Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
Number of Credits Required to Earn the Degree: 32-68, depending on area of specialization1:

Clinical Psychology68
Cognition and Neuroscience 232
Developmental Psychology 232
Social Psychology 232

For greater detail on requirements by area of specialization, consult the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Graduate Handbook, found at


39 credits required with the Neuroscience specialization.

Required Courses:

Area of Specialization in Clinical Psychology

Core Courses
PSY 8011Graduate Statistics I 13
PSY 8017Professional Issues for Psychology Careers0
PSY 9983Independent Readings on Affective Aspects of Behavior0
PSY 8021Graduate Statistics II 13
PSY 8410Multicultural Issues in Clinical Psychology3
PSY 8411Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies3
PSY 8412Core Course in Psychopathology3
PSY 8413Psychological Assessment I3
PSY 8423Psychological Assessment II3
PSY 8433Clinical Psychology: Scientific and Professional Dimensions3
PSY 8481Social, Cognitive, and Developmental Aspects of Behavior3
PSY 9411Clinical Research Methodology3
PSY 9485Ph.D. Internship Course2
PSY 9987Assessment Practicum6
Bio-integrative Course 33
Clinical Practicum12
PSY 9187
Clinical Practicum
PSY 9287
Clinical Practicum
PSY 9387
Clinical Practicum
PSY 9487
Clinical Practicum
PSY 9587
Clinical Practicum
General Electives9
Research Courses 46
PSY 9994
Preliminary Examination Preparation
PSY 9998
Pre-Dissertation Research
PSY 9999
Ph.D. Dissertation Research
Total Credit Hours68

Two terms of graduate coursework in Statistics must be successfully completed in the first year of study.


A minimum of 12 credits is required, using any combination of PSY 9187, PSY 9287, PSY 9387, PSY 9487, and/or PSY 9587.


The bio-integrative course is selected from the departmental list of approved courses.


A minimum of 6 credits is required, with at least 2 of the 6 credits required to be in PSY 9999. The remaining 4 credits can be taken in any combination of PSY 9994, PSY 9998, and PSY 9999. At least one credit of PSY 9999 must be taken in the academic term or summer session of graduation.

Areas of Specialization in Cognition and Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, and Social Psychology

Core Courses
PSY 8011Graduate Statistics I 13
PSY 8015Teaching of Psychology1
PSY 8017Professional Issues for Psychology Careers1
PSY 8021Graduate Statistics II 13
Electives and Topical Seminars18
Research Courses 26
PSY 9994
Preliminary Examination Preparation
PSY 9998
Pre-Dissertation Research
PSY 9999
Ph.D. Dissertation Research
Total Credit Hours32

Two terms of graduate coursework in Statistics must be successfully completed in the first year of study.


A minimum of 6 credits is required, with at least 2 of the 6 credits required to be in PSY 9999. The remaining 4 credits can be taken in any combination of PSY 9994, PSY 9998, and PSY 9999. At least one credit of PSY 9999 must be taken in the academic term or summer session of graduation.

Optional Concentration in Quantitative Methods

Number of Credits Required to Complete the Optional Concentration: 3

Coursework taken as part of the Psychology PhD
PSY 8011
Graduate Statistics I
PSY 8021
Graduate Statistics II
Two Advanced Multivariate Methods courses 1
Coursework required outside of the Psychology PhD 2
PSY 8031Survey of Multivariate Techniques3
Total Credit Hours3

To complete this requirement, students opt to take PSY 8032 Structural Equation Modeling and PSY 8033 Hierarchical Linear Modeling in lieu of elective or seminar courses required for the Psychology PhD. With the permission of the Graduate Director, an advanced statistics course may be selected instead of PSY 8033.


In addition, students are required to demonstrate the ability to teach statistics. This is done by serving as the: (a) primary instructor for an undergraduate-level statistics course, such as Introductory Statistics; (b) instructor of a recitation section for undergraduate statistics; or (c) teaching assistant for a statistics course at the graduate level. Alternately, students may present a cumulative total of 9 to 12 hours of workshop material on statistics in multiple workshops on the same or different statistical topics for the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. At least three hours should be didactic, with the remaining hours in consulting. Students prepare a plan to address these hours. Note that serving as a grader for a statistics course is insufficient for satisfying the teaching requirement for this concentration.

Internship: An internship is required for the Clinical Psychology area of specialization.

Culminating Events:
Preliminary Examination:
The purpose of the preliminary examination is to demonstrate critical and interpretive knowledge in a specialized area of Psychology. The exam should be modeled after published literature reviews in the field and evaluated by the criteria applied to reviews that are submitted for publication to scholarly journals. The examination evaluates the student's ability to apply specific research foci to anticipated problems in Psychology. The student must demonstrate a high level of oral and written competency in reviewing, synthesizing and evaluating an important topic in the field of Psychology.

The preliminary examination is generally completed by the end of the third year of study. The subject areas are determined, in advance, by the student and the Doctoral Advisory Committee. The Doctoral Advisory Committee must include at least three Graduate Faculty members from Temple's Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. The committee may be expanded to include other Temple Presidential faculty (from inside or outside the department) and/or doctorally prepared experts from outside the University, provided that a majority of the members of the committee are members of Temple's Graduate Faculty. The Doctoral Advisory Committee evaluates the examination. Each member votes to pass or fail the student. In order to pass, a majority of the committee members must agree that the exam has been satisfactorily completed. The examination is defended orally following an evaluation of the written document.

Students who are preparing to write their preliminary examinations should confirm a time and date with the Chair of the Doctoral Advisory Committee and notify all members of their training program.

The dissertation proposal demonstrates the student's knowledge of and ability to conduct the proposed research. The proposal should consist of the following:

  1. the context and background surrounding a particular research problem;
  2. an exhaustive survey and review of literature related to the problem; and
  3. a detailed methodological plan for investigating the problem.

The Doctoral Advisory Committee evaluates and approves the proposal or requests modifications by the student.

The doctoral dissertation is an original empirical study that makes a significant contribution to the field of Psychology. It should expand the existing knowledge and demonstrate both the student's grasp of research methods and a mastery of their primary area of interest. Dissertations should be rigorously investigated; uphold the ethics and standards of the field; demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the primary area of interest and the broader field of Psychology; and be prepared for publication in a professional journal.

The Dissertation Examining Committee evaluates the student's dissertation and oral defense, including the student's ability to express verbally their research question, methodological approach, primary findings and implications. The Dissertation Examining Committee consists of the Doctoral Advisory Committee plus at least three additional doctorally prepared individuals. The majority of the individuals on the Committee must be members of the Temple University Graduate Faculty. The Dissertation Examining Committee votes to pass or fail the dissertation and the defense at the conclusion of the public presentation.

If a student needs to change a member of either the Doctoral Advisory Committee or the Dissertation Examining Committee, the new member must be approved by the Departmental Chair and registered with the department's Graduate Secretary and the Graduate School.

Students who are preparing to defend their dissertation should confirm a time and date with their Dissertation Examining Committee and register with the Graduate Secretary at least 15 days before the defense is to be scheduled. The Graduate Secretary arranges the time, date and room within two working days, and forwards to the student the appropriate forms.

After the Graduate Secretary has scheduled the defense, the student must send to the Graduate School a completed "Announcement of Dissertation Defense" form, found in TUportal under the Tools tab within "University Forms," at least 10 working days before the defense. The department posts announcements of the defense, and the Graduate School lists the defense on its website.