Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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Student Services

Kristl L. Wiernicki, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
404 Student Activities Center
(215) 204-7188


The Dean of Students' office provides guidance and support to individual students, parents, and student groups regarding nonacademic issues such as housing, health, recreation, and social activities. The Dean also serves as co-adviser for Greek life and counsels individual fraternities and sororities and the Temple University Greek Association (TUGA). Also located in this office is the Student Media and Publications Coordinator, who works with student staffs from The Temple News, Templar, Graphics Media Center, and the Temple University/United Parcel Service (TUPS) electronic message board.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of many varied opportunities for peer leadership and employment to help them achieve their educational goals. These include: Orientation Group Leader, Peer Consultant (Student Assistance Center); Resident Assistant (University Housing); SACE Peer Educator, DARE Peer Educator (University Counseling Services); CPR and First Aid Trainer (University Health Services); Extern Peer Counselor, Career Services Assistant (Career Development Center); Owl Cove Manager, Technical Crew Manager, Student Building Supervisor (Student Activities).

For more information, see the Student Handbook

Career Development Services

Patricia Nevius Peterson, Director
Mitten Hall, 2nd Floor
(215) 204-7981
Job Center, Ambler Campus
(215) 283-1274


Career Development Services has developed several components under a comprehensive career planning program to help students to understand themselves, to understand the relationship between academic and vocational choices, to discover and develop alternatives, and finally to help students make the transition from the academic world to the world of work. The components of Career Services, Cooperative Education, Extern Program, Student Employment, and Volunteer Services are all an integral part of Career Development Services. Related services are offered at the Tyler School of Art, Temple University Center City, and on the Ambler Campus.

Career Services
(215) 204-7981

Career Services assists students and alumni/ae with career planning and provides information on employment. Students are encouraged to begin their career planning as early as possible, preferably in the freshman and sophomore years. Career advisement is offered for all areas of employment. There is a job referral system for graduating students at all degree levels and for alumni/ae.

An annual on-campus recruiting program brings several hundred prospective employers and graduate schools to campus. Workshops on career planning, constructing resumes, interviewing and job hunting techniques are offered. Corporate information sessions and seminars on employment opportunities in various fields are presented frequently. Several Career Days, when students may discuss career plans and learn about career opportunities with employers, are held throughout the year.

The Career Services Library has extensive information on career planning, occupational information, prospective employers, and graduate schools. Recruitment literature from employers seeking college graduates is available. Resumes and references for prospective employers and graduate schools can be maintained and sent out through the credentials service.

Cooperative Education
(215) 204-1241

Cooperative Education (Co-op) coordinates classroom instruction and practical application. Participants work in fields related to their majors and receive a salary during the period of employment. They can also receive academic credit through college or department Co-op courses, which may be elected by students on Co-op assignments. Co-op employment resembles regular employment, except that student employees are hired for a limited period of time. Standards and procedures which apply to permanent employees also apply to

Co-op student employees. Interviewing, hiring, and determination of salary and benefits are the responsibility of the employer.

Extern Program
(215) 204-1241

The Extern Program is an optional work experience/career education program designed to aid students in making better informed career decisions based on practical experience and self-assessment.

Students accepted into the program receive individualized career counseling, on-the-job experience, and academic assignments. Students are placed as volunteers with organizations in areas which complement their career objectives and/or fields of study.

The program is usually offered during the first two full weeks of January, coinciding with the University's winter break. Participating students receive two or three academic credits.

Student Employment

Each year, thousands of Temple University students find part-time, temporary, and summer employment, both on- and off-campus, through the Student Employment Program. Employers from around the Philadelphia region provide student employment opportunities on an ongoing basis. Students can visit Career Development Services to view the listings, which are posted Monday through Friday. Before seeking employment, international students must contact the Office of International Services for approval and clearance.

Student Activities
Walter M. Brady
, Director
230 Student Activities Center
(215) 204-7131
Student Assistance Center
Student Activities Center, 1st Floor
(215) 204-8531
Health Sciences Center Office
Student Faculty Center
(215) 707-4017

The primary goals of the Student Activities Office are to maintain Temple's student union facilities (Student Activities Center and the Student Faculty Center), provide services and promote programs that are responsive to student developmental needs, and to serve the physical, social, co-curricular and continuing educational needs of the campus community.

