Undergraduate Bulletin Updated 1997-1998

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founded 1966
Amy Blatchford Hecht, Dean


Delivery of the nation's health care today requires the participation of many professionally prepared health team members with expertise in a variety of specialties. Programs in the College of Allied Health Professions are designed to prepare men and women as qualified health professionals in one of four allied health disciplines critical to the delivery of comprehensive and high quality health care to all citizens.

The team approach to modern health care is stressed in the College's programs. Students in the various programs share courses that are common to more than one profession. Interaction among students is encouraged to enhance their development of insights into the role each plays on the modern health care team.

Through its baccalaureate level programs, the College of Allied Health Professions prepares individuals to enter the health care system as competent professionals who have satisfied the entry level requirements of their professions through completion of accredited educational programs. Graduates are qualified to take state and/or national examinations leading to certification or licensure in their fields.

Master's degree programs offer certified or licensed allied health professionals the opportunity to augment and extend their basic preparation. These professionals acquire in-depth knowledge and expertise in specialty areas and develop education and management skills necessary for leadership roles in their professions.

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Students are normally admitted only in September to the College of Allied Health Professions, and at the junior level. Special cases may be considered for admission in January. Temple students interested in Physical Therapy may enter the three-year Master of Physical Therapy program at the senior level. Further information may be found in the Graduate Bulletin.

Freshmen interested in one of the Allied Health programs are admitted to the College of Arts and Sciences to complete their preprofessional requirements, which will be based on University Core Curriculum requirements plus program requirements in the major. Admission as a freshman to Temple University, however, does not guarantee later admission to the College of Allied Health Professions.

Applications to the College of Allied Health Professions will be accepted for review after satisfactory completion of 45 semester hours of preprofessional college work. Interested students must contact the Coordinator of Student Services for an application to the College and file applications during the third semester of preprofessional studies. Refer to Undergraduate Admissions for additional information about the undergraduate admissions process.

Admission to the College of Allied Health Professions is based on successful completion of college level work at Temple or 55 hours of transferable work completed at another accredited college or university. Successful completion is defined by a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 or its equivalent. Applicants are notified of a final decision in a letter from the Dean of the College of Allied Health Professions. An acceptance letter will include the department and semester in which study is to begin. Applicants are discouraged from making arrangements with other sections of the University (residence, etc.) until the Dean's letter has been received.

Students will be requested to confirm their acceptance of admission with a $100.00 tuition deposit.

Individuals possessing a baccalaureate degree in other fields may be considered for admission to an undergraduate curriculum in the College. Contact the department chairs for further information.

Transfer Students

A student transferring from another institution should apply to the Temple University Office of Undergraduate Admissions. To be admitted, the applicant must have completed a minimum of 55 semester hours of transferable work and must fulfill the Preprofessional Requirements described below. At no time will credit be transferred if the quality of work is less than a C grade or its equivalent. Under certain conditions, no work below a B or its equivalent is acceptable.

A transfer student not meeting these conditions may enroll in the College of Arts and Sciences for completion of preprofessional requirements and reapply to the College of Allied Health Professions.

For admission requirements as a transfer student, see Undergraduate Admissions. Since enrollment is limited, applicants are urged to apply early-preferably nine to twelve months prior to the semester in which they plan to enroll.

Allied Health Early Admissions Decision (AHEAD) Program

The College of Allied Health Professions offers guaranteed admission to its undergraduate professional programs to outstanding freshmen entering Temple University. Applicants to Temple University who are eligible for the AHEAD Program must indicate on the Undergraduate Application for Admission that they wish to attend the College of Allied Health Professions. The AHEAD Program in allied health is open to students who have graduated from high school within the preceding five years.

Guaranteed admission of eligible freshmen to Health Information Management, Nursing, and Occupational Therapy programs is contingent upon meeting the following requirements:

  1. achievement of a minimum combined score on the SAT of 1200; and
  2. rank in the upper 20% of the high school class.

AHEAD students must:

  1. achieve a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the completion of the fall semester of the sophomore year (40 semester hours); and
  2. complete all preprofessional requirements within two academic years following admission to Temple University as a freshman.

Students who are admitted as freshmen to the AHEAD Program and who do not achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA are still eligible to apply for admission to the allied health programs, but their applications will be considered with all other applications.

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The University policies and regulations generally apply to all undergraduate students and provide a framework within which schools and colleges may specify further conditions or variations appropriate to students in their courses or programs.


