Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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School of Business and Management


Human Resource Administration

John Deckop, Chair
(215) 204-1933

Courses in this department provide students with the skills and abilities to deal with human behavior and human resource management in organizational settings. Coursework in this field prepares individuals for employment in general management, personnel administration, and labor relations. The curriculum encompasses three interrelated areas:
(1) Individual and Group Behavior --focusing on relationships between individuals and groups, and the implications of these relationships in the organizational context; (2) Functional Human Resource Management--dealing with the acquisition, maintenance, and development of people in organizations; and (3) Public Institutions and Policies--concentrating on the broad spectrum of public institutions and regulatory structures which influence the management of people in organizations (e.g. unions, governmental regulatory agencies, state and national labor laws and programs).

Human Resource Administration majors are encouraged to become involved in The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Guest speakers, networking events, career development activities, and the resume book are just a few benefits of joining. This organization is open to all SBM majors. For more information, contact Dr. Mangel at (215) 204-8184.

Major Requirements
Major Courses

In addition, at least three 0300-level HRA courses, two of which must be from the following list:

Other courses which can be choosen as the third course include:

Additional Course Requirements

Business Electives
Three additional business electives

Students must attain a 2.3 GPA in the major in order to graduate.

People First Certificate

Good management is a key to any successful enterprise. In today's business environment, managers need to have an edge on the competition. The HRA department offers three courses that we call our People First sequence to provide you the edge you need:

The skills obtained from taking this HRA sequence will give you a competitive advantage over others who have not had this training.

People First is an approved certificate program within SBM. For further information on these courses, contact Dr. Stuart Schmidt at (215) 204-1621, or Alison Konrad at (215) 204-6907, or your academic adviser.

Joint Program for HRA and RMI Majors

The Risk Management and Insurance Department and the Human Resource Administration Department now offer several joint programs for students interested in a career in employee benefits and/or human resource management. These programs allow students to broaden their career options by taking advantage of the cross-training offered by these departments.

  1. HRA major with a RMI concentration. In addition to courses fulfilling HRA major requirements, students take RMI 0001 (already required for all majors), RMI 0305 (Life and Health Insurance and Employee Benefits), and RMI 0306 (Retirement Plans).
  2. RMI major with a HRA concentration. In addition to courses fulfilling RMI major requirements, students take HRA 0083 (already required for all majors), HRA 0200 (Introduction to Personnel/Human Resource Management), and HRA 0340 (Compensation Management).
  3. Dual HRA/RMI major. Students fulfill all requirements for both majors.

For more information on joint HRA/RMI courses, contact John Deckop (HRA), (215) 204-1933; or Rob Drennan (215) 204-8894.

Return to the list of programs.

International Business Administration

Frances Katrishen, Program Director
(215) 204-5075

The International Business Administration concentration is designed to enable students to develop an understanding of the various functional areas of international business and to prepare students for positions in multinational firms or international public institutions. The skills needed are developed through specialized international courses in economics, finance, human resource management, law, marketing, and general and strategic management. The topics covered in these specialized courses are not covered by the traditional courses in these areas. All International Business Administration majors are strongly encouraged to double major in a specific business discipline.

In addition to functional skills, a cultural and geographic area of understanding is also essential. Students are encouraged to acquire the background through elective courses offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.

In addition, there is also an emphasis on language; for without minimal language capability, one is truly handicapped in interpersonal relationships in international dealings. Courses in Japanese and Spanish among others are offered through the College of Arts and Sciences for International Business Administration students. Finally, to further round out their education, students are provided opportunities to spend a semester or a year abroad in various countries where the University has established special programs with sister universities.

A student who elects international business as a major field of specialization may find employment opportunities with U.S. and foreign multinational corporations, international banks and financial agencies, international advertising agencies, and public institutions.

International business administration majors are strongly encouraged to become actively involved in the International Business Association (IBA). The organization hosts guest speakers from international business disciplines, networking events, and career development activities. This organization is open to all SBM majors. For more information, contact Frances Katrishen at (215) 204-5075.

Major Requirements

Four additional upper-level courses in an area of specialization such as Marketing, Finance, etc.

Additional Course Requirements

Non-Business Requirements

12 semester hours of a language. Students who are fluent in a second language may be allowed to substitute International Studies courses. LASS (Latin American Studies Semester) can substitute for language requirement with permission of the Director.

Political Science C052 - Foreign Governments

Due to a limited number of slots in the International Business major, students pursuing the International Business major will be evaluated at 45 s.h. to determine their eligibility to remain in the major. Criteria used in the evaluation will include GPA, language fluency, international course work and experiences and participation in the International Business student organization.

Students must attain a 2.3 GPA in the major in order to graduate.

Return to the list of programs.

Legal and Real Estate Studies

Samuel Hodge, Jr., Chair
(215) 204-8135

Legal Studies

This curriculum is designed to acquaint the student with the broad spectrum of the economic, political, and sociological framework within which the law functions. It also may be pursued as a pre-law major in preparation for law school. Majors will be exposed to a curriculum that will challenge their thinking process and reasoning skills through the use of actual court cases, trial simulations, negotiations and other advocacy skills that stress written and oral communication. All faculty are law trained and the courses offer a blend of theory and practice.

