Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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Landscape Architecture and Horticulture

Course Descriptions for:

Course Descriptions for:


C101. General Botany (4 s.h.) (SA) FS

The importance of plants. A survey of vascular plant structure and diversity, fundamentals of plant ecology and geography, and the impact of people on our plant communities.

0102. Plant Ecology (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Botany C101. Structure and function of plants as related to their fit to the environment: interaction of plants with each other and the rest of their environment through study of natural and artificial systems, including wetlands, meadows, forests, deserts, disturbed sites, and managed landscapes.

0201. Plant Genetic and Breeding (4 s.h.) F

Offered in even years
Prerequisites: Botany C101 or equivalent and Chemistry C062ÐC064 or equivalent. Introduction to classical, biochemical, and population genetics of plants, and principles and techniques of plant improvement. Qualitative and quantitative inheritance, selection in self- and cross-pollinated crops and asexually pollinated crops, hybridization, polyploidy, chimeras, genetic engineering.

C203. Plant Physiology (4 s.h.) (SB) FS

Prerequisites: Botany C101 and Chemistry C061/C063, or Biology C083ÐC084. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between structure and biochemical/biophysical functioning. Recent developments in the field of plant physiology will be included, especially in the areas of stress physiology. Stress factors such as light, water, temperature, and soil conditioning will be related to plant growth and development.

0204. Applied Plant Physiology (3 s.h.) F

Offered in odd years Prerequisites: Botany C101 and C203, and Chemistry C061/C063, C062/C064. Comparative study of plant functions in stressed and unstressed environments; development of ecologically sound approaches to stress-related problems, particularly those of the urban environment.

302. Plant Taxonomy (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Botany C101 or permission of instructor. Systematic botany. Terminology, accurate and complete plant description; herbarium specimen preparation; identification and classification based on analysis of plant structure, genetics, physiology, ecology, and geography; identification of selected eastern North American flowering plants.

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0015. Fundamentals of Horticulture (2 s.h.) FS

For degree credit only if taken as first horticulture course. Principles of horticultural science; basic techniques of horticulture, including soil management, plant propagation, selection and maintenance of fruit, vegetable, and ornamental plants and landscape design.

0019. Sustainable Food Crops III (2 s.h.) 1SS

Practical experience in the planning, planting, growing, and harvesting of fruits and vegetables. A sustainable, environmentally-based approach is emphasized throughout this course. Equipment operation is also part of the hands-on, applied learning.

0050. The Use of Computers in Horticulture (1 s.h.) FS

Introduction to DOS, Windows, word processing, Lotus or Excel, a graphics package, and computer assisted design (CAD). Students proficient in all areas may test out of the course.

0062. Horticulture Business Management (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Required math course(s). Developing a business plan: establishing business records; balancing and forecasting budgets; financial records; business and tax laws; personnel-recruiting, training, and retaining staff; employerÕs responsibilities; marketing; ethics; managing loans and credit; estimating, contracting, and bidding.

0071. Advanced Woody Plants (2 s.h.) 1SS

Prerequisites: Horticulture 0107Ð0108. The identification, characteristics, and culture of less common trees, shrubs, and vines available for landscape design and landscape restoration. Weekly field trips and a research paper are required.

0072. Landscape Techniques Practicum (2 s.h.) SS

A practical course giving the student hands-on experience in pruning, plant installation and maintenance, and proper use and care of tools and equipment.

0073. Herbaceous Plants III (2 s.h.) 1SS

Prerequisites: Horticulture 0201Ð0202. Late spring and summer aspects of the garden, emphasizing design, maintenance, and identification. Practice in planting the annual garden, including direct seed sowing and garden maintenance procedures. Field trips, including two all day trips, required.

0098. Cooperative Education (3 s.h.) SS

Permission of department required for enrollment. A program of full-time summer work in horticulture or landscape design for a minimum of seven weeks. Cooperative Education gives the student the opportunity to integrate academic learning with practical work experience, thereby broadening his or her skills and perspectives.

0099. Honors Projects in Horticulture (1-3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Permission of department chair and instructor. For exceptional students interested in pursuing independent, in-depth study. Credits based on the quantity and quality of work fulfilling the established course outline.

0107. Woody Plants I (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of botany and horticulture. The study of native and introduced trees, shrubs, and vines that are the foundation of our natural and designed landscapes with emphasis on identification, culture, association in plant communities, and appropriate use. Lab is required.

0108. Woody Plants II (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Horticulture 0107. The study of trees, shrubs, and vines in natural and designed landscapes with emphasis on identification, culture, appropriate use, and association in plant communities. Lab is required.

