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Ambler College

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ProgramS Of Study

Community & Regional Planning
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Associate of Science/General Option
Associate of Science/ Business Option
Certificate in Landscape Plants
Bachelor of Science

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  Academic Programs / Ambler College

Community and Regional Planning

Jeffrey Featherstone, Ph.D., Chair
Administration Building

There is an urgent need in this region and throughout the nation for professionals involved in developing plans for the growth and revitalization of urban, suburban, and rural communities. Students with degrees in Planning have many employment options in the public and private sectors.

This program helps students understand how to create and evaluate plans that make the best use of a community’s land and resources for commercial, institutional, residential, and recreational purposes. Through classroom experience, team projects, and a required internship, students learn about the economic issues of planning, and develop sensitivity to the social and environmental impact of planning decisions. They acquire communication and problem-solving skills through knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), site planning, planning and zoning law, research and design methods, American political institutions, negotiation, and mediation. Students in Community and Regional Planning have the opportunity to take advantage of the Center for Sustainable Communities to obtain practical experience on campus.

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science degree in Community and Regional Planning may be conferred upon a student by recommendation of the faculty and upon the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 124 semester hours of credit with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 overall and in the major. A grade of C- or higher is required in all Core courses and in the required courses for the major.

Summary of Requirements for the Degree

1.      University requirements

-Math 0045 (3 s.h.) and/or English 0040 (4 s.h.), if required by placement testing

-University Core Curriculum requirements (40-52 s.h.) including completion of the Library Orientation. (Transfer students should see the Core Curriculum section of the Undergraduate Bulletin at

2.      Major requirements (minimum of 42 s.h.)

-14 courses are required for the major in Community and Regional Planning (CRP):

Eleven Required Community and Regional Planning Courses

Three Community and Regional Planning Electives

3. Electives (approximately 30-42 s.h)

•Students should consult with their advisor for recommended electives.

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