Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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Special Programs Course Listings


Note: The courses below are arranged by Core category and constitute an overview of courses typically offered in the Honors Curriculum. These courses are only open to Honors students and designed especially for highly motivated students who seek the challenge of interacting with professors and peers in small classes, studying issues in depth, and actively engaging in learning. For authoritative information about Honors courses offered each semester, see The Honors Course Guide available each semester from University Honors, 648 Ritter Annex, 215-204-7573. This guide includes full course descriptions, approaches to teaching, methods of evaluation, and instructor biographies. For the program description, see Special Academic Programs; for admissions information and rules and regulations, see Academic Policies and Regulations.


English H090. Honors Literature and Composition (3 s.h.) FS
Offers intensive work in prose composition while developing the student's powers of textual analysis. The readings may range widely through various historical periods and literary genres, including drama, fiction, poetry, and the essay. Honors offers several sections of English H090, each with its own reading list and approach. See Honors Guide.

Intellectual Heritage (IH)

IH X091. Honors Intellectual Heritage (3 s.h.) FS
Explores the philosophy of Aristotle and Plato, the plays of Sophocles and Shakespeare, the poetry of Sappho, the sacred writings of the Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic traditions, the Sundiata epic, and the foundations of western scientific method in the writings of Galileo.

IH X092. Honors Intellectual Heritage (3 s.h.) FS
Explores the political works of Locke, Jefferson, Marx, and Martin Luther King, the poetry of the Romantics, the theories of Darwin and Freud, and novels by Chinua Achebe, Toni Morrison, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, among others.

American Culture (AC)

American Studies H092. Honors Work in America (3 s.h.) (AC) FS
This thematic interdisciplinary course explores many of the developments and issues related to "work"-what Americans do now and have done in the past to "make a living." The course is more historical and literary than sociological or business-oriented.

English H096. Survey of American Literature (3 s.h.) (AC) S
Looks at the variety of experiences and beliefs that make up our literary traditions, including how literary works reflect the historical, social, political, religious, and cultural settings from which they emerge.

American Studies HO91. American Lives (3 s.h. ) (AC) S
This course is an introduction to American Studies-life stories as presented by the individuals involved-to give us insights into "America." By looking closely at these American lives, students will meet people of various periods and backgrounds and become familiar with important developments, influential ideas, conflicting images and realities in American society.

Political Science H091. American Government (3 s.h.) (AC) S
An introduction to theory of American government with an emphasis on quantitative methods. The course addresses such issues as theory of decision-making of major policy makers, and quantitative methods for understanding electoral and legislative voting.

Religion HO92. Religion in America (3 s.h.) (AC) F
An historical and sociological study of practices and beliefs of various religious groups that have shaped American culture, with special attention to ethnic and racial minorities, and to women, as well as to traditional main-line groups and newer movements.

Sociology X092. Men and Women in American Society (3 s.h.) (AC) F
Uses sociological concepts to examine the continuities and changes in the position of men and women in American society. It focuses on mythologies surrounding masculinity and femininity and on how these ideas structure and reinforce inequalities in the distribution of power and economic resources between men and women, in social relationships, and in social institutions.

Arts (AR)

Dance H190 Entry to Art as Dance (3 s.h.) (AR) F
This course is designed to provide the basis for understanding, appreciating and participating in dance as art in culture and individual life. Concepts, intuitions and communication will be cultivated through studio experiences, lectures, videos and live performances.

American Studies H194. The Arts in America (3 s.h.) (AR) F
From Colonial times to the present. The course asks some fundamental questions about the definitions of art, separation into "high" and "popular" forms, censorship of art, and the aesthetic, political, economic, and social values underlying these decisions.

Architecture H191. Architectural History: Renaissance to the 19th Century to the Industrial Revolution (3 s.h.) (AR) S
Examination of Western architecture from the Renaissance to the 19th century, including the evolution of architectural thought in the context of its political, social, economic, and cultural environment.