The College of Allied Health Professions desires to promote professional responsibility among its students. It is, therefore, the policy of the College to place the responsibility for class attendance upon the students. Students are accountable for all work missed because of absence. Instructors are not required to make special arrangements or examinations for students who are absent. There are certain courses which require a minimum number of hours of student participation in laboratory or clinical experiences as established by the professional accrediting agency and/or the academic department concerned. At the beginning of each such course, the department shall make the attendance requirement clearly known to the students enrolled. Excessive absences may, at the option of the department, jeopardize the student's grade and/or continuance in the course. If, in the opinion of the department, a student is absent to the point of endangering his or her successful completion of a course, an official warning shall be issued through the Office of the Dean. If the absences continue, the student may be dropped from the course with a failing grade.

Courses Over Ten Years Old

See Academic Policies and Regulations.

Dean's List

Students who complete a minimum of 12 semester hours and earn a semester GPA of 3.50 will be placed on the Dean's List. Students who earn "I's" or "NR's" for that semester will not be eligible.


Since students of the College of Allied Health Professions are enrolled in professional programs, they are expected to abide by standards of professional conduct and behavior at all times.

Grading System

The grading system is in accordance with the system adopted by Temple University. For students enrolled in this College a grade of C is the lowest acceptable final grade in major courses. Students not achieving a grade of C are required to repeat those courses in which they have failed to demonstrate acceptable performance. Each of the major courses may be repeated only one time. If the student is unsuccessful the second time, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Junior and Senior Years

To be eligible for advancement with his or her respective class, a student is required to take the final examinations at the end of the sessions. Failure on the part of the student to do so, unless excused by the Dean for good and sufficient reasons, is deemed sufficient reason for forbidding such a student the right to examination later and to further advancement with the class.

Decisions on promotion and graduation are made by the faculty and are based upon a comprehensive and total evaluation of the student's accomp-lishments. The student must earn a grade of "C" or better in all major courses during the junior and senior years in the College of Allied Health Professions.

Student Code of Professional Conduct

The College of Allied Health Professions prepares practitioners to fulfill their ideals of service in the health care setting. In attaining these goals, exemplary professional behavior is the keystone of the professional associations of the four disciplines comprising this College. The Code of Conduct of Temple University's College of Allied Health Professions is intended to contribute to an environment in which excellence in learning and conduct may be fostered.

All terms of the Students' Rights, Code of Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedures for Temple University apply to students within the College of Allied Health Professions. In addition to the major violations noted by the University Code, the faculty of the college have identified another action as constituting a major infraction of the Code: "Unethical conduct or intentional neglect of duty on clinical practice."

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The student must successfully complete a minimum of 122 semester hours, including all the prescribed courses for the particular professional discipline.

To be eligible for graduation, a student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.

Preprofessional Requirements

The collegiate work required for admission to the College of Allied Health Professions may be completed in any accredited college or university.

Students entering Temple University at the freshman or sophomore level with an interest in any of the programs offered by the College of Allied Health Professions should plan a program of study which, during the first two years, will include disciplines and subject areas described. All students must take electives in addition to Core curriculum and listed requirements so that 55 s.h. of transferable work are completed prior to admission to the college. (The only exception to this is the RN-BSN Advanced Placement Program. Please see information on this program under the nursing department information below.)

Advising and courses of study preparatory to the programs offered by the College of Allied Health Professions are provided by the College of Arts and Sciences.

The requirements are not to be construed as rigid but rather as a framework within which admission to a program of study in a selected professional discipline may be facilitated. Variations among the requirements should be well planned. Students are urged to seek early counsel from the Dean's Office of the College of Allied Health Professions because academic waivers are less likely to be considered as the time of application to the College of Allied Health Professions approaches.

Requirements for All Students

Freshmen entering Temple University who plan to obtain degrees in the College of Allied Health Professions must complete the University Core Curriculum requirements and the following additional departmental requirements:

Health Information Management

Anatomy and Physiology* (with lab) 8 s.h.


Introduction to Chemistry* (with lab) 6-8 s.h.
Anatomy and Physiology* (with lab) 8
Microbiology 3-4
Social Science
Introduction to Sociology* 3
Introduction to Psychology* 3
Developmental Psychology 3
Statistics* (Soc. 0201) 3
Composition* 3

Occupational Therapy

Anatomy and Physiology * (with lab) 8 s.h.
Introduction to Chemistry* 4
Finite - Modern Math.* 3
Social Science 3
Introduction to Psychology* 3
Developmental Psychology 3
Theories of Personality 3
Introduction to Sociology* 3
Composition* 3

*Meets University Core Requirements

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