and comprehension, and interactions between language use, perception, and memory.

0214. Conflict and Communication (3 s.h.) F

Description of conflict process and communication in interpersonal and organizational relationships. Concepts examined include conflict styles, phases of conflict, face-saving, attribution and conflict, cooperative and competitive approaches to negotiation, and methods of third party intervention.

0233. Basic Speech Science (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisites: Physics C067, Comm. Sci. 0209. An in-depth study of speech production, including respiration, phonation, articulation, and acoustics. An introduction also to the domain of speech perception. Includes classroom and laboratory instruction, basic readings, and current theoretical papers.

0234. Basic Hearing Science (4 s.h.) F SS

Prerequisite: Physics C067. The physics of sound, acoustics, sound measurement, anatomy, and physiology of the auditory periphery, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology of the auditory central system, and an introduction to psychoacoustics.

0235. Introduction to Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (4 s.h.) FS

Introduction to the structures, organization, and function of the human nervous system. Neurologic disorders of speech and language and their relation to known changes in neurologic structure of disturbance of neurologic function.

0266. Interpersonal Skills for the Professions (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Comm. Sci. 0066. Important insights about how our interpersonal communication behavior may affect our relationships in work and professional contexts. Students are provided with an overview of interpersonal communication difficulties associated with building effective work relationships.

0280. Communication and Social Change (3 s.h.) S

Drawn from theory and research on communication: concepts, models, and principles for analyzing, planning, or executing campaigns or movements for social change, community organization, diffusion of innovations, and political reform.

0281. Effective Interpersonal Influence (3 s.h.)

An introductory review of social science theories on effective interpersonal influence processes with special attention to skills development for application in organizational and professional contexts.

0301. Speech and Language Development (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisites: Comm. Sci. 0108 and 0209. A survey of theory and research on the acquisition of a first language by the child. What does a child learn and how is it accomplished? The contribution of biological and environmental factors. The relation of developmental psycholinguistics to theories of learning, cognition, evolution, learning to read, and child language disorders.

0302. Language and Social Interaction (3 s.h.) F

The study of language used in everyday interactions, for example, in getting/giving help, making/receiving offers, and giving/taking orders. Topics include common types of misunderstanding, options in performing sensitive actions, and the influence of ethnicity and gender on language use.

0314. Negotiation and Mediation (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Comm. Sci. 0214. Principles of cooperative and competitive negotiation are reviewed with emphasis on understanding of the impact of situational factors on appropriate negotiation approach. Mediation and other forms of third party intervention are discussed. Skill development in negotiation and mediation addressed.

0330. Social Communication Among Animals (3 s.h.) S

How animals transmit and receive information about sexual receptivity, aggression, territoriality, dominance, kinship, and pair-bonding. The relationship of communicative behavior to social organization. The role of genetic transmission versus the role of learning. Implications for human communication, verbal and nonverbal.

0331-see H391

0337-0338-0339. Independent Study in Speech, Language, and Hearing Science (1-4 s.h., respectively) FS

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and permission of the department. Special projects undertaken under staff supervision by qualified students, preferably those with graduate school potential.

0350. Organizational Communication (3 s.h.) F

A review of communication models as they apply to formal organizations. Classical and contemporary theories of organizational structure and management, and their relationship to communication practices. Organizations as cultures. Analysis of cases and real-life situations.

W360. Field Research in Communication (3 s.h.) S

Study of communication in practical settings. Introduction to the process of field research with experience in participant observation and interviewing. Semester project involves field study in setting of the student's choice with guidance from instructor.

0367. Independent Study in Communication (1-3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisites: Communication junior or senior standing and permission of the department. Special library or research projects undertaken under staff supervision by qualified students, preferably those with graduate school potential.

0370. Conversation Analysis (3 s.h.)

Develop skills in observing the details of social life and in analyzing how people accomplish everyday activities, such as having arguments, correcting one another, and teasing. Survey findings in conversation analysis and apply them to audiotapes of interaction.

