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Liberal Arts

General Information
Academic Advising
Academic Policies & Regulations
College Graduation Requirements
Student Contact Information


African American Studies
American Culture and Media Arts
American Studies
Minor, Asian-American
General Anthropology Track
Human Biology Track
Visual Anthropology Track
Minor, General Anthropology
Minor, Visual Anthropology
Asian Studies
Minor, Asian Studies
Minor, Asian-American Studies
Certificate, Asian Business and Society

Criminal Justice

Critical Languages
Minor, Japanese
Certificate, Chinese
Certificate, Japanese
Minor, Economics
Mathematical Economics
Certificate, Political Economy
Certificate, Management Career
Certificate, Writing
Environmental Studies
Certificate, Foreign Language
Geography and Urban Studies
Minor, GUS
Double Major with College of Education
Certificate, Travel and Tourism
Certificate, Geog. of Tourism
Certificate, Geog. of Sports Rec. & Tourism Planning
Certificate, Foreign Language
Minor, Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Certificate, Foreign Language
Jewish Studies
Concentration, History
Concentration, Religion
Latin American Studies
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies (LGBT)
Mathematical Economics
Organizational Studies
Emphasis, Pre-Law
Political Science
Foundation Courses
Learning/Behavioral Analysis
Sensation and Perception
Minor, Psychology
Minor, Cognitive Neuroscience
Concentration, Religion and Public Life
Concentration, Religion, a Global Context
Certificate, Foreign Language
Concentration, Health Track
Minor, Sociology
Minor, Sociology of Health
Certificate, Health Research
Spanish and Portuguese
Language, Literature, and Linguistics
Language and Professional Studies
Spanish for Education
Minor, Portuguese
Certificate, Multilinual Business and Gov. Studies
Certificate, Spanish
Certificate, Spanish and Latin-Amer. Studies, Business
Certificate, Latin-Amer. Studies, Health & Human Services
Certificate, Latin-Amer Studies
Women's Studies

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  Academic Programs / Liberal Arts


Willis F. Overton, Chair
Weiss Hall, Room 658

Margo A. Storm, Associate Chair
Weiss Hall, Room 607

The Undergraduate Psychology Majors' Association

The Psychology Majors' Association is an organization intended to serve as an information base concerning faculty, classes, etc., a gathering/meeting place, and a social support network of students with diverse background/interests within the Psychology field.  We are located at 605 Weiss Hall and welcome the suggestion and input of all members.

PSI-CHI - The National Honor Society in Psychology

The minimum requirements for membership is PSI CHI are a 3.20 cumulative average and a 3.50 average in Psychology courses.  Applications are available in the PSI CHI office, Room 605, Weiss Hall.

Student Advisor/Ombudsperson

When a grievance, such as a grade dispute or personality conflict arises between an instructor and student, the student ombudsperson acts as a liaison or mediator in an attempt to resolve the problem.

The student ombudsperson for the Department of Psychology is located in 607 Weiss Hall, 215-204-1576.  The student advisor can also give fellow students helpful information in their major as seen through the eyes of a student.  The student advisor can provide any information concerning major requirements, core curriculum, graduate school, and academic procedures.

Psychology Honors Program

Honors students take honors courses from the Psychology 391-394 sequence in the Junior and Senior years.  Independent study is guided by a faculty sponsor whose research interests coincide with the student's, and seminars deal with topics in research design as well as the substantive issues arising out of the student's research.  Grade requirement is a 3.5 average across all courses.  Contact Dr. K. Hirsh-Pasek. Email address,

Phi Beta Kappa

See Supplemental Educational Opportunities: Academic Opportunities: Honor Societies.

Elective Psychology Courses numbered 100-199 and above

Each term the Psychology Department will offer a few courses which are not listed under the regular required curriculum.  These courses will be open to both the Psychology major and the non-major and usually will have the prerequisite of only Psychology C060.  Psychology major taking these courses will receive elective CLA credit which will contribute to the CLA upper level course requirement.

Psychology 0396-0397 Research Problems

One or two terms of Psychology 0396-0397 maybe taken as elective psychology credit and helps fulfill the CLA upper level course requirement.  Your student advisor has information on the research interests of the faculty.  You must contact the faculty member with whom you plan to work and receive their approval prior to registration.  Working with a faculty member on a research project can be a very valuable experience and is an important course to have on your record when making application to graduate school.  The maximum credit permissible for 0396-0397 is 8 s.h.; multiple registration for 0397 is not permissible.