0109. Arboriculture (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Horticulture 0107. Basic biology and physiology of trees; common pest, disease, mechanical, nutritional, and environmental problems. Types and use of proper equipment for pruning, maintenance, structural requirements, pesticide safety, and application. Professional requirements: insurance, liability, tree evaluation, job estimates, employee training and management, record keeping.

0201. Herbaceous Plants I (3 s.h.) F

Identification, culture, and appropriate designs for native and cultivated annuals, perennials, bulbs, and wildflowers; collaboration with nature in designing and maintaining ecologically sound gardens.

0202. Herbaceous Plants II (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Horticulture 0201. Identification, culture, and environmentally appropriate designs for native and cultivated annuals, perennials, herbs, and roses; cost analysis, designing, and maintaining ecologically sound gardens.

0203. Greenhouse Management (3 s.h.) F

(Formerly Horticulture 0003) Prerequisites: Horticulture 0201Ð0202 or permission of instructor. Environment management of the greenhouse using cost-efficient methods, labor-saving procedures, and modern building materials, methods, and mechanization techniques; growing plants in the greenhouse is part of the laboratory experience; identification of greenhouse grown plant materials; field trips to innovative local growers.

0204. Greenhouse Production (3 s.h.) S

(Formerly Horticulture 0004) Prerequisite: Horticulture 0203. Scheduling greenhouse crop production using microcomputers; cultural requirements of several major floricultural plants, including the latest cultivars used in urban nursery/garden centers; identification of greenhouse grown plant material; field trips to innovative growers.

C236. Soils (3 s.h.) (SB) FS

Prerequisite: Chemistry C061/C063 or Geology C050. The physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils are examined in light of water/mineral, organism/air relationships. Soil morphology, classification, genesis, and geographic distribution will be studied. An understanding of soil horizon from textbook to actual site soil pits will be developed. Use of soil surveys emphasized.

0252. Equipment Maintenance (3 s.h.) S

Proper operation, repair, and normal maintenance procedures for motorized equipment, including tractors, mowers, tillers, shredders, sprayers, chain saws, and hand-held trimmers and blowers.

0301. Plant Propagation (3 s.h.) S

Sexual and asexual methods of propagation, including micropropagation, emphasizing use of the best plants for stressful urban environments.

0305. Horticulture Therapy (3 s.h.) F

Utilizing horticulture for those who are mentally or physically impaired, the elderly, substance abusers, and those confined to penal institutions. To help these people function and integrate better, therapists will work with total health-care teams, physicians, other therapists, and social agencies.

0306. Therapy Skills (2 s.h.) S

Horticulture skills for use in therapy programs. Plant materials, herbs, flower drying and plant preservation, wild edibles, holiday decorations, light gardening, topiary, garbage gardening, terrariums and dish gardens, wheelchair gardening, and activities for the blind. Lectures and workshops.

0310. Landscape Management/Restoration (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisites: Horticulture 0107 and 0108. This course will develop an ecologically-based understanding of how to establish, restore, and manage meadows, forest, and wetland systems. Focus will be given to natural processes, major planting patterns, as well as plant communities and wildlife habitats. Students will participate in the management of natural landscapes on the Ambler Campus and nearby parkland.

0311. Landscape Techniques (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisites: Horticulture 0107 and 0108. This course seeks to develop an understanding of issues which will lead to innovative and appropriate landscape installation and management techniques for both cultured and disturbed sites. Major focus is given to site analysis, plant selection, handling, installation, pruning, soil and plant protection during construction, and site maintenance techniques.

0317. Sustainable Food Crops II (3 s.h.) F

A fall continuation of the sustainable food crop production, handling, preparation and distribution approach also continuing the hands-on student involvement.

0318. Sustainable Food Crops I (3 s.h.) S

An introductory course in the philosophy, approach, and technical systems utilized in sustainable food production, handling, and distribution in urban and suburban areas. A hands-on laboratory is integral to the course.

0325. Internship (1 s.h.)

Prerequisite: At least sophomore status in the Horticulture B.S. program. A minimum of one semester or 400 hours of employment is required in an area related to the studentÕs horticultural field of interest, providing a meaningful work experience. Should be taken between sophomore and junior years.

0339. Applied Entomology (3 s.h.) FSS

Prerequisite: Horticulture 0107Ð0108 or permission of instructor. In lecture and lab, students will learn the basic diagnostic skills for identifying pest problems. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) will be emphasized as the approach for managing pests of plants grown in stressful environments.

0340. Applied Plant Pathology (3 s.h.) FS

In lecture and laboratory, infectious causes of plant disease (fungi, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, nematodes, and plant parasites), as well as environmental stresses, pollution, pesticide injury, and nutritional imbalances will be examined. Important diagnostic skills for determining these causes, and current methods for managing problems (Integrated Pest Management) will be learned.

