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Experiential Learning


(215) 204-7981

Internship programs at various schools and colleges provide students an opportunity to gain experience in their chosen profession before they graduate from college. Internships not only give students a chance to practice the skills acquired in the classroom, but also help them strengthen their resume and establish contacts in their professions. For further information on available opportunities, students should contact their respective schools and/or career development services.


The Extern program is an optional work experience/career education program designed to aid students in making better-informed career decisions based on practical experience and self-assessment. It is sponsored by Career Development Services. Students accepted into the program receive individualized career counseling, on-the-job experience, and academic assignments. Students are placed as volunteers with organizations in areas that complement their career objectives and/or fields of study. The program is usually offered during the first two full weeks of January, coinciding with the University's winter break. Participating students receive two or three academic credits.

For more information, contact Career Development Services at (215) 204-7981 or visit (

Service Learning:

500 Conwell Hall
Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies

Service Learning is a term that describes an option of new classes at Temple. These classes allow you to connect course readings, lectures and discussions to meaningful projects in the community. The goal is to help make your academic experience more powerful by giving you the opportunity to spend part of your class time participating in activities that benefit a community organization. Service learning allows you to apply class concepts to the world around you. Service learning also helps you think about how your Temple education can be applied in ways that help yourself and others become responsible citizens who contribute to society.

In some cases, you will be working with organizations that are linked to social justice activities like combating racism, eradicating hunger, improving local schools or working to foster civic empowerment. The focus is the exchange of learning between you and the community. In this regard, service learning is radically different from an internship where the outcomes center around your career or professional development.
Any student enrolled to take classes at Temple University can take a service learning class. Service learning classes should take no more time than any other class offered at Temple. However, just as in a non-service learning class, you may have to spend time outside of designated class hours devoted to reading and studying. The specific amount of time spent participating in the service learning portion of the course varies from organization to organization.

How do I know which courses are service learning courses? You can look in the front of the course schedule for a listing of courses offered that term and the course in the listing should have a number 49 in the class comment section. You can go to for a listing of courses. You can also ask around in your department for the names of professors who routinely teach such courses and speak with them about when their classes are offered.

Community Service:

(215) 204-7741

The Office of Community Service is dedicated to providing students with the resources and guidance necessary to immerse themselves in action for positive social change.  As a team of administration, staff, and student leaders, we work to establish strong relationships within and beyond the Temple campus through community service.  The University’s Office of Community Service, located in the Student Assistance Center in the Student Center on Main Campus, serves as a clearinghouse for volunteer and community development opportunities.  The office is staffed by Temple students and maintains an extensive database of community groups and agencies that utilize volunteers for various groups and individual projects.  Opportunities for learning include working with children, the elderly, economically disadvantaged groups, other special populations, and environmental and civic causes. 


Freshman Seminars

Freshman seminars are academic courses designed to support student learning and development in the critical first semester of college. Learning for the New Century is the freshman seminar offered primarily for students in University Studies, but the course is open to ANY interested freshmen. The seminar is offered on both the Main and Ambler Campuses.

Learning for the New Century is a one-credit course that meets one to two times a week for eleven weeks of the semester. Students receive a letter grade for the course, and the credit applies toward graduation. Many sections are linked to learning communities. The course introduces first-year students to the purposes of higher education and to the skills needed to use information technology and academic resources successfully both in college and  in preparation for the workplace of the 21st century. The seminar also focuses on topics useful to college students, including time management, information literacy, e-mail training, teamwork, study skills, and academic and career planning.

College-specific seminars are offered by the College of Science and Technology, the School of Communications and Theater, and the Fox School of Business and Management.

Learning Communities

Jodi Levine Laufgraben, Associate Vice Provost

Conwell Hall, 3rd Fl
(215) 204-7423

Learning Communities, an academic program designed to ease the transition from high school to college, provides an opportunity for students to form connections for academic and social support. By participating in paired or clustered courses students experience a more enriched teaching and learning environment, where courses are organized around a theme. In a learning community, students get to know each other and their professors, making it easier to work collaboratively in class and to form study groups outside of class.

Each community consists of two or three courses, scheduled in a block, which students take together as a group. Many learning communities include a section of the freshman seminar Learning for the New Century. Most courses in Learning Communities fulfill Core, college, or major requirements. Enrolling in a learning community is an excellent way to satisfy requirements while building valuable academic and social connections. Each fall, Temple University offers over 30 communities, including pairings such as College Composition and College Math, General Chemistry and Precalculus, Introduction to Mass Media Arts and College Composition, or American Women's Lives and College Composition.