0376. Group and Intergroup Processes (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: 0176 Small Group Communication. Decision making and problem solving processes in small groups with special emphasis on team processes. Relationship between communication process and outcomes such as quality of decision, consensus, and group member satisfaction.

0388. Health Communication (3 s.h.)

Interpersonal and organizational communication processes in health care situations are examined. Emphasis on helping students understand and diagnose effective communication strategies for dealing with conflict and change in health-related organizations and conflicts.

H390. Honors in Communication Science (3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Open to all senior communication sciences majors whose minimum cumulative average is 3.1 and whose average in communication sciences courses is 3.3. Eligible seniors should consult the chairperson for details. Students are expected to write and support a major paper under the supervision of a designated faculty member. Students whose papers are accepted by the faculty supervisor and by the division's honors committee are graduated with distinction in communication sciences.

H391/0331. Language and Deafness (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor for non-honors students. An introduction to the major topics of deaf studies: the linguistic structure of American Sign Language, how modality of production-perception shapes language organization (comparisons of signed and spoken languages), deaf culture, deafness and minority cultures, deafness and child development, issues and options in deaf education, deafness in old age.

0396. Internship in Communication (3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisites: Permission of undergraduate coordinator, major in communication sciences; grade point average 3.0; preregistration required for this course. Work experience in a communication-related job in a business, government, or private agency. Analysis of the work experience in light of communication concepts.

0399. Applied Project Seminar (3 s.h.) FS

This capstone experience provides students an opportunity to design and complete an applied communication project in their area of interest. The project can be done in conjunction with an internship opportunity. Students will work with area faculty to design, execute, analyze, and report on their experience. Throughout the process, students meet in project seminar to share insights and receive feedback.

W436. Orientation to Clinical Management (3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Provides information about the principles of case management in the area of communication disorders and trains students in the application of these principles. Primarily prepares students for initial clinical training experiences in a graduate program in speech/language pathology and audiology. Although a section is devoted to the diagnostic process, the primary focus is the principles underlying the therapeutic process.

Return to the list of courses.

01702/Film and Media Arts

0100. Media Arts I (4 s.h.) F

(Formerly RTF 0010.) An introductory course in media arts and theory which examines the history and practice of image making, sound production, and new technologies. Students will explore both hands-on production processes and theoretical foundations of film, video, and audio in a range of technologies including low-tech formats, professional studio, and computerized digital settings. Coursework will emphasize individual students' rigorous exploration of creative, personal visions, along with commercial applications.

0101. Media Arts II (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0101.) Prerequisite: FMA 0100. A continuation of media arts and theory with an increased emphasis on aesthetics, genres, writing, and project design. Assigned production projects and readings will include documentary, financial, and experimental formats.

0102. The Production of Media Culture (3 s.h.) F

An overview of cultural production, distribution, and reception explored through lectures, readings, and screenings. Equally oriented towards practical concerns such as the economics of the arts and the mass media, and theoretical debates on the social, political, and economic forces that shape culture.

X155. Introduction to Film and Video Analysis (3 s.h.) (AR) FS

Film and television analysis through screenings, lectures, and readings in the context of theory, history, and aesthetics.

0200. Videography (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0105.) Prerequisites: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. Intensive instruction and practice with the tools of recording and structuring video. Coursework will consist of individual and group exercises and projects conducted in the studio and in the field.

0201. Writing for Media (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0251.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. Seminar and workshop exploration of various approaches to fiction and nonfiction media writing.

0202. Production Research (4 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. Applied cultural criticism and historical analysis leading towards media production. Students will collaborate on media productions and writing.

0203. Theories of Media Culture (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. The course will describe how cultural studies has grown out of film and media studies, combining intellectual and social history with changing representational practices. Students will analyze the dynamic relationship between ideas, socio-cultural practices and technologies.