Architecture X192. History of Cities (3 s.h.) (AR) S
Study of the physical design of cities with particular emphasis on the emergence of settlement patterns and their relationship to land forms and social in-tentions. Taught as a large lecture, attended mainly by architecture students, with an in-built recitation section.

Art X099. Introduction to Visual Language-Drawing (3 s.h.) (AR) FS
A critical entry into the art of drawing by learning how not to render a model but to execute a drawing; how to see shapes and colors as visual facts open to both use and mention; the analogy between language and art, writing and drawing. The purpose of this course, in other words, is to teach you to see.

Art History H095. Art Heritage of the Western World I (3 s.h.) (AR) F
The first half of the survey course for art history majors, the course also teaches students from other disciplines the wonder of ancient Mediterranean and later European civilizations. Beginning with prehistoric cave paintings from c. 25,000 B.C., the course covers Egyptian, Greek, and Roman art followed by the Early Renaissance until c. A.D. 1500.

English H093. Introduction to Drama (3 s.h.) (AR) F
Drama is unusual among the literary genres in not having a narrator of its action. Plays present characters and actions directly to their audiences, unmediated by authorial intervention. This course will try to answer questions of audience interpretation using contemporary theories about perception, cognition, and motivation, especially as those theories are shaped by scientific thought.

English X094. Introduction to Literature (3 s.h.) (AR) S
The reading for the course will include a wide range of poems, plays, short stories, and novels of different periods. Certain continuities will emerge-the possibilities of pleasures and jobs in a troubled world, the difficulties of saying what we mean to say, especially the tendency of literature to disrupt and subvert, to cut across the grain, to make trouble.

Music Studies H091. Introduction to Music (3 s.h.) (AR) FS
An introduction to the basic components of music and to the major composers of the Renaissance through the present day. A significant portion of the course focuses on actively listening to and discussing in class a variety of live and recorded classical compositions.

Individual and Society (IN)

Religion H094. Introduction to Religion and Society (3 s.h.) (IN) S
This course is concerned with the following four questions: What effects did the rise of modern societies have on religion? How do scholars in secular universities study the phenomena they label "religious"? How do scholars study "modern society"? How do they study the sources of social power?

Economics H091. Macroeconomics (3 s.h.) (IN) F
The course is about economic activities at the level of the economy as a whole. What is our "total" economic pie and how do we measure society's income? Should there be much or little government intervention in the economy? How is money related to macroeconomic activity? Through the analysis of these and other problems, the foundations of a free-market economy are exposed.

Economics H092. Microeconomic Principles (3 s.h.) (IN) S
An introductory course in microeconomics. Topics include: the market system, supply and demand, costs, competition, monopoly, oligopoly, labor markets, and public goods. The emphasis of the course is on developing microeconomic reasoning skills.

Economics H093. Economic Principles-Honors (3 s.h.) (IN) F
An intensive one-semester introductory course in both macro- and microeconomics. Knowledge of elementary algebra required. Recommended for students outside the School of Business and Management who are pursuing the Business minor. May not be taken for credit by SBM students or those who have taken or intend to take Economics C051, C052, C053, C091, or C092.

Law X091. Law and Society (3 s.h.) (IN) F
A number of legal issues-drug-testing at the workplace, flag burning, criminal prosecution for white collar crime, affirmative action, toxic waste disposal, the use of deadly force in self-defense, for example-are examined, not only in terms of the law, but also in terms of the cultural, political, and economic forces which operate to shape it.

Philosophy H090. Introduction to Philosophy (3 s.h.) (IN) S
This introductory course covers three central areas: epistemology, philosophy of mind, and ethics. An important goal of the course is to develop the critical thinking skills of students, through discussion and evaluation of philosophical arguments.

