Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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Academic Course Load

The average semester load for full-time students is 15 to 17 semester (or credit) hours. Students must carry at least 12 semester hours to be classified as full-time.

Academic overloads (18 or more semester hours for students in CAS; 19 or more semester hours in all other schools and colleges) need special approval of the Dean of the School or College in which a student is matriculated.

See Tuition and Fees.

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Academic Credit

A semester hour is a unit of academic credit. For courses that meet on a regularly scheduled semester basis, a semester hour corresponds to one hour a week of lecture or recitation (or two hours of laboratory or studio activity) throughout one semester. For courses that do not meet on a regularly scheduled semester basis, the guideline is that one semester hour corresponds to 700 minutes of classroom contact.

Academic credit may be earned through Advanced Placement Tests, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), cooperative work experience, and prior work or life experience, in addition to traditional coursework at Temple University. See Admissions; College Level-Examination Program; and Non-Traditional Credit.

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Academic Residency Requirements

Temple University requires that all undergraduate degree candidates complete at least the last 30 hours of the degree or program as matriculated students at Temple University.

To graduate with Honors or to be a President's Scholar, a student must complete a minimum of the last 60 semester hours of the program matriculated at Temple.

Units which have additional requirements are:

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Academic Standing

A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 (C) is required for a student to be in good academic standing at Temple University. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation or may be dismissed and will be so notified by the Deans of the school or college.

Individual programs, departments, or colleges may set higher standards. See Architecture Program; School of Business and Management; College of Engineering; College of Education; and College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

See Grade Point Average, Probation and Dismissal, and Satisfactory Academic Progress.

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Athletic Policies

Continuing academic eligibility requirements for student athletes relative to NCAA guidelines are as follows:

  1. Student athletes must be registered for a minimum of 12 semester hours in each semester of attendance. They may not withdraw from courses that would put them below 12 credits during their season of competition, unless their season is officially concluded.
  2. They must accumulate 24 semester hours of acceptable degree credits each year or an average of 12 for each semester of attendance.
  3. They must meet the academic requirements of the University.
  4. They must also officially declare a major prior to the beginning of their fifth semester at the University.
  5. Any remedial courses must be successfully completed during the first calendar year of attendance.

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Enrollment in a course presupposes intention to attend regularly. Attendance requirements should be announced by the instructor at the beginning of the course. The student who is absent for any reason is responsible for work missed. If a pattern of excessive absences develops, the instructor may report this fact to the student's adviser through the department in which the student is enrolled.

The student should understand that excessive absences may, at the option of the instructor, jeopardize the grade and/or continuance in the course. Although attendance is basically a matter between the student and the instructor, either may request the counsel of the adviser or the Office of the Dean in special cases.

Students should consult the policies and regulations of their own school or college for any further specifications of attendance policy.

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There may be circumstances under which a student will wish to audit a course, i.e., participate in the class without earning academic credit, credit hours, or grades.

The student must have written permission of the instructor and of the Dean of the college on a special approval form. Full tuition is charged, and standard payment procedures apply.

Change of registration from credit to audit, or from audit to credit, may be processed only during the following periods:

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Course Numbering System

The general University course numbering system is as follows: Undergraduate 0001-0399

Graduate 0400-0999

Some courses numbered 0100-0399 may be taken for graduate credit with approval. In these instances, graduate fees are assessed.

For more specific policies, consult individual units.

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Courses Inapplicable to Graduation

Semester hours earned in some courses are excluded from the total minimum semester hours required for graduation from some schools and colleges. While policies vary among schools and colleges, courses inapplicable to graduation requirements generally are ELECT, Mathematics 0015 (formerly Mathematics 0001), RCC, and Military Science (ROTC and AFROTC).

For specific information, see Policies and Regulations: Courses Inapplicable to Graduation in each school and college's section in this Bulletin, or consult academic advisers.

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Courses Over Ten Years Old

In admitting transfer or returning students, the University will, when possible, allow credit for courses taken ten or more years prior to the date of admission or readmission.

However, academic units may choose not to accept courses regardless of age, for credit in the major. Courses of a technical nature or courses in a particularly dynamic field are examples of courses which may not be accepted for credit.

Final determination of the acceptability of such sources is the responsibility of academic units and generally occurs after the student has matriculated or been readmitted.

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Credit/No Credit Courses

Eligible students may want to take a course in an area in which they are not proficient or about which they are curious while not risking their grade point average. Such students, with certain provisions, may be graded using the CR/NC system.

Students may select the CR/NC grading option during the first two weeks of a fall or spring semester course and during the first three days of a first or second summer session course, with the written authorization of their adviser and Dean.

Eligibility is limited to:

Courses are restricted to:

No grade points are assigned to either grade. CR is equivalent to A, AÐ, B+, B, BÐ, C+, C, or CÐ. NC is equivalent to D+, D, DÐ, or F. The semester hours earned are credited toward the total required for graduation. Composition 0045 is graded CR/NC.

