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Theater, Film & Media Arts

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Film and Media Arts
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Creative Thesis Sequence
Media Studies Thesis Sequence
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  Academic Programs / Theater, Film & Media Arts

Film & Media Arts

Nora Alter, Ph.D., Chair

120 Annenberg Hall
2020 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122


The Film and Media Arts (FMA) Program focuses on the development of creative and technical skills in film, video, audio, digital media, and new technologies, and the theoretical understanding of media and culture. The program recognizes and explores the creative tension between individual expression and the social, political, and economic forces that shape culture at large through the creation and study of film, video, and new media.

Students are trained in developing meaningful content as well as craft, theory, and practice. In learning independent and mainstream approaches to production and theory, graduates will be prepared to develop their own independent productions and to assume a creative role in the motion picture, television and media industries.

FMA faculty have received the Oscar, Emmy, Guggenheim, Rockefeller, NEA, Fulbright, Sundance and international film awards and are authors of some of the important texts in the field.  The department also brings in guest media makers and visiting professors from diverse backgrounds for special lectures and workshops. Students may select elective courses from throughout the university, including other departments in the School of Media and Communication, in such areas as journalism and theater. A highly-recognized graduate program offers undergraduates numerous opportunities to work on advanced productions and participate in advanced research, exhibition and creative work in the field.

Faculty Mentoring

FMA faculty strongly believe in the importance of close mentoring. This is particularly important in a department that focuses on individual and collaborative expression. Upon entering the department, each student will be assigned a faculty mentor who will guide the student through his/her four years at Temple. The faculty and external jurors review student work submitted to yearly screenings and as portfolios for Senior Project.

Special Programs and Internships

The Film and Media Arts Department offers special programs for study and research in London, Rome, and Tokyo. FMA has an extensive internship program throughout the year in Philadelphia and Los Angeles.  Additionally, many organizations in New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Washington, D.C. provide regular opportunities for student professional internships.

Summary of Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts

The Bachelor of Arts degree may be conferred upon a student majoring in Film and Media Arts by recommendation of the faculty and upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of 124 credit hours. Students must complete:

1. University requirements:

  • New students starting in the 2013-2014 academic year are required to complete the General Education (GenEd) curriculum.
  • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses. The specific writing-intensive courses required for this major are listed below and identified with the code "WI" in the Attribute column.

2. School of Media and Communication requirements
3. At least 42 credits and a maximum of 58 credits earned in one of the Film and Media Arts sequences.

4. No more than 21 FMA credits can be transferred to the major.

The number of credits taken in the School of Media and Communication is limited to 71 credits. A student must earn a grade of "C" or better in all Film and Media Arts courses that count towards the degree.

Maintaining Program Performance

Prerequisites to entrance and graduation from the Creative and Media Studies Thesis sequences require students to maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 calculated in all courses taken in the university. Students who have earned at least a 2.0 GPA may enter and graduate in the General sequence. Students with an average under 2.0 may not continue in the FMA program. Students may take up to 4 of the 42 FMA credits as an internship.

FMA Foundation Courses

Film and Media Arts students will complete the following courses by the end of the sophomore year:

Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 1141 Media Arts I 4  
Film & Media Arts 1142 Media Arts II 4  
Film & Media Arts 1171 Media & Culture 3  
Film & Media Arts 1172 Introduction to Film & Video Analysis 3  

At the completion of these courses, students will choose to enter either the General sequence (a self designed program with no thesis required), the Media Studies Thesis, or the Creative Thesis (leading to a supervised Senior Project or a feature length screenplay).



Creative Thesis Sequence

Mark Rosenthal, Sequence Director



This sequence educates prospective media makers, writers, and new technology practitioners to take creative control of their own work. It emphasizes students’ initiative in creating individual or collaborative projects that serve as an expression of their personal vision and voice. Students can enter this sequence to work on their own project or as a collaborator with equal creative responsibility as screenwriter or director.

The Creative Thesis sequence builds to a two-semester senior capstone course in which each student, working with close faculty guidance, finishes an advanced film/video project and production book or a feature length screenplay. Media work must be presented publicly at the end-of-the-year program screenings.

Students may enter this sequence if they earn a 3.0 or higher in the FMA foundation courses and in all of their other FMA classes. Completion of this sequence requires Senior Project I and II or Screenwriting Master Class I and II and is based on the grade requirements listed above, along with faculty acceptance of the Senior Project application portfolio (which includes a proposal or script and a work sample) submitted in April of the student’s junior year).

