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  Academic Programs / University Core

Science and Technology

An understanding of the methods, values, and impact of scientific and technological issues is crucial in developing an awareness of the forces that affect life in contemporary society. Core Science and Technology courses are designed to address these concerns.

Requirement: A sequence of one first-level (SA) course and one second-level (SB) course from these lists.

Note: Core courses no longer offered by departments have been removed from this list, but students who took them will receive Core credit, as indicated in their DARS document. Questions about the past, present, or future Core status of a course can be answered by the Core and Transfer Office.

The proper sequences of Science and Technology courses are indicated by numbers in the lists. The first-level (SA) courses are numbered (1) through (25). Following each second-level (SB) course is the number of credits it carries and then, in parentheses, the number or numbers of SA course(s) it can follow. Examples: 1) A student who has taken Biology C070 (#1) as an SA course may take as an SB course Anthropology C055, any of the Biology SB courses except H094, and any of the SB courses that can follow any SA course (labeled "1-25"). 2) Someone who plans to take Anthropology C055 as an SB course must first take Biology C070, C071, C083, or H093 as the SA course.

Students should not take an SB course unless an appropriate prerequisite SA course has been completed with a grade of C- or higher.

Transferring Science and Technology courses into Temple

Transfer students with 45 or more transfer credits meet the science requirement of the 45+ Transfer Core.

It is preferable that transfer students completing the whole Core, especially from community colleges with which Temple has transfer course equivalency agreements, take science and technology courses equivalent to Temple courses and in sequences matching Temple's Core sequences. Nevertheless, students who transfer in a science/technology course or courses not equivalent to Temple Core courses, or not consistent with Temple Core sequences, have satisfied the Core Science/Technology requirement if by graduation they have credit for two courses (at least 6 credits) in the natural sciences, at least one of which has a laboratory or demonstration component. An unusual sequence of transfer courses may be accepted with the approval of the student's adviser and the Assistant Vice Provost for Core and Transfer. This policy applies only to courses brought into Temple in transfer, or to combinations of courses in which at least one course was brought in by transfer, not to two courses taken here. This policy applies only to the Core Science and Technology requirement, not to departmental, collegial, or other curricular requirements. (This policy was effective as of May 1995 and is retroactive.)

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