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Civil Engineering
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Computer Engineering Option
Mechanical Engineering
Civil and Construction Engineering Technology
Environmental Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology
Undeclared Engineering

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College Graduation Requirements

Anticipation of Graduation - All COE students who intend to graduate in May, August, or January must have a graduation review at the completion of 90 credits. At the beginning of the final semester, the student must pay a graduation fee and then present a validated Treasurer receipt as evidence of payment to the Dean's Office. To earn the baccalaureate degree in any curriculum of the COE, a student must submit a graduation plan (check sheet), consisting of all required courses in the chosen curriculum, which has been approved by the student's faculty adviser, chairperson, and Dean of the College. Required courses are indicated in curriculum checklists available from the student's respective department of instruction.

Dean's List Full time matriculated students who, for a given semester, complete 15 semester hours or more with no "I" grades and with no grade less than "C" may qualify for the Dean's List when the semester GPA is at least 3.20. Part-time students who have completed 12 credits over an academic year with the same grades and GPA may also qualify.

Independent Research - Engineering, Engineering Technology - Independent student work on a laboratory investigation or design project must be approved by the chairperson of the respective department and a faculty supervisor assigned. Work is graded on research methodology, result, and a report. Only seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0 may apply. The project must be completed in one academic year.

Independent Study - A student is permitted to take no more than two independent study courses. Permission is granted only if a student needs the course to complete his/her studies, and it is not offered in that semester. They can be taken only in the junior and senior years. The content of the independent study work must cover the material in one of the courses listed in the curriculum. Students must complete an independent study form in their department office prior to registration for the course.

Program Performance – A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation. Students majoring in engineering must attain a minimum GPA of 2.3 in their major courses in order to graduate.

Non-Matriculating Students - Non-matriculating and/or part-time students who intend to become matriculating degree candidates in the College of Engineering must apply for formal admission when they have completed between 15-18 semester hours of course work. These students must take the placement tests in English and Mathematics in order to determine their level of ability and proficiency in these areas before they continue with their studies. The COE is not obligated to grant more than 18 semester hours of credit toward a degree for course work taken as a non-matriculated student. Non-Traditional Credits - A maximum of 12 semester hours of credit will be allowed by the COE in cooperative education, relevant work experience, approved ROTC courses, and Advanced Placement or CLEP examinations. No other non-traditional credit will be granted.

Relevant Work Experience - Matriculated students may be granted academic credits for work experience if it is judged to be an adequate substitute for all or part of particular courses required of the student. Experience must be related to a specific course in the curriculum offered by the College. Work experience must be acquired before entering Temple University. Credit will only be granted after completion of 30 semester hours of course work. Other requirements and applications are available in the Office of Undergraduate Studies in the College.

Transfer Credit - Transfer credit to the COE can be granted only from an accredited institution of higher learning. Co-op education, credit for life experience, and advanced placement credits are not transferable from other institutions.
Transfer credits are not granted after a student has matriculated into a degree program. In only exceptional circumstances may students take courses at other institutions and have transfer credits awarded. The Dean must approve permission for such arrangements in advance.

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