Creative Thesis Sequence (Production)


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 2241


Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Film & Media Arts 2396 Screenwriting I 4 WI
Film & Media Arts   Production Elective 4  
Film & Media Arts   Studies Elective 3-4  
Film & Media Arts 4241 Senior Project I 4  
Film & Media Arts 4242 Senior Project II 4  
Film & Media Arts   Advanced Writing Intensive Elective 4 WI


Creative Thesis Sequence (Screenwriting)


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 2241


Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Film & Media Arts 2396 Screenwriting I 4 WI
Film & Media Arts   2000+ Studies Elective 3-4  
Film & Media Arts   3000+ Studies Elective 3-4  
Film & Media Arts 3396 Screenwriting II 4 WI
Film & Media Arts 4397 Screenwriting Master Class I 4 WI
Film & Media Arts 4398 Screenwriting Master Class II 4 WI




Media Studies Thesis Sequence

Paul Swann, Sequence Director

This sequence explores the role of media in American and international cultures. The critical exploration of technology, ethics, economic and legal factors, social history, and institutions highlights the processes through which media culture affects identity construction and social change. Students who choose this sequence develop critical, analytical, and organizational skills in linking media culture to such arenas as community-based organizations and museums, schools, media resource centers, and the multicultural community of independent film and video producers.

The Media Studies Thesis sequence builds to a two-semester capstone course in which each student completes a written research-based thesis on media culture criticism and/or history or a producible script for research-based media programming. Students may enter this sequence if they earn at least a 3.0 GPA in the FMA foundation courses.

Students who do not meet the above requirement may petition to enter this sequence based on a review of their written work. The petition must be received by the Media Studies sequence director no later than the seventh week of the semester prior to the semester when the student would be taking the senior thesis course.

Media Studies Thesis Sequence


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 2241



Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Screenwriting I*

Film & Media Arts 3671 Theory & Practice of Media Culture 4  
Film & Media Arts   2000+ level Production or Studies Elective*
(with faculty advisor's approval)
4 WI
Film & Media Arts   2000 or higher level Production or Studies Elective*
(with faculty advisor's approval)
Film & Media Arts 4671 Senior Media Culture Thesis I 4  
Film & Media Arts 4696 Senior Media Culture Thesis II** 4 WI
Film & Media Arts   3000 or higher level Production or Studies Elective 3-4  
* A middle-level Writing-Intensive course is required (Film & Media Arts 2396 would fulfill this requirement).
** Serves as a required advanced Writing-Intensive course.


General Sequence

Allan Barber, Sequence Director

This sequence is designed for students who wish to have a more general approach to the major or wish to conclude the degree with something other than a year-long capstone film, feature length screenplay or a supervised written thesis. After completing the FMA core, students must take one production or writing course in either Filmmaking, Videography, Experimental Video or Screenwriting, along with one 2000-level or higher studies course.  Students then design their own program with approval of their advisors, choosing a range of middle- and upper-level courses that complete a balanced approach to media study and production or a self directed emphasis in camera, lighting, sound, animation, directing, writing, producing or new media studies or production.  The program requires at least one middle-level writing-intensive course, one advanced writing-intensive course, one advanced studies course and one advanced course in studies or production.  Students may progress through the General sequence if they have a 2.0 cumulative average and grades of C or better in the FMA foundation courses.

General Sequence


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 2241



Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Screenwriting I*

Film & Media Arts   2000+ level Studies Elective 3-4  
Film & Media Arts   Two 2000+ level Studies or Production Electives 6-8 *
Film & Media Arts   3000+ Writing-Intensive Elective 4 WI   
Film & Media Arts   3000+ level Studies Elective
(with faculty advisor's approval)
Film & Media Arts   3000+ level Production or Studies Elective for which
the student has completed the prerequisites
(with faculty advisor's approval)

* If 2396 is not taken, then one of the 2000+ Studies or Production electives must be Writing Intensive.



Suggested Semester By Semester Plans

Please note that these are suggested academic plans. Depending on your situation, your academic plan may look different.


