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Student Responsibilities

Every registered student agrees to abide by an overall set of values, principles and regulations mandated by the University. In order to remain in good standing, it is imperative that each student assumes responsibilities throughout his/her enrollment at Temple. Students also have a number of rights, which protect their interests. This section details these important responsibilities and rights.

Academic Honesty

Temple University believes strongly in academic honesty and integrity. Plagiarism and academic cheating are, therefore, prohibited. Essential to intellectual growth is the development of independent thought and a respect for the thoughts of others. The prohibition against plagiarism and cheating is intended to foster this independence and respect.

Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of another person's labor, another person's ideas, another person's words, another person's assistance. Normally, all work done for courses -- papers, examinations, homework exercises, laboratory reports, oral presentations -- is expected to be the individual effort of the student presenting the work. Any assistance must be reported to the instructor. If the work has entailed consulting other resources -- journals, books, or other media -- these resources must be cited in a manner appropriate to the course. It is the instructor's responsibility to indicate the appropriate manner of citation. Everything used from other sources -- suggestions for organization of ideas, ideas themselves, or actual language -- must be cited. Failure to cite borrowed material constitutes plagiarism. Undocumented use of materials from the World Wide Web is plagiarism.

Academic cheating is, generally, the thwarting or breaking of the general rules of academic work or the specific rules of the individual courses. It includes falsifying data; submitting, without the instructor's approval, work in one course which was done for another; helping others to plagiarize or cheat from one's own or another's work; or actually doing the work of another person.

The penalty for academic dishonesty can vary from a reprimand and receiving a failing grade for a particular assignment, to a failing grade in the course, to suspension or expulsion from the University. The penalty varies with the nature of the offense, individual instructor, the department, and the school or college.

Students who believe that they have been unfairly accused may appeal through the school or college's academic grievance procedure. See Grievances under Student Rights in this section.


Enrollment in a course presupposes intention to attend regularly. Attendance requirements should be announced by the instructor at the beginning of the course. The student who is absent for any reason is responsible for work missed. If a pattern of excessive absences develops, the instructor may report this fact to the student's adviser through the department in which the student is enrolled.

The student should understand that excessive absences may, at the option of the instructor, jeopardize the grade and/or continuance in the course. Although attendance is basically a matter between the student and the instructor, either may request the counsel of the adviser or the Office of the Dean in special cases.

Students should consult the policies and regulations of their own school or college for any further specifications of attendance policy.

Clearing Holds

A hold is an action placed on a student's record. Holds may affect a student’s ability to register for courses, to apply for graduation or to receive transcript services or degree audit reports. 

Students may receive holds on their records for financial, academic, or disciplinary reasons. Students are obligated to resolve holds as quickly as possible, working with their academic advising office, student financial services or other offices, as appropriate.  Academic holds may be caused by failure to declare a major by the appropriate time, low GPA, or failure to make academic progress. Students receiving a “See College Dean” hold should meet with their academic adviser as soon as possible.

Code of Conduct

The Temple University Student Code of Conduct can be viewed at ( Printed copies are available at the Student Assistance Center and the Dean of Students’ Office.

Temple University has the responsibility to formulate and enforce rules of conduct which are necessary for the furtherance of its educational goals and essential activities. In particular, the University has an obligation to protect itself from any acts which tend to impede, obstruct, or threaten its normal operations. While this authority is inherent, the University attempts to delineate its expectations as clearly as possible and publish its regulations. Students, both as individuals and as members of student organizations, are responsible for apprising themselves of and complying with all applicable, existing regulations in the Undergraduate Bulletin and in the Student Handbook and any regulations that may be subsequently promulgated through appropriate publications of the University community. Copies of Student Rights, the Code of Conduct, and the Disciplinary Procedure may be obtained from the Student Assistance Center.

The University Disciplinary Committee is responsible for administering the Student Code of Conduct. Violations of the University's Code of Conduct including, among other things, stealing, cheating, disorderly conduct, plagiarism, and possession of illegal drugs may result in a student's being brought before the University Disciplinary Committee. A finding of responsibility may result in a fine, suspension, and/or dismissal. A disciplinary hold is placed on the student’s record until sanctions are fulfilled.

Financial Obligation to the University

Being a Temple student means incurring a financial obligation to the University. An important part of taking responsibility for your education is to be aware of financial charges, payment and financial aid procedures, and all relevant deadlines, and to make sure that forms are submitted and bills paid on time. Even if someone else is paying the bills, you are responsible for remaining in good financial standing with the University. Failure to satisfy financial obligations, when due, can result in cancellation of your current registration, denial of the right to register for future sessions, delay in graduation, and withholding of official transcripts and diplomas after graduation.

