Undergraduate Bulletin Updated for 1997-1998

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Continuing Education

Continuing Education encompasses a wide variety of students and programs at Temple University. Adults returning to school for undergraduate or graduate courses, professionals updating their skills in law, medicine, business, or those taking courses or workshops for personal enrichment; all these students are enrolled in and served by Continuing Education at Temple. (Adult students who wish to matriculate in degree programs should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or the appropriate admissions office directly.)

The programs available at each campus are described briefly below.

Main Campus Office of Continuing Education and Evening Services
Miguel A. Gonzales, Director
Curtis Hall, Rm. 113
(215) 204-2500

The Main Campus Office of Continuing Education and Evening Services is the University's central office for non-matriculated and visiting students. The staff advises and registers students who wish to take courses toward future matriculation (undergraduate or graduate), to upgrade skills, or for personal enrichment. The office is open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to serve both day and evening students. Some of the specific services provided by the Main Campus Office of Continuing Education and Evening Services include:

Temple University Center City
1616 Walnut Street
Office of Advising and Evening Services
(215) 204-4358

Temple's Center City Campus (TUCC) brings the educational resources of Temple University to downtown Philadelphia. The concentration of corporate offices, professional firms, and public agencies in the immediate area make it highly convenient for students to continue their education after work. Most graduate and undergraduate courses are offered in the evening or on Saturdays.

The Office of Advising and Evening Services advises students taking credit-bearing courses and guides students applying for entry to degree programs through the admissions process. See Campuses for further information about courses and programs.

Ambler Campus
Campus and Community Services
Division, Campus Information
(215) 283-1201

Temple University's Ambler campus offers extensive undergraduate, graduate, and non-credit offerings available days, evenings, and weekends. Workshops dealing with returning to school, financial aid, women and careers, and graduate and professional school options are offered each semester.

For more information about the workshops, open houses, or to receive catalogs or general information, please call Campus Information at (215) 283-1201. If you wish to be placed on a campus mailing list, Campus Information will assist you as well.

Providing academic advising to students who wish to take courses toward future matriculation (enrolling in a degree program) or for business or personal growth, advisers are available at least two nights a week to meet with students. Call the Office of Academic Advising, (215) 283-1237, for an appointment.

Health Sciences Center

The Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, and the College of Allied Health Professions sponsor continuing education activities for their graduates as well as for graduates of other institutions. Many programs meet the requirements of professional accrediting agencies to take refresher courses or seminars in order to keep abreast of changes in the field.

Temple University Harrisburg Center

Temple University Harrisburg Center (TUHC) is a satellite of Temple University in Philadelphia, offering graduate programs designated for the adult learner. The Harrisburg Center currently offers graduate degree programs in Adult Education, Educational Administration, Journalism, Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Psychoeducational Processes, and Social Work. Principal, Superintendent, and Supervisory Certification programs are also available, as well as a non-credit certificate program in Family Therapy and a graduate credit certificate program in Business Studies and Gerontology.

Extension Services
Julie Reich, Acting Director
(215) 204-7265

Temple University's Office of Extension Services brings the academic resources of the University to adult students throughout Eastern and Central Pennsylvania. Servicing Temple students enrolled at off-campus sites, the Office of Extension Services is their link to the University as a whole. The Extension Services staff is equipped to answer questions and solve problems concerning course schedules, registration, billing, and related issues.

Extension Services runs programs on-site at many corporations and government organizations. Upon request, the staff can customize the courses and seminars to be offered. Whether a bank needs a seminar in business writing, or a hospital requires a course in medical terminology, or a corporation wishes to offer its employees a computer workshop, the Office of Extension Services will draw upon Temple's resources to design the most effective program.

Cooperative Education

See Campus Life and Student Services.

Extern Program

SeeCampus Life and Student Services.

Honors Programs

University Honors
Dieter Forster, Director
Ruth Tonner Ost, Coordinator
(215) 204-7573

The University Honors Program offers highly motivated and talented students the experience of a small selective college while drawing on the resources of a large university. The Program offers Honors sections of Core courses (see Core Curriculum) as well as unique Honors Core and elective courses. The program features smaller classes, specially selected faculty, innovative teaching methods (seminars, group projects, mock trials, field trips), a day-long Fall Orientation, and greater interaction among students and with faculty. Honors students may design interdisciplinary majors.