Learning Communities are designed primarily for the first semester college freshmen but are open to all first- or second-year students, including transfers. Since fall 2001, we have offered a select number of communities designed just for new transfer students. Some colleges or majors require freshmen to register for a community, while others strongly recommend it. During New Student Orientation an academic adviser will help students select the learning communities which best meet their academic interests and needs.

In the fall 2003 edition of U.S. News and World Report's America's Best Colleges, Temple's Learning Communities Program was ranked 5th in the county as an exemplary academic program that leads to student success.

Online Learning

Dr. Dominique Monolescu Kliger, Interim Director
665 Ritter Annex

The OnLine Learning (OLL) Program is a designed to give students a remote high quality education, providing them more flexibility in when and how they attend classes. Courses are offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels and also for continuing education students.

Matriculated students can register online via the OWLnet web site ( Non matriculated or continuing education students need to register through the Office of Continuing Education in the Academic Resource Center, Rm. 113, Curtis Hall (215-204-2500). Non matriculated students can obtain their registration forms online ( and submit them by fax to (215) 204-2516. For more information check the OnLine Learning Program web site.

Each week a student will probably receive a week's worth of assignments and discussion materials from a listserv or via   the Blackboard course management tool. Therefore, becoming familiar with email, Internet browsing, and chat features before enrolling in an online course is very helpful.

The OnLine Learning program provides access to over 100 courses via the Internet or via Videoconferencing formats. In addition to the Fox School of Business online MBA program, the Physical Therapy Doctor's program, and the Organizational Studies undergraduate program are now also available online.

For successful completion of an online course, students are recommended to have daily access to a computer with a fast  Internet connection (DSL or Cable type of connections are recommended). Visit the OLL Program web site for more information.

Pre-professional and Pre-graduate Programs

McNair Program:

Nate Knispel


The Russell Conwell Center’s Ronald McNair Program provides extensive pre-doctoral preparation for eligible undergraduate students. Students complete a faculty mentored research project, assist in teaching an Intellectual Heritage or departmental course, receive exhaustive graduate school preparation, and present their research at multiple conferences. Students receive a stipend during their participation.

Military Science:

Rodney O. Griffin, LTC
Ritter Hall - Lower Level
(215) 204-7480

Through a curriculum offered by the Temple Department of Military Science, qualified full-time students can earn a commission as an Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard Officer, while concurrently satisfying academic requirements for a baccalaureate or graduate degree.

Military Science courses are open to all Temple students. There is no requirement for students taking Military Science courses to enroll in the commissioning program. Students taking Military Science courses are under no military service obligation of any kind.

Students enrolled in the commissioning program incur either an active duty or reserve forces duty commitment commencing upon successful completion of the ROTC Advanced Course program and graduation from college. Temple's Department of Military Science offers both two-year and four-year curricula leading to a commission in the United States Army.

Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (AROTC) Four-Year Commissioning Program
The Four-Year Program consists of two phases: the Basic Course and the Advanced Course.
In the Basic Course, the student takes one Military Science course each semester during the freshman and sophomore years. This instruction orients the student to activities frequently encountered during military service. Though students may voluntarily participate in weekend exercises and ROTC-sponsored events, they are under no obligation to do so. Additionally, students enrolled in the Basic Course are under no obligation for present or future military duty.

During the Advanced Course (normally the junior and senior years), the student receives instruction designed to enhance leadership abilities; reinforce managerial, supervisory, and accountability skills; and further develop the individual's foundation of military knowledge. The highlight of this instruction is the student's attendance at the five-week ROTC National Advance Leadership Course, usually during the summer between the junior and senior years. The camp is a series of rigorous leadership challenges in which the Temple student competes against students from 111 other colleges and universities. Advanced Course students (enrolled in the commissioning program) receive a tax-free stipend (juniors - $350.00 per month and seniors - $400 per month) each year of the Advanced Course. When students complete the Advanced Course, they are obligated to accept a commission as a Second Lieutenant and upon graduation from college, incur either an active duty or reserve forces duty service commitment in the United States Army.

Two-Year Commissioning Program
The Two-Year Program consists of the Advanced Course and is open to any qualified full-time graduate or undergraduate student who has at least two years of academic study remaining at Temple University and has completed the Basic Course or its equivalent. Basic Course equivalency can be granted for prior active or reserve military service. Additionally, Temple students can receive this equivalency by attending a five-week ROTC Leadership Training Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky during the summer. Following successful completion of this challenging program, the student is eligible to enter the ROTC Advanced Course. Students attending the Leadership Training Camp incur a military obligation and they are required to enroll in the ROTC Advanced Course.

