Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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School of Social Administration

founded 1969
Curtis A. Leonard, Dean


The Bachelor of Social Work and the Master of Social Work programs are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. This attests to the educational quality of the curricula and to the qualifications of graduates to assume professional positions which legally require applicants to have these degrees.

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Goals and Objectives

The School of Social Administration reflects Temple University's commitment to addressing the complex array of urban problems which impact on the human condition. The School offers a continuum of educational programs designed to prepare professionals for varied human service roles and tasks in the fields of social welfare and social work. Degree programs within the School are integrated through common values and objectives and are intended to prepare persons for service within an urban context, particularly directed toward underserved individuals, families, and community groups. The goal of such service is to support the human development and self-fulfillment of all persons through the creation of a more favorable environment and more responsive social institutions.

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Admission Requirements

For information about admission to the University, see Undergraduate Admissions.

Freshman and transfer students who express interest in social welfare or social work are admitted directly into the School of Social Administration following acceptance by the University. Students who wish to explore social work as a possible major are encouraged to enroll in a special open course offered by the School, SW-0050. This is credited as an elective in many schools. Interested students should consult their advisers.

New Career Ladders in Social Work
Sharon K. Webster, Admissions Coordinator
529 Ritter Annex
(215) 204-3362

New Career Ladders is an alternative entry route to college for persons with demonstrated interest and motivation in the human services field and who meet the following criteria:

New Career Ladders students enter the undergraduate program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Social Work and are expected to meet all requirements of the curriculum. The resources of the University are available for tutoring and study skills help as well as for assistance in obtaining financial aid, as appropriate. All New Career Ladders students attend communication skills classes to aid in their transition to higher education.

Transfer Students From Schools Outside of Temple
Persons expecting to transfer to Temple's Undergraduate Social Work Program are urged to contact the School (215) 204-7611 for an appointment as soon as they have identified interest in this program. (See Undergraduate Admissions regarding transfer admissions.) Students who enter with fewer than 30 semester hours in transfer credits are expected to enroll in Social Work 0050, Social Welfare/Human Services. Those who bring more than 30 semester hours begin with Social Work 0051, Helping Processes I, which is offered only in the fall.

Students who transfer from two-year associate degree programs in Human Services are expected to complete all professional courses as well as the Core Curriculum.

SW 0121 and 0122 are offered in the summer for transfer students who have successfully completed SW 0051Ð0052 and have the necessary credits (85) and courses to enroll in Senior Seminar and Senior Practica (SW W285/0290ÐW286/0291) in the fall. Students are expected to be majors in the program a minimum of two years and a summer.

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Special Programs and Facilities

Academic Credit for Relevant Social Service Work and Educational Experience
The School of Social Administration attracts students who are now or have been employed in responsible positions in the field of social welfare. In addition to performance skills, these students have also gained practical as well as theoretical understanding of various aspects of social work. Students are encouraged to apply for work experience credit immediately after completing 30 semester hours at Temple University. Application forms are available from Bernie S. Newman, the B.S.W. coordinator, RA 526. Approved credit is recorded on the student's transcript upon payment of the required fees set by the University. Such credits may not be used as substitutes for University Core Curriculum, B.S.W. courses, or field requirements. They count only as elective credits.

Certificate in Child and Family Services
In response to the need for social workers with training in child and family services, the School offers a specialized certificate program in these fields which may be completed concurrently with the Bachelor of Social Work program. The certificate requires a field placement in an agency providing services to children and families and completion of the following four courses:

Extern Program
The Extern Program is another way to acquire experience in a social service setting or in some other job field to aid the student in the process of career decision. This program is usually offered in January during the two week period before classes begin. Students work at the extern site four days each week and participate in a career development seminar at Temple on the fifth day. This program is jointly sponsored by University Career Services and the Schools of Temple. Interested students may discuss this with Sharon Webster, Admissions Coordinator, RA 529.

