Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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College of Engineering

founded 1969
Cynthia S. Hirtzel, Dean

Goals and Objectives

It is the mission of the College of Engineering (COE) to provide an affordable, high quality learning experience, and a supportive environment in engineering, engineering technology, and related fields of study. The College attaches importance to scholarship, teaching, discovery, research, practice, and service, all aimed at improving the quality of life and the economic viability of our society. Its aim is to promote lifelong learning, problem solving abilities, and success for all who interact with the College.

The College offers undergraduate curricula in engineering and engineering technology and also a variety of continuing education courses for non-degree students.

The programs in engineering, leading to the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree, prepare students for positions in engineering which require a broad preparation in mathematics and the engineering sciences at the entry level; they are recommended for those who expect to become registered professional engineers, pursue an advanced degree, or become involved in conceptual design, planning, research, and development in industry.

The programs in engineering technology which lead to the Bachelor of Science degree educate students for careers as engineering technologists. They participate as members of the engineering team translating concepts into functioning systems and supervising subsequent implementation by technicians and craftsmen.

Graduates of the COE find employment in manufacturing, construction management, sales engineering, inspection and quality control, production engineering and management, research and development, purchasing, technical field services, application engineering, engineering design, computer systems and software manufacturing, and organizations applying computers for research or production. Following on-the-job experience, they can qualify for positions of a supervisory and managerial nature; others may qualify as registered professional engineers.

Day and evening courses are offered at the Main Campus and at the Ambler Campus. All programs may be completed at the Main Campus.

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Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to particular programs in the College of Engineering. Because programs in the college have varying admissions requirements, students should contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies, Room 326, for further information (215-204-7803).

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Special Programs

Academic Minors
The following intercollege minor programs have been developed with the cooperation of the appropriate COE department and the Physics Department of the College of Arts and Sciences. While the program will be particularly useful to students majoring in Physics who may be interested in doing graduate work in either Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, this minor is available to all CAS students who have completed the prerequisite courses. A minimum GPA of 2.3 in the minor courses will be required of any student successfully completing this minor.

Minor in Applied Science - Electrical Engineering
Required Courses:
EE 9 s.h.

Elective Courses (must take a minimum of 9 s.h. from junior and senior courses) The best* sequence is:
EE 12 s.h.

Minor in Applied Science -- Mechanical Engineering
Engr. 11 s.h.


*Deviations from this "best" sequence must be approved by the student's adviser.

The elective courses can take one of three tracks:
ME 9 s.h.

EE 10 s.h.

ENGR 9 s.h.

Either elective track will result in a total of 20 or 21 semester hours.

Cooperative Education

Fred Pearlstein, Coordinator
(215) 204-4474

Full-time matriculated Engineering and Engineering Technology students who have completed at least 24 semester hours (at least 12 at Temple) towards the baccalaureate degree may apply for paid cooperative work experience (full- or part-time) during six month or summer periods; Engineering and Engineering Technology students may register and receive technology elective credits for ENGR 0180 (2 s.h.) which involves the work experience. ENGR 0181 and 0182 may also be taken in conjunction with additional Co-op work experiences.

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Student Associations

Professional Societies and Organizations
The following professional societies and organizations are located within the COE:

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Policies and Regulations

The University policies and regulations generally apply to all undergraduate students and provide a framework within which schools and colleges may specify further conditions or variations appropriate to students in their courses or programs. Policies specific to the College of Engineering follow. The COE Student Information Guide also should be consulted for specific rules relating to procedures and curriculum.

All students in the COE are assigned an adviser when they initially enroll. An updated list can be found in the respective departmental offices. The student's academic adviser will confirm that the courses selected yield credit toward a degree and that the requirements of Temple University, COE, and the academic department are being met. Reference should be made to this Bulletin and to the Student Information Guide in planning programs.

Anticipation of Graduation
All COE students who intend to graduate in May, August, or January must formally apply for graduation at the completion of 90 credits. The student must pay a graduation fee and then present a validated Treasurer receipt as evidence of payment to the Dean's Office. To earn the baccalaureate degree in any curricula of the COE, a student must submit a graduation plan, consisting of all required courses in the chosen curriculum, which has been approved by the student's faculty adviser, chairperson, and Dean of the College. Required courses are indicated in curriculum check lists available from the student's respective department of instruction.