The Military Science Department administers the Army Scholarship Program, which includes numerous options. The scholarships are awarded based on local and national competitions and are for four, three, and two years. The scholarships pay tuition, an allowance for books and lab fees, and a monthly stipend. The scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, and a student need not be enrolled in Army ROTC to apply. Inquiries should be directed to Mrs. Jackie Hankins-Kent, Department of Military Science/ROTC, Ritter Hall- Lower Level, Room 4A, (215) 204-7480/9622.

Military Science Faculty

Rodney O. Griffin, LTC, Quartermaster, Professor of Military Science and Department Chair, B.S. Hampton University, MEd.-Temple University.
Marco Young, MAJ, Military Intelligence, Assistant Professor of Military Science/Battalion Executive Officer, B.S. - Drexel University
Patrick Chang, CPT, Field Artillery, Assistant Professor of Military Science, BBA, Temple University
Anthony J. Middleton, Master Sergeant, Commandant of Cadet
William H. Campbell , Sergeant First Class, Operations NCO

Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)

Unit Admissions Officer
Det. 750
St. Joseph's University
5600 City Line Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19131
(610) 660-3190, 3191

Temple students are eligible to participate in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) through a cross-town agreement with Saint Joseph’s University. This agreement allows Temple students to take Aerospace Studies classes at the AFROTC host university. All Aerospace Studies courses are held on the Saint Joseph’s University campus. Credits will be transferred to Temple, appear on the official transcript, and count towards the student’s overall GPA. The AFROTC program enables college students to earn a commission as an Air Force officer while concurrently satisfying requirements for his or her baccalaureate degree.

The AFROTC program at Saint Joseph’s University offers one-to-four-year curricula leading to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force. In the four-year curriculum, students take classes as part of the General Military Corps (GMC) during the freshmen and sophomore years. Students will also attend a four-week summer training program following the spring semester of the sophomore year. Upon their return, students then progress to the remaining two-year curricula, taking courses corresponding to the Professional Officer Corps (POC) during the junior and senior years. Those who begin the program as juniors enroll in the two-year curriculum and attend a five-week summer training program following the spring semester of the junior year. Accordingly, students who enter as sophomores are part of the three-year curriculum and take the second half of GMC courses. Entering seniors will be in the one-year curriculum and take the remaining half of POC courses followed by a seven-week summer training program. Students are under no contractual obligation to the Air Force until they accept an Air Force scholarship as sophomores and greater or enter the POC.

The subject matter of the freshmen and sophomore years is developed from a historical perspective and focuses on the scope, structure, and history of military power with the emphasis on the development of air power. During the junior and senior years, the curriculum concentrates on the concepts and practices of leadership and management, and the role of national security forces in contemporary American society.

In addition to the academic portion of the curricula, students participate in a two-hour Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) each week. During this period, the day-to-day skills and working environment of the Air Force are discussed, explained, and simulated. The leadership lab is structured to allow students to practice leadership and management techniques through various methods.

Air Force ROTC offers two, three, and four-year scholarships on a competitive basis to qualified applicants. All scholarships cover tuition, application fees, lab fees, the cost of textbooks, and also provide a $250, $300, $350, or $400 tax-free monthly stipend.

Contact AFROTC for further information about the program, scholarships, and career opportunities.

Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps

Director, Naval Science Department
University of Pennsylvania
417 Hollenback Building
3000 South St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6399
Fax 215-573-2067

Temple students are eligible to participate in the Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (NROTC) through a cross-enrollment agreement with the University of Pennsylvania. All naval science courses are held on the University of Pennsylvania campus. The NROTC Program enables a college student to earn a commission in the Navy Reserve or the Marine Corps Reserve while concurrently satisfying requirements for his or her baccalaureate degree. Scholarship and non-scholarship programs are available.

Navy-Option scholarship and College Program (non-scholarship) students must enroll in Naval Science (NSCI) 101 and 102 during their freshman year, NSCI 201 and 202 during their sophomore year, NSCI 301 and 302 in their junior year, and NSCI 401 and 402 in their senior year. Those seeking commissions in the Marine Corps will enroll in NSCI 101, 102, 202, 310, 410, and 402.  Tailored programs are available for students wishing to join NROTC after the start of their freshman year and before the beginning of their junior year

Scholarship program students must complete one year of calculus (recommended for College Program students, not required for Nurse Corps candidates), one year of calculus-based physics (recommended for College Program students, not required for Nurse Corps candidates), one course in computer science (not required for Nurse Corps candidates), one course in American military history or national security policy (not required for Nurse Corps candidates), and one year of English. College Program students must complete one year of college-level algebra, one year of physical science courses, one computer science course, and one year of English. Marine-Option students are only required to complete one course in American military history or national security policy. Students must check with their naval science instructors to determine specific courses that fulfill the above requirements.