Sociology H090. Introduction to Sociology (3 s.h.) (IN) S
An introduction to systematic analysis of societies. How societies evolve and change, what we can learn from comparing them, how they make us into the kind of people we are, and which facts either sustain or shatter everyday life. What deviance, bureaucracy, racial discrimination, inequality, sexual and social conflict have in common. Students learn about themselves by exploring the hidden roots of the world around them.

Women's Studies X091-Introduction to Women's Studies (3 s.h.) (IN) FS
An interdisciplinary course covering a variety of perspectives on women and gender. Emphasis on women in American society with consideration of special conditions of women in Third World societies. The central institutions of gender: Women's social roles and symbolic representations of women in culture. Special emphasis on class and racial differences and similarities.

International Studies (IS)

History X093. The Ancient World (3 s.h.) (IS) F
(Meets Third World/Non-Western requirement) An introduction to the historiography and key issues in the early history of humanity. Includes the emergence of humans and methods of physical anthropology in studying them; the first cities, urban theory, and specific early city sites; early empires including comparative case studies of Rome, India and China; religion in history with special reference to Islam and its spread.

History X094. The Modern World (3 s.h.) (IS) S

An introduction to the historiography and key issues in the modern history of humanity. Includes the rise of world trade networks; slavery; changing demography; the industrial revolution and attendant social revolutions, including changes in the family structure; the introduction, uses, and control of modern technology. NOTE: This course is a continuation of X093, but new students are welcome in this class if there is space available.

History HO95. Gender and History (3 s.h.) (IS) F
A thematic introduction to the history of feminine and masculine roles from a comparative international perspective. The course will focus on topics such as The State, The Sacred, The Family, The Body, Work and Modern Social Movements, using case studies from Ancient Greece or Rome, Medieval Europe, Africa, China, Japan, Modern Europe, and the Americas.

History HO96. The History of Modern Europe (3 s.h.) (IS) S
The course will familiarize the student with the major economic, political, social, intellectual and cultural developments in European history from roughly 1700 to the present. Special emphasis will be put on learning how to think historically; that is, the student will be challenged to recognize connections between the various areas of human experience which have shaped, and continue to shape, modern Europe.

Political Science H090. Foreign Governments (3 s.h.) S
Introduces students to concepts used to analyze and compare political systems. These concepts will be examined through the study of a selection of countries representing pluralist democracies, communist countries, and developing nations.

Religion H093. Asian Religions (3 s.h.) S
Interdisciplinary approach to civilizations of India, China, and Japan. Emphasis on Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Zen. Readings drawn from philosophy, religion, ethics, politics, mythology, and literature.

African American Studies HO91. Africa in the 20th Century (3 s.h.) (IS)
(Meets Non-Western requirement) A summary of the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments in Africa since 1900. The impact of indigenous and foreign philosophies on industrialization, urbanization, and peasantization during the twentieth century.

International Studies/Language

Spanish HO91, HO92, and HO93. ( 4, 4, 3 s.h.)
The Honors sequence in Spanish, beginning each fall, consists of three courses: HO91, HO92, HO93. All three use the textbook Dos mundos. In addition, the first two courses are also based in part upon a new television mystery series which was created especially for learners of Spanish. The Destinos series incorporates modern film footage of Spain, Argentina, Mexico and other countries in Central and South America. The stars travel through major cities and small towns as they search for clues to solve the mystery. (Upper level Honors Spanish electives are also available.)

Sociology H091. Comparative Societal Development (3 s.h.) (IS) F
Such questions as "What is national development?" and "How do we define the ÔGood Society'?" will be discussed. We will emphasize developing nations in our study of socialism and capitalist modes of development. Our readings will include testimonies of families who struggle to survive in the difficult conditions of the Third World as well as writings that challenge the consumption goals of developed countries. Such topics as agrarian reform, migration and urbanization, class structure, and revolutions will be included.

