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Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
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  Academic Programs / Social Administration

Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)

Temple University School of Social Administration

Office of Dean
Ritter Annex Fifth Floor

Mission Statement

The School of Social Administration (SSA) is dedicated to societal transformations to eliminate social, political, and economic injustices for poor and oppressed populations, and advance the quality of life for all through:

  • Education emphasizing the discovery of knowledge, use of critical inquiry and professional ethics to guide solution-seeking and action-taking to effect social change among professional social workers in front-line, supervisory, managerial, and other leadership positions.
  • Research and scholarship to advance applied knowledge and generate evidence-based strategies to resolve problems occurring between people and their social environments at local, state, national, and global levels.
  • Public service that aids the dissemination of knowledge and evidence-based strategies through collaborations and partnerships with communities, agencies, and organizations.


The goals of the School of Social Administration are:

1.  the preparation of ethical and competent social work practitioners and leaders who are committed to social and economic justice and to the eradication of barriers to the fullest development of human potential;

2.  the provision of educational opportunities to a diverse population of students representative of the constituencies served;

3.  the production of scholarship and research that contributes to the social work knowledge base;

4.  the engagement in service-related activities with relevant constituencies.             

B.S.W. Program Goals

Overall Program Goals

The primary goal of the Baccalaureate in Social Work (BSW) program is to prepare entry-level, generalist, social work practitioners committed to social work practice that ensures human rights and social, economic and cultural rights for all.  Students who graduate from SSA understand the effects of structural inequities based on race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other forms of oppression and discrimination.   Graduates also practice social work using the strengths perspective and partner with people to increase access to resources and power.

Program objectives

By completion of their undergraduate studies, students will be able to:

  • apply skills and knowledge of generalist social work practice with systems of all sizes;
  • understand human behavior from holistic and developmental perspectives that encompass dynamic interaction among social, political, cultural, economic, psychological, spiritual, and biological factors;
  • critically select and apply theories and research findings to social work practice;
  • understand and adhere to professional social work values and ethics;
  • assess situations using knowledge about the effects of structural injustices based on race, class, gender, culture, sexual orientation, ability, age, and other forms of oppression;
  • exercise self-awareness and reflection as part of the development of their professional and personal selves;
  • engage in practice that enhances the capabilities of people to transform their lives and communities;
  • communicate effectively verbally, non-verbally and in writing with agencies, advocates, legislatures, policy makers and people in client status;
  • practice social work with a commitment to social and economic justice and the empowerment of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of their own practice;
  • understand the relationship of historic social patterns, values and institutional arrangement, recognizing their impact on social welfare policy and services and the social work profession;
  • use supervision and consultation to enhance their professional development and the delivery of services;
  • understand the dynamics of human service organizations and know how to engage in productive organizational change;
  • understand how global issues affect local practice.

Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)

  • Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 124 semester hours of credit.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 overall and in the major.
  • A grade of "C-" or higher is required in all Core courses. A grade of "C-" or better is required in courses for the major.

University Requirement

University Core Curriculum requirements (18 s.h..), Math 0055, English C050, Intellectual Heritage X051 and X052, Arts, Foreign language or International Studies.

1.  Completion of the Library Orientation, now called the Temple Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT).

2.  Major requirements.

3.  Lower-level courses (34 s.h.):  Specified Core courses, plus: Economics C051, C052, C050, or C055, History or African American Studies 0068, Anthropology C061, Human Biology C071 or KINES 0100, Science II, Political Science C051, Psychology C060, Sociology C050, Statistics C021 or Math C067 or SOC C067 or PSYCH C067.

4.  Upper-level courses: Political Science (100+), Socio-Behavioral (100+). At least one course should be writing-intensive.

5.  Courses in Social Work (59 s.h.).

6.  Electives (approximately 13 s.h.).

7.  Field Work Practice: A minimum of 400 hours in supervised field settings is required. Students are overseen by an MSW (or BSW with at least two years of experience).  They are directly involved in professional tasks in the agency and in the community. This component of the educational program of study facilitates the integration of classroom learning particularly in the social work subject areas of human behavior, policy, practice, and research.  Students apply what they are learning and receive feedback from both classroom and field instructors on their work.

Some of the fields of practice in the five-county area in which majors do their field work are:

  • Aging: including adult service centers; assistance in a variety of public and private organizations, treatment and protective functions;
  • Children and Youth: child abuse, foster care and adoption agencies, parenting and support services;
  • Community Organization/Planning: public issues and policies, neighborhood services at settlements, Y's, community centers;
  • Correctional/Justice: probation, parole, prison, community rehabilitation organizations;
  • Developmental Disabilities: community living arrangements, day programs, other public and private functions;
  • Education: schools and alternative education programs;
  • Family Services: material aid, crisis intervention, ongoing counseling;
  • Health/Hospitals: advising, counseling, direct service with and on behalf of patients; a variety of functions in hospitals and community health centers;
  • Legal: public agencies assisting low income population in matters relating to law, housing, discrimination, etc.;
  • Mental Health: small and large institutions, community-based units, public and private auspices;
  • Substance Abuse: counseling, direct service in a variety of settings, both public and private;
  • Violence and Domestic Issues: domestic violence of all kinds, sexual assault, child abuse, in a wide variety of settings.