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Disciplinary Action

Temple University has the responsibility to formulate and enforce rules of conduct which are necessary for the furtherance of its educational goals and essential activities. The University Disciplinary Committee is responsible for administering the Student Code of Conduct.

By registering as a student at Temple University, each student accepts the right of the University to exercise disciplinary powers, including the suspension and dismissal of students. In particular, the University has a strong obligation to protect its processes from any acts which tend to impede, obstruct, or threaten its normal operations. While this authority is inherent, the University attempts to delineate its expectations as clearly as possible and publish its regulations. Students, both as individuals and as members of student organizations, are responsible for apprising themselves of and complying with all applicable, existing regulations in the Undergraduate Bulletin and in the Student Handbook and any regulations that may be subsequently promulgated through appropriate publications of the University community. Copies of Student Rights, Code of Conduct, and Disciplinary Procedure may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs.

Violations of the University's Code of Conduct, including, among other things, stealing, cheating, disorderly conduct, plagiarism, and possession of illegal drugs may result in a student's being brought before the University Disciplinary Committee. The student's legal rights and the procedure of the University Disciplinary Panel are presented, and the panel, composed of two students, two faculty members, and a chairperson, will hear the case, listen to witnesses, and render a verdict. A guilty verdict may result in a fine, suspension, and/or dismissal.

Although University Disciplinary Committee records are not placed in the student's file, a semester lost by suspension will appear on the transcript.

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Educational Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (The Buckley Amendment) provides the following rights for students attending Temple University:

The procedures for exercise of these rights are explained in the Temple University Guidelines Pertaining to Confidentiality of Student Records, copies of which are available at registration headquarters during registration periods, and in the Office of the Dean of Students at all times. Included as an exhibit to the Guidelines is a list of the types and locations of educational records maintained by the University, with the title and address of the officials responsible for those records.

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Final Examinations

University policies require that final examinations be given only during the final examination week as noted on the academic calendar, which is printed each year in this Bulletin.

For day classes on Main and Ambler campuses, a detailed examination schedule, by day and time, is published in each semester's Directory of Classes; this information is also circulated at the beginning of each semester.

Final examinations for evening classes on Main and Ambler campuses, TUCC classes, Health Sciences Center classes, and Tyler School of Art classes are given at regular class time during final examination week.

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Grade Change

No change of final grade for a completed course will be made without the approval of the instructor's Dean. Deans will consider the grade change upon receipt of the instructor's written explanation.

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Grade Point Average (GPA)

Each student's transcript indicates the semester hours completed; semester hours passed; grade points; and grade point average (GPA).

A student's grade point average (GPA) may be useful in assessing academic progress, in determining eligibility for specific programs, or in determining eligibility for Honors or other awards.

The grade point average appears on a student's semester grade reports, DARS reports or the academic advising document, and the transcript.

No change in a student's grade point average is made after the baccalaureate degree is awarded.

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To Compute Semester Grade Point Average:

  1. Multiply the value of the grade (see Grades and Grading ) by the course's number of semester hours to get quality points.
  2. Add the total quality points.
  3. Divide total number of quality points from all courses by the total number of semester hours completed.

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To Compute Cumulative Grade Point Average:

Divide the total number of quality points from all courses by the total number of semester hours completed.

Note: Not included in GPA computations: I, NR, CR, NC, R, P, Au, W, PI. See Repeating a Course.

For credit transferred from other institutions, no grade points are allowed.

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Grades and Grading

The work of undergraduate students is graded and reported at the end of each semester. Students may expect to receive the report of their grades within three weeks after the close of the semester. The semester grade report lists all courses, grades, semester, and cumulative grade point averages.

Three systems are in use for grading and reporting students' work.

  1. Letter grades and points
  2. Although D- is a passing grade, a minimum grade of C- is required in Core curriculum courses and, in many programs, courses required in the major.

  3. Credit/No Credit
  4. In the Credit/No Credit system, no grade points are assigned, but a limited number of credits in courses in which students earn the CR designation count toward the total credit hours completed. See Credit/No Credit Courses.

  5. P/R/F -- for ELECT and Mathematics 0015

Other transcript notations

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Graduation Procedures

As students approach the end of their undergraduate careers, they must make sure that they are eligible for and can participate in graduation.

In their junior year, or when 80 semester hours have been completed, students should begin an ongoing graduation check with their advisers in order to determine that they are meeting the University, college, departmental, and program requirements for their degree and for graduation.

Early in the semester in which requirements for graduation will be completed, each student pays the University Graduation Fee, currently $25.00, at the Cashier's Office. The validated Treasurer's receipt accompanies the completed Application for Graduation form and is submitted to the Office of the Dean.

Application deadlines are:

Earlier deadlines may be in effect in some academic units.