Quantitative Reasoning (QA/QB)

Mathematics H090. College Mathematics (3 s.h.) (QA) F
An introduction to several serious contemporary applications of mathematics, concentrating on statistics and topics in management science. Emphasis is placed on statistical inference and on constructing algorithms (procedures) for solving large scale practical problems. In the study of statistics the material is constantly related to the daily life of the lay person.

Mathematics H091. College Mathematics (3 s.h.) (QB) S
A continuation of H090 using the same text. Concentrates on mathematical issues in social choice, voting methods, game theory, population growth, size, and shape. Recognizing patterns is fundamental to all mathematical thinking. Students will learn how to find patterns in many areas: numerical, geometrical, graphical and others.

Mathematics H095. Calculus: Introduction to Modern Analysis I (4 s.h.) (QB) F
A thorough treatment of differential calculus, including a wide variety of applications; an introduction to integral calculus, concluding with the fundamental theories of calculus. The Honors Calculus course emphasizes the fundamental concepts of the subject in addition to computation.

Mathematics H096. Calculus: Introduction to Modern Analysis II (4 s.h.) S
Continuation of H095. Application of the definite integral, transcendental functions, properties and applications, techniques of integration, improper integrals, polar coordinates, convergence of sequences and series. The Honors Calculus course emphasizes the fundamental concepts of the subject in addition to computation.

Statistics H093. (3 s.h.) (QB) F
Prerequisite: Mathematics C075, C085, C095, or special permission. Open only to Business designated honors students or with special permission. This sequence may be used to fulfill the statistics requirements of the School of Business and Management. Covers Data sources, summary measures, probability, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and testing, and statistical software.

Philosophy H096. Introduction to Symbolic Logic (3 s.h.) (QB) FS
Covers first order sequential logic and first order quantification theory. In both cases, covers semantic and syntactic procedures, including truth-tables, truth-trees, and derivations.

Science (SA/SB)

Chemistry H091. General Chemistry I (3 s.h., lab 1 s.h.) (SA) F
Prerequisite: High school algebra or chemistry. Must be taken in freshman year by Honors students in pre-med track; normally taken in freshman year by prospective chemistry or biochemistry majors. Similar to Chemistry C071, but presented at a more rigorous level.

Chemistry H092. General Chemistry II (3 s.h., lab 1 s.h.) (SB) S
Prerequisite: Chemistry H091. Continuation of Honors General Chemistry I. Must be taken in freshman year by Honors students in pre-med track; normally taken in freshman year by prospective chemistry or biochemistry majors.

Biology H103. Introduction to Biology I (4 s.h.) (SA) F
Prerequisite: One year of college chemistry (lecture and lab) and one year of calculus, both completed at CÐ or better; Corequisite: Organic Chemistry. Introductory course for biology majors covers molecular biology, cell structure, and function; biochemical pathways through which organisms obtain energy for life processes; and the structure and function of genetic material. (Cross-listed with Honors Lab.)

Biology H104. Introduction to Biology II (4 s.h.) (SB) S
The second half of Biology H103. A very prominent and important part of Biology H104 lab is the utilization of computers. Students will learn to use computer programs to draw graphs and do molecular modeling, and will write programs to solve simple biological problems.

Science for Non-majors

Biology H093. Human Biology (4 s.h.) F
How do biologists view life? What is the scientific method and what makes it a special way to look at the living and non-living world? What is the relationship of science to the social, political, cultural setting? Biology H093 is an introduction to the principles of biology using the human as a model organism. There will be special emphasis on sex and gender in all aspects of human biology - the evolution, physiology, genetics, developmental biology, behavioral/neurobiology of sex and gender.

American Studies H193. Honors Special Topics: Technology and American Culture (4s.h.) (SB) S
The basic premise for this course is that the evolution of science and technology affects every aspect of human existence, not only standards of living, which will be easy to track, but also social relationships, the creative imagination, and the very notion of culture itself.