The Honors Office offers personal advising, career counseling, as well as help with fellowship and graduate school applications. In conjunction with Honors students, the office staff arranges special activities such as poetry readings, panel discussions on current events, and field experiences. There is also an Honors student lounge.

University Honors is open to students enrolling in any of the eleven schools and colleges of the University. The program is normally entered at the beginning of the freshman year, but capable freshman or sophomores already at Temple or transfer students may apply. About 200 students are admitted each year. Admission is decided on the basis of Academic qualifications (SAT scores, high school GPA, class rank, or merit-based awards), letters of recommendation, samples of writing, research, and creative work, and by personal interview. Automatic eligibility is given to students whose combined SAT score is above 1200 and who rank in the top 10% of their class. Students are routinely screened for Honors by the admissions staff during the applications process, but may express their interest in Honors on the Temple application form, by attending an Honors workshop during summer orientation, or by contacting the Honors Office.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

Director, University Honors Program
648 Ritter Annex, 004-00
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6091
(215) 204-7573

For requirements of the program, see Academic Policies and Regulations.

Departmental Honors

Departmental Honors may be earned in the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business and Management, and the School of Communications and Theater by students who complete special programs with specific eligibility and achievement requirements.

For more information, see those sections in this Bulletin.

Learning Communities

Jodi H. Levine, Director
(215) 204-1937
Daniel P. Tompkins, Faculty Fellow
(215) 204-4900
5th Floor, Conwell Hall
Web site

Learning Communities, an academic program designed to ease the transition from high school to college, provides an opportunity for students to form connections for academic and social support. Each community consists of two to three courses, scheduled in a block,which students take together as a group. In a learning community, students get to know each other and their professors, making it easier to work collaboratively in class and to form study groups outside of class.

Learning Communities are offered on both the Main and Ambler campuses and are available for students in most schools and colleges. In addition, courses in Learning Communities fulfill Core, college, or major requirements. For example, you can enroll in a Learning Community that pairs College Composition and College Math. You satisfy degree requirements while building valuable academic and social connections.

While designed with the first semester freshman in mind, communities are open to all first and second year students, including transfers, with fewer than sixty credits. Some colleges require freshmen to register for a community, while others strongly recommend it. During New Student Orientation your academic adviser will help you select the Learning Community which best meets your academic interests and needs.

Institute on Aging

Albert J. Finestone, M.D., Executive Director
Kathy Segrist, M.Ed., Assistant Director
206 University Services Building
(215) 204-6834

The Institute on Aging offers a Certificate in Gerontology Program in cooperation with schools and colleges throughout the University. Gerontology is the scientific study of aging and encompasses many disciplines. Therefore, the certificate program is designed to provide the student with an interdisciplinary education along with practical experience in the field of aging.

The 18 credit hour program may be completed in conjunction with a degree program or as a separate emphasis program for persons not currently enrolled in a degree program. All students must register and complete 15 credit hours and a field placement or action research project. Students are expected to finish the program within a five year time span.

To enroll in the Certificate of Gerontology program, all students must submit:

Additionally, undergraduate students who are enrolled in a degree program must submit evidence of admission into the degree program and an official transcript showing coursework completed to date. Non-matriculated students at the undergraduate level must submit evidence of college experience.

When taking gerontology electives, the certificate student is expected to focus all class projects and papers on aging-related topics and issues in later life. No more than two geronotology electives may be taken prior to admission into the Program.

Gerontology Electives (15 credits required)

Health Education
Health Counseling (324)
Human Sexuality and Family Living Education (325)
Death and Dying (328)
Coping with Life Stress Workshop (348)
Holistic Health and Aging (350)
Physical Education
Exercise and Aging (313)
Aging (Topics in Psychology Series 320)
Sport Management and Leisure Studies
Leisure and Aging (341)
Program Supervision in Long Term Care (348)
Death and Dying (343)
Social Welfare
Responsible Responses to Aging (368)
Societal Responses to Aging (369)
Group Work with the Elderly (378)
Perspectives on Elder Abuse (202)

Field Experience -- All students are required to register for a field experience or active research project.