It is important that the Application for Graduation form be properly completed, particularly the areas relating to the resolution of incompletes and diploma instructions.

Information concerning commencement activities (such as time, place, invitations, rental of academic regalia) is mailed to students submitting the Application for Graduation form.

Students will not have their degree awarded or diploma or transcript released until all University fees have been paid.

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Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 requires that each college or university establish due process for the resolution of academic grievances. Undergraduate students enrolled at Temple University have the right to appeal any academic matter in which they feel they have been treated unfairly.

While each school and college at Temple University has established and adheres to its own grievance procedure, all have in common the following steps:

  1. Students attempt resolution through discussion with the instructor.
  2. Failing agreement, students present appeals to the Chair of the
  3. Department, specifying the nature of the grievance, the result of the previous discussion, and the resolution sought.
  4. Failing agreement at the Department Chair level, students may appeal to the Office of the Dean of the College.

Details that may vary from school to school include the involvement of a student-ombudsperson; the constitution of grievance hearing committees, which may be a part of either step two or three; and time limits, both for students' filing and for the administrative response.

Students should be advised that filing a formal grievance, that is, beyond the level of the instructor, is serious and should be avoided until all informal methods of adjudication have been used.

For further information on academic grievance procedures, students should inquire in their Dean's office or with the student-ombudsperson-adviser in the relevant school.

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Temple University recognizes academic achievement in several ways, including designation as Presidential Scholars; inclusion on Dean's Lists; membership in Phi Beta Kappa and other honorary organizations; and graduation with Departmental or University Honors.

To achieve University Honors, students must be admitted to the University Honors Program. The Program offers Honors sections of Core courses as well as specially designed Honors Core and elective courses. Students are awarded the University Honors Certificate after completing a minimum number of designated Honors courses. Completion of University Honors becomes an official part of the student's record and is entered on the transcript. With permission of the Honors Director, students who are not in the Program may take Honors courses.

To remain in good standing in Honors, students must maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average. Students falling below 3.0 are placed on probation for a semester and are removed from probation if their cumulative Grade Point Average rises to 3.0 or they achieve a 3.25 in the following semester. See Special Academic Programs/University Honors.

Dean's Lists record the names of those full-time matriculated, undergraduate students in each school or college who completed a semester's work with a stated minimum number of semester hours and GPA. Also, part-time matriculated undergraduate students who have earned at least 12 credit hours across an academic year (fall and spring semesters) are eligible to be considered for Dean's List recognition for that academic year.

See the Academic Criteria for Dean's List chart.

Departmental Honors may be earned in some academic units by students who complete special programs with specific eligibility and achievement requirements. For information, direct inquiries to relevant department chairs.

Graduation with Honors. This distinction is bestowed upon those candidates for baccalaureate degrees who have completed at least their last 60 hours toward their degrees in residence as matriculated students at Temple University. Such students will be awarded their degrees "with praise" if the cumulative Grade Point Average is:

Honorary Societies in many academic areas provide opportunities for interaction for students with common interests. Many of these societies relate to specific academic, professional, or occupational fields and membership is related to academic achievement.

Phi Beta Kappa membership is open only to students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. Juniors and seniors who are candidates for the BA degree are eligible for consideration if:

Grades earned in applied or professional coursework (understood to include all training intended to develop skills or vocational techniques) are not counted in computing the GPA eligibility requirements.

Questions concerning Phi Beta Kappa should be directed to members of the Society's Executive Committee. (See College of Arts and Sciences.)

President's Scholars are those graduating seniors who are scheduled to complete at least their last 60 hours matriculated at Temple University; who have completed 45 of those last 60 hours; and whose cumulative GPA is at least 3.75. President's Scholars are recognized annually at a special ceremony and reception during spring semester.

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Incomplete Coursework

An instructor will file an "I" (Incomplete) only if the student has completed the majority of the work of the course at a passing level, and only for reasons beyond the student's control.

The notation of "I" may be given by the instructor when a student has not completed the work of a course by the time grades must be turned in, but has made a written agreement with the instructor. The agreement must specify the nature of the work to be completed, the means by which the final grade will be determined, and the grade to be received if the work is not completed. The agreement also will specify the completion date, which must be no more than one year from the end of the semester in which the student took the course.

After one year, the instructor has no obligation to grade the student's work and, unless arrangements have been made to extend the time limit, may direct that the "I" be changed according to the terms of the agreement.

Faculty advisers and staff advisers have the option of not permitting a student to register for an "overload" if the student is carrying one or more active incomplete courses, or for a "full load" if the student is carrying two or more active incompletes.

Among the grades which may be assigned is the transcript notation "PI" (Permanent Incomplete). "PI" may replace the notation of "I" when the student has changed program or major and the incomplete coursework is irrelevant to the new program. Return to Academic Policies and Reguations List

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