Students pursuing this curriculum in preparation for the study of law would do well to acquaint themselves with the content and format of the Law School Admissions Test. Students should also inquire of the State Board of Law Examiners as to the requirements for admission to the Bar in the state wherein they intend to practice, as these regulations vary from state to state.

Legal Studies majors are encouraged to become involved in Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International. This organization hosts guest speakers, sponsor field trips, and assist students in gaining internships within the field. For more information, contact Dr. Lawrence at (215) 204-8886.

Major Requirements

Major Courses

Any three of the following:

Additional Course Requirements

Business Electives

Three additional business electives

Students must attain a 2.3 GPA in the major in order to graduate.

Return to the list of programs.

Real Estate Major

The purpose of the courses in real estate is to provide the student with a broad basic understanding of the legal, economic, social, and civic aspects of real property. They are intended to serve the needs not only of those who plan to make the real estate profession a career but also those who are preparing for the broader fields of business administration or government service. The courses will also enable individuals who become involved in real estate transactions for their own purposes to make more intelligent decisions.

Students pursuing this major who are desirous of obtaining certification either as a salesperson or a broker should contact the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission for the requirements under the Real Estate Broker's License Act as amended.

Real Estate majors are encouraged to become involved in Rho Epsilon, the student professional organization for Real Estate students. For information about activities and how to join, please contact Dr. Huffman at (215) 204-6675.

Major Requirements

Major Courses
Real Estate

Note: Real Estate 0109 (Real Estate Investments) may be substituted for one of the above with the permission of the Chair.

Additional Course Requirements

Business Electives

Students must attain a 2.3 GPA in the major in order to graduate.

Return to the list of programs.


Anthony C. DiBenedetto, Chair
(215) 204-8147

The Marketing curriculum is designed to prepare students for positions of responsibility in business, government, and public service. The purposes of the curriculum are to enable students who choose Marketing as a major field to develop occupationally viable skills and to enable students who plan careers in fields other than Marketing to understand its role in relation to other business activities and social institutions.

Students are taught to apply what they learn in quantitative methods and the behavioral sciences to solve marketing problems. Methods of instruction may range from programmed learning for simple vocabulary and concept formation to team participation in systems simulations. Class projects are sometimes conducted in cooperation with business and government organizations, and the case method is employed to provide exercise in decision making.

A student who elects Marketing as a field of specialization may find employment opportunities in retailing, wholesaling, sales promotion and selling, advertising, physical distribution, public relations, customer relations, marketing research, marketing management, product management, direct marketing, international marketing, or public agencies concerned with marketing these activities.

Marketing majors are encouraged to become involved in the American Marketing Association (AMA), a student professional organization for Marketing majors. Guest speakers, career development seminars, a resume book, and other activities are just a few of the benefits of this organization which is open to all business students. For information please contact the AMA at (215) 204-1931 or Dr. Smith at (215) 204-1682.

Major Requirements

Major Courses

Additional Course Requirements

Business Electives

All marketing courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Students must attain a 2.3 GPA in the major in order to graduate.

Return to the list of programs.

Risk Management and Insurance

Dr. Michael Powers, Acting Chair
(215) 204-7293

Every organization faces the problem that its activities can and sometimes do produce injuries to employees, customers or the public; its operations may be impaired by damage to or loss of property; and its financial standing may be imperiled by liability for injuries or damage. Organizations also have large obligations under employee benefit programs providing for payments of medical expenses of employees and their families, and continuation of income to employees who are disabled or have retired. Effective management of these problems is the subject matter of Risk Management and Insurance.

The curriculum is designed to develop the ability to identify the sources of losses, evaluate the problems involved, and select and implement solutions, with special attention to the provision and use of insurance.

Graduates of the program go into positions in the risk management or employee benefit departments of businesses and other organizations, consulting firms, insurance brokerage, or agency operations, or insurance companies.

Risk Management and Insurance majors are encouraged to become involved in the Society for Risk Management, Insurance, and Actuarial Science/Gamma Iota Sigma (RMI/GIS). The organization hosts guest speakers from the industry and career development seminars, maintains a resume book, and sponsors many other activities. Gamma Iota Sigma is a professional honorary Risk Management and Insurance Fraternity which requires that the student meet certain standards before being admitted. For more information, please contact Dr. Drennan at (215) 204-8894.

Major Requirements

Required Major Courses
Risk Management and Insurance

Choose one:

Choose one:

One Elective in Risk Management & Insurance:
Choose from courses not taken in the above list or take 0310 - Property and Liability Insurance Company Operations.

Additional Course Requirements

With permission of the Chair, a student may complete an independent study (RMI 0399), but this will not be counted toward their five course requirement for a major.

Business Electives
Three additional business electives. (Students are strongly encouraged to select and complete a second major field of concentration.) Useful second majors include but are not limited to Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Administration, Marketing, Legal Studies, Computer and Information Science, and General and Strategic Management.

All Risk Management and Insurance courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Students must attain a 2.3 GPA in the major in order to graduate.

Joint Programs for RMI and HRA Majors

Please see section under the HRA major description which describes the programs offered for RMI and HRA majors.

Return to the list of programs.

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