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Writing INtensive Courses

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  Academic Programs / Writing Intensive Courses

Writing Intensive Courses

For most professionals - doctors, accountants, social workers, educators, policy-makers, performers, etc. - writing is an important part of work-life, and writing well often paves the way to professional success. But the kinds of writing that are valued in the professions are typically different from the kinds of writing that students use in school. The writing-intensive course program at Temple University is designed to provide students with a window into the types of writing they may be expected to produce after graduation. To this end, departments and programs have designated specific writing-intensive courses that are part of the major; in these writing courses, students study, write and revise texts that are similar to what they will encounter in their post-Temple careers.

All undergraduate students must complete at least two writing-intensive courses for a total of at least six credits. The writing-intensive course credits are counted as part of the major; they are not General Education (GenEd) or elective credits.*

The specific courses that are required for particular majors can be found within this Bulletin (see Academic Programs for approved courses). Writing-intensive courses are identified by the last two digits of the course number: courses numbered xx96, xx97, and xx98 are writing-intensive. These courses can also be identified by the Course Attribute of "WI."

The writing-intensive courses must be completed at Temple University. Students may not transfer in credits to satisfy this requirement. Students who have problems completing their writing-intensive course requirements should contact their advisors.

A complete list of all approved writing-intensive courses appears on the web site of the Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies. Click here to view the list. Not all courses are offered every semester. Students must complete the writing-intensive courses that are specified by their major. For more information about the writing-intensive course program, please visit the program web site: www.temple.edu/wi

(*Click here for information on writing-intensive courses for the Core Curriculum.)

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