The Institute on Aging also offers a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology. An undergraduate student may count any of the graduate level gerontology electives toward the undergraduate certificate. However, the student must receive approval from an academic adviser and the course instructor prior to registering for a graduate level course.

Intensive English Language Program

Margaret Tisa, Assistant Director
205-206 Mitten Hall
(215) 204-7899

The Intensive English Language Program is a full-time day program designed to prepare non-English speakers for undergraduate, graduate, or professional courses of study at colleges and universities in the United States. Instruction is available for all levels, from beginning to advanced. All skill areas are included (grammar, speaking, reading, writing, listening), with special attention given to communicative facility, academic, and research skills.

A full session lasts 14 weeks, but students may also be admitted at mid-term. Class size is strictly limited, and students spend 20 hours per week in class. TOEFL preparation classes are also available, as well as courses arranged at the request of businesses, sponsoring agencies, and other special interest groups. Through its non-credit English courses, the IELP strives to meet all students' English language needs and to introduce them to American culture.

Military Science

Ritter Hall Annex
(215) 204-7480

Through a curriculum offered by the Temple Department of Military Science, qualified full-time students can earn a commission as an Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard Officer, while con-currently satisfying academic requirements for a baccalaureate or graduate degree.

Military Science courses are open to all Temple students. There is no requirement for students taking Military Science courses to enroll in the commissioning program. Students taking Military Science courses are under no military service obligation of any kind.

Students enrolled in the commissioning program incur either an active duty or reserve forces duty commitment commencing upon successful completion of the ROTC Advanced Course Program and graduation from college. Temple's Department of Military Science offers both two-year and four-year curricula leading to a commission in the United States Army.

Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (AROTC) Four-Year Commissioning Program

The Four-Year Program consists of two phases: the Basic Course and the Advanced Course.

In the Basic Course, the student takes one Military Science course each semester during the freshman and sophomore years. This instruction orients the student to activities frequently encountered during military service. Though students may voluntarily participate in weekend exercises and ROTC-sponsored events, they are under no obligation to do so. Additionally, students enrolled in the Basic Course are under no obligation for present or future military duty.

During the Advanced Course (normally the junior and senior years), the student receives instruction designed to enhance leadership abilities, reinforce managerial, supervisory, and accountability skills, and further develop the individual's foundation of military knowledge. The highlight of this instruction is the student's attendance at the six-week ROTC Advanced Camp, usually during the summer between the junior and senior years. The camp is a series of rigorous leadership challenges in which the Temple student competes against students from 111 other colleges and universities. Advanced Course students (enrolled in the commissioning program) receive a tax-free stipend of up to $1,500.00 each year of the Advanced Course and approximately $600.00 while attending the Advanced Camp. When students complete the Advanced Course, they are obligated to accept a commission as a Second Lieutenant and, upon graduation from college, incur either an active duty or reserve forces duty service commitment in the United States Army.

Two-Year Commissioning Program

The Two-Year Program consists of the Advanced Course and is open to any qualified full-time graduate or undergraduate student who has at least two years of academic study remaining at Temple University, and has completed the Basic Course or its equivalent. Basic Course equivalency can be granted for prior active military service. Additionally, Temple students can receive this equivalency by attending a six-week ROTC summer Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Following successful completion of this challenging program, the student is eligible to enter the ROTC Advanced Course. Students attending the ROTC Basic Camp incur no military obligation nor are they required to enroll in the ROTC Advanced Course.


The Military Science Department administers an Army Scholarship program which includes numerous options. The scholarships are awarded based on regional and national competitions and are for four, three, and two years. The scholarships pay tuition, an allowance for books and lab fees, and up to $1,500.00 per year to the student. The scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, and a student need not be enrolled in Army ROTC to apply. Inquiries should be directed to the Temple Department of Military Science, Ritter Annex, 4th Floor, (215) 204-7480/7482.

Military Science Faculty

Aerospace Studies -- Air Force ROTC

Temple students are eligible to participate in Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) through a cross-enrollment agreement with St. Joseph's University. All Aerospace Studies courses are held on the St. Joseph's campus. The AFROTC program enables a college student to earn a commission as an Air Force officer while concurrently satisfying requirements for the baccalaureate degree.