With the support of the Student Activities staff and various student committees and organizations, these student union facilities are "laboratories" where students can learn and practice leadership, programming, management, social responsibility, and interpersonal skills. As a center for the academic community, we provide a place for increased interaction and understanding among individuals from diverse backgrounds.

The Student Activities Center on Main Campus houses a movie theater, game room, the University bookstore, lounges, meeting rooms, food court, snack bar, travel agent, post office, and full service bank. The Student Activities staff also operates the "Owl Cove," a student-run daytime eatery and evening programming facility in Mitten Hall.

Staffed by student paraprofessionals and a full-time employee who also serves as administrator for the Code of Conduct, the Student Assistance Center (SAC) provides an information and referral service for the University community. Staff solve specific problems relating to registration, payment of fees, student records, non-academic grievances, etc. SAC also provides specialized services such as the New Student Workshop (orientation), Student Leadership Training Programs, tutoring and typing services, the Student Development Transcript, and Book Bargain.

On the Health Sciences campus, the Student Faculty Center houses a conference center, meeting rooms, cafeteria, art gallery, bookstore, gymnasium, weight room, and dance studio.

Student Activities staff also serve as advisers and resource persons for more than 140 clubs and organizations, including the student-run Program Boards, fraternities, sororities, and Temple Student Government.

University Counseling Services

Sullivan Hall, Lower Level
(215) 204-7276

The University Counseling Services provide a comprehensive array of counseling and support services for individuals and groups who are experiencing personal, family, or academic concerns. The department's goal is to provide students with opportunities for academic, career, personal, social and cultural growth essential to the development of an educated productive person. The staff is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals. The four components of the department are listed below.

SACE (Sexual Assault Counseling and Education)

Recognizing that college students are often at risk for sexual assault, harassment, and other forms of interpersonal violence, the SACE program plays a pivotal role in changing attitudes and myths about assault through education and workshops within the University community. In addition, the program provides resources for workshops, participation in curriculum development, and coordination of services for survivors of assault. The SACE staff provides crisis intervention, survivor advocacy, individual, short term therapy, and groups for survivors of assault and child sexual abuse. SACE also utilizes peer educators who provide student support and training throughout the year. All services are confidential.

Psychological/Psychiatric Services

Psychological/Psychiatric Services exists primarily to help students achieve a satisfying growth experience during and after college. The department is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of counseling and clinical psychologists and psychiatrists engaged largely in individual, couples, and small group counseling. Special focus groups are offered each semester, in such areas as study skills development, interpersonal relations, eating disorders, assertiveness, gay, lesbian and bisexual growth and life transitions such as divorce or death of significant others. When an evaluation indicates that short term psycho-therapy is insufficient, a judicious referral is made.

Psychological Services also provides workshops for persons experiencing various life transitions such as divorce, death of significant others, retirement, and loss of job. Services are free to registered students.

Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., daily. The staff also provides on-site services at Ambler, Tyler, and other campuses by appointment.

DARE (Drug and Alcohol Referral and Education)
Sullivan Hall, Lower Level

The Drug and Alcohol Referral and Education Program (DARE) is a comprehensive program focusing on all aspects of alcohol and other drug use and abuse. The DARE program combines peer counseling education and referral with a core of trained students working in conjunction with certified addiction counselors. The staff works with students individually and in groups. Ongoing workshops are sponsored on alcohol and other drug-related issues. These workshops emphasize positive decision-making and alternatives to alcohol and other drug use. Several anonymous recovery groups including AA, CA, NA, OA, and ACOA meet regularly on Temple's campus. Please call (215) 204-7276 for more information.

Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. The staff also provides onsite services at Ambler, Tyler and other campuses by appointment. Students are seen by appointment except in emergency situations when immediate care is required. Services are free to registered students. All services are confidential.

Disability Resources and Services

Dorothy Cebula, Director
100 Ritter Annex
(215) 204-1280 (V)
(215) 204-1786 (TTY)

Disability Resources and Services offers assistance and information for students with disabilities in accessing programs, facilities, and activities of the University.

Services include academic adjustments and accommodations involving interpreters, test proctoring, library research, adaptive computing equipment, study strategies, notetaker and reader service, and course modifications if appropriate. Mobility information, a wheelchair storage and repair area, equipment loan program, specialized scholarship and career resources are also available.