0210. Filmmaking (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0106.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. Intensive instruction and practice with the tools of recording and structuring 16mm film. Coursework will consist of individual and group film exercises and projects.

0230. Audio Production (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0249.) Prerequisite: Completion of FMA core or permission of instructor. A programmatic investigation of the sound sense, utilizing experimental demonstrations of multiple track audio, its control, use, and effects.

0241. Experimental Video and Multi-Media (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0241.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. Intensive laboratory and field experience exploring personal, aesthetic, and social applications of video-utilizing camcorders, editing, and multi-media facilities. This course includes regularly scheduled screenings of significant experimental video and multimedia projects.

0247. TV Studio Production (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0247.) (Cross-listed as BTMM 0270) Prerequisites: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. Intermediate media and telecommunication production. Radio-TV-Computer technologies are used to produce general entertainment, corporate and public oriented programming for broadcast networks, cable outlets, schools, and other profit and non-profit organizations. Students produce finished programs for outside institutions.

0257. Editing Film and Video (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0257.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. Techniques, practices, equipment, procedures, and theories involved in achieving structure in film and video.

0258. Computerized Editing (4 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: 0257. A second semester editing course that serves as an introduction to the use of computers in the editing process. The course will provide a background in digital editing from CMX for TV broadcast to current desktop editing for independent film and videomakers (includes Quicktime, Premiere, and AVID "non-linear" editing system).

0261. American Media Culture (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. This course will analyze the industrialization of American popular culture, focusing on the role of communications technology in the transition from a production to a consumer economy. Lectures, readings, and screenings.

0262. Independent Film and Video (4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0265.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. An examination of artistic aspects of film and video outside the mainstream of the commercial industries; includes economic, social, and political factors that have contributed to the concept of an "independent" or "personal" cinema and video. Includes selected screenings and readings.

0263. International Cinema (4 s.h.) S

The course will survey and examine the various cultural determinants of international film forms through screenings, lectures, and readings. It will attempt to define the differences and similarities between mainstream Hollywood cinema and the range of international film forms from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

0270. How to Be a Producer (4 s.h.) F

(Formerly RTF 0266.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. The business of making media-from conceptualization, budgeting, financing, and fundraising to production management, distribution, and marketing. Focusing on both commercial and not-for-profit organizations and strategies, coursework includes readings, lectures, case studies, as well as guest professionals, and multi-genre assignments in developing hypothetical projects.

0310. Animation Workshop (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0352.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of instructor. A workshop on the art and techniques of animation, exploring several approaches from cards and cels to computer imagery.

0311. Lighting for Film and Video (4 s.h.) F

Prerequisites: FMA 0200, 0210, photography or theater lighting course, or permission of the instructor. This workshop will function both to explore the technical, aesthetic, and compositional aspects of lighting for cinematic, photographic, and electronic media for all students, and to cover advanced issues of cinematography and synchronous sound for those students who wish to continue study of filmmaking. The course will analyze the evolution of lighting styles (such as classical Hollywood, neorealist, film noir, and expressionism) in fiction and non-fiction moviemaking, commercials, trailers, and music videos. Each student will complete an individual and/or group portfolio of different lighting exercises. Students with an advanced interest in filmmaking will substitute camera and synchronous sound exercises for some of the lighting exercises.

W320. Writing for Media II (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 335.) Prerequisite: FMA 0201 or permission of instructor. An advanced course concentrating on the preparation of a complete television, motion picture, or non-fiction script.

0321. Screen Directing (4 s.h.) F

(Formerly RTF 0319.) Prerequisite: 200 level production course or permission of instructor. Theories of directing, dramatic form, and acting are examined through lectures, demonstrations, readings, and applied exercises to establish a theoretical and practical foundation in film and television directing.

0322. Screen Performance (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0316.) Prerequisite: Completion of 200 level production course or permission of instructor. Acting theory and advanced acting technique as applied to television and film; individual and ensemble exercises on location and in the studio.