0342. Flower Shop Management (3 s.h. ) FS

Business management of the retail flower shop, as well as design of unusual floral displays; handling flowers, plants, and accessories; making corsages, sprays, bouquets, and wedding decorations. A $50 laboratory fee. 0352. Nursery Operation, Management, and Production Techniques (3 s.h.) S Prerequisites: Botany 0102 and Horticulture 0107Ð0108. This course includes an overview of the nursery industry and examines the management and operation of wholesale and retail nurseries, the production of plants in both container and field-grown conditions.

0354. Turf Management (3 s.h.) F

Establishment and maintenance of turf grasses under varying soil and other environmental conditions, particularly urban situations; identification of species and newer strains of grasses and their appropriate uses. This course stresses an environmental approach to lawn maintenance and the responsible use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.

0356. Interior Plantscaping (3 s.h.)

(Offered in even years) The culture and use of foliage and flowering plants indoors, management of the interior environment for plants, plant identification, and business practices for interior plantscapers.

0358. Nursery/Garden Management (3 s.h.)

Location and layout of nurseries and garden centers, management of plants in nursery beds, fields, and containers, business practices, including marketing and merchandising, current trends in nursery economics, nursery regulations, and plant patents.

0361. Tree Pathology (3 s.h.) F

A study of tree health and management. Infectious and noninfectious diseases of shade trees will be studied in lecture and in-depth on field trips. Emphasis is placed on urban stress, timely and economically important diseases, and complex tree declines. Horticulture 0340 or arboriculture experience is strongly recommended.

0380. Art of Floral Design I (3 s.h.) FS

An investigation of the principles of art and interior design to establish a firm foundation from which personal creativity may spring, and to determine appropriate styles of floral arrangements for the client, home environment, display, and show competition. The lab periods offer construction in western and Oriental styles of design. $50 laboratory fee.

0381. Art of Floral Design II (3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Horticulture 0380. An expansion of the philosophy of the relationships of nature and creativity applicable to commercial design and compositions for home and exhibition. Further study and experimentation in assembling of plant materials and found objects indigenous to classical styles as well as the influences of avant-garde design from the art world. $50.00 laboratory fee.

0382. Art of Floral Design III (3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Horticulture 0381. Deeper exploration of the principles of composition and the investigation of symbolism, periods, movements of design, construction and communication with plant materials, found objects, lighting, and other media. $50.00 laboratory fee.

W395. Senior Seminar (1.5 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Senior standing. Note: Course must be taken for two semesters, fall and spring, in that order, in any academic year, to earn credits and grade. Course carries a total of 3 s.h. Use of the entire college experience to focus, analyze, understand, and provide appropriate solutions to specific urban horticulture problems. Each student must write and present an in-depth research paper.

Return to the list of courses.

05751/Landscape Architecture

0054. Design Process (3 s.h.) S

(Formerly Landscape Architecture 0004) Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0101. Combining the elements of spatial design to create gardens and landscapes for real sites. Learning design process: analysis, evaluation, concept and design composition. Design/build simple walks, walls, fences, and arbors.

0055. Planting Design (3 s.h.) F

(Formerly LA 0005) Prerequisite: LA 0101. Solving the problems of specific sites such as wet sites, steep slopes, urban conditions, natural conditions, and degraded sites. Using plants as part of the solution.

0056. Comprehensive Planting Design (3 s.h.) S

(Formerly LA 0006) Prerequisite: LA 0055. Developing planting plans for a site having various problems and use areas. A sequence of short exercises will be combined in a final projects. For example, a farmhouse landscape with hedgerows, garden, service areas, woodland, and meadow. Emphasis will be on proper plant selection and design.

0057. Landscape Engineering and Construction (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0101. Surveying and contour planning to complete site development. The establishment of grades, and the design and specifications for landscape construction features, including paving, walls, steps fences, arbors, and trellises.

0099. Honors Projects (1-3 s.h.) FS

Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson and instructor is required. For exceptional students interested in pursuing independent, in-depth study. Credits based on the quantity and quality of work fulfilling the established course outline.

0101. Graphic Communication (4 s.h.) F

Techniques of graphic presentation used in landscape design, including perspective drawing, sketching, lettering, rendering plans sections, and elevations.

0102. Basic Landscape Design (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0101. An introductory studio investigating landscape design issues on the Temple campus and in local communities. The purpose of the studio is to explore actual site problems, the process of developing a concept from a program, and to take the student through the gradual evolution of a design from organizational ideas to the making of space and form.

