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Academic policies

Academic Course Load
Academic Credit
Academic Residency Requirements
Academic Standing
Academic Warning, Probation, Dismissal and Reinstatement
Athletic Policies
Course Numbering System
Courses Inapplicable to Graduation
Courses Over Ten Years Old
Credit/No Credit Courses
Declaration of Major
Disciplinary Action
Double Major Across Colleges
Final Examinations
Grade Change
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Grades and Grading
Graduation Procedures
Incomplete Coursework
Matriculated Students
Non-matriculated Students
Non-Traditional Credit
Permission to Take Courses at Another Institution
Placement Testing
Plagarism and Academic Cheating
Prerequisites and Co-requisites
Probation and Dismissal
Repeating a Course
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Schedule Revision (Drop/Add)
Second Degrees
Student Educational Right and Privacy Act
Study Abroad Approval for Non-Temple Programs
Tranfer Between Colleges Within the University
Transfer Credit
Withdrawal Policies

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Temple Bulletins

Athletic Policies

Continuing academic eligibility requirements for student athletes relative to NCAA guidelines are stated below. Student-athletes with any questions regarding athletic eligibility should call the Director of Compliance at (215) 204-4923.

1. Student athletes must be registered for a minimum of 12 semester hours in each semester of attendance. They may not withdraw from courses that would put them below 12 credits during their season of competition, unless their season is officially concluded. Student-athletes must receive written approval by the Director of Academic Support for Student-Athletes before withdrawing from any course in any academic semester and are strongly encouraged to see their Athletic Academic Counselor before revising their course roster at any time.

2. They must accumulate 24 semester hours of acceptable degree credits each year or an average of 12 for each semester of attendance.

3. They must meet the academic requirements of the University.

4. They must also officially declare a major prior to the beginning of their fifth semester at the University.

5. Any remedial courses must be successfully completed during the first calendar year of attendance.

6. At the beginning of their sixth semester in school, student-athletes must obtain a Graduation Review form from their Athletic Academic Counselor and have it completed by their assigned College Academic Adviser to determine the exact number of credits needed for graduation in their declared major.

For students who started full-time enrollment prior to Fall 2003:

7. At the beginning of the third year of school, student-athletes must have completed 25% of their entire degree program. At the beginning of the fourth year of school, student-athletes must have completed 50% of the entire degree program. At the beginning of the fifth year of school, student-athletes must have completed 75% of their entire degree program.

8. At the beginning of the third year of school, student-athletes must present a minimum cumulative GPA of a 1.80. At the beginning of the fourth and/or fifth years of school, student-athletes must present a minimum cumulative GPA of a 1.90.

For students who start full-time enrollment in Fall 2003 and after:

9. At the beginning of the third year of school, student-athletes must have completed 40% of their entire degree program. At the beginning of the fourth year of school, student-athletes must have completed 60% of the entire degree program. At the beginning of the fifth year of school, student-athletes must have completed 80% of their entire degree program.

10. At the beginning of the second year of school, student-athletes must present a minimum cumulative GPA of a 1.80. At the beginning of the third year of school, student-athletes must present a minimum cumulative GPA of a 1.90. At the beginning of the fourth and/or fifth years of school, student-athletes must present a minimum cumulative GPA of a 2.00.


See Attendance under Student Responsibilities section of the Bulletin.


There may be circumstances under which a student will wish to audit a course (i.e., participate in the class without earning academic credit, credit hours, or grades.)

The student must have written permission of the instructor and of the Dean of the college on a special approval form. Full tuition is charged, and standard payment procedures apply.

Change of registration from credit to audit, or from audit to credit, may be processed only during the following periods:
· before the end of the second week of the fall or spring semesters.
· before the end of the third day of classes during summer sessions.

Course Numbering System

The general University course numbering system is as follows:
Undergraduate 0001-0399
Lower Division 0001-0099
Lower Division Honors 0090-0099
Upper Division 0100-0399
Upper Division Honors 0190-0199, 0290-0299, 0390-0399
Graduate 0400-0999

Some courses numbered 0100-0399 may be taken for graduate credit with approval. In these instances, graduate fees are assessed.

