Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 30

Required Courses:

Core Courses 1
AS 5001Actuarial Probability3
AS 5101Theory of Interest3
AS 5102Long-Term Actuarial Modeling3
AS 5104Short-Term Actuarial Modeling3
AS 5108Actuarial Analytics3
BA 5687Advanced Professional Development Strategies0
RMI 5051Managing Risk3
Select two (2) from the following:6
AS 5103
Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Modeling
AS 5114
Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Modeling
AS 5118
Advanced Actuarial Analytics
AS 5190
Special Topics in Actuarial Science
Select one (1) from the following:3
RMI 5101
Managing Human Capital Risk
RMI 5104
Managing Property and Liability Risk
Electives 2
Select from the following for a total of three (3) credits:3
ACCT 5001
Accounting for Managerial and Investment Analysis and Planning
AS 5015
Introduction to Actuarial Spreadsheets and Programming
AS 5022
Actuarial Statistics
AS 5103
Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Modeling
AS 5105
Actuarial Economics
AS 5106
Actuarial Corporate Finance
AS 5114
Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Modeling
AS 5116
Financial Reporting for Actuaries
AS 5118
Advanced Actuarial Analytics
AS 5126
Option Pricing
AS 5182
Independent Study 3
AS 5190
Special Topics in Actuarial Science
AS 5191
Mentored Research 3
AS 5685
Actuarial Internship
ECON 8001
Microeconomic Analysis
ECON 8002
Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 8009
Econometrics I
ECON 8129
Time Series Econometrics
ECON 8139
Panel Data Econometrics
HCM 5101
Health Systems Organization and Development
HCM 5103
Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations
MKTG 5001
Marketing Management/Strategy
MKTG 5618
Quantitative Pricing and Revenue Analytics
RMI 5101
Managing Human Capital Risk
RMI 5102
Retirement Plans
RMI 5104
Managing Property and Liability Risk
RMI 5108
Managing International Risk
STAT 5602
Visualization: The Art of Numbers and the Psychology of Persuasion
STAT 5603
Statistical Learning and Data Mining
STAT 5607
Advanced Business Analytics
STAT 8101
Stochastic Processes
STAT 8108
Applied Multivariate Analysis I
STAT 8114
Survival Analysis I
STAT 8115
Nonparametric Methods
Total Credit Hours30

If the student has passed an actuarial exam prior to taking its corresponding course, the course must be waived:

  • Passing the ALTAM exam waives AS 5103 Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Modeling.
  • Passing the ASTAM exam waives AS 5114 Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Modeling.
  • Passing the FAM-L or LTAM exam waives AS 5102 Long-Term Actuarial Modeling.
  • Passing the FAM-S or STAM exam waives AS 5104 Short-Term Actuarial Modeling.
  • Passing the FM exam waives AS 5101 Theory of Interest.
  • Passing the SRM exam waives AS 5108 Actuarial Analytics.

Any waived course is replaced by an elective from the list above. Alternately, students may, on a case-by-case basis, select another course to replace the waived course provided that the course has sufficient academic rigor, is beneficial to the student's career, and is approved by the Academic Director.


With prior approval from the Academic Director, students may select alternate courses as electives.


Selection of AS 5182 or AS 5191 requires prior approval from the Academic Director.

Culminating Event: Successful completion of coursework is required to earn the MS degree in Actuarial Science.