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Business & Management

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programs of study

Actuarial Science
Business Management
Employee Benefits
Health Care Management
Legal Studies
Property Liability


Human Resource Management
People First Certification
RMI & HRM, Dual Major
Concentration, RMI
Concentration, HRM
International Business Administration
Law and Business
Law Scholars Program
Management Information Systems
Real Estate
Risk Management Insurance
Employee Benefits
Healthcare Risk Management
Property Liability Corporate Risk Management
RMI & HRM, Dual Major
Concentration, RMI
Concentration, HRM

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  Academic Programs / Business & Management

Risk Management and Insurance

R. B. Drennan, Program Director
Ritter Annex 403

Temple University's program in Risk Management and Insurance is nationally recognized. Located in the Department of Risk, Insurance, and Healthcare Management, the program prepares students to identify and evaluate various sources of risk, then select and implement solutions to control these risks through insurance and other mechanisms of risk transfer and distribution.

Graduates of this program often enter the risk management or employee benefit departments of large businesses and other organizations. They may also take challenging positions within insurance or benefit consulting firms, brokerage firms, agency operations, or insurance companies.

Risk management and insurance majors are strongly encouraged to become active in the Sigma chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma, Temple's national award-winning professional student organization in Risk Management, Insurance, and Actuarial Science. The organization hosts numerous guest speakers from the industry, sponsors a variety of career development seminars, and maintains a widely-distributed résumé book. For more information, please contact the GIS President, at 215-204-9368 or visit the website at


Major Tracks within Risk Management and Insurance

Students in the RMI major may select from one of three tracks depending on their interests. These include:

  • Employee Benefit Management
  • Healthcare Risk Management
  • Property-Liability/Corporate Risk Management

Summary of Requirements

Students must meet College Graduation requirements, including the requirements of the major listed below. Students pursuing any of the Risk Management and Insurance major/tracks must attain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and 2.0 in the major/track to graduate with the Risk Management major. Use the major GPA calculator at to calculate the GPA in the major.

Requirements of Employee Benefit Risk Management Major

Required courses         
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Risk Mgmt & Ins 0205 Life and Health Insurance and Employee Benefits   3  
Risk Mgmt & Ins 0209 Property and Liability Insurance Coverages 3  
Risk Mgmt & Ins W355 Advanced Topics in Health and Welfare Employee Benefits   3 WI
Select one of the following:*   3  
Risk Mgmt & Ins. 0325 Retirement Plans    
Risk Mgmt & Ins 0339 Actuarial Applications of Risk Mgmt & Insurance    
Healthcare Mgmt 0201** Healthcare Financing and Information Technology       
Risk Mgmt & Ins**   RMI Electives - one or two courses excluding RMI 0288, 0395, 0396.  3-6  
International course - select one: 3  
Economics 0250*** International Trade    
Economics 0251*** International Monetary Economics    
Finance 0250 International Financial Markets    
Finance 0251 International Financial Management    
GSM 0380 Global Strategic Management    
HRM 0201 International Human Resource Management    
Law and Business 0106 International Law    
Marketing 0250 International Marketing    
Economics^   Any 200 level Economics course, excluding Economics 0288 and 0289. 0-3  
Business Electives   Select one to three electives from business departments 0100 - 0399^^ 3-9  
Subtotal      27  
* Courses in this category satisfy the technology requirement for the major.    
** If Healthcare Management 0201 is taken to fill the technology requirement, the student will need one additional elective in Risk Management & Insurance to meet the Department's five course RMI requirement for the major.  
*** If Economics 0250 or 0251 is chosen to fulfill the International requirement, you will also satisfy the 200 level Economics requirement. It is the recommendation of the Department that you do not take these courses.  
^ If you did not take Economics 0250 or 0251, it is highly recommended that you take Economics 0203 (Economics of Risk and Uncertainty) or Economics 0262 (Health Economics) to meet this requirement.  
^^ Students are strongly recommended to select and complete a second major field of concentration.  Please discuss recommended majors with the Chair of RMI.  