Courses Inapplicable to Graduation Requirements
Credits completed in ELECT, SRAP, Mathematics 0015, 0045, and, for some programs, Mathematics 0074, do not accrue toward graduation. Only six credits in Military Science can be credited toward graduation.

Certain courses outside of the student's major concentration can be taken by juniors and seniors with 55 or more credits who are registered for a minimum of 12 semester hours and have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better. Selection is limited to an elective course each semester with no more than four Credit/No-Credit courses allowed toward the B.S. degree. Forms are available in the Undergraduate Studies Office, COE. See Academic Policies and Regulations.

Dean's List
Full-time matriculated students who, for a given semester, complete 15 semester hours or more with no "I" grades and with no grade less than "C" may qualify for the Dean's List when the semester GPA is at least 3.20.

Independent Research: Engineering, Engineering Technology
Independent student work on a laboratory investigation or design project must be approved by the chairperson of the respective department and a faculty supervisor assigned. Work is graded on research methodology, result, and reporting. Only seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0 may apply. The project must be completed in one academic year.

Independent Study
A student is permitted to take no more than two independent study courses. Permission is granted only if a student needs the course to complete his/her studies and it is not offered in that semester. They can be taken only in the junior and senior years. The content of the independent study work must cover the materials in one of the courses listed in the curriculum. Students must complete an independent study form in their department office prior to registration for the course.

Mathematics Placement Test
All entering University students are required to take the Mathematics Placement Test. COE students who do not achieve satisfactory scores on the mathematics placement test or who did not have Trigonometry or Elementary Functions in high school must register for Mathematics 0074ÑPre-Calculus Mathematics.

Minimum Grade Point Average
Matriculated students in the COE are expected to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 at all times. Students with less than 2.00 will be placed on academic probation or dismissed by the Academic Standing Committee.

A warning notice will be sent to all matriculated students whose GPA for any particular semester falls below 2.00. Students are placed on probation by the total number of credits earned but the GPA used is that computed for Temple University courses only.

Students placed on probation must repeat all required courses failed in their respective curriculum prior to being permitted to take any advanced course-work in their designated programs.

Students on probation may not schedule more than four courses nor more than 14 semester hours. Students who fail a major course twice shall be dropped from their program of studies. This includes all professional courses.

Students who fall below the recommended "Drop Guidelines" will be dismissed. They may petition the Dean in order to be re-instated, after one semester has elapsed. If reinstated, they will be permitted to take a course load comprised of the required courses for the curriculum which they failed.

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation. Students majoring in engineering must attain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 in their major courses in order to graduate.

Non-Matriculating Students
Non-matriculating and/or part-time students who intend to become matriculating degree candidates in the College of Engineering must apply for formal admission when they have completed between 15Ð18 semester hours of course work. These students must take the placement tests in English and mathematics in order to determine their level of ability and proficiency in these areas before they continue with their studies.

The COE is not obligated to grant more than 18 s.h. of credit toward a degree for course work taken as a nonmatriculated student.

Non-Traditional Credits
A maximum of 12 semester hours of credit will be allowed by the COE in cooperative education, relevant work experience, and Advanced Placement or CLEP examinations. No other non-traditional credit will be granted.

Relevant Work Experience
Matriculated students may be granted academic credits for work experience if it is judged to be an adequate substitute for all or part of particular courses required of the student. Experience must be related to a specific course in the curriculum offered by the College. Work experience must be acquired before entering Temple University. Credit will only be granted after completion of 30 semester hours of course work. Other requirements and applications are available in the Undergraduate Studies Office of the College.

Transfer Credit
Transfer credit to the COE can be granted only from an accredited institution of higher learning. The maximum number of credits granted to community college or other two-year college applicants is 64 semester hours. Co-op education, credit for life experience, and advanced placement credits are not transferable from other institutions.

Transfer credits are not granted after a student has matriculated into a degree program. In exceptional circumstances only, students may take courses at other institutions and have transfer credits awarded. Permission for such arrangements must be approved in advance by the Dean. Students must complete at least the last 30 s.h. at Temple University, as a matriculated student, in order to graduate with a Temple degree.

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