In addition to the above, all students are required to attend a two-hour professional laboratory period scheduled on Wednesday afternoons (no academic credit) that emphasizes military drill, physical fitness, professional performance, and leadership topics.

International Programs and Study Abroad

Denise A. Connerty
Director of International Programs
200 Tuttleman Learning Center

International education takes many forms at Temple: learning other languages, studying for a semester or year in one of Temple's programs abroad, building an international concentration into a major, or enrolling in special programs such as the Latin American Studies Semester. Students should consult school/college and course descriptions for further information on international and language studies at Temple's Philadelphia campuses.

Study abroad is one of the most rewarding and beneficial experiences available to Temple students. The opportunity to gain firsthand understanding of other cultures and languages through study abroad is personally enriching, and adding an international dimension to one's education enables students to better understand and put into context global issues and international events. Study abroad can last for a semester, an academic year, or a summer. Temple offers a number of study abroad programs for Temple students and those from other universities. Students receiving financial aid can usually apply most sources of aid to study abroad fees. The International Programs Office can provide students with information and applications for Temple programs abroad.

Study abroad staff also assists students in planning and carrying out study abroad for non-Temple programs. A resource library of information concerning fellowships and grants for overseas study and research, as well as materials describing various study programs and universities abroad, is available to members of the Temple community. Information on work and travel abroad is also available.

Several grants, including Fulbright scholarships for graduate study abroad, are administered by International Programs. In addition, advising is available concerning a variety of other options for financing study abroad.
Students interested in receiving more information about study abroad should contact International Programs, (215) 204-0720.

Study Abroad - - Academic Year / Temple University Japan:

Kirk Patterson, Dean Temple University Japan opened in 1982 to provide Japanese students with the opportunity to obtain an American education in Tokyo. Since then TUJ has expanded to offer an intensive English language program, associate and bachelor of arts degrees in Liberal Arts, a master of education and doctor of education. in TESOL, a master of arts in economics, an Executive masters of business administration , as well as corporate and continuing education programs. The present student body at the Tokyo campus numbers 1,600 and includes students from a number of countries in addition to Japan.
American undergraduate students may study at Temple Japan for a semester or year, choosing from a broad range of courses in Liberal Arts, Asian Studies, and Japanese language. Internships are also available. Regular Temple faculty on assignment from Philadelphia teach in the program along with visiting professors from other universities and special faculty hired in Japan. English is the language of instruction.

To enrich the students' exposure to Tokyo and enhance their understanding of Japanese culture, TUJ organizes several optional field trips and excursions each semester. These include half-day excursions to sites in and around Tokyo; day and overnight excursions are also arranged.

Temple University Japan is ideally located in central Tokyo in Minami-Azabu. Just 20 minutes walking distance from Roppongi, one of Tokyo's major entertainment districts, Minami-Azabu is home to several embassies, shops, and restaurants.
Students have the option of securing their own housing or of taking advantage of housing offered by TUJ.
Information about application procedures, costs, financial aid and scholarships is available from International Programs.

Study Abroad - - Academic Year / Temple University London:

Mrs. Deborah Marshall,

School of Communications and Theater,

(215) 204-1961.

The School of Communications and Theater offers both fall semester and summer programs in Journalism, BTMM, and Theater in London. These programs are open to all Temple students, no matter what their major, as well as those from other universities. Recent course offerings have included Literature of London in the 19th Century, Politics and the British Press, British Mass Media, Contemporary British Theater, British Documentary Film, and Modern British History. Internships are also available. Some background in media and/or theater is assumed, as courses are at an advanced undergraduate level. Guest speakers and field trips enrich the curriculum.

Accommodation in shared, self-contained flats is usually arranged by the program.

Study Abroad - - Academic Year / Temple University Rome:

Kim D. Strommen, Dean

Temple has its own campus in Rome which offers courses in architecture, landscape architecture, international business, liberal arts, and visual arts. Each semester, students from Temple and other universities study in Rome in courses designed to take advantage of the city's rich resources.

The Temple University Rome Dean oversees the academic program and arranges for student support services. A distinguished teaching faculty, both European and American, provides a first-rate educational experience. All courses are part of Temple's regular undergraduate and graduate curricula and carry full academic credit. Students who have not studied Italian previously must enroll in an elementary language course so they can take best advantage of their stay in Italy.