Student Health Services

Herbert A. Blough, M.D., Director
Lower Level, Mitten Hall
1931 N. Broad St.
(215) 204-4660 (TDD)
(215) 204-7500 (Voice)

Student Health Services endeavors to promote a high standard of health among Temple University students through programs in preventive medicine and health education in addition to diagnosis and treatment of basic injury and illness. Services offered at the Main, Ambler, Tyler, and Health Sciences Center campuses include nurse and general physician care, an immunization/allergy injection clinic, and a self-care cold and wound center. Other services offered at Main Campus include dermatology and gynecology consultation, HIV testing, and health education.

Student Health Fee

Students are charged a fee each semester during the academic year to help subsidize the basic diagnostic and treatment services provided by nurses and physicians at all four campus locations. Gynecology/family planning services and laboratory testing are specialized services available at Main Campus and by appointment at the other campuses.

Student Health Insurance

As the Student Health Fee is not an insurance premium, all students are strongly encouraged to carry health insurance. The costs of prescription medicines, specialized medical care, hospital and outpatient treatment, including emergency room services or diagnostic testing, whether provided by Temple University Hospital or another facility, are not covered by the Student Health Fee and must be paid by students who are not covered by health insurance. Hospital insurance is mandatory for international students throughout their stay at the University.

Students may obtain information and applications for Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans offered through Temple by contacting the Personnel Services Benefits Office, Room 201, University Services Building, (215) 204-1321.


Students living in University housing and/or participating in intercollegiate athletics or the marching band are requested to provide physician-documented proof of two measles immunizations. Immunization against mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria and varicella is also recommended.

Office of University Housing

Terri Scanlon, Director
321 Student Activities Center
(215) 204-7184

At Temple University, residence halls at the Main, Ambler, and Tyler School of Art campuses and Health Sciences Center provide an opportunity for students to extend their learning experiences beyond the classroom, library, and laboratory. The Office of University Housing attempts to create group living environments in which each student is offered an opportunity to develop as an individual in an atmosphere which encourages emotional, social, and intellectual development. Additionally, the Office of University Housing is committed to creating community living environments which value and promote an appreciation for diversity of cultures, lifestyles, and people. See The Campuses.

Students interested in obtaining more information about, or applying for, any of the above housing accommodations should write to the Office of University Housing, 315 Student Activities Center, 13th Street and Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19122, or call (215) 204-7223 or (215) 204-7224.

Office of International Services

Guy H. Lemaitre, Director
207 Mitten Hall
(215) 204-7229

The Office of International Services coordinates a number of educational and programming services for foreign students and visiting faculty and research scholars. It sponsors cross-cultural programs and provides assistance to international and national organizations.

Foreign Students

Foreign students are assisted with problems in adjusting to a new culture and also receive counseling on immigration laws, housing, social events in the area, admissions, and financial aid requirements of the University. Services of a similar nature are also provided to foreign faculty and researchers.

The Office offers an Intensive English Language Program. The program consists of a coordinated series of full-time, non-credit English courses for non-native speakers of English. The courses are designed to guide the non-English speaker to functional competence in English for university study, business, medicine, industry, or science. (See Special Academic Programs for further information.)

Beginning in fall 1996, all international students are required to show evidence of having health insurance which meets the following standards: a maximum deductible of $500 per accident or illness; payment of at least 75% of covered medical expenses; maximum benefit per accident or illness of at least $50,000; repatriation benefits of $7,500 or more; medical evacuation benefits of $10,000 or more. For further information, call Temple University Personnel Benefits, 215-204-1321.

In addition, international students permanently residing in high-incidence countries (Asia, Africa, India, Latin America, Mainland China, the Middle East, Eastern European countries, and countries of the former USSR) must demonstrate that they are free of active tuberculosis by submitting a Tuberculosis Screening Record, which has been certified by a licensed physician, to Student Health Services. For more information, call Temple University Student Health Services, 215-204-7500.

Recreational Services

Stephen Young, Director
1858 N. Broad Street
(215) 204-1267

The Department of Recreation Services offers a wide variety of recreational sports opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to pursue in their leisure time. The total program encompasses seven major components: open recreation, intramurals, sport clubs, aerobics, special events, special programs, adapted recreation, and an Ambler Campus program. Activities range from structured, competitive leagues to self-directed fitness avenues. For further information, schedules, and literature, please visit our office or call (215) 204-1267. For facility hours for open recreation, call our open rec hotline (215) 204-3223.