Your registration for courses is not final until all applicable tuition and fees are processed by the Department of Student Financial Services. For information on registration, its financial aspects, and the impact of registration changes on your financial obligation to the University, please see Registration section of the Bulletin.

For current tuition rates and fees, see Tuition and Fees in this Bulletin and the Student Financial Services website (

For information about payment, and about Financial Aid, Financial Aid requirements for satisfactory academic progress, and the impact of registration changes on your eligibility for aid, see Student Financial Services in this Bulletin and the Student Financial Services website (

For information on campus housing and meal plans, see Student Support and Services in this Bulletin, and the Office of University Housing website at (

See your school’s or college’s policies on graduation procedures for information on the impact of unmet financial obligations on clearance for graduation.

Health and Safety Issues

Alcohol Policy:

In accordance with Pennsylvania law, no individual under the age of 21 may possess or consume alcohol on University property. Student organizations may not serve alcohol at campus events. The use of alcohol in the Residence Halls and University-owned housing is covered in the Proprietary Policies developed by the Office of University Housing and in the Student Code of Conduct. Please also see the University’s Student Alcohol and Drug Policy (, Student Code of Conduct ( and Guide to Residential Life (

Drug Policy:

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of controlled substances in any facility or worksite of Temple University is strictly prohibited. Please see the University’s Student Alcohol and Drug Policy (


Under PA state law, all students living in University-owned or -operated Housing are required to submit proof of a one-time meningococcal vaccination, or submit a signed waiver. In addition, entering students are strongly advised to submit to Student Health Services proof of two measles immunizations (usually given as MMR), or serologic proof of measles immunity. Other immunizations which are routinely recommended for college students are rubella, mumps, diphtheria-tetanus, varicella (chickenpox) for those who have not had the disease, and Hepatitis B. Some students may also need Hepatitis A, IPV (polio booster), pneumococcal, or influenza vaccines; check with your doctor.

International students must demonstrate that they are free of active tuberculosis. Students will be advised to have a PPD skin test and have a Tuberculosis Screening Record completed. Prior BCG vaccination does not exempt students from this evaluation.

Medical Fees and Insurance:

Students are responsible for any medical fees incurred outside of Student Health Services, including those incurred at Temple University Hospital. Group medical insurance is offered at the beginning of each semester through the Benefits Office. Full-time students may enroll for health coverage in the months of September (effective September 1) or February (effective March 1). Students are urged to carry this insurance or a comparable policy. Students who are insured should keep in their possession the receipt of the above group policies or identification cards for other policies. All new and continuing international students in both J-1 and F-1 status are required to carry health insurance that meets certain minimum standards determined by the United States Information Agency (USIA). These students will be enrolled in the Low Option of Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plan, as well as the International Group Services Plan. For more information, contact the Benefits Office at (215) 204 1321.


Temple University has adopted a policy on SARS, which may be viewed at

International Students

Temple University requires all new and continuing international students in Nonimmigrant Student (both F-I and J-1) status to carry health insurance that meets certain minimum standards determined by the United States Department of State. For detailed information, please see:

All international students in Nonimmigrant Student (F-1 and J-1) status must maintain their nonimmigrant status insofar as regulations of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the United States Department of State(DOS) are concerned.  In general, students in this status must complete a full-time course load each academic term while they remain in the United States and must not accept unauthorized on-campus or off-campus employment.  For detailed information, please see:

Eligibility for employment for individuals in Nonimmigrant Student (F-1 and J-1) status is based on regulations of the USCIS and the DOS.  For detailed information, please see

Major medical health insurance is required for all international students in Non-immigrant Student (F-1 and J-1) status.  International students are required to submit to the University’s Benefits Office evidence of coverage by a health insurance policy that meets the minimum coverage required by Temple University (consistent with standards established by the United States Department of State):  maximum deductible of $500 per accident or illness; payment of at least 75% of covered medical expenses; maximum benefit of $50,000 per accident of illness; repatriation benefits of no less than $7,500; and medical evacuation benefits of no less than $10,000.  Students may also purchase such health insurance upon arrival at Temple University.  For further information, please contact the University’s Benefits Office at (215) 204-1321.

In addition, international students must demonstrate that they are free of active tuberculosis by submitting to Student Health Services a Tuberculosis Screening Record, which has been certified by a licensed physician.  International students may meet this requirement upon arrival at Temple University by taking a PPD test at Student Health Services.

A mandatory orientation session is held for new international students at the beginning of each academic term; for more information, please see the Orientation section in this bulletin.

For more information about maintaining Nonimmigrant Student (F-1 and J-1) status, please see

Temple Email Accounts

All students are required to obtain a Temple e-mail address and follow guidelines for University use of e-mail; the policy establishes your Temple e-mail account as an approved channel of communication for sending you official University notifications and important information. Visit ( in order to obtain your account.

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