0323. Scene Analysis for Writers and Directors (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0342.) Prerequisite: FMA 0200 and 0201, or permission of instructor. Analysis and exercises dealing with the conventional language of mainstream narrative film, including how this language, traditionally presented as the only way to organize narrative films, actually serves to circumscribe the kind of stories that may be told.

0324. Narrative Theory and Practice (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 343.) Prerequisite: FMA 0341 or FMA 0343 or permission of instructor. Analysis and exercises to push the conventions of mainstream narrative cinema in search of a personalized style. The class will look at foregrounding the lyrical narrative "voice," challenging mainstream structures, mixing genres, rethinking characterization, and flattening or artificially heightening of dramatic line.

0325. Working from Reality (4 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: FMA 0200 and 0201 or permission of instructor. An advanced workshop in the theory, practice, and ethics of documentary production. The workshop will feature exercises in oral history and interview techniques, hand-held and traditional camerawork, field-sound recording, archival film/photo and music research, specialized video and audio editing assignments, and a final camcorder project. These skills will be integrated with screenings of classics, work by women and minorities and experimental makers, along with reading and discussion of non-fiction theory.

0330. Advanced Audio Workshop (4 s.h.) F

(Formerly RTF 0320.) Prerequisite: FMA 0230. This is an advanced production class aimed at creating finished audio works. The class will focus on digital technologies and advanced audio applications such as digital sampling, midi, dat recording, "smpte" timecode, multi-track recording, sound scoring and design, and film/sound folcy.

0331. Film and Video Sound (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisites: FMA 0230 or permission of the instructor. Theory and practice of sound as it relates to film and video production including location sound, miking a frame, wild sound pick-up, overdubbing and acoustical reproduction, folie, sound sweetening, scoring for film and sound mixing for film.

0341. Experimental TV (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0341.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of the instructor. An advanced workshop to develop projects in experimental, documentary, or narrative forms using portable video, TV studio, and editing facilities.

0354. New Technologies Lab (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0354.) Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Exploration, study, design, production, and implementation of hypermedia projects including interactive and computer controlled video, computer graphics, digital sound, videodisc, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies. Interdisciplinary collaborations will be encouraged between Film and Media Arts, Mass Media and Telecommunications, Computer Science, Engineering, Architecture, Art, and Music.

W360. History of Documentary (4 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0156.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of the instructor. An interpretive historical survey of the non-fiction film explored through lectures, readings, and screenings. Films and writings to be studied will include work by Muybridge, Marey, Flaherty, Cooper, Grierson, Jennings, Lorentz, Van Dyke, Vertov, Ruttmann, Murrow, Leacock, Wiseman, Trinh Min Ha, and others.

0361. Media Anthropology (3 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0361.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core and junior or senior standing. Anthropological perspectives on media studies in terms of both cultural organization and anthropological research tools; includes anthropological and communication theory, history of ethnography, and research methods with special emphasis on visual recording modes.

W362. Contemporary American Documentary (4 s.h.) S

(Formerly RTF 0360.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of the instructor. An exploration of the contemporary documentary from the 1960's to today, which focuses on American Direct Cinema and its verit* antecedents, politically inspired activist media from newsreel to the women's movement, the emergence of non-fiction work by people of color, lesbian, and gay makers, and an experimental avant-garde. Screenings, reading of non-fiction critics such as Nichols, Winston, Pryluck, Ruby, Juhasz, and Benston and Anderson, along with discussion and writing form the heart of the course.

0363. Television Aesthetics

(Formerly RTF 0363.) Prerequisite: FMA X155. The study of aesthetic principles appropriate to the television medium. Exploration of the theories and techniques pertinent to the art of television through selected readings and video viewings.