An extensive field study program complements the traditional classroom and studio curricula. Classes make regular trips to museums, architectural sites, and other points of interest in Rome. Many courses include field trips to other parts of Italy. The Villa Caproni, located in the heart of Rome on the Tiber River, houses all academic programs. The facilities at the Villa Caproni include a library with 15,000 volumes, classrooms, art and architecture studios, an art gallery, and complete technical facilities. Students live in a residence where they have cooking and other facilities. The residence is a convenient 30-minute walk to the Villa Caproni and five minutes from one of the major outdoor markets in Rome.

Information on application, costs, and financial aid can be obtained from International Programs. Temple charges regular tuition rates for the Rome program; additional costs include airfare, living expenses, medical insurance, and program expenses.

Exchange Programs:

Temple University students may participate in any of Temple's university-wide exchange programs. Currently, exchange programs are in place with the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras; the University of Hamburg and Tübingen University in Germany; the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England; and the University of Birmingham, England. Students selected for these programs must qualify academically and be fluent in Spanish or German, respectively, for study in Puerto Rico and Germany.

Competitions for these programs are announced in the late fall or early spring. For further information, contact Temple's International Programs. Each exchange program can accommodate only a small number of students annually.

Summer Programs Abroad:

Each year, a number of faculty direct summer programs abroad for academic credit. Some programs change on an annual basis; others have been part of Temple's summer curriculum for many years. The programs generally last four to six weeks and admit qualified students from Temple and other universities. Temple charges its regular tuition rates for summer programs overseas. Descriptions of some of Temple's regular summer abroad programs follow.

1. Temple in Paris has operated at the Sorbonne for over 50 years. Students enroll in language and other courses suited to their background and ability; instructors are native speakers trained to work with foreign students. The Paris program generally begins in July. Participants earn 4-6 credit hours.

2. Temple University Japan's 10-week summer session enables students to spend the summer in Tokyo studying Japanese language and a wide variety of courses conducted in English, including many which focus on Japan and Asia. 3. British Mass Media, held at Temple's London campus, provides students with a comparative perspective on British and American media. Participants earn up to six hours of graduate or undergraduate credit in the program.

4. Art Workshop in Scotland is offered by Tyler School of Art in conjunction with the Glasgow School of Art. This intensive workshop is offered to art majors who have completed at least one year of studio work at the sophomore level.

5. Temple in Spain offers coursework in Spanish languageand Spanish civilization. Based in Oviedo, Spain, the program includes faculty-led excursions to other major Spanish cities.

6. The Temple University Rome summer session is a six-week program offered during the first summer session. Students choose two courses from those offered. These normally include a range of International Business courses as well as Beginning Italian, History of Art in Rome, and Rome Sketchbook.

7. The Temple in West Africa program, based at the University of Ghana in Accra, enables undergraduate and graduate students to explore West African aesthetics and civilization. Faculty-led field trips to sites outside of Accra enrich the academic program.

University Honors Program

Note: Departmental Honors is described in this Bulletin under the schools and college offering it: College of Liberal Arts, Fox School of Business and Management, School of Communications and Theater.

Ray Coughlin, Director
Ruth Tonner Ost, Director
204 Tuttleman Learning Center
(215) 204-0710
Mail inquiries to:
Director, University Honors Program
204 Tuttleman Learning Center (008-00)
Temple University
1809 North 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6073

The University Honors Program is for academically talented students who want to major in everything - and still graduate in four years. At the core of the program are small classes taught by Temple’s favorite professors, many of who have won the prestigious Temple University Great Teacher Award. Such classes reflect the academic passions of Honors professors and challenge students to think in new ways and respond with creativity.

The Honors Directors enjoy helping students with their major choices, graduate and professional school applications, scholarship competitions, and networking. Honors students may choose to live in designated Honors housing; they organize and participate in activities from coffee houses to floor hockey to community service.

University Honors is open to students enrolling in any of the twelve schools and colleges of the University. The program is normally entered at the beginning of the first year, but capable, current first- and second-year students already at Temple or transfer students may apply. About 250 students are admitted each year. Admission is decided on the basis of academic qualifications (SAT scores, high school GPA, class rank, or merit-based awards), letters of recommendation, and samples of writing, research, and creative work. Typical Honors students will achieve a combined SAT score above 1250 and rank in the top 10% of their high school class. No special application is required. All admitted students are screened for Honors.
For requirements of the program, see Academic Policies and Regulations section of the Bulletin.

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