YEAR 1 - FALL        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0050 Introduction to Social Welfare and Human Services 3  
English C050 College Composition 3 CO
African American Studies


African American History Since 1900
History of the U.S. Since 1877


Math C055 College Mathematics 3 QA
Sociology C050 Introduction to Sociology 3 IN
Total     15  

YEAR 1 - SPRING        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Core Elective International Studies/Foreign Language 3 IS
Psychology C060 Psychology as a Social Science 3 IN
Biology C071 Human Biology (includes lab) 4 SA
Political Science C051 The American Political System 3 AC
Social Work 0053 Communication in Social Work Practice   3  
Total     16  

YEAR 2 - FALL        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0051 Helping Processes in Social Work I (6 hour/week field practicum requirement) 5  
Anthropology C061 Cultures of the World 3 IS
Social Work C060 Human Behavior in the Social Environment 3 IN
IH X051 Intellectual Heritage I 3 IA
Required Elective   Elective or Certificate Course 3  
Core Core Library Orientation (TILT) 0  
Total     17  


YEAR 2 - SPRING         
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0052 Helping Processes in Social Work II (6 hour/week field practicum requirement) 5  
Social Work 0372 Social Worker in the Group 3  
Core Elective Arts 3 AR
IH X052 Intellectual Heritage II 3 IB
Select one of the following: 3  
Social Statistics
Foundations in Statistical Methods
Elements of Statistics
Statistical Methods and Concepts
Total     17  


YEAR 3 - FALL      
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work C121 The History & Values of Social Welfare 3 AC
Social Work R365 Institutional Racism 3 RS
Political Science 100+ See Advisor for suggested courses 0100 and above 3  
Core   See Advisor for suggested courses 4 SB
Required Elective   Elective 3  
Total     16  


YEAR 3 - SPRING      
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0122 Social Welfare in the United States 3  
Select one of the following Economics courses: 3  
Introduction to the Economy
Macroeconomic Principles
Microeconomic Principles
Global Economics Issues
Social Work Upper-Level Elective Upper-Level Socio-Behavioral Elective W100+ (See Advisor for suggested courses) 3  
Required Elective   Elective or Certificate Course 3 WI*
Total     12  
*Indicates Writing Intensive      


YEAR 4 - FALL        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0280 Patterns of Social Service Delivery 3  
Social Work W285 Seminar in Social Work Practice 3 WI*
Social Work 0290 Practicum (16 hour/week field practicum requirement) 5  
Social Work 0390 Introduction to Social Research 3  
Total     14  
*Indicates Writing Intensive      


YEAR 4 - SPRING        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work W286 Seminar in Social Work Practice 3 WI*
Social Work 0291 Practicum (16 hour/week field practicum requirement) 5  
Social Work 0391 Evaluating Programs and Practice in Social Work 3  
Social Work   Elective 3  
Total     14  
*Indicates Writing Intensive      

Transfer Students with 45 Credits or More or Core-To-Core Transfer

Students who transfer 64 credits may be eligible to complete the B.S.W. degree requirements in two years of full time study and two summer sessions. This depends on the number of credits that Temple accepts and what requirements they match in Temple's curriculum. All core curriculum and B.S.W. degree requirements must be met.

Major requirements

  • Lower-level courses: Specified Core courses, plus: Economics C051, C052, C050, or C055, History or African American Studies 0068, Anthropology C061, Human Biology 0071 or KINES 0100, Science II, Political Science C051, Psychology C060, Sociology C050, Statistics C021 or Math C067 or SOC C067 or PSYCH C067.
  • Upper-level courses: Political Science (100+), Socio-Behavioral (100+). Students should refer to the BSW Handbook for suggested courses.

Courses in Social Work (59 s.h.)

YEAR 1 - FALL        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0051 Helping Processes in Social Work I
(6 hour/week field practicum requirement)
Social Work C060 Human Behavior in the Social Environment 3 IN
IH X051 Intellectual Heritage I 3 IA
African American Studies

African American History Since 1900
History of the U.S. Since 1877


Anthropology C061 Cultures of the World 3 IS
Total     17  

YEAR 1 - SPRING        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0052 Helping Processes in Social Work II (6 hour/week field practicum requirement) 5  
Social Work 0053 Communication in Social Work Practice 3  
Social Work 0372 Social Worker in the Group 3  
Political Science C051 The American Political System 3 AC
Select one of the following:   3  
Social Statistics
Foundations in Statistical Methods
Elements of Statistics
Statistical Methods and Concepts
Total     17  

YEAR 1 - SUMMER I        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work C121 The History and Values of Social Welfare 3 AC
Economics C051 Macroeconomic Principles 3 IN
Total     6  

YEAR 1 - SUMMER II        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0122 Social Welfare in the United States 3  
Social Work Upper-level Elective Upper-Level Socio-Behavioral Elective
(See BSW Handbook for suggested courses)
Total     6  

YEAR 2 - FALL        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work 0280 Patterns of Social Service Delivery 3  
Social Work W285 Seminar in Social Work Practice 3 WI*
Social Work 0290 Practicum (16 hour/week field practicum requirement) 5  
Social Work 0390 Introduction to Social Research 3  
Social Work R365 Institutional Racism 3 RS
Total     17  

YEAR 2 - SPRING        
Department Course # Course Name Hours RCI
Social Work W286 Seminar in Social Work Practice 3 WI
Social Work 0291 Practicum (16 hour/week field practicum requirement) 5  
Social Work 0391 Evaluating Programs & Practice in Social Work 3  
Social Work Elective See BSW Handbook for suggested courses 3  
Political Science 100+ See BSW Handbook for suggested courses 3  
Total     17  

*Indicates Capstone Class

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