0108. Basic Landscape Engineering

This introductory level course will impact the basic concepts, ideas, and techniques in dealing with the visual, functional, and ecological aspects of grading and landform manipulation.

0150. Computer-Aided Design (2 s.h.) S

This course is an introduction to computer-aided design and drafting, using Autocad II and DCA Landscape Programs. Plan, perspective, dimensioning, and text are included. Some basic computer skills are desirable.

0205. Site Design Studio (6 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0102. This studio course explores the design process and means of design inspiration. A variety of residential-scale projects emphasizing ecological design principals and the creation of meaningful landscape and garden spaces. The use of both suburban and urban sites addresses diverse contextual issues.

0206. Land Planning (6 s.h.) S

Prerequisites: Landscape Architecture 0101, 0102, and 0205. Large-scale rural natural and cultural resource analysis, community planning and design concepts, and land use planning strategies leading to a master plan for a village-scale new community.

0210. Summer Field Geology (3 s.h.) ISS

Prerequisite: Botany 0102. Learn to Òread the landscapeÓ through the exploration of the landscape provinces of the Delaware River Basin. Through visiting natural landscapes in each of the sub-regions, one will see how the relationship of geology, soils, hydrology, plant communities, and land use history reveals an understanding of visual characteristics and opportunities and constraints to development inherent in the natural environment.

0305. Planting and Design (4 s.h.) S

Prerequisites: Landscape Architecture 0101 and 0102, and Horticulture 0107Ð0108. Assuming the interdependence of our built and natural landscapes as a basis for design, this course will study processes, plant associations, and individual characteristics, and deals with the integration of plants into the full design process.

0307. Park and Historic Preservation Design (6 s.h.) F

Prerequisites: Landscape Architecture 0101, 0102, 0205, and 0206. This course will explore the fundamentals of park design and principles of historic restoration. A variety of projects will explore issues relating to scale, program development, and appropriate design solutions, as well as the design process and graphics.

0308. Design/Build Studio (6 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0307. The focus for this studio is to refine design detailing skills and to design and build project on an actual site with an appropriate budget. Students will create the design, purchase materials, construct, and plant the site.

0309. Landscape Engineering I (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Mathematics Core, Landscape Architecture 0101, 0102, and 0210. An introduction to the principles, processes, and techniques of site engineering for ÒsoftÓ elements of landscape architecture, based on the understanding and appreciation of ecological principles, functional requirements, and aesthetic considerations. Includes elements of design/engineering such as earth forming, grading, storm water management, earth work calculations.

0310. Landscape Engineering II (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0309. Includes the principles, processes, and techniques of site engineering for the hard elements of landscape architecture. This course is based on the understanding and appreciation of ecological principles, functional requirements, and aesthetic considerations. Includes elements of design/engineering such as siting buildings, grading, road alignment, and simple structures. Understanding the nature of construction materials and preparation of working drawings are also included.

W318. Western Traditions of Landscape Architecture (3 s.h.) S

Prerequisite:s Landscape Architecture 0101 and 0102 or permission of instructor. A comprehensive overview of western civilizationÕs efforts to create useful, beautiful, and symbolic spaces from ancient times until the modern day. Field trips and a research paper are required. This is a writing intensive course.

W319. American Traditions of Landscape Architecture (3 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture W318 or permission of instructor. An examination of ideas, needs, visions, and values that have shaped both the design and the common landscapes of America from the Colonial period until the 21st century. Field trips and a research paper are required. This is a writing intensive course.

0323. Professional Practice (2 s.h.) FS

The study of ethics, current business practices, contract documentation, bids, cost estimates, specifications, and interdisciplinary relationships. This course seeks to teach the student how to set priorities and manage people and to execute landscape projects.

0325. Internship (1 s.h.)

Prerequisite: At least sophomore status in the landscape architecture program. A minimum of one semester or 400 hours of employment with a landscape architecture firm, landscape contractor, or in another related field. During the internship, students should test concepts developed in class with real work experience. Should be taken between sophomore and junior years.

W397. Fall Senior Studio (6 s.h.) F

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0307Ð0308. Focus on large-scale, complex planning projects dealing with growth management issues and an understanding of all phases of the planning process. The scope of the project will include analysis and evaluation of existing conditions, formulation of expansion or rehabilitation programming, and creation of concept plans leading to a final master plan.

0398. Spring Senior Studio (6 s.h.) S

Prerequisite: Landscape Architecture 0397. The final senior studio deals with a variety of projects that may include landscape design projects involving fine arts, urban design, and town planning. Students will be challenged to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the ideas, processes, and concepts throughout the project evolution.

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