0364. Theory of Film/Video Practice (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: FMA X155. An historical case study approach will demonstrate the integral relationship of theory and practice in the writing and work of such theorist/practitioners as: Griffith, Eisenstein, Jennings, Reisz, Deren, Bazin, Truffaut, Bresson, Godard, Mekas, Brakhage, Metz, Pasolini, Wollen, Paik, Barthes, Mulvey, Minh-ha, Riggs, Rosler, and Condit.

0365. Media Aesthetics

Prerequisite: FMA X155. Investigation of the historic and aesthetic relationships between idea and form as applied to modern media-theater, films, broadcasting, and writing, emphasis on the application of critical theory and problems of meaning.

W368. History of Narrative Film (4 s.h.) F

(Formerly RTF 0368.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core or permission of the instructor. Major trends in theatrical film history and the methods and issues in the writing of film history.

0380. Senior Media Culture Thesis I (4 s.h.) F

Prerequisites: Grade of B or better in FMA core courses, plus FMA 0202 and 0203 and senior status. The planning, conceptualization, and design of a written research project that combines skills in theory, criticism, and historiography, or a producible script based on research.

0381. Senior Media Culture Thesis II (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Senior Media Culture Thesis I. The completion of the project or script begun in FMA 0380.

0382. Senior Project (4 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Grade of B or better in FMA core courses, plus FMA 0200 and 0201, senior status, and an approved project proposal. Advanced preproduction, production, and post-production of film, video, and emerging technologies with specific emphasis on producing works of artistic and social consequence, with critiques and evaluations by faculty and visiting professionals. Intensive field and laboratory work leading towards individual or collaborative final project for exhibition. Two semester course.

0383. Senior Project II (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: FMA 0382. Continuation of FMA 0382.

0390. Topics in Media Culture (2-8 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 306.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core and permission of instructor. An exploratory seminar with varying special topics which might include "Gender," "Theories of Subjectivity," and "Marginalization and Representation." Course may be repeated. Lectures, screenings, discussion, and written assignments.

W391. Topics in Film Study (2-8 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 302.) Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core and permission of instructor. An exploratory seminar with varying special topics which might include "East European Cinema," "The Auteur Theory Re-examined," and "Ideology and Hollywood Cinema of the '50s." Course may be repeated. Lectures, screenings, discussion, and written assignments.

0392. Topics in Television Study (2-8 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Completion of the basic FMA core and permission of instructor. An exploratory seminar with varying special topics. Topics might include "Interactive Television," "Race, Class, Gender, TV Representation," and "Guerrilla Television." Course may be repeated. Lectures, screenings, discussions, and written assignments.

0393. Topics in Production (2-8 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 303.) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A workshop in film, video, audio, or emerging new technologies. The course will address a particular production issue (an aspect of technology or an aesthetic approach) each time it is offered, such as special effects, field recording, audio experimentation, computer imagery, video verit*, and film/video diary.

0395. London Seminar (3-6 s.h.)

(Formerly RTF 0307.) Offered through the London program. An exploratory seminar with varying topics each time it is offered.

0396. Special Projects (1-4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0391.) Prerequisites: Formal acceptance of project in writing by faculty sponsor and approval of FMA Department Chair. Individual projects proposed by advanced students. Candidates submit a detailed project plan on prescribed form before registration.

0397. Internship (4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0393.) Students selected on the basis of special qualifications are assigned as interns on an unpaid basis with organizations professionally engaged in broadcasting and film. Enrollment subject to availability of openings.

0398. Honors Reading (1-4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0396.) Prerequisites: Open to departmental honors students only; permission of departmental Honors Director. Designed to orient students to the field of Film and Media Arts through assigned readings. Oral and written reports presented in seminars.

0399. Honors Research/Project (1-4 s.h.) FS

(Formerly RTF 0397.) Prerequisites: Open to departmental honors students only; permission of departmental Honors Director. Honors students in consultation with an assigned adviser will design and complete individual research studies or experimental projects.

Return to the list of courses.

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