Psychology 0398-0399 Internship

Designed for those who want to experience psychology in the workplace, the internship allows students to apply theory to real-life situations, build an employment record, and complement future applications for graduate work in psychology or social work.  Work placements are available in a number of different applications in psychology: including, but not limited to, organizational, applied behavior analysis; education; clinical and counseling psychology; opportunities to work with autistic children, probation officers, and  a variety of other placements.  Each setting offers students a range of employment options that link classroom learning with practical experience.  Students graduating from the program will have on-the-job experience as well as recommendations and job performance evaluations so that they can move easily from their undergraduate studies into psychology-related job opportunities or into graduate schools with an applied focus. Contact Dr. Margo Storm for information about our internships, 215-204-3409 or


41 Credit Hours in Psychology

Introductory Courses Required:

Psychology Science Requirement:

Methods Courses Required:

Foundation Courses (200 Level):

Advanced Courses (300 Level):
  Choose three from any of the advanced courses (300-390) for which you have completed the prerequisite foundation course.  These courses cover specialty areas within particular fields of psychology.


DSC Area - Social Science Fields:

Social and Organizational:

DSC Area - Social Science Fields:


DSC Area - Social Science Fields:


BBC Area - Natural Science Fields:


BBC Area - Natural Science Fields:

Learning and Behavior Analysis:

BBC Area - Natural Science Fields:


BBC Area - Natural Science Fields:

Sensation and Perception:

BBC Area - Natural Science Fields:

Individual Study Courses:

(These courses require permission of the instructor)

Capstone Courses - One 300 level course required:

(Seniors only - minimum of 90 credits completed and completion of both Method Level Courses)

To fulfill requirements, all of the above must be completed with a C - or higher and a 2.00 overall.

Optional courses for your consideration.

Minor in Psychology

Effective Fall 2003

Students in the College of Liberal Arts and in other colleges and schools may choose to minor in Psychology by fulfilling the following course requirements totaling 22 s.h. An overall Psychology G.P.A. of C or better is required.  All course grades must be C- or better.

Minor in Psychology introduces the student to a representative array of Psychology courses, prepares the student for the minimal course requirements for acceptance to most Psychology graduate schools, and results in formal University recognition on the student's official transcript.  Interested students should fill out a form of declaration at the Academic Advising, Sullivan Hall.

Course Requirements

Cognitive Neuroscience Minor

Students in the College of Liberal Arts (including Psychology majors) as well as students in other colleges, schools, and departments (e.g., Biology, HPERD, Business, Allied Health Professions) may choose to minor in Cognitive Neuroscience.  Course requirements listed on the following page total to a required 19 s.h.  In order to be credited toward the minor, a grade of C- or better must be received in all courses with an average of C or better across all courses.

The last decade of the twentieth century is designated as the "Decade of the Brain."  Cognitive neuroscience is an emerging interdisciplinary field with a focus on a fundamental mystery of science:  how the mind arises from the brain.  We believe that undergraduates might find attractive the opportunity to take a group of courses that would qualify for a minor in this intellectually fascinating and rapidly emerging field.  Some of these students may be Psychology majors, whereas others may be majoring in Biology (including premed), Anthropology, Philosophy, Communication Sciences, or Computer and Information Science.  A minor Cognitive Neuroscience will strengthen the academic record of students who plan to apply for graduate programs.  For example, in Psychology this minor will strengthen applicants' records for specializations such as Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology, or Psychophysiology.  Students might also go into General Neuroscience or Cognitive Science.  Premed students with a Cognitive Neuroscience minor would present distinctive profiles to medical school admissions offices.

Course Requirements for Cognitive Neuroscience Minor

I.          Core Course:
            Psychology 0265 Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience (3 s.h.)
II.         Required Disciplinary Core Courses (7 s.h.)
            Psychology 0230 Foundations of Cognitive Psychology (3 s.h.)
            Pre-Requisite - Psychology 0070
            Communication Sciences 0235 Human Neuroscience (4 s.h.)    
III.       Elective Courses (choose 3 for 9 s.h.)
            -Biology 0352 Neurobiology  [Pre-Requisite: Permission of Instructor]
            -Biology 0356 Organization and Development of the Nervous System                                      

[Pre-Requisite: Biology 0204, or Permission of Instructor]

English 0111/Com Sci 0108
            -Introduction to Linguistics
            -Philosophy 0144 Philosophy of Mind
            -Psychology 0394/0395 Independent Study in Neuroscience                                                    

[Pre-requisite: Psychology C067, 0122]

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