Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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College of Education


Special Education

Program Coordinator
(215) 204-8071

The Special Education program offers a course of study which can lead to Pennsylvania Department of Education certification to teach the mentally and/or physically handicapped.

The program is designed to prepare teachers for individuals labeled mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, and physically handicapped.

A program for certification in Special Education is available only in combination with Early Childhood and Elementary Education.


All requirements for the Elementary and Early Childhood Education program must be completed except that only three s.h. of Elementary Education 0230 (Practicum: Teaching the N-6 Child) and five s.h. of Student Teaching-Elementary 0271 (Student Teaching in the Elementary School) are required.

In addition, the following courses must be completed:

Special Education 23 s.h.

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Vocational/Technical Education

Program Coordinator
(215) 204-8376

Vocational/Technical Education programs prepare teachers and teacher-coordinators who wish to assist youth in developing skills for the world of work in business, marketing and distribution, health occupations, gainful home economics, industrial occupations, and off-farm agriculture. A technical training in industry emphasis is also available.

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Business Education

Program Coordinator
(215) 204-6199

This curriculum is designed to prepare students who expect to teach business subjects at the junior and senior high school levels and the junior college level in public and private schools. Two areas of content are combined in order to provide the student with a general education, a field of specialization, and professional training. Moreover, the curriculum aims to combine these elements in such proportions as to give students the balanced perspective of the relation that business education bears to education as a whole.

Prior to enrolling in Student Teaching (Vocational Education 0299), Business Education students must have completed (with a 2.5 cumulative average) the Business Education, Vocational Education, and Preprofessional Requirements as well as the Academic Specialization.

General Studies, Preprofessional and Core Requirements
Several restrictions and additions to the requirements listed above apply to students in this program.

  1. All students must take English 0104 (Writing for Business and Industry) as an additional Writing and Composition requirement.
  2. All students must take a Statistics course.
  3. To meet the Individual and Society requirements all students must take Economics C051 (Macroeconomic Principles) and C052 (Microeconomic Principles).

Program Requirements


Computer and Information Sciences


Human Resource Administration

Total 18 s.h.

*Must be taken in the junior or senior years.

Business Education and Vocational Education Core
Business Education

Vocational Education

28 s.h.


12 s.h.

Note: Intermediate Accounting I and II and Accounting Information Systems must be taken in the junior or senior years.

Total semester hours: 129

Business Education and Vocational
Education Core

Vocational Education

28 s.h.


15 s.h.

Total Semester Hours: 132

Business Education and Vocational
Education Core
Business Education

Vocational Education

40 s.h.

Total Semester Hours: 129

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Industrial Education

Program Coordinator
(215) 204-3263

This curriculum leads to a B.S.E. degree (with a specialization in teaching or technical training in industry). The courses taken satisfy requirements for state certification as well as for the degree and are available on a part-time basis.

General Studies, Preprofessional and Core Requirements
Several restrictions and additions to the requirements listed above apply to students in this program.

  1. All students must take English W104 (Writing for Business and Industry) as an additional Writing and Composition requirement 3
  2. All students must take Statistics C111 (Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business and Economics) as an addi- tional Mathematics requirement.
  3. To meet the requirements in Social Science, all students must take Economics C051 (Macroeconomic Principles), and Sociology R064 (American Ethnicity). 6

Program Requirements


43 s.h.

Note: Vocational/Technical Education 0399 is not required for students entering the program with appropriate occupational experience who have demonstrated occupational competence. Such students, who are matriculated and have completed 90 s.h. of acceptable coursework, may arrange to have up to 24 s.h. recorded toward their degree through payment of the required fees.

For certification in Industrial Education, there is an occupational experience and an occupational competency requirement. To become certified, the student must pass an Occupational Competency Examination (or the equivalent) and complete two years of occupational experience beyond the time needed to learn the occupation.

Electives: 3-7 s.h.
Total Semester Hours: 128

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Marketing/Distributive Education

This curriculum prepares students who expect to teach marketing education at secondary, post-secondary, and adult institutions. Emphasis is on the role of the teacher-coordinator in developing cooperative work experience programs in local business communities. The curriculum develops the studentÕs ability to work with training programs in all settings (suburban, rural, urban) including disadvantaged students and youth leadership programs.

Work experience in distributive occupations is required for state certification; this requirement may be met by past work experience and/or by completion of a Supervised Work Experience (Vocational/Technical Education 0399).

The adviser should be consulted when planning a program in Marketing and Distributive Education including the required 56 s.h. in General Studies.

Prior to enrolling in Student Teaching (Vocational/Technical Education 0299), Marketing and Distributive Education students must have completed all other program requirements, have a 2.5 overall GPA, and a 2.0 average in the business concentration.

General Studies, Preprofessional and Core Requirements
The following restriction applies to students in this program.

To meet the requirements in Social Science, all students must take Economics C051 (Macroeconomic Principles).

Program Requirements

Language or International Studies
At least two courses from those which meet the Core requirement in this area. One of these must cover non-western or third world culture. 3-6
American Culture
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Distributive Education

Vocational/Technical Education

34 s.h.


Human Resource Administration




21 s.h.

Total Semester Hours: 131

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Certification Programs

Cooperative Education

School personnel interested in being certified in "Off-Campus Occupational-Related Experiences" in Pennsylvania must be certified in Cooperative Education. This certification covers a variety of field experiences for secondary students, including community exploration, cooperative education, work experience, and special needs.

Persons wishing to become teachers of cooperative education must make application to the program and provide information about their education and experiential backgrounds. Based on the information provided, a program of studies, which includes an internship, is prepared. Persons who enter this program holding a valid teaching certificate will work toward earning "add-on" certificates in Cooperative Education while others will work toward "stand-alone" certificates.

Persons wishing to enroll in this program should contact an adviser.

Vocational Industrial Education

This curriculum, offered in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, is designed to prepare persons to teach vocational industrial subjects on the secondary, post-secondary, and junior college levels in public and private schools. Vocational Teacher Education courses may be taken on three levels: Certification, Undergraduate and Graduate. Persons who have at least two years of work experience beyond the learning period in a trade, technical, or other selected occupation may prepare for certification to teach occupational laboratory or related classes in secondary schools in Pennsylvania.

Certification students must apply and be admitted to the Vocational/ Industrial Education Certification Program. All certification students must meet the requirements for admission to the University. In addition to meeting the requirements for admission to the University, candidates must satisfy the departmental requirements for work experience and must have passed the required Occupational Competency Test. Students must also pass the Pre-Professional Skills Test in reading, writing, and mathematics before receiving the Vocational Intern Teaching Certificate. This program prepares the student for vocational-industrial teacher certification in Pennsylvania, and, in general, is acceptable in other states. Work taken toward the certification objective may be applied to the undergraduate degree program. The courses are offered on a part-time basis only for persons who are preparing to teach or for those who are already teaching and who must meet professional requirements. Completing 18 semester hours of approved coursework and passing the occupational competency examination will permit the issuance of a Vocational Instructional I Certificate on a temporary basis.

Upon receipt of the Vocational Instructional I Certificate, the student must complete 42 s.h. more of prescribed college work earning a minimum of six semester hours of credit per year until the requirements for permanent certification (60 s.h. and three years successful teaching) are satisfied.

Persons wishing to enroll in this program should contact an adviser.

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