Job Resources Bank
In addition to the help provided by the Office of Career Services, the School of Social Administration maintains its own Job Resources Bank geared specifically to the needs and career interests of social workers. Information about employment opportunities and current job openings is regularly collected, updated, and posted in the School. The School's liaison in Career Services meets frequently with students to provide career information as well as specific leads on employment. The Office of Career Services plans and conducts special workshops and seminars specifically oriented to students in Social Administration.

School of Social Administration Library
Located on the first floor of Ritter Annex in the Zahn Instructional Materials Center is the University's major collection of books and journals related specifically to the field of social work. Students have easy access here to materials placed on reserve by the School. There are also duplication facilities and a comfortable work, study, and reading environment.

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Honors/Honor Society

Academic achievement is recognized and valued by the School and the University. In this regard, the School follows the grade point average recognized by the University. Dean's List is achieved each semester that a full-time student (12-17 semester hours) earns both a 3.50 semester average and a 3.50 cumulative average. Notation appears on student transcript. Alpha Delta Mu National Social Work Honor Society Students with a cumulative average of 3.50 or above may apply for nomination to Alpha Delta Mu. Juniors and seniors are eligible for membership. Students should discuss this with their advisers.

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Policies and Regulations

Academic Standing
Social work majors are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. The GPA for each semester must also be at the level of 2.0 or above.

Academic Warning will be issued to students whose GPA falls below 2.0 for one semester. Such students should not register for more than 12 s.h. until they improve their average.

Probation: Students who fall below a 2.0 either for the semester or for their cumulative average will be placed on probation. They may register for no more than 12 s.h. for the next term in order to improve their average. If, after two semesters of academic probation, the student's average is still below a 2.0, the student is subject to dismissal from the School of Social Administration.

Students are expected to maintain grades of C or above in each of the professional and professionally related courses. Students who earn a D or F in a professional course may be permitted to repeat the course once, on the recommendation of the instructor.

Dismissal: If, after two semesters on probation and a 12 s.h. roster, the student does not achieve a cumulative average of 2.0 or show evidence of substantive scholastic improvement, the student is subject to dismissal from the School.

Continuing in the Social Work Major
Continuation as a social work major is contingent upon successful completion of the course and field requirements of SW 0051 and 0052, Helping Processes I and II, the recommendation of the class and field instructors, satisfactory academic performance, and successful fulfillment of any ELECT requirements. Students make application to the major at the end of SW 0051. Formal acceptance into the major is one of the requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work degree. It is expected that students will meet regularly with their advisers so that the course selection process affords the student appropriate choices and options.

Courses Inapplicable to the Degree
Credits for ELECT, Mathematics 0015 (formerly Math 0001), Composition 0045, SRAP, and Military Science do not count toward graduation requirements.

Placement Testing
Completion of assigned remedial courses as well as making up such entrance deficiencies as are indicated by English and mathematics placement testing is mandatory.

Readmission Application
To reenter the School of Social Administration, students must submit a Readmission Application to the Admissions Coordinator. Students seeking readmission after an absence of more than four semesters, not including summers, shall be subject to review by the B.S.W. coordinator. If readmitted, the student's program for completion of degree requirements shall be planned in accordance with those currently operative in the program. If courses were taken elsewhere, applicants are responsible for having official transcripts available when submitting the readmission application.

Applicants who wish to enroll in a school or college other than the one in which they were last enrolled must first be accepted for readmission by the original college and then file an intra-university transfer form.

A student who has been dismissed from the School may petition for readmission only after a period of at least one semester. This period does not include the summer sessions.

Transfer Students from Schools Within Temple
Students who are in good standing in the University may transfer to the School of Social Administration at any point during their academic stay. Before transfer, conferences with both the original school adviser and the social work admissions coordinator would be useful.

Because of the professional requirements and the sequential nature of the curriculum, students are encouraged to enter the programs as early as possible. Students are expected to be majors in the program for a minimum of two years.

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Academic Advising

Faculty members serve as academic advisers to social work majors. Early and regular contact with the adviser can be extremely helpful. The adviser is a knowledgeable person with whom students may discuss issues of concern in relation to university regulations, career and professional matters, as well as course selection.

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