The program of Aerospace Studies at St. Joseph's University offers both two-year and four-year curricula leading to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force. In the four-year curriculum, a student takes the General Military Course (GMC) during the freshman and sophomore years, attends a four-week summer training program, and then takes the Professional Officer Course (POC) in the junior and senior years. A student is under no contractual obligation to the Air Force until entering the POC or accepting an Air Force scholarship. In the two-year curriculum, a student attends a six-week summer training program and then enters the POC in junior year.

The subject matter of the freshman and sophomore years is developed from an historical perspective and focuses on the scope, structure, and history of military power with the emphasis on the development of air power. During the junior and senior years, the curriculum concentrates on the concepts and practices of leadership and management, and the role of national security forces in contemporary American society.

In addition to the academic portion of the curriculum, each student participates in a two-hour Leadership Laboratory each week.

Air Force ROTC offers one, two, three, and four-year scholarships on a competitive basis to qualified applicants. All scholarships cover tuition, lab fees, reimbursement for books, plus a $150.00 tax-free monthly stipend. All members of the POC, regardless of scholarship status, receive the $150.00 tax-free monthly stipend.

For further information on the cross-enrollment program, scholarships, and career opportunities, contact the Unit Admissions Officer, AFROTC, Det 750, St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA 19131, (610) 660-1190.

Russell Conwell Educational Services Center

Norma Arnold, Director
202 Seltzer Hall
(215) 204-1252

Students admitted to Temple through the alternative admissions process of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions are admitted through the Russell Conwell Educational Services Center. The Conwell Center provides educational access and academic support services for students who are members of groups which had traditionally lacked access to higher undergraduate and graduate education: students who are the first in their family to go to college, low-income students, adults, minorities, veterans, women, etc.

The Center provides specialized academic and counseling services for Temple students admitted through the Conwell Center, including a mandatory Summer Bridge Program. Throughout the academic year, specialized educational workshops, tutorial services, and supplemental academic coursework which enhance retention and graduation are provided to students. (The Center also provides pre-college services for Philadelphia high school students aspiring to college, as well as for pre-graduate students aspiring to graduate school.)

The following three programs for entering freshmen provide a mandatory Summer Bridge Program: the Act 101 Program, the Student Support Services Program, and the Educational Services Component Program. Students apply directly to Temple, through the regular admissions application. When admitted to Temple through an alternative admissions process, the student will be notified about next steps for the Summer Program by the Conwell Center, and will be assigned to one of the three programs, depending upon federal and state eligibility guidelines. All completed application materialsÑapplications, transcripts, etc.Ñ must be received on or before May 1 to be considered for admission to Temple through the Conwell Center. Applications are available from Temple s Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Adult students (22 and above) considering beginning or returning to college also utilize these same services of the Center, and are not required to take SAT exams for admission. They have pre-admissions counseling and other Center services available to them.

Teacher Certification at Temple

Temple provides a variety of ways to obtain certification to teach in public elementary and secondary schools. The major routes to certification are as follows:

(1) Through undergraduate programs in the College of Education.
Students who have met the University's admission criteria can request matriculation in the College of Education. There are three broad categories of teaching certificates offered through the College: Early Childhood and Elementary Education (for teaching in preschool or in elementary schools through the sixth grade); Secondary Education (in English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies), and Vocational Education. Students may also obtain certification in Special Education through a combined program with Early Childhood and Elementary.
(2) Through the Five-Year Teacher Certification Program.
All students may register for an approved minor in education. This is a 21 credit sequence which offers students the opportunity to explore education as a career. In the Five-Year Program, the education minor serves as the first phase of teacher certification. The certification is completed in a master's program which comprises the fifth year of study. Students who are accepted into the master's degree component of the Five-Year Program can teach during their fifth year as an intern in an elementary or secondary school.
(3) Through post-baccalaureate or intern certification programs in the College of Education.
Students who have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education may apply for admission into a post-baccalaureate or an intern certification program. While these programs vary in structure, all share the common outcome of providing certification to teach. In most cases, students will also obtain a master's degree.
(4) Through undergraduate and graduate programs in colleges other than CAS and Education.
Certification in a variety of areas outside of those provided through the College of Education or through the Five-Year Teacher Certification Program are provided by several other colleges. These include:

More information about programs leading to certification can be found in the appropriate sections of this Bulletin. **  **  **