Physics H091. Physics: Matter and Motion (4 s.h.) (SA) F
This is a lecture-demonstration course giving students a college-level understanding of the foundations of the natural sciences. Concentrates on mechanics and thermodynamics and establishes the foundation for Physics H096, the spring semester course in astronomy.

Physics H096. Honors Astronomy (4 s.h.) (SB) S
This course is an introduction to our present knowledge of the universe, and to the methods used by physicists to collect that knowledge. At its end, you will know about planets and suns, about pulsars and black holes, how stars function, and what becomes of them when they die. You will also have thought about the role of life in the universe.


Human Resource Administration H390. Managing People at Work (3 s.h.) FS
Managing people requires interpersonal skills in building and maintaining interpersonal relationships while maintaining high performance. The philosophy of this course is that these skills can be learned. By developing skills in the areas of listening, assertiveness, delegating, coaching, conflict management, and running meetings, students will be better prepared to manage their relationships with other people in business as well as non-business settings.

Women's Studies H393. Feminist Theory (3 s.h.) S
Modernism involved representations of the ideas and practices of both gender and sexuality. Theoretical statements by Freud and Irigaray will be studied. In light of their statements, the representation of sexuality and gender in a variety of narratives will be considered. Some of the texts were considered dangerous, for a variety of reasons; their trials for obscenity and the ideas behind censorship will be discussed. In addition, certain modern poems will be discussed in the context of sexualities, genders; and representation (race, class, "the primitive") will be noted.

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Intensive English Language Program

The Intensive English Language Program prepares non-native students to function in English at the college/university level through a series of non-credit courses. For information and registration, contact the Assistant Director for Administration, (215) 204-7899, 206 Mitten Hall, Broad and Berks Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19122.

001. Beginning (20 hours per week)
No previous knowledge of English is required. Students learn to comprehend, speak, read, and write English through an integrated approach to language learning.

002. High Beginning (20 hours per week)
Listening comprehension and vocabulary are developed through interactive activities, helping students begin to internalize grammatical structures and read with greater comprehension.

003. Low Intermediate (20 hours per week)
While listening, reading, writing, and speaking continue to be developed, the curriculum at the low intermediate level begins to focus on academic skill development.

004. High Intermediate (20 hours per week)
This level is a transition between intermediate and advanced level work. Students at this level should have a firm basis of structural knowledge and comprehension. The focus is increasingly on academic vocabulary, reading, and writing skills.

005. Advanced (20 hours per week)
Students at this level often have well-developed receptive skills but need to focus greater attention on the productive skills of speaking and writing. The students approach learning through content-based units.

006. Pre-Academic (20 hours per week)
Students at this level sharpen their academic skills for listening to lectures, taking notes, doing research, writing exams and papers, and speaking in academic settings.

Electives (4 hours per week)
Students in 005 and 006 may take an elective course in each half of the semester (TOEFL Preparation, English for Business, Current Events, Speaking and Presentation Skills, Pronunciation, etc.)

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05901/Military Science (Army ROTC)

The Military Science Program can lead to a commission as a U.S. Army Officer. The Military Science Program is comprised of the Basic Course and the Advanced Course. Contact the Professor of Military Science, (215) 204-7480, for registration and scholarship procedures.


0015. Introduction to Military Science (1 s.h.) F
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An orientation to mission, organization, and the capabilities of the U.S. Army. The role of the ROTC, customs and traditions of the service, basic military skills, and introductions to military leadership and land navigation. Practical applications of performance oriented military skills.

0016. Introduction to Military Science II (1 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to land navigation, map reading, and terrain analysis. The students will gain an understanding of the military use of maps in association with actual terrain. The student will also learn the fundamentals of small unit operations and tactics. Practical application of small unit leadership is included.

0027. Small Unit Operations and Leadership (1 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Students will learn the principles of planning and conducting small unit operations. Emphasis will be placed on learning and developing leadership skills. Practical applications and performance oriented training are included.

