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ART & Architecture

General Information
Academic Advising
Academic Policies & Regulations
College Graduation Requirements
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ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Fine Arts
Teaching Certification
Foundation Year
Graphics Arts & Design
Graphic & Interactive Design
Architecture Program
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Bachelor of Architecture
Bachelor of Arts Program
Concentration in Studio Art
Concentration in Digital Media
Concentration in Visual Studies
Minor in Art
Art Education
Bachelor of Science
Art History

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  Academic Programs / Art & Architecture

Academic Policies and Regulations

The University policies and regulations generally apply to all undergraduate students and provide a framework within which schools and colleges may specify further conditions or variations appropriate to students in their courses or programs.

(Note: The University is reviewing all school and college, major, and GPA requirements above 2.0.  Please refer to the electronic Bulletin for up-to-date information.)

Courses Inapplicable to Graduation

Credits earned in ENG 0040 & 0041, Mathematics 0015 (formerly Math 0001), and Military Science are not included in the minimum number of credits required for graduation. Mathematics 0045 (formerly Math 0002) may be included only when taken as an elective. Courses transferred from other institutions or taken at Temple University that  do not satisfy studio, art history, or core curriculum requirements, are elective and inapplicable toward degree completion. In the Architecture Program, no math course below Math C075 will be credited towards graduation.


Each semester, those undergraduates who have a 3.50 average (3.2 for Architecture Program) in 15 or more credit hours for the previous semester are placed on the Dean's List.

Program Performance

Matriculated BFA students (with the exception of those seeking Teaching Certification) in the Tyler School of Art must maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or may be subject to academic action including academic warning, probation, and dismissal from the University. Higher minimum GPAs are required by the Bachelor of Architecture Program (2.5), the Bachelor of Arts in Art program (2.5)*, the BFA with teaching certification (3.0), and the BS in Art Education program (3.0).
* Please consult the Art and Art Education department office for updates to this policy.

Loss or Damage

Temple University is not responsible for loss of property of any student or other individual due to fire, theft, or other cause. The University may require residence hall students to present proof of insurance against loss by fire, theft, or other cause before assignment to any university housing.

Readmission Policy

All students who have attended Tyler School of Art of Temple University and wish to be considered for readmission to Tyler must fill out an appropriate application available through the Associate Dean's office.

For those students who have left Tyler in academic good standing and apply for readmission into a semester within three years of the last completed semester, no portfolio review or interview is required. A slide portfolio is required for those students who have not attended Tyler for more than three years from the semester in which they intend to apply for readmission.

Students who are dismissed from Tyler must prove readiness to reenter the program by successfully completing one full-time semester (a minimum of 15 transferable credits) with a 3.0 cumulative GPA from a fully accredited college or university.  A slide portfolio is also required of all students who were dismissed or who left Tyler on academic probation as well.  It must include 20 slides of your studio work, 10 completed at Tyler, and 10 after leaving Tyler that demonstrate your studio progress.

Any student who attends another college or university and has taken studio art credits must send in slides that represent completed studio coursework in order to have those credits considered for transfer credit into the Tyler BFA program. 

Academic credits will be accepted into the BFA program as determined by Temple University policy for the semester in which the student is applying for readmission.

All slide portfolios must be sent to the Assistant Dean for Admissions, who will present them to the Transfer Committee for review. The slides of applicants for readmission with 35 or more total studio credit, which have been satisfactorily completed within the 10 years prior to the semester for which they seek admission, will also be sent to the area chairperson or senior faculty for review. The final decision regarding readmission will depend both on the recommendation of the transfer committee as well as the review of academic credentials by the Associate Dean.

Slide carousels, videos, binders, photographs, and original work are not to be sent through the U.S. mail, and if sent, will not be returned. Diskettes or CD-ROMs may be sent in addition to, not in lieu of, a slide portfolio.

Any student applying for readmission must be aware that Tyler will not accept studio credits from transfer or readmission applicants that are more than 10 years old into the BFA curriculum regardless of where those credits were completed.

Student Art Work

The School reserves the right to keep art work submitted for course credit. In practice, this privilege is exercised sparingly but, in certain studio areas, the selection of one piece by each graduating student contributes to an important instructional collection. When the student art work is reproduced in Tyler publications, either in print form or electronic form, every effort will be made to give credit to the student artist.


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