For students following the Creative Thesis Sequence (Production):

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 1141 Media Arts I 4  
Film & Media Arts 1171 Media & Culture 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
Semester Total     15  
Year 1 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 1142 Media Arts II 4  
Film & Media Arts 1172 Introduction to Film & Video Analysis 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Elective   Elective 3  
Semester Total     16  
Year 2 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 2241


Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Film & Media Arts   Studies Elective 3-4  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
Semester Total     16-17  
Year 2 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 2396 Screenwriting I 4 WI
Film & Media Arts
  FMA Elective
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Semester Total     16-17  
Year 3 - Fall
Film & Media Arts   Production Elective 3-4  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
Electives   Electives 9  
Semester Total     15-17  
Year 3 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 3000+ Advanced Writing Intensive Elective 3-4 WI
Electives   Electives 12  
Semester Total     15-16  
Year 4 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 4241 Senior Project I 4  
Electives   Electives 12  
Semester Total     16  
Year 4 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 4242 Senior Project II 4  
Electives   Electives 8  
Semester Total     12  
Total Hours for Creative Thesis (Production): 124 (minimum)



For Students following the creative thesis sequence (Screenwriting):

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 1141 Media Arts I 4  
Film & Media Arts 1171 Media & Culture 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
Semester Total     15  
Year 1 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 1142 Media Arts II 4  
Film & Media Arts 1172 Introduction to Film & Video Analysis 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Elective   Elective 3  
Semester Total     16  
Year 2 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 2396 Screenwriting I 4 WI
Film & Media Arts 2000+ Studies Elective 3-4  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
Semester Total     16-17  
Year 2 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 2241


Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Film & Media Arts   Elective 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Semester Total     16  
Year 3 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 3396 Screenwriting II 4 WI
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
Electives   Electives 8  
Semester Total     15-16  
Year 3 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 3000+ Studies Elective 3-4  
Electives   Electives 11  
Semester Total     14-15  
Year 4 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 4397 Screenwriting Master Class I 4 WI
Electives   Electives 11  
Semester Total     15  
Year 4 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 4398 Screenwriting Master Class II 4 WI
Electives   Electives 11  
Semester Total     15  
Total Hours for Creative Thesis (Screenwriting): 124 (minimum)


For Students following the General sequence:

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 1141 Media Arts I 4  
Film & Media Arts 1171 Media & Culture 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
Semester Total     15  
Year 1 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 1142 Media Arts II 4  
Film & Media Arts 1172 Introduction to Film & Video Analysis 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Elective   Elective 3  
Semester Total     16  
Year 2 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 2241



Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Screenwriting I

Film & Media Arts 2000+ Studies Elective 3-4  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
Semester Total     16-17  
Year 2 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 2000+ Studies or Production Elective 3-4  
Film & Media Arts 2000+ Studies or Production Elective 3-4 WI (if FMA 2396 not taken)
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Semester Total     15-17  
Year 3 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 3000+ Studies Elective 3-4  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
Electives   Electives 9  
Semester Total     15-17  
Year 3 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 3000+ Studies or Production Elective 3-4  
Electives   Electives 12  
Semester Total     15-16  
Year 4 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 3000+ Writing-Intensive Elective 4 WI
Electives   Electives 12  
Semester Total     16  
Year 4 - Spring
Film & Media Arts   Electives (if needed) 3-4  
Electives   Electives 10  
Semester Total     13-14  
Total Hours for General Sequence: 124 (minimum)



For Students following the Media Studies sequence

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Film & Media Arts 1141 Media Arts I 4  
Film & Media Arts 1171 Media & Culture 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
Semester Total     15  
Year 1 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 1142 Media Arts II 4  
Film & Media Arts 1172 Introduction to Film & Video Analysis 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Elective   Elective 3  
Semester Total     16  
Year 2 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 2241



Experimental Video & Multi-Media
Screenwriting I

Film & Media Arts 2000+ Elective 3-4  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
Semester Total     16-17  
Year 2 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 3671 Theory & Practice of Media Culture 4  
Film & Media Arts   Elective 3-4  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Semester Total     16-17  
Year 3 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 2000+ Studies or Production Elective 3-4 WI (if FMA 2396 not taken)
Film & Media Arts 2000+ Studies or Production Elective 3-4  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
Electives   Electives 6  
Semester Total     15-17  
Year 3 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 3000+ Production or Studies Elective 3-4  
Electives   Electives 12  
Semester Total     15-16  
Year 4 - Fall
Film & Media Arts 4671 Senior Media Culture Thesis I 4  
Electives   Electives 12  
Semester Total     16  
Year 4 - Spring
Film & Media Arts 4696 Senior Media Culture Thesis II 4 WI
Electives   Electives 9  
Semester Total     13  
Total Hours for Media Studies Sequence: 124 (minimum)



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