For more specific policies, consult individual schools, colleges, or programs.

Courses Inapplicable to Graduation

Semester hours earned in some courses are excluded from the total minimum semester hours required for graduation from some schools and colleges. While policies vary among schools and colleges, courses inapplicable to graduation requirements generally are ELECT, Mathematics 0015 (formerly Mathematics 0001), Russell Conwell Center courses, and Military Science (ROTC) courses.

For specific information, see Policies and Regulations: Courses Inapplicable to Graduation in each school and college's section in this Bulletin, or consult academic advisers.

Courses Over Ten Years Old

In admitting transfer or returning students, the University will, when possible, allow credit for courses taken ten or more years prior to the date of admission or readmission.

However, academic units may choose not to accept courses regardless of age for credit in the major. Courses of a technical nature or courses in a particularly dynamic field may not be accepted for credit.

Final determination of the acceptability of such sources is the responsibility of academic units and generally occurs after the student has matriculated or been readmitted.

Credit/No Credit Courses

Eligible students may want to take a course in an area in which they are not proficient or about which they are curious while not risking their grade point average. Such students, with certain provisions, may be graded using the CR/NC system.

Students may select the CR/NC grading option or return to the traditional grading option only during the first two weeks of a fall or spring semester course and during the first three days of a first or second summer session course, with the written authorization of their adviser and Dean.

Eligibility is limited to:

· matriculated, full-time students
· those in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA or higher)
· juniors or seniors (60 or more semester hours)

Courses are restricted to:

· non-required electives
· one CR/NC course per semester
· maximum of four CR/NC courses toward the degree

No grade points are assigned to either grade. CR is equivalent to A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, or C-. NC is equivalent to D+, D, D-, or F. The semester hours earned are credited toward the total required for graduation. Because CR and NC yield no grade points, they are not included in divisor hours for calculating the grade point average. CR and NC are not included in calculating cumulative credits for determining academic actions specified in the Undergraduate Policy on Academic Warning, Probation, Dismissal and Reinstatement.

Declaration of Major

Students admitted to Temple for fall 2002 and after must be enrolled as a major in a degree-granting program in a school or college by the time they have completed 60 credits, including any credits transferred from another institution.

Students admitted to Temple with 60 or more transfer credits will be matriculated directly into a degree-granting program, rather than as “undeclared” in a school or college or the Division of University Studies.

Students declare a major either by completing their school’s or college’s declaration of major process (see specific school or college section in this Undergraduate Bulletin) or by completing an intra-university transfer to another Temple school or college (see policy on Transfer Between Colleges Within the University).

Individual schools and colleges may require students to declare a major earlier than 60 credits. Students should consult the policies and regulations of their own school/college for any additional guidelines regarding declaration of major.

Disciplinary Action

The University Disciplinary Committee is responsible for administering the Student Code of Conduct. Violations of the University's Code of Conduct, including, among other things, stealing, cheating, disorderly conduct, plagiarism, and possession of illegal drugs may result in a student's being brought before the University Disciplinary Committee. A finding of responsibility may result in a fine, suspension, and/or dismissal. A disciplinary hold is placed on the student’s record until sanctions are fulfilled.

Double Major Across Colleges

A student who meets the major requirements of two departments may declare, and have recorded on his or her transcript, a double major. Students who graduate with a double major across two colleges are required to complete all University requirements, the requirements of both majors, but only one set of collegial requirements. The student must obtain prior approval from both schools or colleges. One department must be declared the primary department for the purpose of registration and college graduation requirements. (Students considering a double major across colleges should ask academic advisers in both colleges about college policies related to choosing the primary department).

Final Examinations

University policies require that final examinations be given only during the final examination week as noted on the academic calendar, which is printed each year in this Bulletin.

For day classes on Main and Ambler campuses, a detailed examination schedule, by day and time, is published in each semester's Class Schedule; this information is also circulated at the beginning of each semester.

Final examinations for evening classes on Main and Ambler campuses, TUCC classes, Health Sciences Center classes, and Tyler School of Art classes are given at regular class time during final examination week.

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