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Ambler College

General Information
Academic Advising
Academic Policies & Regulations
College Graduation Requirements
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ProgramS Of Study

Community & Regional Planning
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Associate of Science/General Option
Associate of Science/ Business Option
Certificate in Landscape Plants
Bachelor of Science

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  Academic Programs / Ambler College

General College Graduation Requirements

Please see Academic Policies and Regulations. The following policies apply to all Ambler College students:

Academic Residency Requirements
All undergraduates must take 30 of their last 45 semester hours at Temple University. Community and Regional Planning majors must complete at least half of the courses required in the major at Temple. Students wishing to take academic work, including summer sessions, at another institution while a candidate for a degree at Temple must have advisor’s prior approval before enrolling at the other institution. See Academic Policies and Regulations.

Courses Inapplicable to Graduation
Credits earned in the following courses are not applicable toward degrees awarded by Ambler College: Military Science (ROTC), ELECT and Russell Conwell Center (SRAP), and Mathematics 0015. For the Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture (LAH), Horticulture 0015, unless it is the student's first LAH course or part of a successful credit certificate, is not applicable toward degree credit.

Grades and Grade Point Average
To be awarded an Ambler College degree, students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 and pass all CORE courses with a C- or higher. In addition, Community and Regional Planning majors must pass every required CRP course with a C- or higher and have a cumulative average of 2.0 for all courses in the major. For degrees in Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, no more than one grade below a C- is allowed in any course in either Landscape Architecture or Horticulture.

Program Requirements

Planning Your Program of Study
The information in the following requirements sections is designed to provide you with guidance in planning your program of study. The requirements, electives, and, in some cases, sequences are detailed. Courses are scheduled for students to follow the planned sequence. If you do not follow your program as designed, you may face conflicts or not have required prerequisites that will necessitate enrolling for additional semesters to complete your requirements.

If you enter a program after the freshman year, you must understand that your degree requirements may not be met within the traditional eight semesters. When you first meet with your academic advisor, you should plan how long it will take to complete your degree requirements.

Requirement Modifications
The requirements for the degrees are under continuing review and are, therefore, subject to modification. See the latest departmental degree requirements for any changes and meet with an advisor to ensure these changes are met.

Additional Notes

The total number of credit hours at graduation may be greater for some students based on initial placement exams, transfer evaluations, individual curricular choices, and academic progress.

Certain courses fulfill multiple requirements. In consultation with your academic advisor, you will be able to plan your curriculum more effectively.

Students must fulfill the necessary prerequisites for any given course or course sequence. See the Prerequisite and Co-requisite Policy in University-wide Academic Policies in this Bulletin.

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