Requirements of Healthcare Risk Management Major

Required courses         
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Risk Mgmt &  Ins 0205 Life and Health Insurance and Employee Benefits 3  
Risk Mgmt &  Ins 0209 Property and Liability Insurance Coverages 3  
Healthcare Mgmt 0101 Introduction to the Health Services System 3  
Healthcare Mgmt 0201* Healthcare Financing and Information Technology   3  
Economics 0262 Health Economics  3  
Select one of the following:   3  
Risk Mgmt &  Ins W355 Advanced Topics in Health and Welfare Employee Benefits   WI
Risk Mgmt &  Ins W359** Global Corporate Risk Management    
Risk Mgmt & Ins** 0329 Property and Liability Insurance Company Operations   0-3  
International course - select one: 3  
Economics 0250 International Trade    
Economics 0251 International Monetary Economics    
Finance 0250 International Financial Markets    
Finance 0251 International Financial Management    
GSM 0380 Global Strategic Management    
HRM 0201 International Human Resource Management    
Law and Business 0106 International Law    
Marketing 0250 International Marketing    
Business Electives   Select one to two electives from business departments 0100 - 0399*** 3-6  
Subtotal       27  
* Satisfies the technology requirement for the major.    
** If Risk Management & Insurance W359 is taken to fill the capstone writing requirement, the student must also take the prerequisite for the course RMI 0329 (Property & Liability Insurance Company Operations).  
*** Students are strongly recommended to select and complete a second major field of concentration. Please discuss recommended majors with the Chair of RMI.  
Note: It is highly recommended that students take Healthcare Management W301 (Integrated Delivery Systems and Managed Care) as one of their business electives.  

Requirements of Property-Liability/Corporate Risk Management Major

Required courses         
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Risk Mgmt &  Ins 0205 Life and Health Insurance and Employee Benefits    3  
Risk Mgmt &  Ins 0209 Property and Liability Insurance Coverages 3  
Risk Mgmt &  Ins 0329 Property and Liability Insurance Company Operations    3  
Risk Mgmt &  Ins W359 Global Corporate Risk Management 3 WI
Select one of the following:*   3  
Risk Mgmt &  Ins 0325 Retirement Plans    
Risk Mgmt &  Ins 0339 Actuarial Applications of Risk Management & Insurance    
Healthcare Mgmt 0201** Healthcare Financing and Information Technology    
Risk Mgmt & Ins    Any RMI elective course - needed only if HM 0201 is taken in category above 0-3  
International course - select one: 3  
Economics 0250*** International Trade    
Economics 0251*** International Monetary Economics    
Finance 0250 International Financial Markets    
Finance 0251 International Financial Management    
GSM 0380 Global Strategic Management    
HRM 0201 International Human Resource Management    
Law and Business 0106 International Law    
Marketing 0250 International Marketing    
Economics^ 0200+ Any 200 level Economics course, excluding Economics 0288 and 0289 0-3  
Business Electives   Select one to three electives from business departments  0100 - 0399^^ 3-9  
Subtotal       27  
* Courses in this category satisfy the technology requirement for the major.    
** If Healthcare Management 0201 is taken to fulfill the technology requirement, the student will need one additional elective in Risk Management & Insurance to meet the Department's five course RMI requirement for the major.  
*** If Economics 0250 or 0251 is chosen to fulfill the International requirement, you will also satisfy the 200 level Economics requirement.  It is the recommendation of the Department that you do not take these courses.  
^ If Economics 0250 or 0251 is not taken, it is highly recommended that you take Economics 0203 (Economics of Risk & Uncertainty) or Economics 0262 (Health Economics) to meet this requirement.  
^^ Students are strongly recommended to select and complete a second major field of concentration. Please discuss recommended majors with the Chair of RMI.  

Joint Program for RMI and HRM Majors

The Risk Management and Insurance Department and the Human Resource Management Department now offer several joint programs for students interested in a career in employee benefits and/or human resource management. These programs allow students to broaden their career options by taking advantage of the cross-training offered by these departments.

  • HRM major with a RMI concentration: Students take RMI 0205 (Life and Health Insurance and Employee Benefits) and RMI 0325 (Retirement Plans).
  • RMI major with a HRM concentration: Students take HRM 0085 (Introduction to Personnel/Human Resource Management) and HRM 0340 (Compensation Management).
  • Dual HRM/RMI major: Students fulfill all requirements for both majors.

For more information on joint HRM/RMI courses, contact Rob Drennan 215-204-8894.

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