0031. Basic Military Skills and Leadership (1 s.h.) F
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Students are introduced to basic military skills and leadership principles. Students are introduced to the 16 leadership dimensions and participate in simulations to assess their leadership behavior.

0034. Outdoor Survival (1 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. This course is designed to offer skills that are common to many outdoor activities. The purpose of the program is to give students confidence in taking on challenges that the wilderness environment provides. Instruction includes hands-on training in the areas of survival, first aid, land navigation, knots and rappelling and personal safety.


0131. Applied Leadership and Management I (2 s.h.) F
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. To prepare the ROTC Advanced Course cadet for successful completion of the demanding ROTC Advanced Camp through rigorous leadership and management exercises. Emphasis on physical fitness, land navigation and communication techniques. Weekly Leadership Laboratories and two weekend field exercises.

0132. Applied Leadership and Management II (2 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: Military Science 0131. Continuation of Military Science 0131. Further expansion of the student's leadership abilities through the practice of organizational leadership principles in simulated situations. Heavy emphasis on small unit tactics. Successful completion of 0131/0132 qualifies the student for attendance at the ROTC Advanced Camp where leadership, military skills and physical fitness are rigorously tested. Weekly leadership laboratories and two weekend field training exercises.

0141. Advanced Leadership and Management I (2 s.h.) F
Prerequisite: Military Science 0132. Develops the managerial skills of the cadet through directed problem solving of military related simulations. Professionalism and ethics, civil-military intelligence. Weekly Leadership Laboratories and two weekend field exercises.

0142. Advanced Leadership and Management II (2 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: Military Science 0141. A working knowledge of the command and staff functions performed by commissioned officers in the U.S. Army. Staff planning, training management. Communication skills practiced through both written assignments and oral presentations. Weekly Leadership Laboratories and two weekend field exercises.

Aerospace Studies/Military Science (Air Force ROTC)

All Aerospace Studies courses are taught at St. Joseph's University. Contact the Professor of Aerospace Studies at (215) 660-1191 for current course offerings and registration procedures.

1011. Air Force Today I (1 s.h.) F
Introductory course exploring the military as a profession, including civilian control of the U.S. Armed Forces, functions and organization of the U.S. Air Force, and organization and operations of U.S. strategic offensive forces.

1021. Air Force Today II (1 s.h.) S
Introductory course exploring U.S. general purpose and defensive forces including: mission and organization of the major U.S. Air Force Commands and separate operating agencies, major functions and conduct of joint service military operations. Discusses air defense, detection systems, close air support, and air superiority.

1031. Development of Air Power I (1 s.h.) F
The development of aerospace power from balloons and dirigibles through the employment of U.S. air power in World War II. The course includes the military theory of aerospace power employment.

1041. Development of Air Power II (1 s.h.) S
A continuation course studying the employment of U.S. air power in the Korean Conflict, relief missions and civic action programs in the later 1960's, the war in Southeast Asia. Research is conducted into the military theory of aerospace force employment.

2011. Management and Leadership I (3 s.h.) F
A study of managerial theory, concepts and techniques of decision-making, and the basic functions of management with particular emphasis on applications for Air Force officers.

2021. Management and Leadership II (3 s.h.) S
An interdisciplinary approach to leadership which includes study of human behavior and relationships, motivation, professional ethics and leadership styles. Communication skills are stressed through written and oral assignments.

2031. National Security Forces I (3 s.h.) F
A focus on the Armed Forces as an integral and inseparable element of society. Primary emphasis is placed on the overall national security process and the factors which comprise it. The impact of a nation's military, economic, psychological, and technical components on national security policy is examined. Other topics include major geopolitical hotspots and the origins of arms races.

2041. National Security Forces II (3 s.h.) S
A continuation course studying civil-military relations. Topics include civilian control of the military, conflict control, military professionalism, and military justice. Emphasis is placed on the reciprocal responsibilities of civilians and the military in a democratic society.

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