Office of Affirmative Actions

William T. Yates, II, Assistant Vice President
Sandra A. Foehl, Director
109 University Services Building
(215) 204-7303

A student or employee who thinks he or she is being discriminated against because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or marital status should contact this office. It is this office's responsibility to help the student file a complaint through the appropriate grievance procedures and attempt to remedy any affirmative action problem it discovers in the course of an investigation. Complaints of sexual harassment may also be reported here.

Grievance Procedures

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 requires that each college or university establish due process for the resolution of academic grievances. This act also requires procedures for grievances brought by students concerning non-academic matters which are not covered by the academic grievance procedures.

Undergraduate students enrolled at Temple University have the right to appeal any academic matter in which they feel that they have been treated unfairly. The commencement of a formal grievance is most serious in nature and should take place only after all informal methods of adjudication have taken place.

For further information on academic grievance procedures, students should contact the Office of the Dean of the college in which they are enrolled. See Academic Policies and Regulations. Further information on non-academic grievances is available from the Office of the Student Affairs Ombudsperson.

Sexual Harassment

Temple University is committed to providing a learning, working, and teaching environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community, free from discriminatory conduct. Sexual harassment in any form or context is inimical to this and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment subverts the mission and the work of the University, and can threaten the career, educational experience, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff.

The University recognizes that sexual harassment may occur regardless of the formal position or status of each person involved. Sexual harassment is especially offensive, however, when it occurs in relationships between teacher and student or between supervisor and subordinate. In those situations, sexual harassment exploits unfairly the power inherent in the position of the faculty member or supervisor.

Sexual harassment also constitutes a form of sex discrimination which is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Elementary/Secondary Education Act of 1972, and state law. In addition to any sanctions that may be imposed by the University for violation of this policy, a person who sexually harasses another person may be held personally liable to the victim and be subject to sanctions independent of those imposed by the University.

Persons who feel they have been the victim of sexual harassment may make an informal complaint to any Sexual Harassment Ombudsperson listed:

Additional Ombudspersons have been designated; contact the Office of Affirmative Action (204-7303/7335), the Sexual Assault Counseling and Education Program (204-7276) or Gopher at University Counseling Services for their names and locations.

For the names of the Sexual Harassment Ombudspersons designated in a specific school or college, contact the Dean's Office.

Students, faculty, and staff may bring a formal administrative complaint of sexual harassment by filing a written complaint directly with the University's Office of Affirmative Action and are not required to utilize informal resolution procedures before filing a formal complaint.

Department of Security and Protection

Charles Bush, Esq., Associate Vice President for Security and Protection
Philadelphia Computer Center
1101 W. Montgomery Avenue
(215) 204-6553

The Department observes that most crime can be prevented by exercising the same degree of caution normally observed off-campus: belongings should not be left unattended; vehicles should be locked and all valuables kept in the trunk and out of sight. The Department is a full-service police and security organization which serves all members of the Temple community.

The Campus Police Division is a State-certified criminal justice agency. Campus Police officers are fully trained and have the same authority as officers in the jurisdiction where the campus is located.

The Security Division is comprised of trained Security Officers who provide protective services inside University buildings and facilities.

Presentation of current valid Temple identification is required to enter most campus buildings. Residence hall entry is regulated by uniformed Security Officers dusk to dawn during the school year. Entry is permitted to dormitory residents and their guests upon presentation of positive identification.

Escort Service: Campus Police officers provide 24 hour escort service. Arrangements can be made by calling the numbers listed below.

Other Services: The Department presents a wide range of programs on security-related matters. Call the Crime Prevention office at (215) 204-7178 for further information. The Department's "Operation Identification" assists students to engrave their Social Security numbers on valuable property. Call (215) 204-7178 for assistance.

Emergency no fee telephones are located on all campuses and connect directly to the Campus Police. All exterior emergency telephones are yellow.

Phone No.
Phone No.
Main Campus 1-1234 204-1234
TUCC 1-1166 204-1166
Health Sciences Center 2-2677 707-3730
Ambler 3-1336 283-1337
Tyler 4-2800 782-2801

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